Error When Attempting To Get WEI

Mar 18, 2009

After I upgrade installed 7057 on top of 7000, I got the following error message when attempting to have the system rated for WEI: Could not measure storage performance.

The disk cannot be accurately assessed while write caching is disabled. Before re-running the Disk assessment, check the Device Manager option to enable write caching.

I attempted to get the write caching enabled, but error message said "Windows could not change the write-caching setting for this device."

Any remedy?

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Receive Error Message When Attempting To Download

Feb 18, 2012

Receive error message when attempting to download

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Get An Error Code 8007371B When Attempting To Install Update

Aug 10, 2011

Get an error code 8007371B when attempting to install this update. Tried the Microsoft FIXIT in both Simple and Advanced Mode. No luck! Also tried downloading the update and installing manually with no success!

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Memory Management Error When Attempting To Install Windows 7 64-bit?

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to use all the 4 GB of RAM that I have for my computer so I decided to "upgrade" to 64-bit. The only problem is that when I boot from the installation CD I get a memory management error. I know that my CPU is 64-bit capable as well as my video card. As for everything else I am not sure of. What is a way to fix this problem because I desperately need to upgrade to 64-bit.

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Version Not Compatible Error When Attempting To Launch Winword.exe?

Jan 10, 2012

System/software Info: On a fairly new Toshiba labtop. Windows 7 Home Premium Addition (64-bit). Microsoft Office 2010. All worked.Issue:Now when I attempt to open word documents or even word, itself, I receive the following error:"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running.Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.- Antivirus run was clear.- I'm able to launch other 2010 programs/files (like Excel, Powerpoint) without issue.- Confirmed file associations appear to be normal.- Attmepted to launch word in safe mode -- same error

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Attempting To Reinstall .NET Framework Fatal Error (0x80070643)?

Nov 8, 2011

A couple of my programs/games would not launch giving me a similiar error. After some research I believed it was a problem with .NET, well now I can't reinstall it. I've tried numerous things that have been mentioned on this forum. I'm going to copy and paste the error log that Framework gives me.[CODE]

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Windows 7 - I / O Error When Attempting To Format 250GB Drive

Dec 10, 2011

I have a 250gb drive that has not been formatted. I have an old H45 Tech enclosure from 10+ years ago, and had placed it in there to prep for NAS, as the NAS was not recognizing it either. Because I could not get it to read in the h45 box-- I was able to get it to format 128gb's of it, but I wanted the whole thing formatted to use all of the drive, so, I bought a dynex 3.5" disc enclosure, it just arrived today, and while it read, and installed on my laptop, it would not allow me to format it. In going into storage mgmt, it said that it was not allocated, and asked me to select an option-- mbr, or as a secondary.

In looking at the notes, it said that the secondaries are only good for larger than 2tb drives. So, I selected the mbr, and got a message stating there is an i/o error in attempting to format it. Now, in plugging it in to check the message for specifics, it won't even recognize it, so now I can't even get to tell you the specific message. The pins are set to read cable select. I'm running Win7 Ultimate on a GW-M285 convertible, 500gb drive, 4gb ram.

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Error Occurred While Wizard Attempting To Change Password

Oct 8, 2012

When attempting to reset a password using a USB, after a new password is put in, it says "an error had occurred while the Wizard was attempting to change the password.

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Attempting To Create A Backup System Image / Not Enough Space Error

Mar 18, 2012

I'm belatedly trying to create my first system recovery backup, on a system which I first installed Windows back in November 2011.I have a 1TB drive with a 214GB partition that I set up for a backup. I manually store all my media and pictures to both a separate partition on the drive, in the cloud, and on a separate external HDD, so all I really want to back up is the system image.This is the newbie sounding question to confirm my suspicions: The system drive I'm trying to back up is definitely bigger than the partition I've set aside for recovery. My C drive is a 473GB partition, and I'm using maybe a bit more than half of that currently. If this is the case, is there a way to reallocate un-used disk space from my other partitions to make the recovery partition larger, or should I be biting the bullet and shelling out for a 500GB external to cover my system recovery needs?

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Error Occurred While Attempting To Read Boot Configuration Data

Jan 13, 2013

I'm getting this every time I boot up my computer. It happened after I had my computer on "sleep". When I woke up and tried to open my laptop, it shut off and showed me this:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc an restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc0000001
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

It simply takes me to the same screen when I hold "F8". So I cannot get the "Repair your computer." Option. I do not have the windows installation disc. Also, all I can do is basically start up my computer and it takes me to that screen every time.

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An Error Occurred While Attempting To Read The Boot Configuration Data

Jan 27, 2011

im getting that message upon startup. Im running windows 7.It requests for the windows recovery CD to be inserted, so when I put the CD in to boot I get a "windows is loading files" then a starting windows with the windows logo then just a black screen with a cursor, I left it like this several times for at least an hour an nothing happened.I can't press F8 to access safe mode etc, nothing will happen.Pressing F12 to boot from CD just does the same thing as putting the CD in normally.

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An Error Occurred While Attempting To Read The Boot Configuration Data

Jan 13, 2013

I'm getting this every time I boot up my computer.It happened after I had my computer on "sleep". When I woke up and tried to open my laptop, it shut off and showed me this:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc an restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."

3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000
1Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.


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An Error Occurred While Attempting To Read The Boot Configuration Data

Apr 20, 2012

I have built my own computer and I have a ASUS P9X79 Pro motherboard, an Asus GT440 graphics card and a Corsair 120gb SSD. I'm trying to get win 7 to install on this brand new SSD. No other drives connected. The BIOS which has been flashed and is up to date finds both the DVD drive and the SSD. I've set boot priority to the DVD drive and I keep getting this MSG below. My SSD is brand new and this would be new install........ Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. o

STATUS: 0xc0000178
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.

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An Error Occurred While Attempting To Read The Boot Configuration Data - 0xc0000001

Aug 7, 2010

I'm getting this error after a forced shut down. I'm told to insert installation disk and repair but I don't get this option, I'm just returned to the same error message. I have tried restarting and loading windows from the installation disc. I'm told that windows is loading and the windows logo appears but after a while it goes to a black screen with only the mouse cursor showing.

File: ootBCD

Status: 0xc0000001

Info: an errr occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data

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Windows 7 Won't Load - Error Occurred While Attempting To Read Boot Configuration Data

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to get a Toshiba satellite L300D to start Win-7. It gives an error message:

"An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data"

Not really sure what that means, but my guess is thats a file that it isn't finding. My pic isn't very clear, the Status is 0xc000000f, again not sure what that means. This machine has been running and well behaved for a long time.

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"Unable To Continue" Error When Attempting To Synchronize Time

Jul 16, 2012

I recently cleaned my computer case (took it all apart and vacuumed it out). When I plugged everything back in and tried to boot up, all of my BIOS settings had cleared and I had to re-enter/set them again. I found this odd, but maybe the CMOS battery is failing or dead. A few days later I realize my time is off by about 15 minutes (roughly, the amount of time the PC was unplugged as I was cleaning it). However, when I left click on the time in the bottom right, "Change date and time settings", select the Internet Time tab, and click on Change Settings, I get the following error:Unable to Continue You do not have permission to perform this task. Please contact your computer administrator for help.Unfortunately, I have the only account on this machine, I am the admin, and this is not a domain machine (it's a home PC). I have no clue how or why this error has come about but it's rather annoying. I went into my BIOS and manually set the time to make it accurate and hopefully fix the issue but I still get the error. To further complicate things, when I look in the list of Services, there is no Windows Time service. When I run "w32tm /config /update" from an elevated command prompt, I get the error "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."I ran an SFC /scannow check and it found/repaired a corrupt file (mfds.dll) but that doesn't sound like it's related.

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"An Error Occurred While Attempting To Read The Boot Configuration"

Aug 7, 2012

So this morning my computer was working and I went downstairs to grab something, came upstairs to find that it was off. When i turned it back on my computer ressponded with the "An error occured while attempting to read the boot configuration" problem. I popped in my installation disc to see if maybe I can repair it or even if all else failed just reformat and reinstall. Well when I get windows won't even reconize my operating system or the SSD/HDD that I have in there. I've wandered through the forums trying to find a solution and I can't seem to find a solution. Bios detects both SDD/HDD in Bios configuration but when I go to windows repair/install it doesn't even recognize them as being there. I've tried unplugging all other drives except the SSD (the SSD being the one with windows installed on it).

File: BootBCD
Status 0x0000001
Info: An error occured while attempting to read the boot configuation.

I'm running Windows 7 professional - Service Pack 1 My drives are:

Adata SSD S510 120gb
Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARX 1TB

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"an Error Had Occurred While The Wizard Was Attempting To Change The Password"

Oct 8, 2012

when attempting to reset a password using a USB, after a new password is put in, it says "an error had occurred while the Wizard was attempting to change the password.

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Attempting To Use TV As Second Screen

Sep 29, 2011

I have an GeForce GTX 570. It has two DVI ports. I'm attempting to connect my TV to my computer using a component cable (using a component-DVI adapter), however, when I attempt to do this, the TV flashes black/blue.

The TV recognizes a second monitor, as I can see a second screen under "screen resolution". When I was turning off my PC, strangely, I could see the shutdown sequence on the TV (the picture was wavy/flickering though).

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BSOD When Attempting To Sent Attachments?

Jan 23, 2013

As of yesterday when ever I attempt to upload a file or an attachment by email or site request I am hit by instant BSOD! I have a compressed file of all logs on my desktop but unble to upload for your scrutiny as blocked by BSOD!

How can I get file to you? PC works well in all other aspects,and restarts after BSOD without a problem.

Only change to system was recent upgrade of Canon Pixma printer 3000 to all in one Canon printer Pixma 499....using the new printer/scanner/copier/ets,I carried out my first ever scan to this PC.It could be coincidental,but problem began after that!

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Attempting To Set Up Dual Monitors?

Aug 29, 2011

im trying to set up dual monitors. Right now i have my main monitor as my LCD tv, and i have a vga splitter from my only vga port sending out two vga cables, one to my tv and the other to the monitor my computer came with. im trying to use the monitor it came with as my second monitor where i can do things on both, but its only cloned from my main one. when i go into control panel> appearance and personalization> display > display settings > detect , it will not find my second monitor. So do u need 2 vga ports for this to work? or is there anything i can download that would allow me to use the second monitor as its own and not a clone? this probably sounds really confusing so if i have to reword it i will, just trying to find out if im wasting my time by trying to do this

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Attempting To Use Canner On Laptop?

Jun 30, 2011

each time i attempt to use my scanner my laptop says lcd update required how do i do this

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Failure In Attempting To Analyze BSOD?

Dec 29, 2012

I get BSOD's whenever I do anything even remotely cpu/gpu intensive, be it 3D gaming, watching high def videos for prolonged periods or sometimes even installing software.

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Mscorsvw.exe Attempting Network Connection

Jan 14, 2013

Recently this few days after an MS update I think, I've been getting popups regarding a process mscorsvw.exe attempting to connect to the internet from my firewall s/w. It happens often when the pc is idle - I see the alert when I get back.

Some checking on my side said that mscorsvw.exe is a .NET process but I've never had any security alerts from this process at all before. The method given to disable it aren't relevant now.

I find it annoying and I don't like any background processes accessing the internet in general. Is there any way to shut it down or cut down the number of times it spins up on its own?

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Computer Crashes When Attempting To Sleep?

Nov 3, 2012

My computer has been crashing every time it goes into sleep mode. I just bought it 2 months ago, so this is especially troubling. It works fine, other than getting the Blue Screen of Death every time I wake it up. Microsoft ® Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64 Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\110312-19172-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*


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BSOD When Attempting To Log In Or Shortly After Logging In

Jun 7, 2012

I built my first computer almost two weeks ago, and it worked just fine for a while, but now it repeatedly gives me a blue screen whenever I try to log in. Sometimes it happens after I type in my password and press enter, sometimes while I'm typing it, and sometimes when I just hover the mouse pointer over my user icon.

I attempted the System Health Report like the BSOD thread instructed, but that generates an error: The system cannot find the path specified.

64-bit Windows Professional Full retail version System age and date of OS installation is 12 days.

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Windows 7 Shutdown When Attempting To Install 64 Bit

Aug 21, 2010

Im having a really stressful bug, I'm trying to do a clean windows 7 install.What happens is the setup will load and the splash logo with the 4 colour balls that form a windows logo will appear, but shortly after that it will shutdown, going into a "hibernate" mode and if i try to turn it on with power again there is no video input.I've been searching the internet alot for any answer but nothing has worked

I am using a burned windows 7 disc, I have a OEM key that I bought from newegg however the disc is not with me as I am in Canada and I had it shipped to family who gave me the key through e-mail.Also, I was successful in installing XP on the hard drive, but windows 7 only causes a shutdown.It had windows 7 before that I had installed, but it was the enterprise version and it had no product key so I wiped the hard drive once I bought the legitimate key

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BSOD Attempting To Install Windows 7 X64

Jan 2, 2012

I am currently running Windows 7 x86 Home Premium. I want to take full advantage of the 6gb of RAM I have installed, so I want to upgrade to x64.

After booting up from the x64 OS disc, the system loads the files. (Including the loading progress bar.) Then proceeds to a screen that says "Starting Windows", but before the logo appears (Or any signs of the OS installing), I get a BSOD every time.

"An attempt was made to write read-only memory
Technical Information:
*** STOP: 0x000000BE (0xFFFFF8800BE4DFF8, 0x000000017F843900, 0xFFFFF880009A97B0, 0x000000000000000E)"

My specs, taken directly from "msinfo32" or "System Information" are as follows: OS Name: Windows 7 Home Premium Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 System Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd System Model: G33M MS-7357 (Mobo) System Type: X86-based PC Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU - E6850 @ 3.0 GHz, 3003 Mhz, 2 Cores (This is 64bit compatible according the the product specs.) BIOS Version/Date: American Megatrends Inc. V1.2, 11/2/2007 SMBIOS Version: 2.5 Installed RAM: 6.00 GB Total Physical Memory: 3.25 Total Virtual Memory: 6.49 GB Page File Space: 3.25 GB

EDIT: My computer is NOT prebuilt. I had Windows XP for several years, but installed Windows 7 x86 a few days ago.

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Windows 7 Attempting To Configure Updates?

Sep 2, 2012

I am trying Windows 7 professional 64bit is trying to update my PC now for the umpteenth time. I ask it to download and update. It tells me that it has updated and needs to restart. When it restarts, it has a couple of attempts at configuring the updates and lets me use Windows. When I turn my PC off, I get a 'Do not turn off, etc'. When I start my PC and check to see if the install worked, I am told it hasn't.

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Random Dll's Attempting Internet Access

Nov 19, 2009

This is very odd. but it seems random .dll files are trying to access the internet only when I am away from the computer for like 15 mins. They attempt this through rundll32.exe or whatever it's called.

I dont' think it's a virus because it's a new Win7 install and have not installed anything odd. Plus Avast has not picked anything up.

But there's no way all these .dll files are trying to access the internet while I'm gone. I mean most of the .dll files are from non-self-updating apps.

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Attempting To Install Dell 1600n Printer

Jun 21, 2012

I have an old Dell 1600n printer I love connected on my home network.It's connected to one XP machine (and shared). All our computers here use it XP laptops, Win 98 desktop and my Win 7 laptop.However, I can't get it to install to my new Win 7 desktop.I've downloaded Dells drivers and extracted them to a folder in my user area; however, neither running the setup utility that's part of the driver package (which can't find the printer on the network) or using the Add Printer function in Win 7 (which can't find an INF file) are working. The Win 7 error is "No driver found. Windows can't find a driver for Dell Laser MFP 1600n on the network. To locate one manually, click OK.Otherwise, click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website." I've tried point it to any number of the extracted files from the driver package and no luck.

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