Crashes When Gaming Or Streaming While A High Amount Of Memory Is Used

Jan 24, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Retail installed in my main 80GB Intel SSD roughly 2 years ago.All the hardware (image below) is fairly new except the hard drives which I am unsure of and have been reusing from build to build. I have 2 pairs of G.Skill RAM in different sizes, but same specs (2x2GB & 2x4GB). Crashes have been starting after installation of the 2X4GB RAM although I have been doing other tweaks to the computer from then on. Some registry stuff might have been accidentally deleted as well.So far, I've addressed my Realtek PCI-E reader's driver update as there was a problem relating to it and some video encoder.My Windows Media Player also freezes after watching ~10-20 minutes of a video and then switching over to another.

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Making More Use Of My Large Amount Of Memory

Sep 4, 2009

I have 4gb of ram installed. Windows 7 says it exists so I think it's set to go. What's annoying is that the computer never uses more than say 1.5 GB of memory. I'm annoyed than when I want to seek through a video file there's an annoying lag as it has to stop every notch and seek from the hard drive. Is there a way to set it, or a certain video player, that will have it load, say, the entire video file into memory, and, say, load more into memory when running intensive applications?

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Memory - Set Maximum Amount Used By Windows 7

Feb 25, 2010

How to Set the Maximum Memory to be Used by Windows 7 ?

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[MEMORY] The Amount Of Ram That Can Be Used On A 64bit System Dropped

Jul 15, 2012

So my problem is I use to have 5.74GB of ram usable out of 6.00GB. Since a restart of my computer there is now only 1.74GB out of 6.00GB.So I have a 64-bit Windows 7 Home premium SP1.The ram is 1066MHz with 1 x 4GB and 1 X 2GB.I only have 2 slots on the computer.

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Maximum Amount Of Ram Memory Determind By Motherboard Hardware?

Jan 28, 2013

just have a simple question here, is the maximum amount of ram memory determind by motherboard hardware or by os? one website said win 7 64 bit home premium can have up to 16g and if you go ram website to test how many can you have , it say only 8g. so which one is true and why?

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XBOX 360 Streaming - High Throughput

Aug 23, 2009

I installed DU Meter yesterday just out of curiosity to see speeds yes, but mainly to see how much I am downloading/uploading.

My kids were watching a film on the 360 streamed from my PC. According to the Task Manager it is using 25% of my 100Mbps LAN speeds. So far so what.

DU Meter concurs 25Mbps. But according to the stats it has uploaded 10Gigs in the hour. But the film they are watching is only a 947MB avi.

How come a 947MB file generates over 10Gigs of stream data?

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BSOD Randomly On Gaming / Streaming And Video Encoding

Sep 10, 2012

I've been BSODing alot randomly doing stuff leaning towards old and bad memory but I need some advice to be certain.

Quote: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: fc
BCP1: FFFFF880043131B8
BCP2: 80000001A48DC963
BCP3: FFFFF8800D09B7E0
BCP4: 0000000000000002
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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Windows 7 Streaming Crashes?

Mar 23, 2011

I decided to give Win 7 a shot so I set up a dual boot with 7 Professional 64bit on a new partition and my old XP SP3 on another. This is my media computer with all my movies and TV shows that my 4 other XP computers pull from for viewing.I set up a workgroup, see it fine from the XP computers and can start watching shows on the xp machines but after 8-15 minutes the stream crashes. I boot back into XP on the media computer and stream is fine forever. I"m using Nero 8 for the viewing on the xp computers. Have searched the internet with no solution.

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High Refresh Rate LCD/LED Monitors For Gaming

Sep 23, 2011

Ever since I retired my huge CRT monitor, I have been very unsatisfied with the performance of my 75Hz maximum LED monitor. Don't get me wrong, it's great for movies and everyday use, but for gaming it has done nothing but leave me yearning for something with a higher refresh rate.

I see that there are 120Hz 3D 'gaming' LEDs and have been poking around these waters. I have heard from sources that Benq used to make one of the best 120Hz monitors, but has since been discontinued. So have others, as I see them as 'unavailable' on NewEgg or insanely high priced elsewhere. Are these 120hz 3D monitors a bad idea to purchase? Are there any other options? I can't stand 75Hz in-game any longer!

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Computer Crashes While Gaming

Jan 24, 2013

My computer system crashes when I play most video games (only company of heroes and civilization 5 wont crash). I have already ran all the stress tests including memtest 86+, prime95 and furmark without any errors/crashes. I suspected that it was a driver issue so I decided to do a clean reinstall of windows 7 and then install all the drivers. It had absolutely no effect I updated my motherboard and video card BIOS but that didnt help either. I tried disabling ULPS and 2D clocks for my video card but nothing happened. The only critical event that is logged in event viewer is "kernel ID 41" (Its just a notification that my computer was shut off unexpectedly). When the computer crashes, a black screen will appear and the last bit of audio that was playing will get distorted and it will keep on playing(It will make a loud BRRRRR noise).I have to then manually restart the computer and boot back into windows.

system specs:

phenom ii x6 1050t @3.9ghz 1.46v (max temp 52C)
8 GB kingston hyper x 1600mhz memory
radeon 7850 2 GB (max temp 58C)
OCZ modxstream 700 watt PSU
1 TB western digital HDD
corsair c70 with 6 120mm cooling fans

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Internet Crashes While Gaming?

Feb 2, 2012

While I play Counter-Strike 1.6,the internet crashes once every 5 mins,I can't enter any page via IE9,the game won't start up for 40 seconds-1 min,or so,but the interesting thing is,I can talk on Yahoo Messenger,or my uTorrent keeps downloading w/o interruption.The router's(I have a Belkin router,and I'm connected to wireless) firmware is up to date,and my Atheros AR9285's(network adapter) driver is up to date.

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[BSOD] Computer Crashes When Gaming?

Aug 5, 2012

A couple of days ago I did something really stupid: I tried to download a game for free by following a tutorial which required me to install a Babylon toolbar from an ad. It didn't work, so I uninstalled all the babylon stuff and scanned my computer with Avira and Ad-aware, they came up with some detections and a hidden object and removed them.After that, I bought the game instead of downloading. However, my computer now randomly freezes when playing and seems slightly slower than before. As long as I'm not gaming, my computer functions normally, but starting the game makes my computer freeze and BSOD every 2 out of 3 times. Also my computer doesn't seem to make any minidumps, even after enabling it via those settings and trying tons of other ways.

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Setting Power Plan To High Performance Actually Improve Gaming In Battery Mode?

Jul 27, 2011

Anyways, in laptops (gaming or not), does setting the power plan to High Performance actually improve gaming (frame rates, speed and anything else) in battery mode? I'm using a laptop (not dedicated gaming, but suffices) and my games (the recent ones) slow down whenever I'm in battery mode. A couple of friends told me I should set it High Performance, which I doubted since they don't seem to be the type to change the power plan settings and more so with the advanced plan settings.

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Crashes To Blank (black) Screen While Gaming?

Dec 23, 2011

My computer frequently crashes to a blank (black) screen when I play games like TES V or Fable III, and leaves me no alternative but to do a hard reset with the power button. I've cleaned out the air vents several times to no avail, and I'm pretty sure my video drivers are up to date. As far as I can tell the CPU isn't being overused either.I've had a very similar problem before, and last time cleaning the vents out with a compressed air can did the trick. The only difference last time is that it wasn't always a blank screen, sometimes it hard weird vertical lines all over it.

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Random Errors And Crashes Whilst Surfing And Gaming

Feb 5, 2011

This is a new pc build using various parts we have accumulated. When using Internet Explorer I get app crashes. I have been playing DC Universe Online and get random app crash, display drivers stop responding, apphangB1, I also lose monitor signal. Here is a list of fixes we have tried already:

-We have disabled internet explorer add ons and even tried disabling IE completely, to no avail
-We have swapped out the 5770 for an 8800 GTX that we know works, same problem
-We have the latest BIOS/drivers
-We have run SpeedFan, CPU temp 41C
-We have run Memtest for both sticks of RAM at the same time in slots 1 and 3 and there was an error, so we tried to isolate the bad RAM by testing invidivual sticks in slot 3 - no errors on either stick? therefore, we put the sticks in slots 3 and 4, assuming there may be a problem with slot 1 - worked ok for a couple of hours, then game crashes and black screen with sound requiring reboot. Monitor is fine, as it works on my BF's pc with no problems.
-We have tried a couple of installs of Windows 7
-We have run chkdsk - no errors.The BIOS is running on default, nothing overclocked - we have used the correct timings for the RAM and autotimed them, same problem

We are currently not using an antivirus because we did not want to add more problems, but we will get AVAST.My BF has given up now, as there is nothing else he can think of to try. I feel we are so close to resolving the issue, as it did run fine for a while, but then a bunch of errors all at once. If it helps, here is a copy of the error log.

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New Gaming Build Crashes Upon Entering Sleep Mode

May 6, 2011

I just finished my first build but my PC crashes every time it sleeps (whether the sleep is automatic or I initiate it). I've seen this mentioned a couple of times throughout the forums but I haven't seen an answer from anyone anywhere. Do I just need to return and replace my mobo?

Processor - i5-2500k
MOBO - Asus p8p67
GPU - MSI GTX 560ti
Memory - GSkill Ripjaws 8GB
PSU - SeaSonic X650 80+ Gold
HDD - Samsung Spinpoint 1TB
OS - W7 x64

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Same Amount Of Memory Required By Windows 7 64 As Windows 7 32?

Dec 19, 2011

I have a w7 32 system right now w/ 4gb memory in it. I know that only 32bit addresses are usable in my system so I'm not getting the whole 4gb.

I have access to w7 64 and wonder if it's worth upgrading if I keep the same amount of memory. Is there any additional overhead in the 64bit version that would negate the amount of physical memory I'd gain? Or, is it really a case where w7 64 & 32 do the same amount of work but w7 64 has a bigger pipe to push it through?

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High Speed Internet Modem Crashes?

Dec 27, 2011

My high speed modem locks-up frequently and I have to reboot the modem and computer. The modem was checked out and it's okay. Is there something in windows7 or my computer harware that could be doing this?

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Computer Freezes When Gaming - Have Memory Dump

Aug 30, 2012

My computer has started to act weird recently I don't know the cause and therefore ran the driver verifier to stress my drivers. Because its not hardware related have ran several tests of cpu, gpu and ram without any errors. But when I ran the driver verifier I actually got a bsod.

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CPU And Memory Incredibly High

May 31, 2012

for the past year or so- it has had this issue of incredibly high CPU and Physical Memory usage- I'll show a screenshot with my Task Manager up so you can see.I found this website by searching in google- and it led me to this thread: url...So I tried HijackThis- and I'll paste below what I got; including the error message that popped up when it first ran.But before I show you guys the screenshots and such; lemme e'splain. I almost NEVER turn off my computer- yes, I'm a horrible person, I know. And it's a laptop that I never take off the charger- again, horrible person, I know. Sorry. Not the point- and I do constantly leave up Photoshop and Google Chrome because I am either playing music or just don't have the patience to close and reopen them every couple of hours. HOWEVER- before recently; when I hit some very bad viruses (or at least I believe I did) my computer didn't mind running PS CS4 and Chrome- even with multiple tabs open. I contracted some horrid virus- and I don't remember all that happened but I took it to a store on my college campus and they repaired my computer- so all's well that end's well. After they fixed it- it worked great for a couple more months, and now maybe I have another one? All I know is my fan won't turn off and I can't even touch my desk under my laptop with how hot it is. [code]

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Svchost High Memory Use?

Aug 28, 2012

Ive notice for a while now that I have a svchost.exe using a lot of memory (see attached).Is this normal?If not, how to fix it?

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CPU And Memory Running Very High?

Dec 15, 2012

A few days ago, I get this little Windows pop-up on my taskbar saying that my computer is unprotected and has been infected with a trojan (couldn't remember if it said which one exactly but I believe it said Alureon?). Afterward, my computer has been running very slow and the CPU/Memory widget I have pinned on my desktop shows they are pretty much maxed out, all the time, even while not having Internet Explorer or programs open (none that I have knowingly opened myself, anyway). I went out and bought McAfee Anti-Virus 2013 yesterday hoping this would resolve the problem. It did find 10 trojans and removed/quarantined them, but nothing has changed as far as system performance goes; everything still runs slowly, and opening even the smallest of programs like a calculator takes at least a few seconds.

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Physical Memory Is Very High?

Aug 12, 2012

I've recently noticed that my physical memory is around 76% when I'm not doing much! I have 6gb of ram installed, and I have checked windows task manager. The process that uses the most memory is firefox, which uses 300,000kb of memory. Here's a picture of my task manager: [URL]

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High Physical Memory Usage?

Dec 2, 2012

When I start any game like MW3, BO2 , my Physical memory usage goes up to 50%.. My RAM is 4GB..This wasn't happening to me before.. It started getting like this 2 days ago.. Yesterday I ran a registry clean and it was ok.. Game wasn't lagging, but today it's lagging again.

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High And Weird Memory Usage?

May 18, 2011

I have a not so old PC.Running Win 7 64bit.Since today my PC starts to stutter and being weird and laggy.So i went to my Task Manager.. and found this.

1st I thought, hmm nothing weird..
Till i saw: Cashed 878
and : Availeble 850
free : 0
Installed memory: 4gigs.

Why is my pc going so slow?

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Intermittent High Memory Usage?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a Sony with win 7 64-bit and 4 gigs of ram. About a month ago I started to notice my computer running slower. When I checked windows task manager (performance) it was using 3.5 gigs of my memory. I restarted the computer and it went down to 1.5. I have on occasion had to restart twice to get the memory down. I have run virus checks and reg cleaner but it still occurs.

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High Physical Memory Usage?

Dec 2, 2012

When I start any game like MW3, BO2 , my Physical memory usage goes up to 50%.. My RAM is 4GB..This wasn't happening to me before.. It started getting like this 2 days ago.. Yesterday I ran a registry clean and it was ok.. Game wasn't lagging, but today it's lagging again..I used CCleaner, Glary Utilites, MalwareBytes, scanned with AV.. but nothing is happening?

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High SVCHOST.exe Memory Usage

Jul 25, 2011

I'm having quite a bug problem with a high memory usage in one of the svchost.exe processes(more than 120,00+ memory usage) and if i try to use another program like firefox, the computer crashes.I'm using an VAIO VGN-NW310F 2.2GHz Intel Pentium Dual-Core T4400 Processor (1MB L2 Cache; 800MHz Front Side Bus) 4GB (2GBx2) DDR2 800MHz Memory; 8GB Max 320GB 5400RPM Serial ATA Hard Drive; DVD/CDRW Optical Drive; 802.11 b/g/n Wireless Connectivity (Amazon information above.)

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Physical Memory Running Very High

Aug 25, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.Ok, so heres my problem. Maybe 3 or 4 days ago my physical memory started running at around 30%-40% (around 1.5gb), and this is at idle and starts happening right at start-up. Normally in past it runs at around 10% (600mb or so). I have noticed it mainly when plaing SW: Force Unleashed and Dawn of War 2. Gameplay runs fine for maybe 3 or 4 seconds then freezes for 10 seconds then is fine again for 3 or 4 seconds and so on. I have tried disabling services, clean boots, virus scans, searched every forum maybe in existance and have found no soloution. I have 4gd DDR3 Ram (2x2gb sticks) and a 3.2ghz Quad Core AMD processor. Also i have noticed that my CPU usage is around 1 or 2% which is rather small isnt it? In my event log, i have been getting multiple errors relating to a bad block in my hard disk. This error repeats about every minute or so.

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Very High Memory Usage Almost 95 Percent

Jul 12, 2011

I have an HP G62 laptop and it has been running wonderfully for a year, it is a farely new computer. Then last week it was been running terrible slow due to the physical memory being almost 95% used. I have an i5 processor and 3GB of RAM and all i use this for is for school, I have all microsoft tools (word, powerpoint, etc.) and I don't game on this computer. I have been deleting unnecessary programs and defragmenting but it hasn't seemed to change anything. I have Norton 360 and i dont think I have a virus, or maybe i do??? My computer takes extremely long amounts of time to open internet explorer, itunes, or anything.

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