Keyboard / Mouse Works On Boot But Not Login?

Jan 12, 2012

trying to recover from a system crash here.. One of the issues was me not being able to install/uninstall microsoft antivirus, since it seems some files were deleted which it needed. I tracked that issue to yet another issue what windows installer could not start, which suggested me to check if it was enables in Msservice.exe, which I couldn't start either.After some googling, I found a fix on MS website, which moved some dll around and asked me to reboot PC. After doing so, it stopped recognizing my keyboard and mouse (both usb) at the login screen, they are completely dead even thou they work on boot and in bios (and are detected in bios).I tried to restoring to the point before the "fix", but same issue.

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Keyboard / Mouse Stops Working At Login Screen But During Boot Up

Sep 7, 2011

Everytime I boot up the keyboard works for me to go to BIOS or Boot menu but once I get to the login page it stops working. I noticed that people are saying disable device signature enforcement or something but I can't find that in my BIOS. I have an Asus motherboard model - M4A88t -V

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Why Doesn't Mouse Or Keyboard Works At Startup

Oct 3, 2012

why doesn't mouse or keyboard works at startup

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working In Windows 7; But Works In BIOS/LinuxLiveCD?

Sep 4, 2012

The laptop I'm working on (And HP G series; running Windows 7 64bit Home Premium) had a NASTY trojan that disabled the keyboard and mouse (is what I'm assuming). I was able to work on the laptop with a USB mouse and the onscreen keyboardAfter going through about 10 AV software I finally got rid of all the Trojans (the scans on various AV software ran clean multiple times after removal); but the keyboard and trackpad continue to be disabled.Under the Device Manager it lists as the device as a "code 10" error.Doing some Googling I found a post that said do delete the registry entries that were labeled "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters"; which I did and I rebooted.Now my USB mouse OR my USB keyboard won't work.I tried using a Linux Live CD and the trackpad and keyboard DOES work there no problem. Also the keyboard works fine when I'm in the BIOS.It's only when I'm in Windows (even in Safe Mode) that the keyboard/trackpad/USB Mouse/USB Keyboard doesn't it's not a hardware problem.Things I've tried (besides deleting those registry entries)- Startup Repair- sfc /scannow- Reinstall the drivers (when I DID have access to Keyboard and Mouse)So to recap; I cannot use the keyboard/trackpad (or a USB Mouse and USB Keyboard) in Windows (including safe mode); but they DO work when not using Windows.

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working At Login?

Apr 15, 2012

The mouse and keyboard work in the Bios, but once it gets to the log in screen there is a pointer in the middle but nothing works.I had just installed the software for the keyboard from the Kensington website and it told me to re-boot. So that is what I did, now nothing works. After I noticed it had froze, I had to hold the power button on the tower to shut it down. I tried doing safe mode, but that made no difference. Legacy is activated in the bios and it sees the UBS mouse and keyboard. Here are the specs for the PC:(Keyboard) Kensington Pro Fit Wired Media Keyboard K72407US USB Wired (Mouse) Pixxo MO-I133UR Red 3 Buttons 1 x Wheel USB Wired Optical 80

(OS) Windows 7 Home Premium x64
(CPU) AMD FX-6100
(Motherboard) BIOSTAR TA970XE
(Memory) G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB)
(Graphics Card) GIGABYTE GV-R777D5-1GD Radeon HD 7770 GHz


I tried doing a system restore, but for some reason my backup disk is not being seen (even though the reader is) and since I got the OEM version of Windows 7 I don't think I can just re-install it.

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USB Keyboard And Mouse Not Working After Login

May 3, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 560s which is about 2 years old. The keyboard and mouse were working till 12 hours ago. This morning i realized that neither of them were working. The laser in the mouse and the lights on the keyboard stays on until the login process starts. The keyboard works in the BIOS. Once the screen says 'Starting Windows', the lights and the laser go off resulting in the mouse and the keyboard not working. I thought going into safe mode and trying would make a difference - my efforts went in vain. The only way I could turn off the computer during this process of trying was by turning of the ups or holding down the power button for about 5 seconds. I have currently stopped any further trials as I am afraid that switching off the computer like that would spoil the hard disk and I will lose all my data which is on it (I have lots of Pics and docs which are very important).

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Keyboard And Mouse Don't Turn On At Login Screen

Sep 10, 2010

It All started when my ipod was being stupid and got Bricked almost. So I went into Windows XP but switched to IDE storage Config. in the Bios Fixed it Rebooted Changed to AHCI which is what Windows 7 was Installed with So. Now When I go to Windows 7 NO Matter what Mode (Safe Mode) Keyboard and Mouse there Off they don't stay on after boot. I tried a PS2 Converter, Switched USB Ports, Put in a new Keyboard and Nothing. I re-copied the USB drivers from the DVD into System32/Drivers Still will not work..

Keyboard: Dell Multimedia USB with 2 USB Ports and Logitech V200 Wireless Mouse.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit.
Asus P6T
Core i7 930 2.8GHz LGA1366
OCZ Gold Series 2x2GB = 4GB DDR3-1333

Also I did Memory Test nothing was wrong. I have had this problem with XP before because it couldn't handle the System Hardware Change But I was able to easily repair it and It worked after. How Do I fix it with Windows 7?

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Mouse And Keyboard Stops Working At Login Screen

Jul 16, 2012

So I have a little problem with my mouse and keyboard. It stops working at the login screen. The same thing happens when I try to log on safe mode, etc.

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USB Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working At Windows 7 Login?

Nov 29, 2009

i just bought a new mouse and i wanted to install it. i couldnt remember which usb cable was my mouse and which was my keyboard so i unplugged one, wiggled the mouse, unplugged the other, the mousewasnt moving so i plugged it into that one. After that i noticed the new mouse worked but the keyboard stopped working. I restarted the computer and the problem im having now is that the keyboard works in BIOS etc but once windows 7 loads to the login, it stops working as does the mouse

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Ps2 Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working At Login Screen?

Apr 22, 2012

ps2 keyboard and mouse stop working at login screen

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working At Windows 7 Login Screen?

Oct 11, 2012

Whenever I start my computer and it gets to the Windows 7 login screen, my mouse and keyboard won't respondThey work in BIOS but once Windows 7 starts to boot up...nothing!My PC doesn't have any PS/2 ports on it, only USB so I can't even access my Desktop to see if the driver are enabled or if the Power Management options are right.I can't do a "Last Known System Configuration" because F8 won't work.[CODE]

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No Mouse/keyboard Responce On Login Screen On Laptop?

Nov 10, 2012

im not the smartest computer person but i manage. anyway i was cleaning up my computer, getting files off i didn't wont. i had to restart, i went to login like i normally to and bam, cant type or move the mouse on my laptop. i know they work cause i tried it in the recovery mode. can someone help me out? i really dont wanna loose everything i have on my computer, 500 GB of files and most are from things ive installed and are hard to ge

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Asus Essentio Windows 7 Mouse Keyboard Doesn't Work At Login Screen

Nov 13, 2011

At win 7 login screen mouse & keyboard USB 2.0 doesn't work. We've tried this same mouse & keyboard in a diff computer & it worked fine.

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HDMI Works From Cold Boot To Login Screen Then Vanishes

Dec 7, 2012

This is on a loptop Meldon E6882, running windows 7, to a LED TV HD. From a cold boot both the laptop monitor and HDMI screen show the windows starting screen .. But the HDMI screen goes blank when the login screen appears. I have tried different screen resolutions. No Luck. I have tried from the 'screen resolution' page to get automatically detect the HDMI - No luck I have tried from the 'screen resolution' page to manually select HDMI. Only offers VGA or component, no HDMI.

I think this maybe a disabled driver as I did a manual disabling of these some time ago in order to try and reduce the boot time. I cannot recall the names of the drivers I have put into manual start (some time ago), nor have I found any info on what drivers are needed for the HDMI. The screen driver is an Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000. I'd like to look at some video on the larger screen...

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Use Mouse And Keyboard On First Boot-up?

Feb 7, 2013

I'm buying a new desktop and I am wondering if I can use this wireless keyboard and mouse during the first boot up (windows 7)Keyboard and mouse: [URL]

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Windows 7 No Mouse Function At Boot To Login To Load OS?

Dec 5, 2012

I have a Gateway ID47H07u laptop running Win7 64 bit. One day on boot-up it
boots up ok to the login screen to load the OS but there is no mouse function anymore..

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Functioning During Boot Up?

Jan 13, 2013

my keyboard and mouse doesnt work when i boot my pc..but when i tried it again and again only my mouse will work but during startup repair it will not function again...whats the problem with my pc? is it the mouse and keyboard or its inside the cpu ?

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USB Keyboard And Mouse Not Working AFTER Boot?

Mar 23, 2012

So heres what happened. I was jailbreaking my ipod, and something went wrong.While I was doing the whole DFU thing a little pop-up notification showed up about installing new USB device. The Ipod rebooted and the computer froze.After I hit the reset button, everything starts loading and it get to the Win7 log in screen...... but the keyboard and mouse do not work.They work in BIOS. They are getting power, but if i unplug them and plug them back in while at the log in screen they dont get power any more. ( they light up, so when i replug them in... no pretty lights).So I tryed safe mode..... Can use keyboard to select boot options, but once win7 loads.... no go.Win7 CD ..... Keyboard and mouse work!!!! But it tells me that my CD is not compatable with this version.

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Keyboard And Mouse Unusable For 30 Seconds After Boot?

Mar 27, 2012

So my keyboard and mouse are completely usable in the bios and during boot, but once the windows login screen opens up, there is a 30+ second delay before the keyboard and mouse become active. This doesn't appear to be a freeze or lag of any type, just like the keyboard and mouse hasn't been recognized yet. I have a printer and several external drives connected to my computer's USB ports, so I tried unplugging everything but the keyboard and mouse. The time goes down to about 5 seconds, however, the last few times I've tried, there was about a 10 second wait for the mouse to work after the keyboard worked. With only the mouse and keyboard plugged in, I feel this must be either 1) an issue with drivers loading or 2) a specific issue with my USB drivers. Here's what I've done so far to try and troubleshoot. Not sure what to do next.Used google (couldn't find anything that looked related enough to try)Unplugged everything but keyboard and mouse from USB ports - Decreased lag time to 5-15 secondsenabled boot logging, checked file for drivers not loading (attached)Checked bios for legacy USB enabled (it was)Double checked AV software (only MS Security Essentials and Malwarebytes installed, malwarebytes does not run any processes unless I start it up)Having multiple USB devices plugged in upon boot should not delay the usability of my keyboard and mouse.

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Lost Login Password, Fingerscan Works?

Aug 7, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop with Win 7 Pro. I set up the fingerprint utility early in the setup of the new system, and now I do not have a valid login ID for Window 7. The one I thought was correct doesn't work. So I can login in with my fingerscan, but I cannot login with a password. I would like to be able to login with the password, or to give it to someone who hasn't enrolled fingerprints.

Is there any way for me to remove or change or find a working Win 7 login password?

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Fingerprint Scanner Works Within 2 Seconds Of Login Page Appearing?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem with the login process for Windows. A while ago (nearly a year now) I installed a USB fingerprint reader and this worked fine for a while when all of a sudden it appeared to stop working on the login page. It turns out that if I scan my fingerprint within the first 2 seconds of the login page appearing then Windows recognizes the device and allows me to log in using biometrics, if I try after the 2 seconds then it doesn't work and I have to use a password. I really don't understand, the device is recognized, working properly and even if it doesn't work for logging in then I can still access biometric settings and everything as if it was completely fine. I'm presuming that this is a driver conflict somewhere that during the loading process something happens after 2 seconds that prevents the fingerprint reader from operating correctly but how do I find out what?

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Keyboard Only Works In Bios And Hardware Checking?

Aug 12, 2012

My laptop keyboard has stooped working in Windows 7 (normal and safe mode). However, I can use it to get into and navigate around the bios, and also do hardware checks like the memory check etc.

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Keyboard Only Works In Safe Mode Or Bios?

Oct 17, 2012

I have the most strange issue with my keyboard. It works in Bios, it works in safe mode, it works when I try to repair windows (repair files are added to a partition on the laptop - its how I bought it) but whenever windows boots normally, the keyboard won't work.It is a built in keyboard to my laptop and the fact it works everywhere else tells me it's fine (just in case connectors were damaged I stripped it and had a look anyway).Things I have tried

1) uninstalling the driver in safe mode - this reinstalls when I reboot but still no joy. The strange part is I do not think the driver files are corrupted because safe mode and normal mode seems to use the same drivers (standard ps2).

2) The manufacturer (HP Compaq) has no specific drivers which leads me to believe that standard ps2 is right but I reinstalled quick buttons -no joy

3) there are no conflicts or yellow exclamation point in device manager

4) the only thing I did was upgrade my AV (AVG 2013) so uninstalled -no joy.

5) ran AV and MBAM and ran TDSS killer just in case - no virus or malware

6) cleaned registry with Ccleaner -no joy

7) no processes or startup items are unusual but I have killed /disabled just in case-no joy

8) did a system restore (no joy)

9) I had backed up the registry ages ago so I tried that -no joy

10) Tried on battery and plugged in no battery in case the power is an issue -no joy

11) reflashed Bios - no joy

12 - All language sttings looked ok

A USB keyboard works if plugged in Just in case I did run hijack this too

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Black Screen After Login With Movable Cursor. Eventually Works Correct?

Aug 29, 2012

My computer loads normally to the login screen. I enter my password and press enter.It displays the welcome message with the spinning circle thing, and seems to load correctly. When finished, it is at this point my screen goes black showing only the cursor which I can move. When I hover over where the taskbar should be, the screen dims a bit. When I move away from the 'invisible' taskbar, the screen brightens to it's original state. This leads me to believe that the desktop may be loaded, but for some reason is not displaying. After about a minute, everything displays and the computer works perfectly. Occasionally, there is not an issue, and the desktop loads perfectly, seconds after logging in.

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Mouse Only Works In Safe Mode?

Oct 26, 2012

I have a toshiba satellite S505D and I am using windows 7 home premium. Recently ran a complete system recovery. Mouse works fine in safe mode but when I boot normally it freezes.

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Mouse Works But Computer Won't Respond?

Sep 12, 2012

I have Windows 7, fairly new computer. I was typing on word and the computer just froze up. The mouse moves, but nothing responds when I click. I restarted, started in safe mode, still no response. The keyboard works, I can go up and down with the arrows and tab, and enter, and I can type things in a search box in the safe mode

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Keyboard Doesn't Want To Type, Only Numeric Number 8,4,6,2 Works

Nov 6, 2012

my keyboard doesn't want to type,only numeric number 8,4,6,2 works

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Computer Freezes Seconds After Login, However Safe Mode With Network Works Perfectly

Jan 3, 2013

I am writing this while my computer is in safe mode. After I click on an account when I boot normally, it will freezes a few moments later on the desktop.I have an HP DV8 that is about three years old. Here are the specs:

i7 Q720 @ 1.60 Ghz
4GB Ram

I've tried doing the boot repair by pressing F8 during startup and it said everything was working perfectly fine.I also tried going to previous restore points and it still froze.I did a scan using hijack this and here is the results:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 6:49:58 PM, on 1/3/2013
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16457)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Function Of Right Click On Mouse No Longer Works

Jul 7, 2012

I guess I'm just having a series of minor problems.The function of the right click on my mouse no longer works. I get a rotating circle that eventually states the Windows can not solve the problem.

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Apple Magic Mouse Works On Windows 7?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite L305 Series laptop with 2 GB of RAM, Intel Celeron, and 182 GB hard drive space. I really want to get the Apple Magic Mouse. Will that work on a Windows 7 PC? My computer doesn't have Bluetooth, but I am planning on getting a Bluetooth adapter for laptop as well. Will that work? Also, does the magic mouse come with a Bluetooth adapter, or do I have to buy an adapter separately?

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