Update Upon Boot Disable Vista

Mar 2, 2009

Just wondering why the reported Physical Memory in the Task Manager drops to 14%, after an hour or so, from 28% when initially starting the system. Processes drop from 49 to 46. Mainly Trustedinstaller and winupdate processes. I know some applications check for updates upon boot, but I kind of disabled most (if not all) of them except Vista updates. Also one of the many svchost.exe starts off with a reported Commit Size of 177K and later is down to 155K. This of course is not a problem. Just Vista64 curious!

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Update Software Disable Bitlocker Start

Mar 23, 2008

read the following negative about bitlocker. Can anyone confirm these and even point me towards an official MS document confirming these

1. non-Microsoft software updates will require you to completely disable BitLocker before you start

2. System upgrades will require you to decrypt the volume

3. Only volume containing OS and system files will be encrypted. Other volumes are nto encrypted by bitlocker but can be encrypted using EFS. Will there be any support for bitlocker using certificates issued by Active Directory enabled PKI services? (microsoft certificate services)

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MS DTConsole Can Disable From The Boot Up

Nov 23, 2009

I understand that this MS DTConsole can be disable from the boot up. Please can anyone giv me step by setp procedure on how to do this.

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Disable Boot Manager From Popping Up?

May 5, 2008

I'm stumped.... Whenever vista loads up, it brings the windows boot manager and makes me have to press enter to boot into vista. If I press tab, it gives me the option to get into windows memory diagnostic. How do I disable all of this to boot straight into vista without having to press enter? this is vista home. I tried all, looked around and nothing!

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Can't Update Boot Configuration

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to install windows vista onto my net book but every time I try to, it tells me that it can't update the boot configuration of the computer and stops the installation. Does anyone know what I should do to install it

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How Do Disable Vista Ultimate X 64

Jul 29, 2009

It looks like this Every time I click something I get this dumb animated effect. How do I disable. Vista Ultimate x64

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How To Disable Perfmon In Vista?

Dec 10, 2008

how to disable Perfmon in Vista? I do not need this and it takes to many resources.

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Disable Superfetch In Vista

Feb 7, 2010

ok to disable the superfetch in vista?,and will it make any difference to the system?,just that I keep getting error messages saying that it has stopped working,when browsing within firefox, so I might disable it??,any ideas?, I checked the error reports,

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Disable This Vista And Disbaled Uac

Aug 24, 2009

When I connect an iPod or a Western Digital external hard drive to my laptop,using a USB cable, I have to wait for a window to open asking whether I want to scan it or proceed without scanning. This can often take up to one minute to come up on the screen. As I am well aware of what I am doing, I would like to disable this Vista feature. I have already disabled UAC, but not this one. There is no doubt a simple answer, how to accomplish this. If you do respond, please tell me the full path to reach the target, as I do not consider myself to be an expert.

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Disable ALL Security On Vista System

May 14, 2008

I want to disable ALL security on my Vista System. I don't want any passwords. I want every file visible/readable/writable/executable by ANYBODY who happens onto my network.
I don't want any firewalls. I don't want any antivirus. I don't want any automatic updates of any kind to anything. I don't want any popups asking for permission to do anything. I'd rather not have all the bloat and duplication in folders for different users. I want a single-user system and to be administrator of all things. Yes, I'll put some tiny subset of this back with third-party tools THAT I CONTROL. I've been poking around fixing up one issue after another...but it's a task. Is this info all in one place? Or better yet, a magic incantation to remove ALL of it in one fell swoop?

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Disable Alps Touchpad In Vista X64

Mar 25, 2009

i don't find this on the i'net after a month on google so i'll post here. it seems the alps drivers do not fully support v.x64. doesn't have the disable button anywhere. today vaio help (tier 3, supposedly) finally told me the above which i told there tier 2 a week ago, i guess he didn't read the notes. said i would have to live with it. they wouldn't help w/ registry hack. probably means they didn't know it. bad, bad, bad sony. anyway, to the chase. i saw where linux people could use synaptics drivers. tried the same trick w/ v.x64. there was the button under start>control panel>mousec>device settings>disable. those penguins aren't so bad. i have a severe neurological disease and that touchpad rendered a $1200.00 computer unuseable. sony's response was "live with it." to quote my favorite tech authorities, the three stooges, "chowderheads." let me reiterate "bad sony, bad sony." Drivers | Synaptics v.10.1.8 worked for me on win vista home premium x4, sp1/vaio vgn-fw170j.

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Vista Disable Mcafee Virus

Mar 2, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home premium 64 bit version... After I use windows update and then try to restart my computer..It will not start properly and goes blue screen and then into startup repair and then I have to use system restore to be able to start...when I disable my Mcafee Virus I can update my files with no problem..has anyone else run into this..

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Disable Bios To Work: Do Update Bios

Mar 12, 2009

I have been building computers for a while now and have not had any problems so far that I could not solve. Now I don't know where to start. I have purchased the following items:......Now when I try to install the vista 64 bit I get the famous BSOD! Mostly with the error message I stated in the title. I dont know what to do. Does anyone have any information for me?? ....65N Rast to disable the TBL patch in the BIOS in order for this to work. I do not know where to diable this patch on my mainboard. Do I need to update my BIOS? With what version??

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How Can Make Boot Disk For Update BIOS

Mar 19, 2008

So have an intel mobo, and there is a BIOS update for it, but the windows exe that Intel provides to flash it right from inside windows doesn't work in Vista 64 Ultimate. So My other options are to create a bootable USB stick or a bootable CD. I actually don't have a USB stick I can use for this, so I want to go the CD route. Either way I don't know how I can make a bootable Vista disk that gets me to a command prompt that I can put these bios files on so then I can run the bios update. I think this BIOS update could solve some problems I'm having getting things running smoothly.

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Slow Boot,. Windows Update KB954430?

Apr 23, 2009

For the last few days my 'pc' (http://www.vistax64.com/) takes three and half minutes to load. I did have the windows update KB954430 installed around that time. All malware and virus scans come up clean. Could this update be the problem? It takes 90 sec. to get to the welcome screen, then the screen goes black untill the programs begin to load at 195 seconds. the loading of programs seems to be in a normal time frame.

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Dual-boot XP, Can't Boot Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore.
I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed. I don't have Vista's DVD, and I'm trying to avoid installing XP again. If there's any way around...I would be gratefull! (Is there any way I can edit bcdedit.exe in XP?)

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Dual-boot XP - Can't Boot Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I searched all over the internet for this simple (I think) problem, but I couldn't find any solutions. I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore. I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed.

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Get OEM Vista You Are Not Alound To Update Your Hardware Unless You Buy Another Copy Of Vista

Jun 19, 2008

I want to update some of the hardware in my computer and my friend said that if you get OEM Vista you are not alound to update your hardware unless you buy another copy of vista... and that sounds insane

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Dual Boot: Vista And Vista On 2 Hard Drives?

Jun 19, 2008

There are many articles on how to dual boot Vista and XP, but I want to dual boot Vista and Vista, with an existing installation, on 2 Hard Drives. Currently I switch these in the BIOS, but I'd much rather chose at a later stage, can this be done? Why? Because I keep one of the drives for random software that I rarely use.

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Vista 64 & Vista 32 Dual Boot Issue

Mar 26, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.

3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.Anyone have any good idea about fix the Vista 32 bit boot and keep the Vista 64 bit also?

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"Windows Not Update Computer's Boot Configuration. Installation Cannot Proceed."

Jun 18, 2010

I am upgrading from XP to Vista (on the way to Windows 7). After it completes the compatibility check it starts to copy files. About 20 minutes into the process the upgrade aborts with the following message: "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed."

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"Windows Could Not Update The Computer's Boot Configuration."

Mar 26, 2008

Vista upgrade was cancelled "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration." Installation cannot proceed.

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Having Two Copies Of Vista On One Computer: Install Vista On The Smaller Drive, Boot With That, And Access Files On The Other Drive

Dec 25, 2008

Right now I have a single 640 gig HDD that everything's on. I've got a laptop too that I'm gonna be taking out on rotations eventually. I wanted to get a new smaller (250GB) HDD and put my Vista on that, so my 640 will be data only (then I could take it with me in an external enclosure and leave the desktop for my mom to use til I come back and collect it). I was gonna DBAN the 640, but I wanted to get the data off of it first- about 170 GB of stuff that I'd rather not lose.

My question is-

Can I install Vista on the smaller drive, boot with that, and access files on the other drive? Would it work if there's another Vista running on the other drive? (both SATA).

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Vista Sp1 Came Through On Windows Update

Mar 23, 2008

vista sp1 came through on windows update. It is on my computer but wont install! becuase it wont install i cant uninstall it? My problem is that my dual cores are running at 100% half of the time. how to get rid before my processors burn out

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Vista 64 Update Failure

Nov 1, 2009

I installed the vista 64 system updates. I found that this caused my system update to fail. upon using these forums I found that others with this issue, could not get this to be fixed, without reinstalling/repairing of the operating system..

what I found was microsoft office SP2 was the cause of the problem..the trusted installer was missing in the windows servicing folder....

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Is There A Way To Update DX10 In Vista?

Jun 6, 2008

Is there a way to update DX10 in vista?

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Windows Update Vista X 64

Dec 2, 2007

I have Windows Vista X64 Ultimate and every time i want to format my hard drive and reinstall Vista, i need to remove 2 gigs of RAM, since i get a blue screen during the installation of Vista because i have 4 gigs of RAM. So i need to then get this update "Windows6.0-KB929777-v2-x64.msu". My question is.....is there anyway to integrate this update into a back up copy of my Vista disc?. It's abit anoying to keep removing 2 gigs every time i want to install Vista.

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Vista Issue Or Like Update Idk?

Feb 6, 2009

about 2 weeks ago or so my computer has been having these little spikes in "Warcraft 3" like every second its really annoying and hard to game with i dont know if its just a Vista issue or like a update idk im using wireless net and i have a perfect connection.

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Update Vista Sp Not Presented

Mar 23, 2008

When I checked Windows Update today, 2nd Tuesday of March, I found only one new Vista update (.5 MB) which actually has a date of Feb 12th. I thought SP1 would be available today for the "first wave (English)" version. I'm using Ultimate installed by the manufacturer and have kept it up to date (except for hiding unneeded updates like the foreign language stuff and the test for counterfeit versions). Microsoft has a web page listing the SP1 roll-up files which also says that the service pack will contain additional files not in the list: "This document contains a list of these updates with links to their descriptive web pages on. There are other updates in Windows Vista SP1 which have not be released as updates and therefore are not presented in this list."

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IE 8 Be An Update For Vista Users

Feb 4, 2009

Will the Internet Explorer 8 browser be like a normal update for Vista users? Or will it have to be downloaded/installed separately?

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