[MEMORY] The Amount Of Ram That Can Be Used On A 64bit System Dropped

Jul 15, 2012

So my problem is I use to have 5.74GB of ram usable out of 6.00GB. Since a restart of my computer there is now only 1.74GB out of 6.00GB.So I have a 64-bit Windows 7 Home premium SP1.The ram is 1066MHz with 1 x 4GB and 1 X 2GB.I only have 2 slots on the computer.

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Making More Use Of My Large Amount Of Memory

Sep 4, 2009

I have 4gb of ram installed. Windows 7 says it exists so I think it's set to go. What's annoying is that the computer never uses more than say 1.5 GB of memory. I'm annoyed than when I want to seek through a video file there's an annoying lag as it has to stop every notch and seek from the hard drive. Is there a way to set it, or a certain video player, that will have it load, say, the entire video file into memory, and, say, load more into memory when running intensive applications?

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Memory - Set Maximum Amount Used By Windows 7

Feb 25, 2010

How to Set the Maximum Memory to be Used by Windows 7 ?

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Crashes When Gaming Or Streaming While A High Amount Of Memory Is Used

Jan 24, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Retail installed in my main 80GB Intel SSD roughly 2 years ago.All the hardware (image below) is fairly new except the hard drives which I am unsure of and have been reusing from build to build. I have 2 pairs of G.Skill RAM in different sizes, but same specs (2x2GB & 2x4GB). Crashes have been starting after installation of the 2X4GB RAM although I have been doing other tweaks to the computer from then on. Some registry stuff might have been accidentally deleted as well.So far, I've addressed my Realtek PCI-E reader's driver update as there was a problem relating to it and some video encoder.My Windows Media Player also freezes after watching ~10-20 minutes of a video and then switching over to another.

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Maximum Amount Of Ram Memory Determind By Motherboard Hardware?

Jan 28, 2013

just have a simple question here, is the maximum amount of ram memory determind by motherboard hardware or by os? one website said win 7 64 bit home premium can have up to 16g and if you go ram website to test how many can you have , it say only 8g. so which one is true and why?

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Upgrading System Memory Windows 7 64bit?

Jan 28, 2012

I tried looking online about this I need to know if there's a big difference between 12GB of system memory and 16GB of system memory. I don't play many games but I do convert HD videos a lot and these programs are a pig on ram. I have 8GB now and have ordered 2 4GB sticks and was wondering if I should stay with 2 4GB sticks and 2 2GB sticks(total12GB) or should I upgrade to 16GB.

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Performance Dropped Gradually After Upgrading To 64bit

Jul 21, 2012

I have recently upgraded my pc to 64-bit and Im having huge fps drops whenever I run the games that I used to play fine in 32-bit (Aion Online and Guild Wars 2). On 32 bit, I was running with 30-35 fps with highest settings, but now I'm running both games with 9-15 fps regardless of the visual settings.

I have tried reinstalling the AMD driver, as well as the chipset drivers using -overall and -overide. I have tried disabling my sound driver, and I still get the same result.

I have tried googling some fixes for my issue, but so far it has been fruitless. Aion has a 64-bit client which they say, would increase the game's performance gradually, but I have yet to try it since it's not working as of the moment.

What I'm concerned about is when I run Guild wars 2 client (just the launcher itself), I am noticing a drop on my computer's fps. I never tried to overclock my cpu nor my gpu since I have an old school mobo.

Here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 2.5 Ghz
RAM: 4GB DDR2 800 (2gb x 2)
HDD: Samsung HD161GJ ATA (150 GB)
GPU: ATI HD 5770
PSU: Raptor R500

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System Shows Twice Amount Of Cores

Jan 20, 2012

I just finished a build with Windows 7 Professional and going into task manager, it shows that I have 8 cores instead of 4.

I have an Intel i7 930 and an EVGA GTX 570HD and even in device manager it shows that I have 10 total cores.

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Same Amount Of Memory Required By Windows 7 64 As Windows 7 32?

Dec 19, 2011

I have a w7 32 system right now w/ 4gb memory in it. I know that only 32bit addresses are usable in my system so I'm not getting the whole 4gb.

I have access to w7 64 and wonder if it's worth upgrading if I keep the same amount of memory. Is there any additional overhead in the 64bit version that would negate the amount of physical memory I'd gain? Or, is it really a case where w7 64 & 32 do the same amount of work but w7 64 has a bigger pipe to push it through?

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Convert A Shared Video Memory Into Dedicated Video Memory And System Video Memory?

Aug 12, 2011

how to convert a shared video memory into dedicated video memory and system video memory? me and my friend have the same specs computers but the same game runs slow in my computer but it runs smoothly in his computer?

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Windows 7 64bit Seeing Only 2.87 Of 4gb Memory

Dec 9, 2009

my windows 7 64 bit system is only seeing 2.87gb of the 4gb installed memory. checking the Resource Monitor, it says 1153gb has been allocated to Hardware Reserved. any idea how i can use all the memory? i have already tried unchecking Maximum memory under msconfig/boot/advanced options without success. below is my system properties. i have flashed my system with the latest bios.

OS NameEnter text here. Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name SOLO-PC


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Getting NForce Memory Controller 64bit?

Mar 26, 2011

where can i find it for nForce 410/430 MCP?

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Windows 7 64bit - 6GB Memory But Only 4GB Usable

Mar 19, 2012

I have Win7 64bit with 6GB memory. The Windows System control panel agrees with that showing 6GB ram and nothing about a limitation. But today I was opening a lot of files and the program wouldn't let me open more files after Windows memory use reached 4GB. Task Manager showed 4GB used out of 6GB. I tried opening another file with a different program and my screen flickered and the program shut itself off, so it looks like the problem is with Windows and not the other programs. How do I get Windows to use all available memory not just 4GB out of 6GB?

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Insufficient Memory Windows 7 64bit

Aug 28, 2012

While installing a printer software, a "insufficient memory, need 55 mb to install" message appears and installation stops. I have 366GB available in HD and 4GB RAM.
What can I do?

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How To Increase Dedicated Video Memory(64bit)

Jun 15, 2012

I recently opened a minecraft server, not knowing that online my minecraft would run slower. I'm not 100% sure if its because i only have MB of dedicated video memory, but i'm pretty sure it isIs there anyways i could increase this or get other options on how to help my computer run minecraft

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Windows 7 64bit Hardware Reserved Memory

Jun 17, 2011

I just rebuilt my computer, new motherboard and such and it has 6 GB of ram installed but it is only using 2 GB and has 4 GB hardware reserved. I have went and set the bios settings to memory remapping, I have tried reinstalling windows, I've tried unchecking the msconfig max memory, resetting the ram, and resetting the bios.

In the Systems window it reads that there is Total 6 GB Memory and only 2 GB usable, and in the Bios in the System information it also reads only 2 GB usable memory. The ram sticks aren't new, I took them form my old computer when I did the rebuilt, which are 3 Elipida 2GB 1333 MHz sticks. The motherboard is a Maximus III Gene with bios version 2103. OS is Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

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64Bit Ult Won't Boot When 'Memory Remap' Is Enabled To Use All 4GB RAM

Mar 12, 2012

I will start off by stating my relevant PC Specs for this thread:-

Asus P5B Deluxe MoBo
Intel Dual Core E6600 @ 2.40GHz
GeForce 7900 GS 512Mb
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Value RAM (original) in Yellow Slots A1 & B1
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Gaming RAM (NEW) in Black Slots A2 & B2

So I have just installed 2 extra GBs of RAM to bring my total to 4GB. After a successful boot and then checking my 'System' info Windows states 4.00GB of memory is installed but only 2.94GB is usable.Therefore I went ahead into my BIOS to enable the 'Memory Remap Feature'.However on reboot the PC gets to the 'Starting Windows' screen and doesn't get any further. The Windows logo doesn't start to appear. It just restarts going through all the usual screens again, eventually giving two options of:-

Launch Startup Repair
Start Windows Normally.

The repair never works and Windows will never start normally again until I return to the BIOS to disable the mem remap.Sometimes I have had a Blue Screen displaying the same errors as this thread:-Windows 7 64Bit BSOD's (IRQ_NOT_LESS and BAD_POOL_HEADER)I reset the CMOS to Factory Default settings and tried again but did nothing. Also I have never updated the BIOS from the original version as I'm a bit scared to do so.Have read about graphics card using part of the mem (which doesn't seem right with the 7900 GS as has it's own onboard mem) and also that voltages to the RAM should be increased.

MCH Voltages
Windows 7 :: Win 7 Wont Boot With 4GB RAM
Windows 7 RC won't boot with 4gb

I have looked hear for info on voltages and clocking but didn't get anywhere. Well got an overclock at 3.60Hz but only ran in Safe Mode. Obviously this is slightly irrelevant the above but was just trying stuff out and trying to learn more.

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Gain Memory By Upgrading To Windows 64bit?

Nov 30, 2012

I currently run win 32bit with 4g or RAM (2.75 useable). It I were to upgrade to win 64 bit would I get the 1.25g of memory back?

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Download (Documents) From XP 32bit System To A Flash Drive And Load It In Windows 7 64bit System?

Jul 6, 2012

Would it be possible to download (My Documents) from my XP 32 bit system to a flash drive and load it in my Win.7 64 bit system?

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Windows 7 64bit - Internet Explorer Using High Memory

Jan 26, 2012

I am running Win 7 64bit and have 16GB of DDR3 ram. However I receive messages my IE is using high memory. What does this mean and how do I cure it?

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Memory Not Allocating Correctly - Crashing On Windows 7 64bit

Jul 26, 2012

I've had 4gigs of RAM installed for very long and I was able to work fine with my browser open + Photoshop and Blender in Win XP. I've quite recently upgraded from Win Xp 32bit to Win 7 64bit. After installing Win 7 64bit I added 2x1GB sticks into my system to take advantage of memory I had available. These "new" sticks were of lower clocks than my 2x2GB I had installed so I tested clocking them higher. Well that wasn't really stable so I figured running them at lower clocks wouldn't hurt all that much.

So everything seemed to work fine, Memtest didn't whine about anything and everything seems to work well enough. Now however I can't have my browser + the other programs open at the same time but windows keeps whining about it running out of memory even though the taskbar memory amounts don't add up at all. I have like 5Gigs used but adding everything doesn't even get up to 2Gigs. I know about windows keeping unused memory ready for use but it doesn't seem to be that or otherwise I don't know why my programs keep crashing all the time.

I have a load of tabs open in my browser but they don't take all that much memory. And I don't have any other programs open that would use that much for anything. My display turns black sometimes and sometimes (not every time) after that I get the display driver error and that it's recovered. I've had this very seldom before but now it seems quite common so I figured it might have something to do with that the display driver doesn't get enough memory to use either. Just a wild guess but textureloading in Blender doesn't work all the time etc. so it seems like a vRAM problem to me.

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Unusable Memory Windows 7 64bit Acer Aspire 5532

May 19, 2012

I have an Acer Aspire 5532 running Windows 7 64 bit with 3.00 GB ram and I have 2.75 GB of ram saying unusable. My computer is and has been very slow and I haven't recently added or removed any hardware.I have checked 2 possible problems from info I found on this problem being I've located msconfig, boot, advanced options, max memory is "unchecked" and have checked my bios which do show the correct amount of memory but I can not enable "memory remap" because bios does not support. I've added a resource monitor screen shot below.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit Won't Boot When 'Memory Remap Feature' Is Enabled

Mar 12, 2012

I will start off by stating my relevant PC Specs for this thread:-

Asus P5B Deluxe MoBo
Intel Dual Core E6600 @ 2.40GHz
GeForce 7900 GS 512Mb
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Value RAM (original) in Yellow Slots A1 & B1
2 x 1GB DDR2 800MHz Corsair Gaming RAM (NEW) in Black Slots A2 & B2

So I have just installed 2 extra GBs of RAM to bring my total to 4GB. After a successful boot and then checking my 'System' info Windows states 4.00GB of memory is installed but only 2.94GB is usable.Therefore I went ahead into my BIOS to enable the 'Memory Remap Feature'.However on reboot the PC gets to the 'Starting Windows' screen and doesn't get any further. The Windows logo doesn't start to appear. It just restarts going through all the usual screens again, eventually giving two options of:-

Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. The repair never works and Windows will never start normally again until I return to the BIOS to disable the mem remap.I reset the CMOS to Factory Default settings and tried again but did nothing. Also I have never updated the BIOS from the original version as I'm a bit scared to do so.I have looked hear for info on voltages and clocking but didn't get anywhere. Well got an overclock at 3.60Hz but only ran in Safe Mode. Obviously this is slightly irrelevant the above but was just trying stuff out and trying to learn more.

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Windows 7 64bit Memory Missing - Usage Rise Past 50 Percent?

Jun 28, 2012

I have 6GB of ram installed on windows 7 64-bit ultimate. For some reason I'm noticing that the usage will rise past 50%, but I am unable to find all of the used resources. From what I found, I'm using roughly 3.2GB of RAM when I add up all the memory usage under the processes tab.

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Dropped Win 7 DVD

Dec 7, 2009

I installed Win 7 fine and about a week later I dropped the DVD. There is a scratch on it that is noticeable. I then copied the DVD to a folder on my C: drive to see if there was an error on it. I got a message when it completed "Copied Successfully". Would you say that would mean it copied with no errors and the DVD was not harmed by the scratch?

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Password Dropped Out Again

Mar 27, 2012

Am in deep trouble again - my WLM password has failed yet again and I don't know how to recover it. I have tried everything that I can think of even going to the length of creating a hotmail account which also I cannot access. SIW shows up the saved password but it will not work.I rely on WLM for contact with just about everyone including SF and it is truly getting me down. Is there any recovery apps that anyone knows of to get back the WLM password that is so important?

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WEI Dropped With ATI Drivers

Nov 1, 2009

I built this PC a couple of days after windows 7 came out. I've been very happy with it, and with windows 7. It's all been running great.

I was shocked when my graphics card (an XFX ATI 4850) scored 7.3 in the WEI tool, but pleased at the same time.

Earlier today i updated the drivers to the latest ATI Catalyst drivers, something i hadnt bothered to do before, then ran WEI again. This time it wasnt a pleasant suprise i got, as my score plummetted to a measly 6.0.

I wonder if these drivers are actually making my GPU perform worse, or wether, without the latest drivers, WEI just wasnt sure of my graphics card and so tried to make a rough estimate the previous time i ran it.

What do you think? Should i roll back the driver change? I cant see any difference at all in the games i play but i'm not playing anything particuarly hardcore to push this beast anyway.

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System Says Memory Not Intstalled?

Dec 17, 2011

Control panel> system and security> System Under Processor and memory it says not available.Nor can i access system information when i type "system information" in the start menu.

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Performance Index Dropped

Oct 28, 2009

I have a Toshiba Satellite A300M00 Notebook and got it about a year ago with Vista Home Premium. I purchased the new Windows 7 Home Premium (Full) and did a clean instal.

Now they issues is this. When i was running windows vista my WEI (windows Experience Index) was at an overall 5.0 (knowing that vista's max is 5.9, my laptop was pretty powerful and ran games and other things beautifully).

So knowing that Windows 7 is supposed to increase computer performance, the opposite has actually happened on my system (both by looking at the WEI which is now 3.8 and the performance itself with games in particular being much slower).

I was wondering why this may be the case, i have installed all driver related to the graphics card which is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD3650 512MB Ram. My CUP is 2.5Ghz Dual core, i have 4GB Ram and a 400GB Harddrive.

The windows experience index is as follows. Processor went from about 5.4 to 3.8, RAM went from 5.0 to 4.0, Graphics stayed about the same at 5.2, gaming performance went from 5.5 to 6.1 and HDD went from about 5.2 to 4.9.

The lowest of those being the Processor is the subscore and not only is this rating system different but the performance is actually worse with games, Far Cry 2 i use to be able to run 1,024 x 768 with 2XAA at Very High Graphics nicely (just as an example).

So anyone with any answers would be awesome.

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Wireless Connection Dropped?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a Wireless Trendnet TEW-432BRP router. My wireless internet connection keeps dropping every 30 minutes. After it drops it usually reconnects by it self in like 1minute. This is getting to be annoying since this occurs a lot while I play online games. This router has been perfectly working fine before. It is connected to the computer using an Ethernet cable

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Laptop Was Dropped While In Hibernation And Now It Won't Come Out

Jan 28, 2013

I have a Samsung Laptop and it was in hibernation mode when it was knocked off of an ottoman and fell about a foot and landed right side up on the floor. When I opened it there was nothing but a black screen with a cursor on it. So I turned it off by holding down the power button and then turned it back on the sumsung start up screen came on and then the screen was black except for a Little flashing white bar on the upper left hand side and then it just stays that way, I have also tried taking out the battery but it did not work. One time it came up with an error saying your computer can't come out of hibernation anything not saved previously will be lost and at the bottom it says enter=continue but when I hit enter nothing happens.

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