Clean Boot To Notebook Via Desktop Over PXE

Jul 21, 2012

I have an older Toshiba Tecra A5 notebook which does not have a built-in DVD drive, nor do I have an external DVD drive. BIOS does not support USB boot, but does have a PXE boot option.My desktop is an older Dell model with a working DVD, but no wireless capabilities. Both computers are running activated Win 7 Ultimate X86 and are connected through a wireless access point..Linksys WRT54Gv8: running firmware is micro dd-wrt. Both IP's are dynamic, but almost never change.Objective is to use Ultimate boot CD to completely wipe and re-partion the Tecra via the desktop, where Ultimate boot is located. Unable to employ ADHOC, desktop is not wireless, cannot afford to buy anything new, and I also enjoy a good challenge.I am looking for the most basic method, without using homegroup nonsense etc.

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Notebook Slows Down After Clean Boot

Dec 26, 2011

I did a clean boot(disabling startup items) a while ago and after reverting back to normal boot, my computer became pretty slow in doing certain things. I don't know if this has anything to do with my clean boot or if it was just coincidence that it happened then.

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Start Clean Install From BOOT UP OR DESKTOP

Oct 24, 2009

Can you load 2 family computers man & wives in one house and the third one (Fathers) in a second house ??

These Computers are all running Vista.

Thats 3 licences total & 3 family members.

I understand these are all Upgrades 3 The question is do the computers have to all be in the same house?

That seems stupid to me but who knows?

Also a clean install to me is loaded from the computer startup is Win 7 doing a clean install from Windows desktop?

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Sync From My Desktop Pc To My Notebook?

Jan 27, 2011

In last SEVEN days I've added music in WMP on my desktop pc. It took me so much because I watched out to get all of the artist, album, genre, year,etc... information correctly and believe me doing it with 70GB of music was pain in the a**. When I finally finished it, I wanted to transfer all the music (with all mp3 data) to My notebook WMP via LAN-cable and I couldn't do it. I only can transfer all the music to my notebook but when i add it to my WMP, files don't have the information mentioned above.

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Syncing A Tree Between Desktop And Notebook (both Windows 7)?

Sep 6, 2012

A colleague told me that he used to sync his notebook with his desktop PCby syncing a tree (in explorer?) and he was able to tell the sync to excludefiles below a ceratin directory (to reduce the amount of files being synced).That was under Windows XP.Now, he says, in Windows 7, he doesn't have this feature to stop at a certain directory level (depth)

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Up On Notebook?

Sep 11, 2012

Got a notebook with Windows 7 on it and all of a sudden it's started not booting up, I've tried running the operating system recovery, memory diagnostix and the various tools presented to me to try and fix the issue with no luck. It just sits at the black screen with the yellow bar running across the bottom and never boots up. Also tried safe mode but it just stops after loading disk.sys.Only way I can get on is if I reinstall Windows, first format all the drives then reinstall it - it works fine (boots up) but as soon as I shut down I can't get back on and I'm back to square one.Also tried an older operating system with no luck (it was running 7 for months before this issue).

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Way To Clean Desktop From Dust?

Mar 20, 2012

I need to know what I can use to make sure dust gets out/doesn't get into my computer. I've heard canned air, which I remember using for my old VCR few years ago, but I remember it didn't do so well which is why I'm cautious over using thata agin for my desktop.P.S. after a while of usage upon turning it on, give or take 3-4 hours in, I think I'm hearing the fan sound in a unusually way, but not in a good way, more like an okay/cautious way. It'll build up, after a while it'll go down. Hard to explain.

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Clean Windows For Desktop Folders?

Jul 2, 2011

Is there a way to get clean windows (folders) on the desktop, without all the navigation bars and icons? For about two decades, I've organized my Windows desktop with a handful of folders containing links to the most-used programs - sort of an always-up start menu. The folders are in Startup so they open on boot.Even with the navigation stuff on the left closed, the Windows 7 folders have too much stuff on the top and bottom.

Is there a way to get something that looks more like the classic Windows folder? They don't have to be consistent with the other folders, but they do have to be there all the time.

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Clean Install On A Dell Desktop?

Nov 9, 2012

I am going to be doing a clean install on a Dell desktop. I see on the Windows sticker that it says Windows 7 Pro OA.

Does OA mean some type of OEM installation?

Will that product key work if I install Windows 7 Pro from the iso file I got from the Digital River site?

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Blank Desktop Screen After Clean Up Virus?

Aug 25, 2012

my laptop got totally affected by different malwares,trojans..etc. So i used avira to scan my system and removed all the viruses it showed...but after rebooting a black desktop appeared with only cursor present and no icons n no wallpapers....cursor only moves no right-click..i did some searching on how to get my desktop screen back...n i tried Ctrl-Alt-Del..then new task n typing error mssg shows up saying u dont have permission..

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Samsung Notebook Keyboard Not Working And Stuck At Boot Screen?

Nov 4, 2012

I have this Samsung Notebook and after using it for certain time, the PC crashed giving DOS sounds. When I started the PC again, I was at the boot screen asking me to choose the OS. Although my keyboard didn't worked. Now my PC is somewhat a brick. How can I solve this issue? What's the best way to restart the keyboard?

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Clean Windows 7 Install-loading Files To Scrolling Progress Bar To Blank Desktop W/cursor?

May 5, 2010

When I try to do a clean install of Windows 7 I get the loading files white progress bar you normally get during an installation, it then goes directly to the scrolling progress bar that would normally appear before a Windows startup, and then goes to a blank Windows 7 desktop with only a cursor (that I can move).I have a computer with the following specs:[CODE]I have tried to install with every version I can get my hands on, both 32 and 64 bit. None of them are upgrade versions. I've tried installing on a fresh WD Raptor and an Intel G25 SSD. All other drives have been disconnected. I've moved my memory around and tried with one stick. My mainboard has the latest official BIOS, although there is a new beta.

I ran the Windows 7 compatibility test and didn't see anything that would cause this problem.I have searched the internet and have not been able to find a solution sonstalling Windows XP has never been a problem, just Windows 7, always with the same problem.This is one of the few times when I have not been able to look around a find an existing answer to a problem and I am stumped.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After (clean) Installation

Mar 29, 2012

After formatting and setting a new partition using the installation disk, I install Windows 7, all goes well. But as soon as the installation is finished and my laptop restarts, it wont boot from the HDD. I keep getting error messages saying:

Windows Boot Manager

Windows failed to start....
File: ootBCD
Status: 0xc000000e


A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as c:ootcd.backup.0001

However when i hit the "ok go ahead and fix it then!"-button i get another error saying Startup Repair cant save the new boot options. Anyone know if i can fix this problem with BCDedit or bootrec.exe

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Clean Install Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Won't Boot

Apr 1, 2011

I built 2 PCs with the following spec:

CPU: Core i5 2500
MB: Asrock H61M/U3S3 (revised esata issue fixed)
RAM: 4GB GSkill Ripjaw X (2 x 2GB)
PSU: 450W Thermaltake PSU
HDD: 1TB Seagate 7200 HDD
ODD: Samsung DVD Drive

On both PCs after a successful clean Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, starts windows for the first time etc etc ask me to select windows update setting, goes into windows desktop then does a auto restart (proper logging off restart etc). At this point, after bios screen when it attempts to boot from hdd the PC just resets inself and goes back to POST, over and over again. I've tried using only one stick of ram, tried using VGA to do a clean install again instead of DVI, tried changing my RAM to a lower clock speed, every other bios setting is default. I also tried updating to the latest bios and again did a clean install (delete and create partition) even tried installing x86 instead of x64.

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Updating Vista/Win7 Dual Boot With Clean

Aug 7, 2009

I have my current system with Vista x64 on the C drive dual-booting with Windows 7 RC installed on the F drive.

Is there a way to install the Windows 7 RTM to my C drive without destroying my Win 7 RC version? I want to leave it there until I have everything installed and working. Then I can format the F drive and start clean.

Or would it be better to just add the new Dual-boot to C drive and then remove the old Vista?

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Old PC New OS: Windows 7 Fails To Boot Using OEM DVD On Clean Hard Drive

Apr 6, 2012

I have a PC on which the hard drive died. I had previously done the Advisor and it said everything is OK for new install of Win 7 Home Premium.

I removed old hard drive and 2 gigs of memory (now 2 gigs installed) installed new hard drive, set appropriate ( i think) BIOS parms. When I start the DVD I get the 'loading files' message and the colorful logo then a blank screen with a large arrrow cursor -- and nothing. Wait 5, 10 15 minutes and the only hint of activity is the hard drive light is flickering about once every 2 seconds. I've now waited for over an hour and still nothing else.

I've tried to do all the things that have been suggested for others who have had problems but it hasn't helped. Machine is a Dell 4700C with 3.4 GHz processor , 2 gigs of memory, only keyboard, mouse, and monitor attached in addition to the hard drive.

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Boot Menu Shows Vista After Clean Install

Sep 21, 2009

I did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Vista Ultimate Boot Camp Partition (on my MacBook Pro), rather than an upgrade install.

Windows 7 told me that it would move Vista to a folder called Windows.old or something like that.

Fine. After everything was installed, I used Disk Cleanup to delete that folder, and the space was recovered on my partition

But when booting into Windows 7, I get a boot menu that seems to indicate Vista is still there.

So my question is, can I simply delete Entry 2? Or is there other remaining stuff from Vista still on my drive somewhere that I should also delete? What is the drive "Active Boot Partition"?

I wish Windows 7 gave an option to do a clean install WITHOUT keeping the old system around...The whole point of doing the clean install was to get rid of all the accumulated junk and start fresh.

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Unmountable Boot Volume Error On Clean Install?

Dec 6, 2012

The laptop was running slow and I decided it was time to clean things up and get her running like new again. Backed up everything and wiped the drive using KillDisk.Three and a half hours later when the process was done I popped in my Wndows 7 OEM disc only to be greeted with the dreaded Unmountable Boot Volume on that pretty blue screen . Tried several times but it's the same thing each time.

(Dell XPS 15, Western Digital 750GB hard drive)

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Safe Mode With Networking Works, But Clean Boot Does Not

Nov 24, 2009

I try to help people with internet connectivity issues. Lately, this has been bothering me a lot. You get into safe mode with networking (f8 at startup) and everything works fine.The connectivity is fine. Some people have slow browsing issues, they are sorted out in safe mode with networking. For some, the computer freezes up while browsing in normal mode, but works perfectly in safe mode with networking.

The next valid step in troubleshooting would be to perform a clean boot (How to configure Windows XP to start in a "clean boot" state) i.e. disable all of the startup items and services.

But, I've notices, quite a few times, this does not work. People have performed scans and found no viruses (so this means that we cannot attribute the cause to spyware).

My question is : Is there something we can do if a clean boot does not work?

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Notebook Desktop Icon All Change To Microsoft Word Icon Also The Extensions Change To LNK File (.lnk)?

Oct 27, 2012

my notebook desktop icon all change to Microsoft word icon also the extensions change to LNK file (.lnk) except my computer and recycle bin icon, I used windows 7 ultimate x64?

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Windows 7 64bit Slow/Long Boot After Clean Instal

Feb 9, 2012

I just reinstalled Windows 7 64bit from an OEM Disc i bought awhile ago for my system. Now that i have installed it, and updated it to the fullest, my boot time when windows is loading is really slow. 35-50 seconds to get to the Desktop. It used to take 5-15 seconds. I looked to see the Start-up services so i could disable extras, but being a clean install there wasnt any.

I also updated my BIOS, and the problem is still occurring. The Only things that are connected are my Mouse, Keyboard, and my External HDD (Which is unplugged when i boot up the system)

Here is my Configuration:

Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601) 3.20 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X4 840 Processor
16Gig of RAM
500Gig HDD ATI Radeon HD 5770 Graphics Card
Acer V223W [Monitor]
DVD RW Drive
Blu-Ray Drive
Internal Multi-Card Reader
730 Watt Raid Max PSU Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-880GMA-UD2H
Bus Clock: 200 megahertz
BIOS: Award Software International, Inc. F5 09/30/2010

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Useless Directories In User Directory & Clean Install Dual Boot Linux

Jun 11, 2011

I'm going to make a clean install of windows 7 and therefor have some question

1)As I want to make a dual boot install with a Linux distribution I thinking about the Partitioning. I want to make following Partitions: [code] Windows 7 also always creates this small 100MB system restore partition. So what would be the best way to prepare these Partions. I would use GParted Live CD to create the Partition in advance, that everything is the way I like it. But I'm not sure if this works without problems for the 100 MB system restore partition (lasts time I got 2 100 MB partitions)

2) I want to move the Users data to a separate partition and found this guides: User Profiles - Create and Move During Windows 7 Installation [2]=User%20Accounts User Folders - Change Default Location(Don't know which one I chose to do so till now) But I see in Windows 7 there are much more useless directories in the users home directory:I've already learned the new Library system, but I still want to use the Users directory. But there is a great mess. Is there a useful/possible way to prevent the directory to mess up with all the sub directories, often created by some apps, don't really using the directory. Or are you just ignore the users home directory? Usually I got about 5 to 8 sub-directories in each Directory for a tidy system to find everything and have a good ordered system.

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Disk - Clean And Clean All With Diskpart Command

Jan 3, 2010

How to Clean or Clean All a Disk with the Diskpart Command ?

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Windows Will Not Boot Even With Clean Install, Windows Repairs Fail, Repair Disc Won't Work

May 23, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-NW270F 15" laptop with Windows 7 (64 bit) Home Premium. 320 gb. Oh i'm also out of warranty.Computer always freezes at the point where it says "starting windows" and stays frozen. I even left it for alone for 24 hrs and it stayed on that screen.

Things I've tried:

1. I used safe mode to repair windows = just restarted in normal mode and froze at "windows is starting"

2. Used safe mode to restore to earlier point = could not to restore message

3. Created repair disc from another Vaio win 64 = froze at "windows is starting"

4. Used registry clean and malware bytes in safe mode = malware bytes found nothing & reg clean did nothing

5. Fresh install of windows 7 = windows bar loaded then froze at "windows is starting"

6. Reformatted hard drive & performed fresh install = windows bar loaded 7 froze at same point

7. Bought new Western digital 320 gb SATA Hard drive & tried install of win 7= same results

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Any Way Boot To Desktop

Jun 15, 2009

if there is a way to boot directly to the desktop in Windows 7 without clicking on my username on the login screen. I only have one user account and it's not password protected. The first 10 or so times I booted Windows it went directly to the desktop, but all of a sudden it started booting to the login screen and I can't find the settings to make it stop.

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PC Desktop Turns On But Won't Boot

Mar 15, 2012

Recently my computer started to show signs that the power supply wasn't working properly. Every time it was unplugged and plugged back to the outlet, a light in the back will blink and make a clicking noise. Two days ago it did it again, when I unplugged it and plugged back in. I unplugged everything from the computer and try turn it on, but it didn't work. I checked all the cables inside and everything seemed to be connected properly. I unplugged the main cable from the motherboard and plugged the power supply and light at the back stopped blinking and remain lit. I decided to plug the motherboard cable. After doing that, the computer started but now it won't boot. All fans are running and there are no clicking or beeping sounds.

COMPAQ Presario SR5210NX
Windows 7

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Slow Boot Into Desktop

Oct 27, 2012

I have been noticing a gradual increase in boot time to the desktop - not actually sure when it was relatively normal. However yesterday it took so long to get there ( 5 minutes plus), I though it was not going to boot up. Did eventually get there after a few reboots.

This morning it's still slow but at least I'm getting there. System seems fine once it's up and running. This is what I'm getting;

Black post screen - seems to take a while to initialise USB controllers - around 30 seconds or so. Goes onto Windows splash screen - sits there for around 20 seconds.

Screen then goes black - monitor says "no signal detected" - sits there for around 30 seconds Welcome screen appears with whirring thing in the middle - around 20 seconds

Desktop appears but can take around a minute to fully load. Going into event manager and viewing the ID 100 log shows;

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
Date: 27/10/2012 10:57:58


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[DESKTOP] Failed Boot?

Mar 14, 2011

I am running a desktop with Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. When I first power it on the normal BIOS posts and then Starting Windows just hangs, no 4 colored orbs that turn into the Windows logo. I can hit the reset button and it boots and runs fine. I have tried the Launch Startup Repair after the reset button but doesn't seam to do anything

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Unable To Boot-up The Desktop

Mar 19, 2012

i am unable to boot up my desktop.when i start up repair, it is showing unspecified change to system configaration might have caused this problem. am unable to reinstall my os. what to do?

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Desktop Icons Reloading Every Boot

Jun 16, 2012

I dunno whats going on, the icons on desktop refresh everytime the desktop loads (it does not repeat during session), these can be fast or slow and i have to remove them cos it will takes ages - they are already loaded...but then load again?

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Startup Repair At Boot - Can't Get To Desktop

May 24, 2009

I used windows update and updated my nividia 9600 drivers and now for the past couple days I have been unable to reach my desktop. It boots to startup repair and does a short scan then finally says it was unable to help will either shut down, restart or scan again. I've DL'd a vista repair to restore but it doesn't have any restore points and I was able to get onto a DE language linux version of my computer but haven't been able to fix it there, partly cus i cant read most of what im seeing.

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