Window Mai: Colour Code Message Altered Them

Sep 21, 2009

I have been using my Windows Mail for a little while now and am pretty much there in terms of understanding it. However, at work I use Outlook Express and there are a few things that I like from it that I am unsure whether Windows Mail has or if I am just not finding them. The main thing is:

I colour code messages (categorise them) by descriptions I have altered them to, for example, if I select pink, this is known as 'awaiting others actions' and if I select blue this is 'Needs further attention by me' or purple meaning 'completed'. Does Windows Mail have this option anywhere at all so that I can colour my inbox messages until I have dealt with them all fully. I would be greatful for any advice about this.

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Update Microsoft Windows Message Error Code"8054402c"

Dec 27, 2008

I hope you can help as this is driving me nuts. I have installed Vista Premium 32 bit I have a net gear wireless pci card and have jsut installed Vista sp1 premium on my com fresh after I though it was some thing I have installed wrong on my com as I can not dl any updates from microsoft or dl any thing from microsoft web pages eg windows messenger. I keep getting a error number on my updates as follows : code 8054402c and from the webpages from microsoft it jsut come up with a can not diisplay page after i click download. I have tried on both Ie and firefox same thing happens.

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No Window, And Sounds For New Message

Mar 23, 2008

My mom changed her theme the other day and now there are no sounds for new messaged received, opening and closing windows, logging in or out, emptying recycle bin...etc. I've tried going into sounds and picking new ones, old ones and nothing works. In sounds where you can "test" a certain sound, nothing plays. It's not the speakers cause music plays just fine. I loaded all the windows media files into windows media player and they work so it's not that. How do I get them to play again?

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Window Mail Error Message

Mar 23, 2008

I'm trying to receve my e mail like i have been doing for ever but now i get a error massage saying that i have to sign in.inever had to sign in befor? what up? were do i go to turn off the sign in part?

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Window Mail Could Not Post Message

Mar 29, 2008

I have successfully logged on to However, when I try to post, I get the following error message. ...Windows Mail could not post your message. Subject 'Flash vs. Hard Disk', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Posting Failed (Rejected by POST filter)', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

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New Message Window Opens Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

I had no issues with Windows Mail as my default client and a new message window would open when I clicked mailto links. Earlier today I clicked a mailto for the first time in a week or so, and it tried to open Microsoft Outlook 2003, which is also installed on my machine, but not the default mail handler. Going into the Mozilla Firefox options, I found that for some reason it was defaulting to Outlook. I changed the setting to Windows Mail, but now instead of opening the new message window, it just opens Windows Mail.

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A File Is Corrupted Or Altered?

Jan 4, 2009

how do u tell if a file is corrupted or altered?

I was contacted by a admin 4 a program after i said i had problems with there product and they told me 2 contact a tec. 2 fix my corrupted or altered file.

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Altered Hosts File

Jun 23, 2008

I am trying to change my hosts file so I don't allow access to a particular site. In the process I accidentally changed the extension of the orignal HOSTS file, it is now a .org file and I cannot find a way to get rid of the extension. There are no previous versions to restore to, and renaming no longer changes the file type. How can I either create a new HOSTS file, or restore the orginal one?

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ITunes Background Colour

Apr 7, 2010

I hated the new colour scheme when iTunes 9 was released, with the harsh white background. Is there any way to change it back to the black/grey without installing anything????

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Screen Colour And Resolution

Sep 12, 2009

I'm having some problems with my screen colour and resolution atm. Tryed system restore, updating drivers and generaly looking on google for answers but most are unclear at best.

Imageshack - myscreen

Imageshack - devices

These are 2 SS. 1st is what my screen looks like. Although I must say it looks alot worse on my acctual screen. Second Is what I figure the problem is due to them simply not working. NVIDIA GeForce 8300 GS < Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

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Background Colour Will Not Print

Nov 23, 2008

I am working on a TAFE project. The word document I have created has the page coloured, text and photos on it but when I print the page out the background colour will not print, everything else does.

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Email Can Access Colour Text

Apr 12, 2009

when writing an email, can I access anymore colours for the Text other than what is there???

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Start Menu Background Colour Changing

Sep 5, 2008

Every time I install a new program, the folder in the start menu of this new program is yellow, and I have to launch it for it to go back to normal...Does anyone have a tip or something that could avoid that ?

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Start Up Graphics Glitch 4850: The Login Screen I Receive Small Blocks Of Colour That Do Not Match The Screens Intended Picture

Feb 14, 2009

Error on startup. After a period of time. Having scoured several topics in relation to this issue, I am still none the wiser and like many pledging for some guidance, I thought it best to post here. Some quick Background Info;

I made this computer using my old Powersupply ( Jeantech 500W) and Harddrive. I had previously used the graphics card in my old setup and had no issues. This was XP, different motherboard, processor etc. I formatted the Harddrive and installed Windows 64bit and installed all the new parts. Drivers are all up to date except the motherboard. (Of which the CD couldn't be detected)

When I turn on my computer, at the login screen I receive small blocks of colour that do not match the screens intended picture. On the log in screen this is normally minimal, but on my main desktop this will nearly cover the screen intermitantly. Sounds bad? But it will either fix itself in time with the "Windows has recovered the driver Atiamtag" Or, I pop open the Chess program and on load up this clears the issue..........

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OT - Windows 7: Fall Back To A "basic" Colour Scheme

Jul 29, 2009

Why does Win 7 want to fall back to a "basic" colour scheme? When I start to watch an AVI file in Win Media player it almost immediately pops a message to say that perfromance is slow.... running low on mem for Aero...suggest I go to basic display Why would it do that? I have Win 7, a damn good sys - with 6Gb of mem. I did read that it caused some incompatability with progs - but I using an AVI in MS media player... so surely that should be compatible? I have breakdown of how file was encoded if people interested - but lets keep simple for now... Why would MS media player make Win7 do that?

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When Delete A Message Do Not Want To Open The Next Message In Inbox

Mar 23, 2008

When I delete a message, I do not want to open the next message in my inbox. I want to back to the inbox. Is this possible? It is is Outlook.

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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Backup Window Mails And Upgrade To Window 7?

Dec 8, 2009

How can I backup my Window Mails and upgrade to Window 7 and use them in Win 7?

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SP1 Will Not Install Code 800736B3

Mar 26, 2008

I an unable to have SP1 intall on my computer. When I run Windows Update, it begins the download, then fails after a few minutes, then
gives me the "click here for help" After clicking (obviously ) there are 5 things MS has you do. I tried all 5 and my computer passed,
but SP1 still will not install.

Thinking that maybe Updater was being mean, I dowloaded the stand alone update. When I run that it installs to 50%, then hangs and requires it to be manually cancelled.

The only error I get is "Code 800736B3" which seems to only refer to Dreamscene, and not SP1. That or my google-fu is weak.

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Retrieving The Activation Code

Mar 25, 2008

I am wondering if there is any possible way of retrieving the activation code, currently in the process of creating a Vista Home Basic DVD with SP1 intergrated into it, currently have same activated and legit on system. I relise that you can call or even activate it over the internet, but this is anoying everytime I install a fresh copy of the OS. I am creating my own personal edition of vista that contains SP1 and Programs I enjoy using.

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Re-installing X64 But Can't Find Code

Mar 4, 2009

I want to re-install Vista x64 Home Premium but I can't find a code at home for installing, I'm not sure if I even had a code as the 64bit upgrade DVD looks to be a special offer (friends complain I got it very cheap, quick off the mark I tell them)

I purchased 32bit Vista early after its release and then sent off to Ireland for the Vista x64 DVD, cost around ?10, I saw the offer in the 32bit box. I'm having some problems so wanting to reinstall 64bit Vista but for the life of me I can't remember whether I need a code to re-install Vista x64 from just the 64bit DVD, or whether I need to install the 32bit version first and then the 64bit upgrade goes in without needing another install code

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Code 80070490, Windows

Feb 8, 2009

Code 80070490. So far I haven't gotten very far in solving this problem.

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Could Not Fine The Serial Code

Apr 17, 2009

Bought and installed WEB EASY 7. Ran fine no problems. Shut down system and when I started up later and executed WEB Easy it said that it could not fine the serial code. Put the serial code in again and it ran fine, until the next shutdown and restart. Worked about 6 weeks with WEB EASY (Avanquest) to resolve and they could not. Their final fix was to format the disc and install a clean Vista with all updates.

I have not problem with any other software that I have purchased. I have uninstalled and reinstalled WEB EASY from my account with Admin Priv as well as Installed with the "Hidden Administrator" logon. Avanquest has of course said it is Microsofts problem and hung up. Apparently when I do an initial install and enter the serial code as requested it puts it in the worng place or somewhere that later users, including the Administrator, does not have access to; or the prgrram itself
is locked out of.

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Can't Use The Updates (error Code 64C)

Feb 20, 2010

Microsoft says I need some updates to Silverlight. I can't use the updates (error code 64C), I can't uninstall or Install it (the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.) What should I do?

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Net Passport 3.5, Code 80244019

May 12, 2009

I have my auto updates switched on yet since a download of definition files for windows defender on the 3/3/2009, all updates have failed, now in these updates is the 3.5 sp passport, which i need desparatly, now also to this i use firefox as a web browser, now when trying to download manually from microsoft themselves, its always says i cannot connect to microsoft downloads, no matter what download i try : yes i am using a proper copy of vista, not pirate! Im using vista 32-bit home.
When i try doing the updates i get the following error code:- Code 80244019

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Can't Run Game Executable Code

Mar 25, 2009

whenever if run the game through "startup" a prompt comes up saying "You cannot run the game with modified executable code ...Re-install the game" . I installed the game again but it behaves the same... how can i run the game...??? OS used: Vista 32 bit.

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Another Sp1 Installation Error Code 80070002

Jun 24, 2008

I had sp1 installed, installed a new video card(Gigabyte 8800GT nforce edition if that helps), had to reinstall the OS before the system would recognize the card. After reboot, I ran update and got a bunch of updates. A few days later, update listed sp1 under automatic updates. i ran the update and got this error:

Code 80070002

I've gotten this error before on another machine and it was pretty easily fixed by deleting a few folders(as per the instructions in the Help guide). This time, it isn't working. I've tried the steps listed at least a Dozen times, I've downloaded the stand-alone update, combined the error fix with a restart, and I always get the same error. Now, my computer is constantly telling me to install the update, but it won't let me. I really don't want to have to reinstall again.

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Installing SP1 :: Error Code 80041315

Mar 25, 2008

I have a laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have tried 4 times to update to the Vista SP 1. All 4 times the install has failed with an error code of 80041315.

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Activation Error Code 0x8004FE33

Apr 30, 2008

When i activate vista online , one error code 0x8004FE33 is comming. what can i do?

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CD-Rom Drive Missing Error (Code 10)

May 18, 2008

The CD Rom drive passed out of existence from My Computer, with Vista Home Premium 32-Bit operating system installed in a emachines desktop PC. The error code is: This device cannot start. (Code 10). The driver version is: 6.0.6001.18000 I do not know what caused this problem. how to restore the CD Rom drive?

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Microphone Not Working :: Error Code 10

Apr 8, 2008

I've a problem with my on-board SoundMax 1988B (SupremeFxII) in bundle with MB Asus P5E. In Vista64 Ultimate all SoundMax's drivers found (also ASUS_BlackHawk_v30) don't working (error code 10) instead Microsoft's drivers WORKING BUT the microphone don't working. In XP-32bit microphone working ONLY the first time after a clean installation of drivers and software SoundMax, launch Skype and the MIC don't working definitively. Microphone is setting correctly like RECORDING DEVICES but it's "death".

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