PC Responds To Nothing For Unspecified Amount Of Time When Left Idle

Jan 30, 2013

I am having an annoying problem on my notebook. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. My specs are;

Sony Vaio E series notebook
M460 CPU
8 Gb Ram
120 Gb Sandisk SSD
ATI HD 5650
An external 5.1 Creative sound card (USB)
And a 2TB 3.5" hard drive constantly hooked up.

My problem is, I leave the computer on its own for some time, while browser, music/video player, e-mail client vs. normal applications are running, because I need to go outside or due to any reason. When I get back after some time, I press a button to active the screen (I do not use any sleep or hibernation mode, or HDD switch off timeout. My PC constantly works), I get the screen but after a few seconds my pc freezes. The mouse also. It responds to nothing for an unspecified amount of time. I press buttons, move the cursor, try to click things but the screen just freezes. After some time (which varies in every freeze like this) my notebook starts to respond and act normal.

Interesting thing is, during a freeze I press the Windows button, and when the freeze is over, the notebook jumps up the start menu. It's like it freezes but also records the given commands during freeze. I tried setting an animated screensaver, but no difference. I return to the notebook, I press a key and it freezes again. The freezes go on or varied times, from 30 seconds to several minutes. Another interesting thing is when I leave a torrent program on, I don't encounter such freeze. It also happened right after a clean Windows restore.

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Lock Windows After Certain Amount Of Time?

Feb 2, 2012

So here are the requirements of what I am looking for.

* I need the computer to boot up and automatically log into windows without entering a password * I need the computer to lock itself at some point to protect the desktop but still allow services to run (not log out)

This PC is running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit edition and is running as a file server. I know I can password protect the login, but then I have to login in order to gain access to its services. I am trying to get around this. I need it to boot up entirely and then at some point lock itself down.

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Firefox Freezes After Being Left Idle?

Jul 31, 2011

I am using FF 5 currently and every time I leave the browser for a few minutes and then 'wake' it from being idle, I get a delay until it starts to respond to anything.It seems that this problem started when I first upgraded from FF 3 to 4 and has been going on since then. have tried to disable some add-ons to test if this would make a difference, have created a new profile, cleared cache, history etc. but nothing seems to keep the browser from going into this 'hibernation mode'.I really do like FF per se, but this issue is driving me nuts

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Windows 7 Freezes When Left Idle?

May 18, 2012

My problem: My system stops responding if I leave it to idle for 20min - 1hour. I am forced to power off by holding the switch and restarting it[CODE]

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Sound Card Seems To Shut Off After A Certain Amount Of Time?

Dec 14, 2011

i'm running my sound through a line 6 kb37 interface and out through some studio monitors. however yesterday after having spotify on from 30 - 60mins the sound stopped, spotify crashed, i tried to restart and explorer.exe couldn't shutdown because it was stuck trying to play the logoff sound. i force restarted it and it turned into a bsod. today the same thing has happened after about 30mins of watching a film. the sound stopped and media player crashed. i tried to watch a Internet video after this and it wouldn't buffer it and crashed my browser. i checked my device manager and it said all my sound devices were working properly

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Computer Crashes When Left Idle If Being Used Extensively

May 23, 2012

This is a weird problem that showed up in my laptop over the past few months, but I'm just now heading here to try to get some insight on the problem. So when I first got this computer about two and a half years ago, it could edit/render/encode HD videos with little sweat. Now, it can sorta still do that. The only quaint problem is that it tends to crash if I go AFK for about 10 minutes or so while it is doing so. I can sit while rendering a video and browse the internet with no problem--I don't even really feel the laptop getting very warm, let alone crashing. However if I am to leave it alone while I go to do something else, I always come back to it turned off. When I reboot, I get the typical "Windows did not shut down correctly" spiel.

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Screen Goes Into Lock Mode When Left Idle?

Jun 10, 2012

For some reason my screen goes into the "enter admin password" mode when left idle.How can I make that stop? I get the reason for it, say if you worked in an office and don't want anyone to use your computer when your away, but this is a home computer.

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Programs Won't Open If Computer Is Left Idle

Mar 23, 2011

if i leave my comp idle for a few hours i find that none of my programs start, and sometimes i cannot even open olders on my desktop, double clicking any shortcut or even the .exe in the root program folder results in nothing happening. the start menu still opens but i cant select restart or log off as they do not appear, i can still shutdown but it takes about 30 seconds before acually responding and shutting down.Also should mention that if i open any program eg: photoshop or nero and leave the computer idle, when i return and try to continue using the program it will stop responding most of the time, any either ctrl-alt-delete or shutdown is required to quit.my power management setting are all off, hybrid sleep is off....my comp is set to never sleep in any way.i am running windows 7 pro x64, i3 processor, 4gb ram?

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Typing For Certain Amount Of Time - Computer Clicks Off Screen

Dec 4, 2012

When I type for a certain amount of time my computer acts like it has clicked off the screen and makes a beeping sound everytime I press a key until I click back on the screen? How can I fix this problem when it clicks off the screen as I'm typing if I type too many words it turns off my wifi.

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Blue Screen When Laptop Lid Is Closed Or When Left Idle?

Aug 9, 2012

I have the HP DV 2610US and recently upgraded to Windows 7. I have noticed that if i leave my computer with my lid closed for like 30-40 minutes it would shut down & restart and show an error message with Blue Screen as the error. It has also happened with the lid open while the computer wasn't being used.

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D SATA Hard Drive Disappears After Random Amount Of Time?

Apr 7, 2011

My D 200gb SATA hard drive disappears around 1-90 mins while on windows 7. I have tried registry repairs and alot of things. Its not faulty cables because i used to have win Xp on exact same computer but reformatted to windows 7. Rebooting makes the hard drive reappear but it still disappears after a while. It still shows up in the bios though. When it disappears, it is completely gone, even in device manager.

my important data is on my 200gb D drive and i only use C for my os and some other things like Firefox because its only 80gb

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Clean Install Windows 7 On New Hdd Taking Infinite Amount Of Time?

Jan 15, 2012

it gets to blue windows screen just after windows loading files with black screen and just sits their with blue windows background and mouse in middle.i also only have hard wired USB keyboard connected

first off my mother board is a gigabyte ma790x-ds4
ram is 2x2GB of DDR2 XMS2 800 corsair (4G)
hdd is 1tb Seagate baracuda ( i also have 3 other hdd's,although are disconnected for install)
gfx card is raedon hd 6770
processor is phenom 9550 quadcore
psu: Xtreme Pro 650W gold edition.

i have also disabled legacy A floppy drive support as i have seen this giving other people with the exact same problems difficulties,i have also tried removing one ram stick and swapping it ect,also i did a memtest on the ram it passed.as for the hard drive i ran sea-gate diagnostics iso, and scanned it also it passed.i have tried running with different hdds the only thing i can think of now is the IDE LG dvd drive i have... Or the Processor or MB

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Get The Battery Icon To Show The Amount Of Time Remaining Instead Of The Percentage?

Nov 16, 2012

How do I get the battery icon to show the amount of time remaining instead of the percentage of battery power remaining?

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Any Time Start Application That Requires A Moderate Amount Of Processing / Whole Computer Skips

Sep 18, 2011

Any time I start an application that requires a moderate amount of processing, the whole computer skips. By skips, I mean the audio glitches and makes an annoying sound, the video freezes for a fraction of a second before catching up, etc. I was working on a video editing project last night, for instance, and this problem got really bad then. Now it happens whenever I try to play music through iTunes, or even a video online. So far, I have tried updating video card drivers, checking for updated chipset drivers, checking for possible overheating - nothing has helped. The Computer: I just bought the base components for this computer and received them in the mail less than a week ago. I put it together one night last week, and I noticed this issue as soon as I imported my music and got some working speakers attached. (It's much more noticeable with audio) [code]

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Restarts When Using PC After Long Idle Time

Apr 15, 2011

I've had this issue for about three weeks now and I really don't know what could it be causing it. Almost every day after getting back to my PC after school/in the morning, when I use it, it would restart within the next 5 minutes, sometimes twice in a row in a 5 minute interval. And then not anymore.At first I thought my computer was overheating, so I downloaded Core Temp and it says my cores are most of the time in the 40-50 degrees range. Now I realize this might be on the higher side (is it?).

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Shutdown After Idle Time Period?

Dec 28, 2011

I have a rig I use occasionally, as HTPC and occasional mule work, file service, etc.I would like to not have it simply sleep when I have left it running and not returned, but rather have it shutdown properly.Is there a way to do this within Windows 7 controls, or is there an aftermarket, shareware, or scripting way to do so?

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Battery Not Found / Can't See The Percentage And Time Left?

May 21, 2011

i've a toshiba satellite A300-1C9 and it was time to change the battery so i've bought a new one the brand 2-power 6600mAh, but Windows 7 can't find the battery? if i unplug the ac the battery works GREAT but i can't see the percentage and time leftwhen i plug the ac back in it says "on ac - but no charging"

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Lock RDP Session When Idle For A Specified Period Of Time

Jun 13, 2012

How do I configure Windows 7 to lock my RDP session only (but not the console session) after predefined time of inactivity (idle)? By default Windows 7 does not disconnect or lock RDP sessions.

Thinstuff F.A.Q | Support Topics - Config RDP timeout. Disable Remote Desktop Auto Lock Screen on Idle - Lock via Screen saver. How to Disable Lock Screen Using Group Policy | eHow.com - Lock via Screen saver policy.

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Limit Idle Time Of Switched Users?

Nov 8, 2012

how to log out users that are idle on Windows 7? I work for a company that has computers in general areas, anyone can walk up and login and use it for business. Many of my users don't log off and later when they change their password these machines lock out their AD accounts. I was thinking that we could use the group policies that are used for terminal services to log out after being idle for x amount of time.

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How To Adjust Idle Sleep Mode Time

Feb 23, 2012

How do I adjust idle sleep mode program. Right it is set 5min I want to increase idle time for sleep mode time?

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Windows 7 Long IDLE Time On Booting Process?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a problem with my computer that I cannot fix, I recently bought the AverTV Capture HD and plugged it into 1 of my free pci-express slots.Now my computer takes like 20 extra seconds to boot to desktop, I replaced the card to another PCI-Express slot but the problem persists, when I remove the card it boots like before, with no IDLE.My motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-x58-UD5, latest Bios, latest drivers etc...I don't know if it's the card or maybe the motherboard or just Windows 7.This is a Winbootinfo screen to show you the IDLE time between the bios screen-Windows 7 booting screen and @desktop.

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BSOD When Playing Games Or When Computer Is Left On For Long-time?

Mar 24, 2012

I'll be playing a game for about 25 minutes then it will crash and another time where it crashed is when I leave it on all night to finish steam downloads. I figure it might be the CPU or the video card but i am not too sure.

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BSOD Randomly During Idle Time. Error 0x0000001a, 0x0000003b?

May 1, 2012

I recently made my own computer for the first time and at the beginning there were no problems but now I get BSOD's alot now.System Specs:Windows 7 64 Bit (Retail) Recently re-installed.Intel i5 2500KASUS P8Z68-VMSI ATI Radeon HD 6950 (TwinFrozer II)Muskin Stiletto 8GB DDR3 RAMSeagate 300GB Hard DriveHardware about 5 months old.

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PC Frequently Locks Up Nothing Responds

Feb 13, 2012

I built a new PC this past summer (specs are in my info). During the initial setup and installation of windows it locked up on me, but after a couple of tries, Windows 7 Ultimate x64 was properly installed. Since that point my computer locks up relatively frequently. When it locks up nothing responds...mouse and keyboard are useless, the last 16th of a second of sound is repeated, and the network itself actually locks up (no other computers on the network can access each other or the internet).The computer locks under the least demanding situations. I can play Skyrim for hours with the graphic settings set to max and it doesn't freeze. Meanwhile I play Dungeons of Dredmor or some fairly basic flash games, and within a half hour my computer will lock up.

I have run Memtest for 48 hours resulting in 0 errors. I have RMAed the processor & the motherboard. I have taken out one of the video cards and switched them. I have updated the bios. All of which have had no effect.Initially the CPU was running quite hot with the stock heatsink, but upon replacing it the CPU peaks at 50c.

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Windows 7 Freeze And Nothing Responds

Nov 2, 2012

my windows 7 seems to completely freeze up every thing was working fine until just recently. the mouse is moveable but nothing responds, and goes not responding. i ran memtest on my ram and came up with some errors so proceed to test each stick on its own the first came up with errors the other 3 did not. I retested the first stick and it has gone through like 7 passes now and no errors this time. so i am lost as to what to do now. when testing the sticks separately they were all tested in the same port. could it be my hard drive dieing? or maybe the mother board or cpu?

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Windows Responds With Unacceptable Character

Jan 2, 2012

I have a large number of mp3's that have been recorded over the years. In XP, I wanted to give each mp3 a specific 'original recording date'. I used the 'year' field and gave it a date in this format. 2007/05/22. I could then sort properly. In Windows 7, however, when I add 'year' column to the properties and look at the same files, I only see 2007, not the full date. When I try to edit the 'year' field, Windows responds with 'unacceptable character', probably referring to theI can do without the / (20070522), but I do need the full date, not just the year.

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Mouse Controls Are Inverted Up Is Down Left Is Right And Right Is Left?

Jul 8, 2011

My mouse controls are inverted up is down left is right and right is left. I've tryed everything to fix this none seem to work.

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Explorer.exe Unspecified Error?

Jul 18, 2012

I got this message each time i click on personalize(right click)i searched on Google for solution but didn't find it yet

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Remove An Unspecified Device?

Sep 23, 2012

I installed a HP printer with the driver that i used for Win XP, it didn't work, i came to find out that for my printer (Deskjet 3820) to work on Win 7 i have to use the driver for a similar HP printer.Now for that to work i have to remove my previous printer that appears listed on the unspecified devices only i can't seem to do it!How do i do such a simple task? Remove an unspecified device? Completely?

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Setup1.box - Unspecified Error

Jan 6, 2010

I downloaded the .exe for 7 Home Premium from the UK Ultimate Steal site. It says it's preparing setup1.box, but eventually it gives me an error message saying "Unspecified Error".

The .iso is equally annoying, I burned it to a DVD and tried to get my laptop to boot from the DVD drive. It waited a moment and then booted from the hard drive. I burned to a different DVD and attempted to boot from DVD drive, it did the same. I then tried to boot a DVD containing Ubuntu. This booted perfectly fine.

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CHKDSK Not Running - Unspecified Error 766f6c756d652e63 3f1

Jun 25, 2012

I have an unspecified error 766f6c756d652e63 3f1 (yes there is a gap before the 3f1). I have tried but the above error occurs. HDD is C: drive NTFS system. Reason I'm worried is that sfc /scanow returned nothing, but windows backup returned quite a few lines similar to the following....

- Windows Backup skipped C:UsersxxxxxDocuments because is it on corrupted drive C:.
- Windows Backup skipped c:UsersPublicvideos because is it on corrupted drive C:.
- Windows Backup skipped c:UsersxxxxxAppDataLocalLow because is it on corrupted drive C:.

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