Windows 7 No Mouse Function At Boot To Login To Load OS?

Dec 5, 2012

I have a Gateway ID47H07u laptop running Win7 64 bit. One day on boot-up it
boots up ok to the login screen to load the OS but there is no mouse function anymore..

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Keyboard / Mouse Works On Boot But Not Login?

Jan 12, 2012

trying to recover from a system crash here.. One of the issues was me not being able to install/uninstall microsoft antivirus, since it seems some files were deleted which it needed. I tracked that issue to yet another issue what windows installer could not start, which suggested me to check if it was enables in Msservice.exe, which I couldn't start either.After some googling, I found a fix on MS website, which moved some dll around and asked me to reboot PC. After doing so, it stopped recognizing my keyboard and mouse (both usb) at the login screen, they are completely dead even thou they work on boot and in bios (and are detected in bios).I tried to restoring to the point before the "fix", but same issue.

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Keyboard / Mouse Stops Working At Login Screen But During Boot Up

Sep 7, 2011

Everytime I boot up the keyboard works for me to go to BIOS or Boot menu but once I get to the login page it stops working. I noticed that people are saying disable device signature enforcement or something but I can't find that in my BIOS. I have an Asus motherboard model - M4A88t -V

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Windows 7 No Login Box,no Image, No Other Function Box

Jan 15, 2013

I have windows 7 Ultimate and my problem is that while booting my windows boots till the login page ,but i cannot find any login box to enter password and no icons to restart or perform any kind of function,,the function ALT-CTRL-DEL is useless,i can just see is "Windows 7 Ultimate" written on the bottom of my screen and nothing else with blue windows background.My keyboard is useless at that time and can just move the cursor.I have not installed any new Software or Hardware. I'm facing this problem from past 2 days. Also there is no login box or any functions,when i start system in Safe mode.configurations:Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Windows 7 64bit Mouse And Keyboard Lose Function?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a desktop windows 7 64bit O/S. All is fine when I boot up but after a while the P/S2 keyboard & mouse stop working. The drivers are up to date. The computer is only a few months old. Is this a hardware problem or a software one? should I take it back to the shop?

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Windows 7 Will Not Load Into Or Beyond Login

Jan 3, 2012

Unfortunately this time things didn't go back to normal. I was informed that the video card had failed and windows had recovered. The computer shut down by itself afterwards, which is something I had not seen when this happens. I can not get the computer to come back now, in normal start up or in any of the safe modes. When I start the computer now I get this:

POST beep BIOS screen Loading Operating system Windows error recovery (with booting options) The four little dots that come together to form the window with starting windows underneath it. The screen then goes black I get my cursor arrow and it remains that way until I get pissed and shut it down.

Here is a link to what I see on the screen sometimes, fortunately it happened as I was tying this up, I recorded it with my phone.

video-2012-01-03-11-16-27.mp4 video by AlanDeVaney - Photobucket
video-2012-01-03-11-15-33.mp4 video by AlanDeVaney - Photobucket

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Get Windows 7 To Load Behind Login Screen?

Dec 13, 2010

I was wondering if there was any way to have a passworded account, but if I switch the computer on and go away for 10 minutes, I want to be able to come back and just login without having to go through the whole start up process? I only have one account, and its more for security.

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Function Of Right Click On Mouse No Longer Works

Jul 7, 2012

I guess I'm just having a series of minor problems.The function of the right click on my mouse no longer works. I get a rotating circle that eventually states the Windows can not solve the problem.

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Middle Click Mouse Function Stopped Working

Oct 6, 2011

I my middle click function has stopped working on my mouse, at first I assumed it was a Chrome update and that I could no longer use it to "Open link in new tab" however it seems that it now does absolutely nothing and I am unable to reassign it. I used CAD software (Solidworks) that requires the middle mouse button for me to be able to pivot my view about the pointer on the screen (also a few PC games I play would be much smoother if I could do this).I have all the latest drivers and firmware installed.I did find this thread that I thought might help me; Middle Mouse Button , however the screen shot at the bottom shows the Mouse Options on the Control Panel having a lot more option than it does for me, the only options I have are switching the left and right mouse buttons, double-click speed adjustment and ClickLock.The buttons assignment window that I get using the Razer software gives no more options other than to assign the forwards and backwards buttons ("Windows Button 4" and "Windows Button 5").

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USB Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working At Windows 7 Login?

Nov 29, 2009

i just bought a new mouse and i wanted to install it. i couldnt remember which usb cable was my mouse and which was my keyboard so i unplugged one, wiggled the mouse, unplugged the other, the mousewasnt moving so i plugged it into that one. After that i noticed the new mouse worked but the keyboard stopped working. I restarted the computer and the problem im having now is that the keyboard works in BIOS etc but once windows 7 loads to the login, it stops working as does the mouse

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working At Windows 7 Login Screen?

Oct 11, 2012

Whenever I start my computer and it gets to the Windows 7 login screen, my mouse and keyboard won't respondThey work in BIOS but once Windows 7 starts to boot up...nothing!My PC doesn't have any PS/2 ports on it, only USB so I can't even access my Desktop to see if the driver are enabled or if the Power Management options are right.I can't do a "Last Known System Configuration" because F8 won't work.[CODE]

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Long Load After Login

Feb 28, 2012

Since about a week ago, whenever I turn on my laptop and login to Windows 7 I can't click anything for about 5-10 minutes (changes every time). A loading icon pops up while I can't click anything (reminds me of Mac spinning wheel of death). Sometimes the wallpaper will go white and a box comes up that says something like "Windows is not responding, would you like to end now?" I just wait a few more minutes and it eventually fixes itself.I haven't downloaded, installed, or changed anything recently. I did notice however, when I shut down the laptop there is always an update available. I start the update and the laptop shuts itself off when it is done. Startup time was fast until this started happening a week ago. Ran virus scan and deleted/uninstalled old games to free up space. [code]

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Programs Don't Load After Login

Oct 28, 2012

I have been having this problem where after I login windows just sits there. programs dont load at all.. i can click them too and nothing happens.. sometimes only my antivirus shows up in the upbox on the right side but other than that nothing..

After about 7 boot attempts it starts to work which is surprising!

This problem started 2 days ago.. so I thought it was my OS problem and einstalled windows but the problem keeps coming back! I feel like the Windows update restarts are causing it or something! I have scanned my computer with malwarebytes and Avast with no results..

BTW I can boot into safemode

My specs are
windows 7 pro
BIOS a19
Intel Pentium dual CPU e2160 at 1.80ghz
4gb ram

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How To Load Program Before Login

Mar 29, 2012

how load my program before login

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Will Not Load Login Screen

Nov 15, 2009

I upgraded my HP m8530f from Vista Premium to 7 Ultimate and have 2 main pain in the butt issues:

When it reboots it will not load the login screen. it loads the windows 7 logo and then sits at a blank screen with the pointer. it'll sit for hours and never load.

I CAN reboot and load the last known good config and I can login, but no matter what I try, every restart results the same.

2nd issue: I cannot get to the internet. I can get to the homegroup, I cannot even login to the router. But I can ping any site, my ISP sees the PC on the net. But no matter the browser I cannot get online. I cannot get it to activate the OS either.

I did learn I have an integrated Realtex POS lan adapter that I blame, realtek says it's driverless hardware. Hp doesn't have W7 support for this PC. my buddy's Pavilion Elite does have driver download support for 7, but of course my mid-range PC does not!

Any thoughts? Suggests? Genius that know the answer??

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Taking Forever To Load After Login

Apr 15, 2012

i am having some trouble with my pc. it boots up relatively fast (like 20 seconds) but when i enter my password and hit enter the welcome screen stays for about 30 to 40 seconds. then when it actually goes into windows it takes like 1 minute to become usable. the network icon thing has the loading sign on it for a while then when that goes most thing begin to load.

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Desktop Takes Minutes To Load After Login?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a relatively new Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit install. This is a domain account, so I have to do ctrl+alt+del to login. After entering my password, the welcome notice comes up (with the spinning circle), and it takes quite a while for the desktop to appear. It can be as long as a couple of minutes. This is a pretty fast rig (i5 2500K/GA-Z68X-UD3H/F312800CL8D-8GBXM) and when I first set it up it, my desktop appeared about 10 seconds after hitting the power button, including login.

Is the use of the domain account the likely cause of the delay, or could this be something else like automatic update? I'm not sure how I would go about finding out.

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Asus Essentio Windows 7 Mouse Keyboard Doesn't Work At Login Screen

Nov 13, 2011

At win 7 login screen mouse & keyboard USB 2.0 doesn't work. We've tried this same mouse & keyboard in a diff computer & it worked fine.

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working At Login?

Apr 15, 2012

The mouse and keyboard work in the Bios, but once it gets to the log in screen there is a pointer in the middle but nothing works.I had just installed the software for the keyboard from the Kensington website and it told me to re-boot. So that is what I did, now nothing works. After I noticed it had froze, I had to hold the power button on the tower to shut it down. I tried doing safe mode, but that made no difference. Legacy is activated in the bios and it sees the UBS mouse and keyboard. Here are the specs for the PC:(Keyboard) Kensington Pro Fit Wired Media Keyboard K72407US USB Wired (Mouse) Pixxo MO-I133UR Red 3 Buttons 1 x Wheel USB Wired Optical 80

(OS) Windows 7 Home Premium x64
(CPU) AMD FX-6100
(Motherboard) BIOSTAR TA970XE
(Memory) G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB)
(Graphics Card) GIGABYTE GV-R777D5-1GD Radeon HD 7770 GHz


I tried doing a system restore, but for some reason my backup disk is not being seen (even though the reader is) and since I got the OEM version of Windows 7 I don't think I can just re-install it.

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USB Keyboard And Mouse Not Working After Login

May 3, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 560s which is about 2 years old. The keyboard and mouse were working till 12 hours ago. This morning i realized that neither of them were working. The laser in the mouse and the lights on the keyboard stays on until the login process starts. The keyboard works in the BIOS. Once the screen says 'Starting Windows', the lights and the laser go off resulting in the mouse and the keyboard not working. I thought going into safe mode and trying would make a difference - my efforts went in vain. The only way I could turn off the computer during this process of trying was by turning of the ups or holding down the power button for about 5 seconds. I have currently stopped any further trials as I am afraid that switching off the computer like that would spoil the hard disk and I will lose all my data which is on it (I have lots of Pics and docs which are very important).

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Changing Mouse Cursors On Login Screen?

Nov 24, 2012

This isn't a problem per se, but I'm curious to know if it's possible to change the login screen mouse cursor. It's just the boring plain white arrow. There's probably a registry setting for it but I don't know where. A google search turned up nothing useful. It seems it's not something that interests many others. I'm running W7 Home Premium.

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Keyboard And Mouse Don't Turn On At Login Screen

Sep 10, 2010

It All started when my ipod was being stupid and got Bricked almost. So I went into Windows XP but switched to IDE storage Config. in the Bios Fixed it Rebooted Changed to AHCI which is what Windows 7 was Installed with So. Now When I go to Windows 7 NO Matter what Mode (Safe Mode) Keyboard and Mouse there Off they don't stay on after boot. I tried a PS2 Converter, Switched USB Ports, Put in a new Keyboard and Nothing. I re-copied the USB drivers from the DVD into System32/Drivers Still will not work..

Keyboard: Dell Multimedia USB with 2 USB Ports and Logitech V200 Wireless Mouse.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit.
Asus P6T
Core i7 930 2.8GHz LGA1366
OCZ Gold Series 2x2GB = 4GB DDR3-1333

Also I did Memory Test nothing was wrong. I have had this problem with XP before because it couldn't handle the System Hardware Change But I was able to easily repair it and It worked after. How Do I fix it with Windows 7?

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Mouse And Keyboard Stops Working At Login Screen

Jul 16, 2012

So I have a little problem with my mouse and keyboard. It stops working at the login screen. The same thing happens when I try to log on safe mode, etc.

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Ps2 Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working At Login Screen?

Apr 22, 2012

ps2 keyboard and mouse stop working at login screen

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No Mouse/keyboard Responce On Login Screen On Laptop?

Nov 10, 2012

im not the smartest computer person but i manage. anyway i was cleaning up my computer, getting files off i didn't wont. i had to restart, i went to login like i normally to and bam, cant type or move the mouse on my laptop. i know they work cause i tried it in the recovery mode. can someone help me out? i really dont wanna loose everything i have on my computer, 500 GB of files and most are from things ive installed and are hard to ge

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Stalls Before Login/welcome Screen

Dec 16, 2012

A custom RT7Lite disc was used and a lot of tweaking has been done, so the system is well in need of a fresh format. Unfortunately, this was planned for after the holidays, and as I was unprepared for this crash, it could take me longer to figure out what I need to transfer to a new install then it would to fix the current one.

System specs:

OS: Windows 7 Pro x64
CPU: Intel Q9550
Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45-DS4P
Memory: 8GB PC2-8000
Graphics Card: ATI HD4870 (PCIe/512MB)
System Drive: 2x Intel x25-V SSDs in RAID0 (via mainboard's ICH10R)
Network: Intel Gigabit CT PCIe card
Firewall: Outpost Pro
The current problem:

System passes POST, bootloader, "Windows is Starting" animation. USB devices initialize, and the mouse pointer appears. The screen remains black (no background, login dialog, accessibility/power buttons, etc.) indefinitely. The mouse still moves and NumLock can be toggled, so the system has not halted - it just doesn't get any further than that. After 15 minutes power-saving kicks in and the display goes to sleep - Moving the mouse or pressing a key turns it back on again as though everything is normal, but it's still stuck at the black screen.Events leading up to this:I have been using a PCIe JMicron-based SATA card with a broken eSATA port, and I recently got an ASM1061-based SATA 6Gbps card to replace it. This new card is PCIe 2.0 and my motherboard only has two 2.0 slots - the x16 and x8 slots meant for video - so I was testing what difference it made running my gfx card in x8 mode. I decided running it this way was OK, so I started tweaking the SATA card. I had seen reports that using the generic Microsoft driver with this chipset was hugely detrimental to write performance, so naturally I tried to install the newest ASM one. This didn't work, as Windows told me "this location does not contain information about your hardware". I resorted to using the driver's installer program, which ran perfectly - but Windows kept using its own driver anyway.

Finally, I decided to try the older version of the ASM driver. This installed properly and the device was no longer listed as a generic ATA controller. On a hunch, I tried updating the driver again (without rebooting) to the newest driver, and Windows accepted it with no complaint this time. However, my firewall (Outpost) asked me whether I wanted to allow direct disk access to an uncertified/??? driver. I affirmed this as it was intended. It's worth mentioning that Outpost was being a nuisance when I was testing PCIe slots, as it wiped its configuration file each time I moved my NIC. This meant it lost all the rules regarding which system components were allowed to do what, and had me confirm each one.

I then rebooted to MS-DOS on a USB stick to update the SATA card's firmware. I restarted into Windows several times without issue, but the SATA card didn't show during POST or in the Device Manager. Turns out the uploader mislabelled a BIOS OROM module as the add-on card's firmware. Back in DOS, I flashed the correct/original file, but the card still didn't seem to work (no BIOS info page, still absent in Windows) so I went back and flashed it a third time. After that theBIOS splash screen re-appeared and it seemed like everything would be fine.

However, upon booting into Windows, I was now getting a consistent BSOD: STOP 0x00000024 0x0000000000190494 (I only have the first two numbers, which I googled on my phone out of curiosity). I rebooted to safe mode and the same BSOD came up after CLASSPNP.SYS was listed. At this point I inserted my Windows DVD and ran the Startup Repair function, which took a while but completed successfully. I checked the log after it was done and the only reported issue was that the 100MB System Reserved partition was "corrupt". After restarting, the BSOD is gone but I now have this black screen/no login issue.
Things I have tried:

-Pretended the login screen was there (entered password and pressed Enter) in case it was a graphical glitch.

-System restore is disabled so I can't use that to revert whatever caused this.

-Tried booting in each of Windows' alternate modes (VGA, Safe, Safe w/LAN, Safe w/CMD, Last Known Good, etc.), problem persists.

-Unplugged secondary display in case it was drawing stuff on the wrong monitor.

-Shuffled the expansion cards back to where they were when the problem started, tried alternate locations, booted with all cards removed.

-Opened a command line window from the Windows 7 DVD and ran SFC and scandisk. SFC reported there were several errors that could not be repaired, however this was also the case several weeks ago when I used SFC to troubleshoot an application. I'm fairly certain this can be blamed on the RT7lite'd install source.

-Booted into an old install of Vista x64 Ultimate on another drive, and replaced all instances of the ASM drivers with the older version. No change. Went back into Vista and renamed the driver files - no change.

-Non-destructive "Upgrade" install over existing version Has to be done from within Windows 7. Tried initializing this from Vista, but it seems it can only be installed over the currently active partition (and can't be done anyway because Ultimate trumps Professional.)

-This xbootmgr tutorial helped me narrow the timing of the problem down, it seems to be happening in the SMSSInit phase of MainPathBoot... Knowing this hasn't really helped me so far and it appears xbootmgr has to be initialized from the OS being traced, so I'm not sure if I can even use this tool.

-The automatic Startup Repair script (on the installation disc) reports that the system booted successfully. Running SFC without the /offwindir and /offbootdir switches reports that a system repair is pending. The bootloader lists the OS as "Windows 7 (recovered)"

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Load/boot Two Versions Of Windows 7 On Separate Drives?

Mar 5, 2011

Currently running Win7(64-bit) in RAID-0 on 2 WD Caviar Black's.I just purchased a SSD drive.What I want to do is load Win7 on the SSD and use that as my main drive, while also keeping my RAID drives boot-able and in tact as they are now. (Thus, a dual-boot Win7 setup)Will the BIOS allow me to select which drive to boot from upon start-up? My mobo is an ASUS Rampage II Extreme.

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Boot Manager Compressed - Windows 7 System Would Not Load

Feb 6, 2012

I just have a quick comment on what not to do when running windows 7. I had just installed 7 Ultimate liked it seemed to be working fine! Then I made the dreadful mistake of compressing the hard drive. In doing so when the system tried to boot back up the system would not load received message boot manager compressed. So make a long story short I had to load my recovery disk and uncompress the hard drive. But why I have never had that issue with any other windows product until Win 7.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Startup Repair Doesn't Load Either

Dec 2, 2012

I tried turning on my computer today and it gets stuck at the "Starting Windows" logo. It just hangs there indefinitely (usually only takes a couple seconds) and doesn't load. I then tried startup repair, and that just takes me to a black screen. After that, I tried putting in my Windows 7 boot disc to do a clean install, told the BIOS to boot to CD/DVD drive. It tells me to press a key, I do. I get "Windows is loading files" and then it goes back to "Starting Windows" forever, yet again. This happened so suddenly, it was working fine just hours before this.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Xp, 1386 Driver Will Not Load?

Dec 30, 2012

The 1386 Driver will not load on XP. On win 7 everything works, on xp this is what happens. Im able to connect to a LAN but unable to install the modem the customer wants as a backup.

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