Scroll Wheel Amount Keeps Changing?

Aug 1, 2011

everytime I boot up my PC, the mouse settings never seem to be saved from the last time. In the Mouse properties, it always seems to set the scroll wheel amount to "30" lines, and I always need to change it back to "3" everytime I boot. Is there a way to fix this issue? edit: I'm using a Razer Abyssus mouse

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Scroll Wheel Does Not Work No More?

Sep 16, 2010

So I have this problem with the scroll wheel on any mouse I plug into this computer. One day it was working, and suddenly it went really choppy and stopped working. I've tried different mice and it still didn't work. Uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse driver, no go. Installed Microsoft Intellipoint, no go. Plugged into USB and Serial port, no go.

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Why The Second Scroll Wheel Mapping Won't Work On Bf3

Oct 30, 2011

why the second scroll wheel mapping won't work on bf3?normally i have the anti clockwise movement to crouch, and clockwise to prone, but id doesnt work 99.9% of the time.occasionally if i spinn it round and round it will do as i will do as i want but very rarely.ive tried different combinations of mapping the wheel, and testing it, it works perfectly in windows and every other game.

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Razer Deathadder Scroll Wheel Problem

Apr 20, 2009

At first I thought it was just a problem with my mouse but my roommate who has the same mouse is having the same issue. For some reason the scroll-wheel on this mouse is not responding properly. When I scroll up or down it sometimes skips the wrong direction (I.e. if i scroll down it will go up about half the time making it very imprecise and take twice as long). This has only started happening since I've had Windows 7 installed (my roommate is also using Windows 7)

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this issue with Windows 7 and the Razer Deathadder mouse. It's pretty annoying and I'm almost at the point where I'm just going to buy something else.

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Mouse With Toggle Switch Instead Of Scroll Wheel?

Apr 24, 2012

Any new computer mouse with a toggle switch instead of a scroll wheel? I have a Sony mouse with that arrangement but the left click is getting a bit erratic. I suppose I could replace the switch but it would be easier to get a new mouse when this one finally quits. The toggle makes it much easier to scroll through long documents than roll, roll, roll the wheel.

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Wireless Mouse Wheel Suddenly Started Zooming In When Scroll Down

Oct 28, 2011

Why is the wheel on my wireless mouse suddenly zooming in when I scroll down the page when it has never done this before. I have updated Windows recently.

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Browers Scroll When Cursor Not In Scroll Area?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a gateway m-6843 laptop that originally came with vista. It has a track pad, or whatever that thing on laptops is called. I installed windows 7. In both FF and IE when the cursor is NOT in the scroll area, it acts as though I am holding on to the scroll bar. So if I move my cursor down near the bottom of the main part of the browser page (again, outside of the scroll area) it acts as if I grabbed the scroll bar and flung it down. It is intermittent, but bad enough that doing anything online is almost impossible.

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How To Switch Off 'wheel'

Mar 17, 2011

How to switch off 'wheel'? The scrolling control only goes down to 1. My touch pad scrolls can be a nuisance, causing sudden unwanted scrolling!

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Max Amount Of RAM Win 7 Will Recognize

Nov 30, 2009

I am upgrading to the Win7 64bit, what is the maximum amount of RAM it will recognize.

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Limit The Amount Of MB Someone Uses Per Day?

Aug 22, 2012

how do i limit the amount of MB someone uses per day? for instance i only want them to be able to download 60MB per day how do i do that??

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Wheel Mouse Does Not Work

Aug 30, 2011

that when I use rpd from my Windows 7 Pro PC to my XP-Pro PC the wheel on the mouse will not work. The mouse works and everything else but not the wheel.

It must be Windows 7 because if I log in Xp to Xp it works. I tried another Win 7 PC to XP-Pro same thing!

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USB Wheel Recognized As Generic USB Hub?

Dec 9, 2012

Well, I just found my old PC Wheel (Speedlink 2in1 Force Vibration Wheel) and I wanted to try it out. I remember, that it was working on my gaming pc, when it had XP on it. Now it has Windows 7 and it recognises it as a Generic USB Hub, not as a game controller. I tried to reinstall drivers, even the whole pc. But without any results. The wheel is working, I tested it on my laptop, which has Windows 7 too, but also it has USB 3.0. Maybe that is the reason, why it isnt working on my gaming pc? Its not working even on my friends pc.

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More RAM Doesn't Always Amount To Better Performance

Apr 13, 2009

Reading these threads a lot I get the impression that a great many people think that simply by adding more RAM on a computer will automatically improve the performance.

This is not necessarily true as there are many many factors that need to be taken into account.

The amount of REAL RAM allocated by the OS is based on very complex algorithims and not purely on the size of the application being run. For example I might have a HUGE powerpoint presentation (say 50 MB -- a lot for a powerpoint demo) but the actual REAL RAM needed is of the order of a few KB (yes Kilobytes).

Most applications (possibly Photoshop is one of the rare exceptions) do not need to be 100% loaded into RAM while working. Only the amount of real data "pages" need to be accessed at any one time. The amount will obviously dependon what the application is doing , other processes etc etc.

For example in the power point example as above the data has to be transferred to a Video display -- whilst this is being done the next "slice" of data can be read from the "paging" disk.

Applications which wait a lot on input from the User (such as word processing) can use actually a very small amount of RAM since the keyboard input is far far slower than any DISK I/O required to get data from paging into real RAM.

So before you go "buying huge amounts of RAM" think what you actually need.

For a lot of people better graphics, faster CPU and above all FASTER DISKS might make for a snappier system than increasing the amount of RAM once you've got a reasonable base amount installed.

An 8GB RAM system with very slow disks and poor graphics is often far more frustrating to use than a 3GB machine with lightning fast disks and a decent graphic card irrespective of the CPU installed .

I would hazard a bet here that the biggest bottleneck in 99.9% of home systems is not RAM or graphic card but poor DISKS.

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Any Way To Change Amount Of RAM For XP Mode ?

Nov 9, 2009

I have 4 GB RAM installed but XP Mode only has 512 MB available.

Is there anyway to increase this?

512 is very limiting.

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How To Stop Zooming With Mouse Wheel

Nov 6, 2011

Sometimes I think I must have an alter ego who is intent on screwing up my life because I get on my computer and suddenly its doing weird stuff I never wanted it to do.Here lately, a lot of times when I just want to scroll down the page, it ends up zooming into letters so small I can't read, or conversely too large.How is this happening and how can I stop it other than handcuff myself if I'm doing it in my sleep and sabotaging myself.

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Navigation Pane And Mouse Wheel

Apr 4, 2009

When I click on an item inthe navigation pane and want to scroll down to a certain folder in the main window, the mouse wheel stays on the nav pane. Have to go and click in the main window to scroll.

If you click the navigation pane, then the wheel should in my opinion default over to scroll on the main pane. It's a little bothersome to have to keep clikckingto scroll after i just cliked to open that item in the navitgation pane already.

confused yet? maybe the pic will better describe it. I know it's not a big deal, but......

Like in the pic i clicked on music folder in the left nav pane, i would want it to scroll over on right without having to click mouse again. Maybe it's a matter of preference, but that's mine.

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How To Disable Mouse Wheel Windows 7

Oct 16, 2011

I have a desktop running Windows 7 64. I have a problem with my mouse wheel. Every time I roll it forward slightly, I get the blue screen of death. How do I disable my mouse wheel? I have a generic microsoft mouse.
I have gone to the mouse settings but I can not find a setting to disable the wheel. I've tried to download TweakUI but I am unable to install it.

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Cursor Wheel Keep Turning Most Of The Time?

Jan 5, 2012

My cursor wheel keep turning most of the time, it goes away for a few seconds and then comes back as if it is trying to load something all the time. What can I do to stop this?

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Driver For 360 Modena Racing Wheel?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm looking for a driver for my 360 Modena Racing wheel

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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System Shows Twice Amount Of Cores

Jan 20, 2012

I just finished a build with Windows 7 Professional and going into task manager, it shows that I have 8 cores instead of 4.

I have an Intel i7 930 and an EVGA GTX 570HD and even in device manager it shows that I have 10 total cores.

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How To Change Title On Large Amount Of MP3

Mar 28, 2012

I have about 150 MP3's I want to play in order but my phone doesn't organise them by "name" like windows can, it organises them by the "title" they're assigned. Is there a fast way to change the # on these MP3's? I don't really want to go through them 1 by 1.

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Making More Use Of My Large Amount Of Memory

Sep 4, 2009

I have 4gb of ram installed. Windows 7 says it exists so I think it's set to go. What's annoying is that the computer never uses more than say 1.5 GB of memory. I'm annoyed than when I want to seek through a video file there's an annoying lag as it has to stop every notch and seek from the hard drive. Is there a way to set it, or a certain video player, that will have it load, say, the entire video file into memory, and, say, load more into memory when running intensive applications?

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Memory - Set Maximum Amount Used By Windows 7

Feb 25, 2010

How to Set the Maximum Memory to be Used by Windows 7 ?

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Lock Windows After Certain Amount Of Time?

Feb 2, 2012

So here are the requirements of what I am looking for.

* I need the computer to boot up and automatically log into windows without entering a password * I need the computer to lock itself at some point to protect the desktop but still allow services to run (not log out)

This PC is running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit edition and is running as a file server. I know I can password protect the login, but then I have to login in order to gain access to its services. I am trying to get around this. I need it to boot up entirely and then at some point lock itself down.

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Mouse Wheel Stops Working On Certain Pages?

Nov 8, 2012

My logitech wireless mouse will stop working on certain pages maybe the second or third page of ebay for example. If "refreshed " it will work for 1-2 seconds and then stops "refresh " again and it will work for 1-2 seconds again. On certain sites it has no problem.

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Alternate Mouse Wheel # Of Lines Scrolled?

May 3, 2012

Is there an tool/driver that would let me alternate this setting depending on the app being used or the file being used? just for a certain text editor), and a low number for everything else.

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Desktop Icon Resize With Mouse Wheel?

Jul 19, 2012

How can I disable the resizing of the desktop icons with the CTRL+Mouse wheel without disable the mouse wheel function for other applications?

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How To Change Volume Level Only With Mouse Wheel ?

Dec 23, 2009

To change the volume level on Linux just put the little arrow-click on the audio icon on the taskbar and use the mouse wheel without having to click. This is possible in Windows Seven, changing some configuration in the system?

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Microsoft Drivers Don't Allow Configuration Of The Tilt Wheel?

Jul 3, 2011

I just bought a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000 -- the microsoft drivers don't allow configuration of the tilt wheel (past the middle click). Do other drivers exist -- I tried using x-mouse, but I think it's limited to the current driver?

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[MEMORY] The Amount Of Ram That Can Be Used On A 64bit System Dropped

Jul 15, 2012

So my problem is I use to have 5.74GB of ram usable out of 6.00GB. Since a restart of my computer there is now only 1.74GB out of 6.00GB.So I have a 64-bit Windows 7 Home premium SP1.The ram is 1066MHz with 1 x 4GB and 1 X 2GB.I only have 2 slots on the computer.

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