Changed Windows 7 64bit To 32bit - Disk Errors

Feb 26, 2012

I have done a clean 32 bit Win 7 install over a previous 64 bit install on the C partition. The D partition was not touched but now is inaccessible as is my external USB hard drive. Both are NTFS and up until yesterday had no errors or problems. It is a 64 to 32 bit problem or access permissions?

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Boot 64bit Windows 7 On 32bit Processor Installed On 64bit

Mar 2, 2011

Can I boot Windows 7 64bit on a 32bit processor if the Windows installation took place on a 64bit processor?

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BSOD Errors In Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 6, 2012

I've just installed the full retail version of Windows 7 64bit and am having regular BSOD crashes and 'Recovered from a serious error' messages. Hardware is 1 year old (Intel DH67GD) i2500K, 12 GB RAM).

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Outlook 2003 Errors Running On Windows 7 64bit

Jan 28, 2012

I am trying to load/run Outlook 2003 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I was able to load it and move over my pst files from my old machine but every time I open outlook I get an ( outlook.exe error - no hard drive).

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Random BSOD With Lots Of Different Errors Running Windows 7 64bit

Sep 20, 2012

My laptop is BSOD'ing at random times and seems to throw up different reasons. The most popular seems to be Memory Management & Driver IRQL Equal or Less errors. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5750 Running windows 7 64bit.

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Windows 7 64bit Computer Running Super Slow - No Errors

Apr 15, 2012

First off my power supply went out. It was a 450watt one I ordered and replaced it with a 750watt power supply. After I replaced the power supply, my computer would not boot, When the power supply went out it was in the middle of updating windows. So I formatted the hard drive and did a clean install of windows, reloaded all my drivers and extra programs. At that point my computer was running great.

I decided to uninstall Bing tool bar, and windows live sign in assistant. it prompted my to reboot. When I rebooted the computer, after about 30 minutes it still had not come up to the desktop, I could boot up in safe mode and it would run fine. I did a system restore, no change, I did a start up repair, no change, Tested the memory it came back fine.

At that point and reformatted the hard drive again, I had another hard drive formatted it and put the install CD in and after 8 hours it is still trying to install Windows 7, No errors just really really slow. So I have replaced the power supply, hard drive, and ran a memory test with no errors, done a clean install of windows. Running Windows 7 64 bit, 4 gig of Ram, 2.8 dual core processor, 1 gig video card, 500 gig hard drive.

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Disk Volume Errors Detected Windows 7?

Oct 19, 2012

i keep geting this poping up on scan my speed is dead shoud be at 16Mbs , its at 157kbs it slowing every thing i think . i have a new modem router a netcom nb604n

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Changed Hardware, Now Won't Boot Off Hdd Or Disk

Dec 14, 2011

I just installed a new motherboard, CPU, memory, and video card into my computer. I'm not looking to salvage my old OS install, and have all important data backed up, so I planned to just put the hardware in and boot off my windows disk to do a format and reload. However no matter what I do I can't get windows setup or an OS to load. When loading the installer it locks up at the windows splash screen. I've tried booting off the hdd and it does the same thing. I tried it in safe mode and it locks up before it finished loading all the files. I also tried booting mini XP off my Hirens 15 disk and that locks up at the splash screen too.

So at this point I ran memtest to see if it was my ram causing problems but it all tested ok. how to boot off my disk so I can format and reload?

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Asus Eee Pc 1005p Hard Disk Was Changed

May 28, 2012

my asus eee pc 1005p netbook's hard disk 250 gb was broken so it was replaced by a new 160 gb hard disk and install windows 7 ultimate on it. everything went fine except for my touch pad and intel VGA. I already tried to download and install different programs: For the touchpad: from ASUS website download: ETDWare setup application (ETD8_0_5_3_ps2drv_WHQL and TP-S-13_2_6_1) and also Synaptic (Synaptics_v14_0_16) but still the touchpad won't work!

And for the intel VGA: VGA-TNM10-V8_14_10_1929_Win7, VGA-V8_14_10_2117 both from ASUS download center Intel_VGA_Pineview_Driver_V814_10_2364_for_W7 from intel download center I wanted my touchpad to work and improve my VGA..

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Few Weird Errors With Win7 64bit

Jun 20, 2009

Ok using my system as normally, then just few hours ago, some odd things started to happen.

Firstly cannot alt-tab, it just doesn't stay, secondly I can't get the preview of the application on the task bar won't appear correctly. Each time I move the mouse on task bar, the preview flickers as it were.

Now the last things I installed on my system was Firefox RC1 and new nVidia drivers, now removed RC1 of firefox, updated the drivers as I thought it was a graphical error but no luck, anyone else the same issues?

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Win 7 64bit Extreme Compatibility Errors

Aug 10, 2009

Ok, so i'm going to attempt to describe in detail what exactly is happening here.

My computer has 2 hard drives. One is a 320gb SATA and the other, a 180gb PATA.

I've had windows XP professional SP3 installed on the 180gb HDD for a very long time with absolutely no problems. The main use of the 320gb HDD was storage.

A couple of months ago i decided to give Win7 a whirl so i downloaded the 7100 RC 64bit build. I backed up the data on the 320gb HDD, i formatted and i installed win7. After some time, for absolutely no reason, my steam client running on winXP stopped running. Every time i try to start it i get a "Fatal Error: Failed to load platform modules".

"Why is this relevant?" you might ask. Well, the same time steam stopped working, WIN7 started giving me EXTREME compatibility errors...

What do i mean by extreme? Well, absolutely nothing works. I can't start notepad, i can't start MSpaint, i can't start any EXE whatsoever because every time i get an error telling me that the program ws not designed for the current operating system i'm using. I can't remember the error by heart but i know it's a compatibility issue. The OS boots fine, i just can't use anything on it.

This has happened 3 times now. Every time the same thing. I format both HDD's, i install win xp and everything i need on it, then i install win7 64 bit and install everything i need there aswell and then after 2 or 3 weeks of absolutely smooth and trouble free OS goodness, everything goes to hell. I have no idea what's happening or why. I really need help since i can't live through another 2 formats/installs/backup moves and such.

Feel free to demand any further info and i will be more than happy to provide it.

here's some basic info on my PC specs:

CPU: intel core 2 duo E6750 @ 2,66Ghz (OC'd to 2,85Ghz)

GPU: nVidia 9500 GT

MoBo: ConRoe 1333-D667 Rev. 01 (this one)

RAM: 4gb (2x 2GB Kingston KVR667D2N5/2G) 2gb PC2 5300 CL5 240-pin DIMM

Hard Drives: 1x Western Digital (WDC WD1600JB-00GVC0) PATA

1x Hitachi (HDT725032VLA360) ATA

i recently bought the 4GB of ram only to find out that my mobo only handles 3,2 GB of that, the rest being used for something i still dont know (no not extra GPU memory)..

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Disk Errors

Dec 17, 2009

I tried to start-up the laptop and it got past the manufacturer logo (Compaq) and then showed a blank screen for about 1 minute before saying Windows Is Loading Files and then automatically starting Start-Up Repair which tries to repair disk errors. I leave it for an hour and a bit and it's still completing.

Checked Task Manager (Repair Your Computer> Command Prompt> TASKMGR) and it was just stuck on about 356,761K of memory, so I shut down and got my Hiren Boot CD and tried opening Partition Magic, which had a Partition Table Error #105 and when I went to Format and Create New Partitions, and then Apply All Changes I got Error #4. So finally I tried some other partition manager and I got some partitions made.

I went and got my Build 7077 Windows 7 CD and tried to install, it boots to the DVD, but it detects no hard drives, although when I choose where to boot from in BIOS, it sees my 200GB hard disk fine. I HAVE NO DISK DRIVERS OR ANY CDs!!!!! Same happens with my 64-Bit RTM disk and my Vista disk. Windows XP hangs on "Inspecting 199,920 MB.

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Transition From XP 32bit To Windows 7 64bit

Mar 28, 2012

I'm changing operating systems to take advantage of the 8g of ram resident on my new machine. Currently it's running XP in 32 bit mode. What kind of problems can and will I encounter by doing this and what is the best approach to be successful here.

i7 2600K
NV 560Ti
Corsair Vengence 4x 2gb

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Windows 7 32bit Or 64bit For Use With MS Office?

Oct 9, 2012

I will be getting windows 7, and MS office for both computers. Mom will get basic office, I will one more advanced, the one with MS publisher. I was reading MS office site, that said get MS office 32 bit, because a lot of the extras do not work in 64 bit version.

can I run Windows 7 64bit on my computer, then add MS office 32 bit and run the 32 bit software from Windows 7 64? Or does both Windows 7 ( the OS) and MS office (the program) both need to be the same bit version?

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Windows 7 64bit Acting Like 32bit?

Dec 25, 2012

i have the 64 bit win 7 installed in an alienware m17x r2 laptop. i have 4 gb mem installed. for some reason, windows is only registering 2.9gb installed. i have ran my mem diagnostics from the bios screen and both mem sticks come up as good. is there a reason i dont have access to my total ram?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 2932 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4870, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 223434 MB, Free - 67556 MB;
Motherboard: Alienware,
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011, Updated and Enabled

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Upgrade Windows 7 32bit To 64bit?

Mar 20, 2011

Currently, I have Windows 7 32 bit installed on my Dell Studio 15 laptop. I originally had Windows Vista, but upgraded to Windows 7 Professional 32 bit for free during an event on my college campus. My laptop is however, 64 bit capable, so I'd like to upgrade to 64 bit. I realize this entails a clean install and I'm ok with that, however I have no idea of how to do that! I don't have any upgrade discs because the upgrade was done for me at the event. I have located my product key by downloading an application online that found it for me. Now, is there a (relatively) pain-free way for me to install Windows 7 64 bit on my capable computer, even though its 32 bit right now and I lack installation discs?

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How Do Change Windows 7 32bit To 64bit

Apr 13, 2012

How do i change from windows 7 32bit to 64bit?Do I have to reinstall, i have no windows 7 disc it came already on my computer.If i do have to reinstall how do i do it and what about my norton and other programs etc how to i save them?

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Is 32bit Windows 7 Better Than 64bit For Most Purposes

May 8, 2012

This is just a personal opinion and others may very well disagree. But I think Windows 7 64-bit is better than 32-bit simply because of the ability to make better use of installed memory. A 32-bit machine is limited to 4GB minus whatever memory might be set aside for graphics, etc. Most folks see about 3-3.5GB of usable RAM on a 32-bit machine. If your machine is upgradeable (or came with) more than 4GB RAM then 64-bit is the way to go.Memory - Set Maximum Amount Used by Windows 7..As far as using older legacy XP programs you could try running them in compatibility mode. Compatibility Mode.

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Is Windows Xp Professional Better On 32bit Or 64bit

Nov 12, 2012

is windows xp professional better on 32bit or 64bit .i be trying xp and i have 2 install cd .one 32 and one 64 so what do thing?

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Upgrading Of Windows 7 32bit To 64bit

Apr 24, 2011

I know that one copy of windows 7 can only activate one computer. I have two, one already with windows 7 32bit installed and one without windows 7. I plan on buying a new one, installing windows 7 on my second computer and upgrading windows 7 to 64bit on the other. If I upgrade, will windows use the old activation key or require me to enter a new one, because that computer came with windows 7 32bit so I don't have the disc.

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Transferring From XP Pro 32bit To Windows 7 64bit?

Oct 21, 2011

I have purchased a new laptop with Windows 7 64bit pre-install. It is replacing my old XP Pro 32bit laptop. What do I need to do to transfer files and programs from the older XP Pro 32 bit laptop to the new Win-win 64 bit laptop?

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32bit Drivers On Windows 7 64bit

Feb 9, 2012

is it okay to have 32 bit drivers on windows 7 64 bit? sorry, newbie here and btw what are the cons of running 32 bit applications on 64 bit?

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Install Windows 7 64bit Instead Of 32bit?

Aug 23, 2012

I have Windows 7 32bit with an upgrade disc (so it only has the 32bit on it) and I would like to put 64bit on. I don't care about my data or programs (they are backed up) but I am wondering where I could get iso images and whether my product key will work.

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Best Way To Upgrade From Windows 7 32bit To 64bit?

Sep 8, 2012

I had Vista on my PC and upgraded to Windows 7 32bit via the Retail Upgrade version of Windows 7 Home Premium (which contains both 32bit &64bit upgrade discs).I want to now do a clean install to Windows 7 64bit, can I use the 64bit upgrade disc supplied with the Retail version I already have or do I have to purchase a full version of Windows 7 64bit?

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How To Upgrade Windows 7 32bit To 64bit

Dec 27, 2012

I have a laptop that is perfectly compatible with 64-bit (I've verified it and I am very sure). I have installed a 32 bit version of windows 7. Now how to upgrade to 64-bit...? Remember, my installation dvd has no installation files for 64-bit.

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Windows 7 64bit Or 32bit On Old Laptop

Dec 26, 2009

I am new to this forum and looking for some opinions. I recently built a new desktop and installed Win 7 64bit and it was a walk in the park. So now I am going to upgrade the wife's laptop. It is a HP Pavilion zv6270us. It has a Athlon 64 3500+ at 2.0GHz with 2GB DDR PC2700 Cl 2.5 333mhz memory. I dual booted Win 7 RC 64bit to test and had a few driver problems since HP won't support this unit for Win 7.

I was able to use some Vista drivers with a hack to get the sound working. Only thing not working is the Fax Modem which I never use. We use the laptop for E-Mail, Web browsing and wife is addicted to "Bejeweled 2" which runs fine under Win 7 64.

I was thinking of installing Win 7 32bit and wondering if 64bit was worth the effort as far as bootup time and performance. I was thinking 32bit might have better drivers and might even perform better.

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Upgrading From Windows 7 32bit To 64bit?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to upgrade my windows 7 32 bit installation to 64bit so I can add some extra ram to my system, but I was wondering if I do a backup on my 32bit install, format the drive, and then install 64 bit windows 7 and recover from the backup will it work? Can you use a 32 bit backup on a 64 bit machine?

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Difference Between Windows 7 32bit And 64bit?

Jan 29, 2012

Can someone tell me the difference between the Windows 7 32bit and the 64bit?

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Run Windows 7 (32bit) Software On (64bit)?

Dec 2, 2011

I just had a new laptop with Windows 7 (64bit) installed, most of my software that i was running on my old windows 7 (32bit) was managed, and now they are running very well on my new machine, but only one software (QQ Messenger), I've been using this messenger for like 3 years, n i canot imagine stop using it jst cuz of this (32-64)

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Use 32bit Product Key For 64bit Windows 7?

Nov 26, 2011

I recently purchased a Mac Mini but wanted to utilize Windows (specifically windows version of Microsoft Office) so I had my girlfriend pick up a Windows 7 DVD from school. My Mac Mini has 8 GB of RAM but she picked up a Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit DVD. I have already installed the OS and I have found out that only 2.16 GB of the 8 GB RAM is usable. If I were to reformat my partition and install a 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate over my current 32-bit Ultimate would I be able to utilize the same 32-bit product key? I am concerned either the 32-bit key is connected with a 32-bit version or Microsoft will not let me validate the 64-bit addition because they will think I am trying to use the product key on two different systems.

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Run 32bit On 64bit Windows 7 Temporary?

Apr 2, 2011

I have windows 7 ulitmate 64bit and I need to run a 32bit program for a short while. I thought that windows 7 would allow a 32bit program to run, but I can't seem to get it to work.

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