Attempting Repairs Disk Errors Are Showing

Oct 1, 2012

The other day i started it up but it was stuck on starting windows so i tried restarting it and it put me in startup repair so i left it on for about 8 hours and it was stuck on the sam screen not changing at all so i turned it of and i just turned it back on about 2 hours ago and its doing the same thing. my HD has 1TB and it is a toshiba im not sure what model or whatever but can someone plz help do i wait for it 2 finish or do i get a new HD. and im sorry 4 any spelling mistakes.

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Installer Hanging Errors And Multiple Startup Repairs

May 23, 2011

I was told second hand by her that it was after a windows update install). I attempted startup repair multiple times with no real outcome until i swapped over my main os hdd and was then able to run startup repair on her hdd. From that point on I was able to run win 7 from either drive rather succesfully until the next day. I receieved a text message from the wife while I was at work stating windows updated again and startup was not possible ( thus again i have no idea what update it was). since that point I have been unable to even run startup repair.

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Two Repetitive Errors Routinely Showing Up In System Event Log

Dec 15, 2011

Friends I have two repetitive errors routinely showing up in my System Event log. I believe these to be Windows 7 networking policy errors in that it does not deal with a missing workgroup member correctly, but I could be wrong, obviously.

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Disk Errors

Dec 17, 2009

I tried to start-up the laptop and it got past the manufacturer logo (Compaq) and then showed a blank screen for about 1 minute before saying Windows Is Loading Files and then automatically starting Start-Up Repair which tries to repair disk errors. I leave it for an hour and a bit and it's still completing.

Checked Task Manager (Repair Your Computer> Command Prompt> TASKMGR) and it was just stuck on about 356,761K of memory, so I shut down and got my Hiren Boot CD and tried opening Partition Magic, which had a Partition Table Error #105 and when I went to Format and Create New Partitions, and then Apply All Changes I got Error #4. So finally I tried some other partition manager and I got some partitions made.

I went and got my Build 7077 Windows 7 CD and tried to install, it boots to the DVD, but it detects no hard drives, although when I choose where to boot from in BIOS, it sees my 200GB hard disk fine. I HAVE NO DISK DRIVERS OR ANY CDs!!!!! Same happens with my 64-Bit RTM disk and my Vista disk. Windows XP hangs on "Inspecting 199,920 MB.

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No Disk In Drive Errors?

Jan 26, 2013

Lately I've been receiving "No Disk" errors when I start up my computer. It appears to be "NoBuClient.exe" and "CCC.exe" that result in the "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drivedeviceharddisk6dr6" error during startup. "Dropbox.exe" and "Acrobat.exe" have also been noted to give the same "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drivedeviceharddisk6dr6" upon launch as well.Is there any way to stop the errors from happening?

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Dynamic Disk Status Errors

Feb 20, 2010

After dual booting my drive, it was suddenly changed to an offline dynamic disk. My problem is, I can turn it back online, but it gives me the status of "errors" I checked around for the past 12 hours, and everything says the same thing, turn it back online (it is) Reactivate it (That command is grayed out) Use Dynamic disk converter 2.1 (Says offline even though CMD says it is online)

Now, I am a bit frustrated, after 6 hours or so, my entire PC crashed, I did nothing special to cause this but hey it did. When I would boot up it would give "error loading OS" I checked all my drives, they're working PERFECTLY fine so I have no idea what is causing this. After I inserted my Windows 7 CD it seems to boot up fine now. I have two separate drives, one to handle my main OS being Windows 7 and the other to handle all my media which is the one that I cannot access anymore.

After reading dozens of articles I cannot find any solid answer that work for my case.

I am using the Windows 7 disk manager not a third party program, also, I have read all the 'help' from the microsoft website there is to deal with this problem. But nothing seems to work.

To help literate a bit more this is what my Disk Manager looks like:

Disk 0 Primary partition
38 GB

Disk 1


When right clicked on Disk 1 everything is Grayed out except properties, help, and Offline.

I don't know if any of this information will be of any help, I am trying to literate as much as I possibly can and give any evidence that might help.

Anyways, this entire thing has given me a huge headache and I have a huge term paper due x_x...

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Errors After I Start Programs (corrupted Disk)?

Oct 27, 2011

When I started my computer today windows was unable to full start. It got the the colorful welcome screen, and froze. I restarted and it went to chkdsk.So i ran chkdsk because it was highly recommended when I started my computer today.After a good 30 minutes it finally ended and told me a few files were unreadable and a few were deleted, scanned, etc. here is an image to help show what I mean:Afterwards, when I attempted to run Google Chrome, and a few other programs, I obtained an error message at the bottom of the screen, and when i clicked on the balloon, to hopefully get a reason or options on how to fix it, I got nothing and it popped up again, and again, and again.It is not stopping anything, it is not ending a program or closing any; it is just annoying and a little uneasing on my part of keeping this computer running.Here is an image to help express exactly what I see: how I could just turn the alert balloon off, but I would like a complete fix, not just 'duct tape'.Also, I have been getting this whenever i try to 1 uninstall a program and when I try to save an image/file:

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Disk Volume Errors Detected Windows 7?

Oct 19, 2012

i keep geting this poping up on scan my speed is dead shoud be at 16Mbs , its at 157kbs it slowing every thing i think . i have a new modem router a netcom nb604n

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Changed Windows 7 64bit To 32bit - Disk Errors

Feb 26, 2012

I have done a clean 32 bit Win 7 install over a previous 64 bit install on the C partition. The D partition was not touched but now is inaccessible as is my external USB hard drive. Both are NTFS and up until yesterday had no errors or problems. It is a 64 to 32 bit problem or access permissions?

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No OS Being Found After Startup And Repairs

Aug 15, 2011

i have windows 7 64 bit. it would get to the "Starting Windows" screen with the little pulsing logo and then freeze there forever. after forcing a shutdown once or twice it began attempting repairs. it would run checkdisk and find corrupted file and delete them. this happened several times at boot up. often it would freeze after this and not let me enter repair screen. so i loaded up the win 7 disk and tried to repair it from the disk. lo and behold it is not finding an installed copy of win 7. does this mean my os is gone? corrupted? could my hard drive have failed? i dont think its the memory but i have not been able to see the memcheck results since i cant boot up. is there anything i can do or must i reinstall windows. i dont want to loose all my files but do i have any other option?

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[System Restore] Check Disk Has Errors, Unable To Show Signal Bars On Taskbar?

Aug 26, 2012

As you may see I am connected to the internet but I cannot see the signal bars on the laptop information:Toshiba Satelite M645 S4070Windows 7 Home Premium. 64-bitI also cannot do a system restore of the check disk error i am seeing.below is an image of the results:[CODE]

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System Restore Other Repairs Not Working

Apr 3, 2012

So my computer was doing fine. It started acting a little slow, so I decided to shut it down and give it a rest. When I turned it on, this is what came up. Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically.

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Never Ending System Repairs Loop

Dec 15, 2012

I have a hp mini 110 and just recently did updates, installed AVG and iTunes along with other programs and shut down but when I powered up again I get a message from American Megatrends asking ,e to press F1 to run a setup of so,e kind which leads me to a never ending loop of system repair over and over again every time I power up.I have my window 7 disk and even with that I can't seem to bring it to the desk top screen.

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UKash RCMP Virus Repairs

Jan 14, 2013

what the best way to validate the security of the system is.I managed to disable and remove the main gist of this guy using MSconfig and tracking down the exe, but one lasting point of concern for me is the rundll32.exe file.That was what this particular virus was using to activate - it was passing a parameter to rundll32.exe in the following manner: rundll32. exe, wsdwsdwsdwsd.exe Now, I have triple scanned the infected computer with Avast, Avast Boot scan, and Malware bytes. At this point, they are all coming up negative for infected files, but again, that rundll32.exe file strikes me as off. I arbitrarily tried passing it a similar .exe file path parameter to something harmless, to no avail, so I'm wondering if the file was compromised. I would like to get rid of this infection entirely, but I want to know if anyone has suggestions as to the best way to verify file integrity.If it is compromised, any suggestions on how to replace it with a legitimate rundll32.exe? It's on a commercial laptop, but I do have a W7 OEM disk lying around.

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Hard Disk Not Showing After Installation?

Nov 7, 2012

English is not my first language but i m trying to express my problem, i had a system with windows7 OS then i installed Ubuntu as a dual boot system but some thing happens it removed windows 7 from list. When i used Ubuntu i don't liked it very much so once again change to windows 7 environment... but now my whole drive is not showing , it showing only partial drive. note i don't have any PC to make my hard disk secondary.

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Explorer Is Showing Incorrect Disk Usage

Nov 14, 2011

I am using Windows 7 (x64) and I am getting incorrect disk usage reporting through Explorer. I am looking at a 1TB disk, which with partitioning considered is showing as a 931GB disk - however even though I am using only 421GB of the disk space Windows 7 (Explorer) is showing that there is only 202GB free on the disk.As you can see above I selected all of the files on the disk, right clicked, selected Properties, and the results of my enquiry are shown (superimposed over the Explorer view).

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Second Harddrive Not Showing In Bios/disk Management

Dec 10, 2011

So I am here because I am having some hard drive problems. Firstly for my Primary drive i am still running my old 250gb Hard drive (with windows already installed on this drive). Secondly, for my slave drive i have a Samsung Spinpoint 1TB Hard drive that wont display in my bios or in disk management. The 1TB drive seems to spin up fine etc. but i just can get it to display. i can format this new disk. Also i must add that my motherboard is an ASUS p8z68-v-pro board.

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External HDD Showing As Offline In Disk Management

Jun 14, 2011

Computer on my work bench that I use to look up answers on google and download drivers or other software for customers computers that im fixing. I also have an IDE and SATA to USb adaptor to hook up a hard drive to the computer. I use this to run disk checks on the drive or to backup data. This computer has Win XP for years, but it started having more and more random issues so I decided to wipe it and install win 7. ever since doing this I'm running into a problem form time to time.

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Disk Manager Not Showing New Partition Arrangement

Jan 20, 2013

I used Gparted to shrink the windows partition and create other partitions for a dual boot. Windows seems to be find except that disk manager does not reflect the changes, and defragmenter will not work at all?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Windows Is Showing Wrong Disk Space In C Drive?

Sep 11, 2011

I have one more problem with my laptop this time . i have a Dell xps 15 , i re partitioned it and made my C drive of 141 GB . i installed all the required application and from the last few days i was watching the there is less space in my C drive than it should be there. i checked out the properties and found out that only 32.6 GB of disk space is utilized out of 141 so there should be around 108 GB free instead it shows me that only 92.9 gb is free .i cleared out the temp folder and there is nothing except 3-4 files which is of some Kbs . then where is the rest 15 GB gone ? is there a virus in my pc which is eating up the space ? i am really freaked out

i have a genuine windows 7 ultimate and microsoft security essential and it is updated and i scanned it and found nothing . btw there is something more , few hours ago there was 94.8 GB free , i installed a game in another drive and i removed it after 2-3 minutes coz i didn't liked it , so after un installing the game i saw there there was 93.4 GB left in my c drive again , i removed files from the temp folder but nothing happened and now there is just 92.9 gb left ! what is happening ! i am really freaked out now

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BSOD On Startup, Several Startups And Repairs Required To Boot Windows?

Jul 7, 2012

This is my first custom built computer. I've had the same similar problem for the past year. I have continuous problems starting up and BSOD. My computer will not start up properly at times. It also seems like this problem happens if my computer is off, not in sleep mode, for longer than 24 hours. It involves several restarts. I've checked my hard drive and memory for bad sectors and not found anything. I've run both the memtest and the windows memory test several times and found no problems.There was one post I found on a seperate site that talked about ASRock m/b having problem with Ram voltage so I've manually changed the BIOS to be the voltage required for the Ram. Seemed like it fixed it temporarily but quickly started getting more BSOD.Recently updated AMD drivers and was completely unable to get into Windows. When I restored the system to before the AMD updates I was able to get into Windows.

Some of the BSOD:Bad_Pool_Header Bug_Code Memory_Management

Below are my system specs:Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2GHz Socket AM3 95W Quad-Core Motherboard: ASRock 890GX PRO3 AM3+ AMD 890GX RAM: 4 GB - Patriot G Series �Sector 5� Edition 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 Hard Drive: 2 TB - HITACHI Deskstar 7K2000 Graphics Card: Visiontek 900299 Radeon HD 4670 Graphic Card - 750 MHz Core - 1 GB DDR3 SDRAM - PCI Express 2.0 x16 - 1600 MHz Memory Clock - 2560 x 1600 - CrossFireX DVD Drive: ASUS 24X DVD Burner Windows 7 . . . - x86 (x64) - Professional - Full retail version - Age of system (hardware)? 1 Year - What is the age of OS installation - 1 Year (reinstalled once)

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Data Not Showing In Explorer But Shows As Partition In Disk Management

Mar 17, 2011

I installed partition magic to format a external HDD with the FS FAT32 since ps3 supports only FAT32 but to my dismay D: where I have all my data does not show up on explorer it shows up in disk management with the size of the disk 115.7 GB unable to explore add or change drive letter PS help..I installed recover partition and all the files shows up but I dont have an option to recover...

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0MB Flash Drive - Partition Type RAW Showing In Disk Management

Jun 3, 2011

How to force format a flash drive? I have an 8gb flash drive and I plugged it in to a speaker that plays mp3 songs. But after unplugged it, my flash drive prompts "Please insert disk" and 0mb in my computer. I tried to view it with disk management and I saw its partition type was RAW.

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Formatting Of Windows 7 32 Bit - Hard Disk Showing Unusable Space?

Jan 6, 2012

I had installed ubuntu 10.10 on my lap Dell N5010 model recently, After few days i got blue screen error message then i decided to format my hard disk, with a windows 7 ultimate version which i got through internet. then i thought to format the system completely so while installing i went to advanced disk options and deleted all drives when i did this the drive which has name primary is detected after installation. the drivers which are under category of logical are not getting displayed in my computer and also in partition manager it is showing as unusable space.

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Windows 7 Installation - Hard Drive Showing As Removable Disk

Jan 6, 2012

After installing Windows 7 on my PC all my hard disks(4) are display as removable disks in the icon of safely remove hardware on the taskbar. Is it related with enabling ACHI mode on my system?

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Windows Will Not Boot Even With Clean Install, Windows Repairs Fail, Repair Disc Won't Work

May 23, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-NW270F 15" laptop with Windows 7 (64 bit) Home Premium. 320 gb. Oh i'm also out of warranty.Computer always freezes at the point where it says "starting windows" and stays frozen. I even left it for alone for 24 hrs and it stayed on that screen.

Things I've tried:

1. I used safe mode to repair windows = just restarted in normal mode and froze at "windows is starting"

2. Used safe mode to restore to earlier point = could not to restore message

3. Created repair disc from another Vaio win 64 = froze at "windows is starting"

4. Used registry clean and malware bytes in safe mode = malware bytes found nothing & reg clean did nothing

5. Fresh install of windows 7 = windows bar loaded then froze at "windows is starting"

6. Reformatted hard drive & performed fresh install = windows bar loaded 7 froze at same point

7. Bought new Western digital 320 gb SATA Hard drive & tried install of win 7= same results

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Error When Attempting To Get WEI

Mar 18, 2009

After I upgrade installed 7057 on top of 7000, I got the following error message when attempting to have the system rated for WEI: Could not measure storage performance.

The disk cannot be accurately assessed while write caching is disabled. Before re-running the Disk assessment, check the Device Manager option to enable write caching.

I attempted to get the write caching enabled, but error message said "Windows could not change the write-caching setting for this device."

Any remedy?

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Attempting To Use TV As Second Screen

Sep 29, 2011

I have an GeForce GTX 570. It has two DVI ports. I'm attempting to connect my TV to my computer using a component cable (using a component-DVI adapter), however, when I attempt to do this, the TV flashes black/blue.

The TV recognizes a second monitor, as I can see a second screen under "screen resolution". When I was turning off my PC, strangely, I could see the shutdown sequence on the TV (the picture was wavy/flickering though).

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BSOD When Attempting To Sent Attachments?

Jan 23, 2013

As of yesterday when ever I attempt to upload a file or an attachment by email or site request I am hit by instant BSOD! I have a compressed file of all logs on my desktop but unble to upload for your scrutiny as blocked by BSOD!

How can I get file to you? PC works well in all other aspects,and restarts after BSOD without a problem.

Only change to system was recent upgrade of Canon Pixma printer 3000 to all in one Canon printer Pixma 499....using the new printer/scanner/copier/ets,I carried out my first ever scan to this PC.It could be coincidental,but problem began after that!

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Attempting To Set Up Dual Monitors?

Aug 29, 2011

im trying to set up dual monitors. Right now i have my main monitor as my LCD tv, and i have a vga splitter from my only vga port sending out two vga cables, one to my tv and the other to the monitor my computer came with. im trying to use the monitor it came with as my second monitor where i can do things on both, but its only cloned from my main one. when i go into control panel> appearance and personalization> display > display settings > detect , it will not find my second monitor. So do u need 2 vga ports for this to work? or is there anything i can download that would allow me to use the second monitor as its own and not a clone? this probably sounds really confusing so if i have to reword it i will, just trying to find out if im wasting my time by trying to do this

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