Icybox SATA/USB3hd Has Disappeared From Windows 7, But Appears On Other PC

Dec 11, 2012

I have a 1gb Seagate drive in an powered Icybox SATA to USB3 enclosure, that has disappeared from my desktop machine. It doesn't show up in drive management, or the bios, even if I change USB sockets (including USB2). The drive is spinning up and Windows 7 makes a USB connect noise, but just won't see the drive. It was going fine for about a month before. My PC sees my unpowered external USB3 drive

However, if I plug it into my laptop (USB2 granted), it's there.

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Changed The SATA Controller From AHCI To Raid SATA Result = FAILED?

Aug 10, 2010

Very little, all the parts were shipped here about four days ago and I spent a couple of hours putting them together. I ran into a hiccup when Windows 7 Home Premium would not get past the extracting phase of the installation, kicking up the error in this thread. I began the first install on a 20GB partition, when that failed I tried just installing it on a single partition. When that failed I tried removing all the partitions and just installing on the unformatted drive, in it's entirety (seemed weird but others said they had luck with this).Testing Methodology:

At the end of each attempted solution I tried to install Windows again.My keyboard is a USB keyboard. All of my boot testing is done with a bootable USB that I have running MS-DOS 6.22. What I Have Tried:Solution 1: First I went into the bios and changed the SATA controller from AHCI to Raid SATA Result = FAILEDSolution 2: I tried burning OEM Windows disk from Microsoft to an iso at the lowest speed possible for my DVD burner (4x).Result = FAILEDSolution 3: At this point I had created and deleted so many partitions I was concerned it may be having an effect on the install. So I went to Samsung's website and grabbed their HDD utility tool. I figured let's kill two birds with one stone and test the drive while also restoring it to it's original state. So I did a low level format and then ran the HDD diagnostic. All came back with no errors. Result = FAILED

On to memory...Solution 4: I downloaded Microsoft's Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight. It returned no errors. So I decided to use MemTest86 4.1 and let it run for 10 passes, I did find errors then. As of now I am running each module of memory one by one to determine if it is a problem with them or the sockets on the motherboard. So far I have been unable to reproduce the errors I got when both modules were running together. As a precaution I double checked the motherboards specifications on the socket order for memory, all is to specs. Result = [PENDING]What's Next:After my current memory test ends, I plan on checking my BIOS to see if the correct memory speeds were detected in the auto detection. If at that point I'm still unable to reproduce the memory errors, I'll put both memory modules back into the system and run the testing again to see if I can reproduce the errors I got the first time.

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SATA 3 Not Working On Asus P6X58D-E Motherboard With SATA III Support?

Jun 27, 2012

Yesterday I had a PC technician around to see why my PC was not booting-up properly and also to change my SSD to a larger SSD. As I am visually challenged I cannot do hardware upgrades etc, so I got a Techie guy in. We used Zinstall HDD by-the-way and I would highly recommend this application for such a job plus, it is extremely fast.Anyway, while he was diagnosing my boot-up issue he discovered I had a malfunctioning network card; while removing this, he noticed all the SATA settings were set to SATA 2.When he reset these to SATA 3, the PC would not start-up! When he set them again to SATA 2 there was no problem and it worked fine?

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Install Sata Hard Drive As A Slave Where The Master Is Also A Sata?

Aug 10, 2011

i want to make my spare sata hard drive as a slave my master hardrive is also satahow to do it . my OS is win7

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SATA-II Drive On SATA Raid Controller?

May 7, 2011

i purchased a Silicon SiI3512 SATA Raid Controller purely to have 2 extra SATA ports which I am using to connect to my case's external drive bays. I have flashed the bios of the controller and updated the driver to put it in "Base" mode so it is not using RAID. I did extensive research on this and it appears that I have this part right. For now, I am trying to connect a WD1600BEVT 2.5" SATA-II hard drive to one of these ports and am having some difficulty. I can see the drive, but when I try to format the drive in Windows, or a command prompt (using the windows recovery DVD) it hangs. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue with a SATA-II drive on a SATA-I controller, however, most of the forums I have read state that if there is a compatibility issue, the controller won't even recognize the drive. I searched around to see if there was a way to force the HDD to SATA(150), but the jumpers on this drive are for SSC and RPS. Is there a way to fix this or do I need a drive that is capable of forcing SATA-I speeds? Perhaps even a controller capable of at least SATA-II since that is the minimum of all new HDDs?

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HDD SATA 3 (6.0Gb/s) Works With SATA 2 (3.0Gb/s) Controller?

May 22, 2011

My MB supports only SATA 2 but in my city, the HDD SATA 3 is more cheap than SATA 2. If I buy the HDD SATA 3 it will work with my MB SATA 2 controller?

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Mar 5, 2012

i'm looking to upgrade from a HDD to SSD. I've been reading online about my board and apparently the marvell 9128 controller sucks speed wise. I was looking at the Corsair Force 3 because of the read/write speeds. Upon doing more digging though it looks like id be better off running a drive on the SATA 2 ports.

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Replace SATA 1 HDD With SATA 2 HDD?

Oct 23, 2011

The hard drive in my son's laptop has died, it's a SATA 1 (1.5Gb/s) drive. Can I upgrade it to a SATA 2 (3.0 Gb/s) hard disk?? It's in a Toshiba laptop.

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Installing Both Sata 1 And Sata 2 On Pc

May 18, 2012

I was wondering If I have one sata 1 and an new sata 2(or 3) on my PC installed on my PC will cause problems in transfer speeds? My Blue-ray is sata 1 also.Does this mean that all disks will work as sata 1?

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Program Appears Different In Windows 7

Feb 20, 2011

Having problem with some program appears different in windows 7 its like the frames are stretch so much that it push other buttons out screen and no matter how much I resize the window the frame resize with it hence I can't see the other buttons it works on Xp fine I try compatibilty mode but it still the same.

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Error Appears In Windows 7

Aug 7, 2011

i have the windows 7 battery problem i don't i know if it has been fixed yet but i've had my HP ProBook 4710s for about a 9 months now and about a month or 2 ago i saw this red cross on my battery icon and a error message when i click on the battery saying "There is a problem with your battery, so your computer might shut-down suddenly." the battery is charging but it drains really fast ever since that X appeared on the icon.

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Windows 7 Freezes When Desktop Appears?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a Dell laptop running Windows 7. When I startup the computer, I enter the password and the desktop appears. Every now and then the window freezes so i can move the mouse but I cannot click on any icons. I've tried running system checks I can. yesterday I ran Advanced System Care 4 and fixed all registry errors, removed malware etc but the problem still occurs. I need to switch the computer off and reboot.

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When Going To Games Windows 7 A Warning Appears.

Oct 22, 2012

When trying to play games on win7 like solitaire, mahjong etc.. a warning comes in saying that Hardware Acceleration is either disabled or non existent in my PC.

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Error Message Appears Every Now And Then When Start Windows 7

Apr 22, 2012

Error message appears every now and then when start Windows 7

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Message Appears Resuming Windows When Turn On PC

Jun 9, 2011

I have a Dell laptop that I went to turn on. The message "Resuming Windows" came on for about 5-10 seconds, then the computer turned off. Now when I press the power button nothing happens. No lights no noise nothing. I'm hoping its just stuck in sleep mode or something.

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Windows 7 Logo No Longer Appears During Startup

Nov 12, 2011

I've had my computer for about 2 months now. Running windows 7 premium and recently when I boot up my computer, after it displays the bios menu, it skips the windows logo screen and goes straight to the welcome screen. I haven't noticed any issues other then this however I did notice strange noises when I booted up and first noticed the logo was missing. I've checked the menus and different options to turn off the logo but there all set to display it. I ran the system file checker and that came back clean as well.

Could it be a gpu issue or a motherboard issue? I did install skyrim recently and it reinstalled directx11 and made a new microsoft c++ file. I am thinking that could be it too. other then that im pretty much out of ideas. there was a few other programs I installed too. evga precision, fraps, nvidia system tools, nvidia system monitor. I restored my system to a point before installing these programs so it cant be those but it hought id add em to the list anyway just to be safe. I didn't however restore to before getting the new C++ file

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Windows 7 Appears To Behaving Like A Time Machine?

Sep 30, 2012

I have my PC running Windows7 Home Edition, the PC also has factory fitted the Norton anti virus package which is active. The PC is also running a weather station via Cumulus Software to weatherunderground. The PC has to run 24/7 (advice from tom's hardware has helped with the 24/7 set up

However a few times the station has gone off line, up on inspection I have found that the PC clock - as displayed bottom right - has advanced its self by 12 hours. The last time this happened was Friday 28 Sept. The weather base station showed 16:45, the Cumulus display on the desk top showed 16:45 but the PC clock showed 29 Sept 04:45, 12 hours in advance. Similar time slips both forwards and backwards have happened. Each time I have reset the PC clock on 'Adjust Time/Date and all clocks are at the right time allowing data to be transmitted / received and all seems to be OK for anything up to a week.

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Windows 7 Kills A Task That Appears Non-responsive But Is Just Slow?

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to create a DVD using Cyberlink PowerDirector. It reaches 21%, at which point Windows 7 deems it non-responsive and kills it.I tried it on my old Windows XP machine and noticed that it DOES sit at 21% for a very long time (minutes) but eventually soldiers on to successful completion.So it seems that Windows 7 is being a bit eager to kill off this task. Is there anyway I can turn off this feature in Windows ... or increase the time it waits ... or exempt a certain .EXE from being axed?I have tried searching online but of course any search with the term "non-responsive" in it just comes back with thousands of posts on how to kill such tasks, rather than how to not have Windows 7 kill them for me

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Command Prompt Windows 7 Appears And Disappears Even When Doing Other Stuff?

Jan 9, 2013

Command prompt window appears and disappears , I mean it runs itself,it opens up and closes as quickly as it popped up,it happens while I surf the internet or leave the computer idle for sometime. Is this a sign of some kind of malware?? I scan my computer regularly with microsoft essentials and later I switched to kaspersky, I never found any virus. I use windows 7 OS.

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Blue Screen - Windows 7 Logo Appears Then Computer Restarts

May 17, 2012

My Windows 7 boot normal and after Windows Starting logo appear, blue screen appear quickly so much that I can't see what's message and restart. I tried repaid and fixmbr and fixboot, no way.

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Error Recovery Screen Appears During Windows 7 Clean Install To SSD

Apr 29, 2012

I'm weeks of spasmodic attempts into replacing my old C-drive with a new SSD and a clean install of Windows 7, 32 bit. Here's the current loop: Following Sandisk's instructions on formatting SSD for use as OS with Win 7:

1) I verify BIOS - SATA is (as before) set to ACHI
2) I place Windows 7 upgrade disc in drive, hoping to use "Option 1 - normal clean install" (from Clean Install with a Upgrade Windows 7 Version )
3) I get "Windows Error Recovery" screen, stating "windows did not shut down normally" (white text on black screen), with two options - start normally, or startup repair.

- if I select "start normally," it merely returns (after a minute or two) to the same Error Recovery screen after some POSTs (nothing other than single-beep) - no request for my input, no "press any key," etc.
- if I select default ("startup repair") option load: "Windows cannot repair this computer automatically" ultimately results after a lot of attempting to repair, etc.

PC will still run Ok from old HD when connected, and shows the SSD in Disk Management with a "System Reserved" 100 MB (F) partition along with a 112GB (E) partition. I keep thinking I need to wipe those and try again, but not sure how or if that's even worth trying. I did have the same SSD up and running Win 7 for a brief time - didn't start at some point afterwards...

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Windows Task Scheduler Kills Tasks That Appears To Be Non-responsive

Nov 9, 2012

I have scheduled a program to run every morning that will pull data out of our SQL server (the tool is "Toad"). I want to have that data ready when I come in the morning. Problem is, at that time, there are other tasks running on the SQL server making in slower to spit the data out, but it eventually sends it, always. Windows 7 (or the Task Scheduler itself, I am not sure which one) seems to think that the program has become unresponsive and stops it. When I look at the history of the task, it says the last execution status is "(0x0)" meaning completed successfully. I know it did not because the Excel spreadsheets that receives the data is still open and hasn't received all the data it should - it nevers stops at the same point so it is not an issue with my retrieval scripts. If I launch the task manually during the day, when the SQL server will respond in a timely manner, the task will complete successfullly. If I use the tool itself, it never gets killed, and I haven't seen Window complain it has become unresponsive even when it runs for a long time. Otherwise, anyone knows of any settings that would prevent Windows or Task Scheduler to kill what it thinks are unresponsive tasks or at least, change the delay before it thinks so?

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Windows 7 OEM Install - Stuck At Starting Screen When Logo Appears

Mar 6, 2011

I recently built a computer, and tried to install Windows 7 OEM on it, but it gets stuck at the screen where it says starting windows and the logo appears. The logo gets smaller and larger. I've been told it might be something with the RAM, but tested it out and that's not the problem.

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Game Stalls When The Screen Goes White And An Exclamation Mark Appears In The Windows 7?

Dec 21, 2012

My game stalls when the screen goes white and an exclamation mark appears in the windows 7.

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Windows 7 Disappeared?

Jul 22, 2012

The Dell Inspiron, with Windows 7, we bought our daughter last year worked fine until she left last May for an internship. We ran scan disc before the lap top was packed. When she arrived at her destinaction it did not work. According to the Geek squad, the hardware works fine, but there is not an operation system on the laptop. The laptop did not come with discs, but it has the Windows 7 label on the back with the product code. But when emailing Micrsoft support, they only want the PID which can't be retrieved from a computer that doesn't have an operating system.

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Windows 7 Disappeared From Mbr

May 11, 2011

I have had Windows 7 installed on my PC.Last night I installed Windows XP Professional (as i have some programs that do not work on 7) on my PC. I had intended it to be a sort of double boot with Windows 7 i.e. i wanted to have a boot selecter where i can choose whether to boot XP or 7. However my PC now directly boots into XP and does not allow me boot into 7.Is there a way to re-insert Windows 7 into the mbr so that i can have a choose which OS i want to boot?.

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Windows 7 System Restore Has Disappeared

Jan 11, 2013

my Windows 7 System restore has disappeared, I have Windows 7 HP 64bit and System Restore has suddenly disappeared from the Windows Start Menu. I usually go to the Windows Start Orb, Accessories, and it's listed under System Tools. Don't know when or why it disappeared. I heard that this was quite common, but no luck in finding a solution. Can you guide me on how to get it back? Also any explanation as to why this may have happened, so that in the future I can prevent it from happening again.

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Windows 7 200GB Just Disappeared On Computer

Aug 22, 2011

A week ago 200GB just disappeared on my computer. I found a file that is 188GB on my computer, but not a clue what it is. I found it using WinDirStat .

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Windows 7 Image Thumbnails Have Disappeared

Nov 14, 2011

About a week ago thumbnail images suddenly stopped showing (mainly .jpgs & .pngs) in several of my folders. It seemed to be fairly random across all folders & drives (2 partitions on C drive) whereby some display correctly within a folder but most now show as windows photo viewer icons.Images uploaded in "My Pictures Folder" on C drive are not affected.

I have done the obvious:-
1. in folder options > always show icons, never thumbnails (unchecked)
2. deleted & rebuilt the thumbnail cache
3. run malwares scans (system is clean)
4. done restores (Microsoft & Adobe updates)
5. selected medium icons to view . . .

Also, using the Windows Photo Viewer default preview pane no longer works if Id/click on an image it opens in a new window.I had been using Mystic Thumbs successfully for a while to enable me to see .svg, .pspimages & .psd files (as a graphic designer I want quick access to these) Uninstalling it hasn't made any difference.

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VMware Software Disappeared From Windows 7

Jan 22, 2012

I've installed last week VMware on my laptop with Windows 7 home premium edition (Italian version). Then I've installed XP professional (English version licenced) from my Cd. Everything was going fine. Today I would install an Xp software but on the programm list I cannot find the VMware software, it disappeared, I've looking in the Windows/programs to find an exe file for it without finding one.

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Windows 7 Visual Transparency Has Just Disappeared

Jan 30, 2012

My Windows 7 visual transparency has just disappeared. When I go to the personalize option, it tells me that "some features have been disabled by the administrator". I am the administrator. No other user! I've tried troubleshooting the aero transparency but to no avail. Please what can I do? How and where do I see whats disabled and not?

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