Maximum Amount Of Ram Memory Determind By Motherboard Hardware?

Jan 28, 2013

just have a simple question here, is the maximum amount of ram memory determind by motherboard hardware or by os? one website said win 7 64 bit home premium can have up to 16g and if you go ram website to test how many can you have , it say only 8g. so which one is true and why?

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Memory - Set Maximum Amount Used By Windows 7

Feb 25, 2010

How to Set the Maximum Memory to be Used by Windows 7 ?

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Making More Use Of My Large Amount Of Memory

Sep 4, 2009

I have 4gb of ram installed. Windows 7 says it exists so I think it's set to go. What's annoying is that the computer never uses more than say 1.5 GB of memory. I'm annoyed than when I want to seek through a video file there's an annoying lag as it has to stop every notch and seek from the hard drive. Is there a way to set it, or a certain video player, that will have it load, say, the entire video file into memory, and, say, load more into memory when running intensive applications?

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[MEMORY] The Amount Of Ram That Can Be Used On A 64bit System Dropped

Jul 15, 2012

So my problem is I use to have 5.74GB of ram usable out of 6.00GB. Since a restart of my computer there is now only 1.74GB out of 6.00GB.So I have a 64-bit Windows 7 Home premium SP1.The ram is 1066MHz with 1 x 4GB and 1 X 2GB.I only have 2 slots on the computer.

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Maximum Memory Per Slot

Feb 4, 2011

I have a dell dimension 9200 and the motherboard can handle a maximum of 4gb of ram, but is there a limit per slot? In other words does it have to be 4 x 1gb sticks of ram or can I use 2 x 2gb sticks? The reason I ask is that I've had lots of bsod and crashes recently and after performing lots of tests using memtest it seems that 2 of the ram slots on my motherboard are bad meaning I only have 2 good ones to use.

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Set Maximum Memory To 2 With No Pagefile?

Sep 30, 2011

Ok so I was trying to install dell quickset which doesn't work no matter what I do since I upgraded to 8gb or ram and installed a ssd. The main problem is I don't have the pagefile turned on so windows won't boot and safe mode boots but only has 240MB of ram and it so full you can't run anything.I have no system restore points. All I need to do is undo the max memory setting. Tried last known config, running msconfig in safe mode, bcdedit.

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Crashes When Gaming Or Streaming While A High Amount Of Memory Is Used

Jan 24, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Retail installed in my main 80GB Intel SSD roughly 2 years ago.All the hardware (image below) is fairly new except the hard drives which I am unsure of and have been reusing from build to build. I have 2 pairs of G.Skill RAM in different sizes, but same specs (2x2GB & 2x4GB). Crashes have been starting after installation of the 2X4GB RAM although I have been doing other tweaks to the computer from then on. Some registry stuff might have been accidentally deleted as well.So far, I've addressed my Realtek PCI-E reader's driver update as there was a problem relating to it and some video encoder.My Windows Media Player also freezes after watching ~10-20 minutes of a video and then switching over to another.

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Maximum Memory In Windows 7 32bit?

Mar 30, 2011

What is the max. memory for Win 7 32 bit.My system have 4 GB, can I expand it to 8 GB?

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Maximum Size Of Virtual Memory In Windows 7

Oct 5, 2012

what is maximum size of virtual memory if i have 2 GB RAM in my system having Windows7 OS?

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Same Amount Of Memory Required By Windows 7 64 As Windows 7 32?

Dec 19, 2011

I have a w7 32 system right now w/ 4gb memory in it. I know that only 32bit addresses are usable in my system so I'm not getting the whole 4gb.

I have access to w7 64 and wonder if it's worth upgrading if I keep the same amount of memory. Is there any additional overhead in the 64bit version that would negate the amount of physical memory I'd gain? Or, is it really a case where w7 64 & 32 do the same amount of work but w7 64 has a bigger pipe to push it through?

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915 Motherboard Intel Support Chipset Motherboard Sound, Vga, Usb Drivers Download

Dec 18, 2011

915 motherboard intel support chipset motherboard sound, vga, usb drivers download

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Max Amount Of RAM Win 7 Will Recognize

Nov 30, 2009

I am upgrading to the Win7 64bit, what is the maximum amount of RAM it will recognize.

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Limit The Amount Of MB Someone Uses Per Day?

Aug 22, 2012

how do i limit the amount of MB someone uses per day? for instance i only want them to be able to download 60MB per day how do i do that??

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More RAM Doesn't Always Amount To Better Performance

Apr 13, 2009

Reading these threads a lot I get the impression that a great many people think that simply by adding more RAM on a computer will automatically improve the performance.

This is not necessarily true as there are many many factors that need to be taken into account.

The amount of REAL RAM allocated by the OS is based on very complex algorithims and not purely on the size of the application being run. For example I might have a HUGE powerpoint presentation (say 50 MB -- a lot for a powerpoint demo) but the actual REAL RAM needed is of the order of a few KB (yes Kilobytes).

Most applications (possibly Photoshop is one of the rare exceptions) do not need to be 100% loaded into RAM while working. Only the amount of real data "pages" need to be accessed at any one time. The amount will obviously dependon what the application is doing , other processes etc etc.

For example in the power point example as above the data has to be transferred to a Video display -- whilst this is being done the next "slice" of data can be read from the "paging" disk.

Applications which wait a lot on input from the User (such as word processing) can use actually a very small amount of RAM since the keyboard input is far far slower than any DISK I/O required to get data from paging into real RAM.

So before you go "buying huge amounts of RAM" think what you actually need.

For a lot of people better graphics, faster CPU and above all FASTER DISKS might make for a snappier system than increasing the amount of RAM once you've got a reasonable base amount installed.

An 8GB RAM system with very slow disks and poor graphics is often far more frustrating to use than a 3GB machine with lightning fast disks and a decent graphic card irrespective of the CPU installed .

I would hazard a bet here that the biggest bottleneck in 99.9% of home systems is not RAM or graphic card but poor DISKS.

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Any Way To Change Amount Of RAM For XP Mode ?

Nov 9, 2009

I have 4 GB RAM installed but XP Mode only has 512 MB available.

Is there anyway to increase this?

512 is very limiting.

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System Shows Twice Amount Of Cores

Jan 20, 2012

I just finished a build with Windows 7 Professional and going into task manager, it shows that I have 8 cores instead of 4.

I have an Intel i7 930 and an EVGA GTX 570HD and even in device manager it shows that I have 10 total cores.

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How To Change Title On Large Amount Of MP3

Mar 28, 2012

I have about 150 MP3's I want to play in order but my phone doesn't organise them by "name" like windows can, it organises them by the "title" they're assigned. Is there a fast way to change the # on these MP3's? I don't really want to go through them 1 by 1.

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Scroll Wheel Amount Keeps Changing?

Aug 1, 2011

everytime I boot up my PC, the mouse settings never seem to be saved from the last time. In the Mouse properties, it always seems to set the scroll wheel amount to "30" lines, and I always need to change it back to "3" everytime I boot. Is there a way to fix this issue? edit: I'm using a Razer Abyssus mouse

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Lock Windows After Certain Amount Of Time?

Feb 2, 2012

So here are the requirements of what I am looking for.

* I need the computer to boot up and automatically log into windows without entering a password * I need the computer to lock itself at some point to protect the desktop but still allow services to run (not log out)

This PC is running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit edition and is running as a file server. I know I can password protect the login, but then I have to login in order to gain access to its services. I am trying to get around this. I need it to boot up entirely and then at some point lock itself down.

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Reducing The Amount Of Stuff On Hard Drive?

Apr 28, 2012

im a computer geek and have drawn a interest in computers recently. i need help cleaning up my hard drive because i have nothing on the drive and i cant reduce the amount. i have used every free thing out there and defrag, system clean up, and delete restore points. i moved all my photos, movies, and doc to my new external hard drive. so i don't understand whats going on. so i came to the conclusion that i need to weed out the system drive. what i can delete and what to keep. i know that you don't know whats personally on my computer but if there things that i can delete then let me now. also i keep on getting private folders on my drive that don't let me access them and there named like thing "3da3a013e05bac45ee4e8b19d917" so let me know if i can delete because there is like 5 of them. so plz help me want to have more experience with computers.

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Permission&Access&User Amount Woes?

Apr 25, 2011

Permission is just my newest trouble! My computer crashed some weeks ago, & I never received a solution; I have Windows 7 Home Premium on, 32 bit, on a Toshiba Satellite laptop. It replaces one that was stolen from me; no frills is fine, but I have had many troubles! I am in exams online in grad school, so did not do my Performance Monitor/Error checking or anything, just working on schoolwork. But as I worked with reports, etc., I realized that all files in "My Documents" were also in (at least!) two other places: Public Documents and Pictures --

I went right to trying to move them, they were marked "Read Only", and I wasn't able to gain permission to ,make changes or move my files out of Public Documents, where they were "shared" & I was blocked from hitting "stop sharing" -- "didn't have the authority". When I realized they were also in Pictures, and set up as "Share" items, I was sickened; my very private documents on my computer system, & I didn't have the right to move my own files!

I am the Administrator, and I am the Owner; I live alone and nobody has used my laptop. *When I wrestled to restore my Permissions, I might make the changes, and "SYSTEM" seemed to be "in charge" -- my Full Control permissions were faded out, & when I would restore them, I could not click "Apply". Now unable to change permissions, or properties, I went to search for answers & was told to change the security settings at the root; I "enabled all authorized users to enable their permissions" -- that first time, it seemed to work & I was able to "un-share" my files; checked back to the root (C:drive), & it was back like before; my permissions faded & me blocked from clicking "apply" when I attempted to do what I did to get good results before.

I decided to do a "System Restore"; it did not make any difference. But there was an extra file (outside of the C drive System file called "System" when the Restore began. Bogus file called System?? Is that possible? Also, my Protection had been turned off; I had to re-set it and that has never happened.

I thought it could be a virus; ran the Microsoft program to detect Malware (am running Security Essentials); yet, I was told "no". It used to be so simple; my document files stayed in ONE location; & now I realize I have files in multiple locations and I neither did that nor authorized anyone to do that. *And I don't know how to move them with Internet Explorer; of course they are really located at "My Documents", so I am stopped from moving them out of the wrong place: "location is the same." It has been one really troubling matter after another & I hope there is some help for me.

I use a password, work from an Administrator Account; have changed passwords recently, & probably would have "let it go" tonight except that I was being exposed, and even now that (I think!) the share capacity was stopped (also went into Network Sharing & cut off "Network Discovery", I just feel so out of control with my own System & so vulnerably at risk: I have no idea how long my grad school and private documents weren't private!!

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Sound Card Seems To Shut Off After A Certain Amount Of Time?

Dec 14, 2011

i'm running my sound through a line 6 kb37 interface and out through some studio monitors. however yesterday after having spotify on from 30 - 60mins the sound stopped, spotify crashed, i tried to restart and explorer.exe couldn't shutdown because it was stuck trying to play the logoff sound. i force restarted it and it turned into a bsod. today the same thing has happened after about 30mins of watching a film. the sound stopped and media player crashed. i tried to watch a Internet video after this and it wouldn't buffer it and crashed my browser. i checked my device manager and it said all my sound devices were working properly

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What Is The Maximum Of RAM That Can Use.

May 24, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 ultimate 512MB of Graphic Card Pentium 4 3.0 GHz I wanted to upgrade my RAM as high as I can. So my computer will work fast when I'm playing games or when I'm working on something else. So, what's the highest RAM I can use? By the way I'm using 1GB RAM.

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Typing For Certain Amount Of Time - Computer Clicks Off Screen

Dec 4, 2012

When I type for a certain amount of time my computer acts like it has clicked off the screen and makes a beeping sound everytime I press a key until I click back on the screen? How can I fix this problem when it clicks off the screen as I'm typing if I type too many words it turns off my wifi.

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PC Responds To Nothing For Unspecified Amount Of Time When Left Idle

Jan 30, 2013

I am having an annoying problem on my notebook. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. My specs are;

Sony Vaio E series notebook
M460 CPU
8 Gb Ram
120 Gb Sandisk SSD
ATI HD 5650
An external 5.1 Creative sound card (USB)
And a 2TB 3.5" hard drive constantly hooked up.

My problem is, I leave the computer on its own for some time, while browser, music/video player, e-mail client vs. normal applications are running, because I need to go outside or due to any reason. When I get back after some time, I press a button to active the screen (I do not use any sleep or hibernation mode, or HDD switch off timeout. My PC constantly works), I get the screen but after a few seconds my pc freezes. The mouse also. It responds to nothing for an unspecified amount of time. I press buttons, move the cursor, try to click things but the screen just freezes. After some time (which varies in every freeze like this) my notebook starts to respond and act normal.

Interesting thing is, during a freeze I press the Windows button, and when the freeze is over, the notebook jumps up the start menu. It's like it freezes but also records the given commands during freeze. I tried setting an animated screensaver, but no difference. I return to the notebook, I press a key and it freezes again. The freezes go on or varied times, from 30 seconds to several minutes. Another interesting thing is when I leave a torrent program on, I don't encounter such freeze. It also happened right after a clean Windows restore.

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D SATA Hard Drive Disappears After Random Amount Of Time?

Apr 7, 2011

My D 200gb SATA hard drive disappears around 1-90 mins while on windows 7. I have tried registry repairs and alot of things. Its not faulty cables because i used to have win Xp on exact same computer but reformatted to windows 7. Rebooting makes the hard drive reappear but it still disappears after a while. It still shows up in the bios though. When it disappears, it is completely gone, even in device manager.

my important data is on my 200gb D drive and i only use C for my os and some other things like Firefox because its only 80gb

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Clean Install Windows 7 On New Hdd Taking Infinite Amount Of Time?

Jan 15, 2012

it gets to blue windows screen just after windows loading files with black screen and just sits their with blue windows background and mouse in middle.i also only have hard wired USB keyboard connected

first off my mother board is a gigabyte ma790x-ds4
ram is 2x2GB of DDR2 XMS2 800 corsair (4G)
hdd is 1tb Seagate baracuda ( i also have 3 other hdd's,although are disconnected for install)
gfx card is raedon hd 6770
processor is phenom 9550 quadcore
psu: Xtreme Pro 650W gold edition.

i have also disabled legacy A floppy drive support as i have seen this giving other people with the exact same problems difficulties,i have also tried removing one ram stick and swapping it ect,also i did a memtest on the ram it for the hard drive i ran sea-gate diagnostics iso, and scanned it also it passed.i have tried running with different hdds the only thing i can think of now is the IDE LG dvd drive i have... Or the Processor or MB

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Way To Get Amount Of Numbers Separately Similar To Word Count Option

Mar 24, 2011

i have a word document with many numbers in it, i would like to know is there a way to get the amount of numbers separately, similar to the word count option.

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Crazy Amount Of Color Bending When Setting Images As Background?

Oct 17, 2012

I just made a new image in cinema 4d, whose color looks perfect. But when i set it as desktop background it got badly color bended.

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Get The Battery Icon To Show The Amount Of Time Remaining Instead Of The Percentage?

Nov 16, 2012

How do I get the battery icon to show the amount of time remaining instead of the percentage of battery power remaining?

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Get IE 9 To Open To Maximum Size?

Jul 22, 2011

I'm running windows 7 and recently download IE 9, now when I open my browser to web page, the top and bottom of the screen is not filled but showing part of my screen saver. Is this a shortcoming of IE 9?

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