Lost Login Password, Fingerscan Works?

Aug 7, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop with Win 7 Pro. I set up the fingerprint utility early in the setup of the new system, and now I do not have a valid login ID for Window 7. The one I thought was correct doesn't work. So I can login in with my fingerscan, but I cannot login with a password. I would like to be able to login with the password, or to give it to someone who hasn't enrolled fingerprints.

Is there any way for me to remove or change or find a working Win 7 login password?

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Lost Windows 7 Login Password

Jul 26, 2011

A friend of mine has lost his password for his laptop. He has 3 users set up on the laptop and decided to use the same password on all 3. He then forgot it. I have tried to use safe mode but it still asks me for a password.He doesn't have a password reset disk.I'm looking for some software to maybe rest it or delete the password.

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Homegroup Password Lost Re-enter New Password And Program States Its The Wrong Password?

Mar 21, 2011

I am attempting to setup Homegroup for first time on new computer, I was asked to set a password. The first pw was only 7 letters. It was rejected as requiring 8 letters. Attempted to re-enter new password and program states its the wrong password.When I go to the homegroup page there is no link to see and change password.

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Access The Account Which Is Protected By Password When Password Is Lost

Jan 5, 2013

how to access the account which is protected by password when password is lost.

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Keyboard / Mouse Works On Boot But Not Login?

Jan 12, 2012

trying to recover from a system crash here.. One of the issues was me not being able to install/uninstall microsoft antivirus, since it seems some files were deleted which it needed. I tracked that issue to yet another issue what windows installer could not start, which suggested me to check if it was enables in Msservice.exe, which I couldn't start either.After some googling, I found a fix on MS website, which moved some dll around and asked me to reboot PC. After doing so, it stopped recognizing my keyboard and mouse (both usb) at the login screen, they are completely dead even thou they work on boot and in bios (and are detected in bios).I tried to restoring to the point before the "fix", but same issue.

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Fingerprint Scanner Works Within 2 Seconds Of Login Page Appearing?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem with the login process for Windows. A while ago (nearly a year now) I installed a USB fingerprint reader and this worked fine for a while when all of a sudden it appeared to stop working on the login page. It turns out that if I scan my fingerprint within the first 2 seconds of the login page appearing then Windows recognizes the device and allows me to log in using biometrics, if I try after the 2 seconds then it doesn't work and I have to use a password. I really don't understand, the device is recognized, working properly and even if it doesn't work for logging in then I can still access biometric settings and everything as if it was completely fine. I'm presuming that this is a driver conflict somewhere that during the loading process something happens after 2 seconds that prevents the fingerprint reader from operating correctly but how do I find out what?

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HDMI Works From Cold Boot To Login Screen Then Vanishes

Dec 7, 2012

This is on a loptop Meldon E6882, running windows 7, to a LED TV HD. From a cold boot both the laptop monitor and HDMI screen show the windows starting screen .. But the HDMI screen goes blank when the login screen appears. I have tried different screen resolutions. No Luck. I have tried from the 'screen resolution' page to get automatically detect the HDMI - No luck I have tried from the 'screen resolution' page to manually select HDMI. Only offers VGA or component, no HDMI.

I think this maybe a disabled driver as I did a manual disabling of these some time ago in order to try and reduce the boot time. I cannot recall the names of the drivers I have put into manual start (some time ago), nor have I found any info on what drivers are needed for the HDMI. The screen driver is an Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000. I'd like to look at some video on the larger screen...

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Black Screen After Login With Movable Cursor. Eventually Works Correct?

Aug 29, 2012

My computer loads normally to the login screen. I enter my password and press enter.It displays the welcome message with the spinning circle thing, and seems to load correctly. When finished, it is at this point my screen goes black showing only the cursor which I can move. When I hover over where the taskbar should be, the screen dims a bit. When I move away from the 'invisible' taskbar, the screen brightens to it's original state. This leads me to believe that the desktop may be loaded, but for some reason is not displaying. After about a minute, everything displays and the computer works perfectly. Occasionally, there is not an issue, and the desktop loads perfectly, seconds after logging in.

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Computer Freezes Seconds After Login, However Safe Mode With Network Works Perfectly

Jan 3, 2013

I am writing this while my computer is in safe mode. After I click on an account when I boot normally, it will freezes a few moments later on the desktop.I have an HP DV8 that is about three years old. Here are the specs:

i7 Q720 @ 1.60 Ghz
4GB Ram

I've tried doing the boot repair by pressing F8 during startup and it said everything was working perfectly fine.I also tried going to previous restore points and it still froze.I did a scan using hijack this and here is the results:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 6:49:58 PM, on 1/3/2013
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16457)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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How To Recover Lost Password

May 11, 2011

I have forgot my windows 7 professional 32 bit administrator password please help me how can i get it back. or how can i bypass it?

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Lost Administrator Password

Jun 18, 2011

I have forgotten my Administrator password. I have tried a couple of the free password crackers, but no luck. Also tried the command net user, with no luck; I get the "Access Denied" message whenever I try this. I've looked at a lot of the threads here, but they all seem to be just a little bit different. All I have access to is this other user profile, and I can't install anything on it without the Admin password. I have the Windows DVD, and have tried a boot repair, but it tells me that the OS is booting correctly (which it is). Where to from here ? It's wasted a helluva lot of time, and I just seem to be going round in circles. How can I give this profile I am using Admin rights ? Don't seem to be able to do anything without the Admin password.

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Lost Linksys Password?

Apr 27, 2011

after i reset my router my ps3 and ipod cant connect to it. And i typed in the IP adress in the browser then it shows a verizon page. I type in admin password since its the default, but the screen falshes and has me re do it over and over. I cant get pass that page.

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Camera Login, Instead Of Password?

Jan 27, 2012

I want to know, is it possible to make me use camera to log-in into my account in Windows 7? Ofc password can be also available in case of broken camera or something.

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Can Disable Login Password

Oct 14, 2012

Each time I turn on the computer I am prompted for my password. Is there a way to turn this off and launch directly to Windows?

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Unable To Login With Password

Feb 5, 2012

Not an administrator on my company laptop but am now unable to even login with the password I was given. It's a Windows 7 Dell laptop

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Login Says Password Is Wrong

Jun 29, 2012

I cant log into Windows 7.Says password is wrong but i know its correct.I dont have a password reset disk.I dont have a backup either.I have files that i want to access.From what i can gather i think i pretty much have to re-install Windows ?

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Lost Encryption Key, Remember Password

Nov 4, 2011

I have win 7 ultimate 64bit and a while ago i tampered with file encryption and was dumb enough not to back up my encryption key. However, i remember my password that i used to encrypt those files. I formatted C: and re-installed Win7, just to notice i can't access some of my important files on another drive.So, i thought several possibilities of recovery, and i appreciate if you guys could express if any of the options below are viable.

1) Since i didn't back up my encryption key, where is the original one located? (if i use some recovery program to restore it)

2) Can i use recovery programs to restore pre-format a) user account, or b) encryption key, or c) windows (which actually then works)?

3) I remember the password i used to encrypt the files, so can i just make a new encryption key and kind of import it to my present windows to decrypt those files?

4) Does "Advanced EFS Data Recovery" or some other encryption key recovery tool work for my problem?

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Reset Windows 7 Lost Password

Oct 16, 2011

Is there anyway to reset it ...as we can use ADMINISTRATOR account in windows xp to recover password

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Lost Encryption Key, Remember Password?

Nov 4, 2011

I have win 7 ultimate 64bit and a while ago i tampered with file encryption and was dumb enough not to back up my encryption key. However, i remember my password that i used to encrypt those files. I formatted C: and re-installed Windows 7, just to notice i can't access some of my important files on another drive.So, i thought several possibilities of recovery, and i appreciate if you guys could express if any of the options below are viable.1) Since i didn't back up my encryption key, where is the original one located? (if i use some recovery program to restore it)2) Can i use recovery programs to restore pre-format a) user account, or b) encryption key, or c) windows (which actually then works)?3) I remember the password i used to encrypt the files, so can i just make a new encryption key and kind of import it to my present windows to decrypt those files?4) Does "Advanced EFS Data Recovery" or some other encryption key recovery tool work for my problem?

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Lost Bitlocker Password And Recovery Key?

Jul 19, 2012

i forgot my extrenal HDD bitlocker password and lost my flash that contain bitlocker recovery key.

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Lost Password For Windows 7 HP Touchsmart PC?

Dec 11, 2012

There has to be a way to get back into my computer. I when I set up my password I mistyped it and now I'm locked out.

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Cannot Login To User Invalid Password

Jul 4, 2012

My father has a laptop that he received from his work. My father works at a high school and the school is currently closed for the summer vacation. All of the technicians are on vacation now and the school board is also closed. There is no technician to help my father. The computer technician has set up his user name and password. It has been working for the last few months but suddenly, a few days ago, when he types in his password, he gets the message that his username or password are incorrect.

I have tried starting it up on safe mode, but it is still asking for his login and it is still incorrect. I have tried logging into the administrator password but it is not a blank password and nothing I have put in works. I have also tried switching user but there is no other user. I have tried restoring the computer but it states that I need to have administrator clearance to restore. I have the windows 7 disk but I am unsure how to activate it. My father has not made a password restore disk and when I tried to follow the instructions of saving the password on a usb or a disk, it did not work because I did not have the password disk.

I am currently trying to reinstall Windows 7, as that is what a lot of forums were telling me to do but it is taking forever. I am hearing people tell me to download recovery tools, but I have no idea how to do this as the only computer I have currently is my father's computer, which I cannot get onto the internet! (I am typing from an ipod). How do I download ISOs and recovery files when I cannot access the internet?

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Wrong Windows 7 Login Password?

Jan 19, 2013

My laptop has a finger print scanner which I never installed the driver for until now.Basicly the login screen asks for a password, I didn't set a password only my finger print.

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Forgot Password - Cannot Login As Admin?

Jun 23, 2011

When my partner set up my brand new PC he set up an account in my name, so there are now two accounts on the machine, Admin and Mine. I can use my account for most daily things, but I need to be the Administrator because I don't have rights to do some stuff. Problem is he's forgot the Admin password .... so I can't log in as the Admin. What can I do? How do I change this password?

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Login After Hibernate - Incorrect Password

Sep 15, 2010

I'm having an issue with logging back in after I hibernate the system. It goes to the login page where I enter in my password. The problem is everytime I type in my password, it tells me that I've typed the wrong password. I try to "switch user" and login from there (not sure what the difference is), and that doesn't work either. I always end up having to restart the computer. Then when it gets to the login page, I type in the exact password that I tried to type before, and it works. It's only right after I hibernate that the password stops working.

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Recover Windows 7 Login Password?

Nov 11, 2010

I cannot find the password for my Windows 7 laptop. Is there a way to recover it or redo it?

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How To Set Cursor On Password Field On Login?

Nov 12, 2010

Is there a way to automatically position the cursor on the password field after reawakening from the screensaver ? It is a PITA having to always position the mouse cursor to the password field.

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Can't Type Password On Login Screen

May 15, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop running Windows 7. I switched it on this morning, got the usual login screen but without the welcome noise. I can't enter my password, the key strokes I'm entering just don't register on the screen. I've switched off and switched back on and no joy. I've gone to Safe Mode and just get the same problem, I can't type my password, the flashing cursor doesn't move in the password box. I've pressed F8 and tried to load the last good configuration but just get the same problem.

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How To Enable A Login Password At Startup

Dec 15, 2011

I installed Windows 7 x64 on my laptop a few months ago, so I'm the admin on that system. As I'm the sole user, I never enabled any sort of login; it just boots right to the desktop. Now I'm getting ready to take a trip, and I'll be packing the laptop in my checked luggage, so I think it would be a good idea to require a login password in case the laptop disappears. How do I enable that, and how do I disable it when I'm back home? As an aside, is this adequate security (assuming a strong pwd)? I assume someone would have to reformat the disk and reinstall Windows to make the laptop usable again, but what do I know?

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Automatically Login In To Windows (without Password)

Nov 6, 2012

iv got 4 computers and they all run win 7 none off them need the security of having to put a password in on start up and its quite annoying/time consuming is there any way to bypass this or loging automaticly without having to enter the password?befor you tell me to remove the password:this would make 3 of the pcs less usefull and turn one computer (the sever) into a brick with fans so please dont tell me to change my account settings to remove the passwords?

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