Vista Disable Mcafee Virus

Mar 2, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home premium 64 bit version... After I use windows update and then try to restart my computer..It will not start properly and goes blue screen and then into startup repair and then I have to use system restore to be able to start...when I disable my Mcafee Virus I can update my files with no problem..has anyone else run into this..

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Trojan/Worm Virus Mcafee Could Not Delete

May 31, 2008

IE07 opens new sites/windows by it self. I suspect it's trojan/worm but Windows and McAfee could not dtect anything

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Disable Norton Virus

Mar 25, 2008

The problem is Norton Virus running. You have to disable it while you are running restore or run restore in safe mode (Norton won't be running)

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Viruses: Possible That A Virus Can Infest Vista

Jul 1, 2008

I have learnt that Vista has been build on the Framework, therefore, no thread leaves an application domain to enter another application domain. So, isn't it what a virus does?, then how is it possible that a Virus can infest Vista?,

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Microsoft Virus Free Scan And Remove Any Known Virus Such As Trojan Win32.murlo.?

Mar 23, 2008

"If your system is a Microsoft product and you have your 20 digit registration number, you can go to the Microsoft web site, and they will do a free scan and most likely remove any known virus such as Trojan win32.murlo." Is this true, and where would I find my 20 digit registration and what is the web site?

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Anti Virus Programs Conflict With Vista

Mar 19, 2009

does anyone have any reviews on Kaspersky? I was running PCtools firewall plus - but my dell rep said that it will conflict with vista - running dell Inspiron 530 gateway. I also have avast running - would I need both (I disabled windows antivirus but have defender running)

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Vista Security Virus And System Restore?

Apr 28, 2010

My grandson allowed the vista security virus on their PC I am trying to fix it. It blocked everything I did between using my Daughters laptop and gathering info from the internet I did get the PC Doctor downloaded (took forever) and installed on the infected PC then ran a scan only to find out that I had to purchase the tool to remove it. I did and the Pc worked fine or so I thought.

DD looked up lowes last night and now today it is again posessed it will not let me run system restore everytime I look up something on the internet it redirects me to stupid pages that have nothing to do with what i key in. so I am trying system restore and it wont open it tells me it is already running. This is a vista home basics I have no idea if it is 32 or 64.

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Vista Isn't Picking Up Anti-virus Software

Aug 2, 2009

Apparently, Vista isn't picking up my anti-virus software.

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How Do Disable Vista Ultimate X 64

Jul 29, 2009

It looks like this Every time I click something I get this dumb animated effect. How do I disable. Vista Ultimate x64

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How To Disable Perfmon In Vista?

Dec 10, 2008

how to disable Perfmon in Vista? I do not need this and it takes to many resources.

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Disable Superfetch In Vista

Feb 7, 2010

ok to disable the superfetch in vista?,and will it make any difference to the system?,just that I keep getting error messages saying that it has stopped working,when browsing within firefox, so I might disable it??,any ideas?, I checked the error reports,

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Disable This Vista And Disbaled Uac

Aug 24, 2009

When I connect an iPod or a Western Digital external hard drive to my laptop,using a USB cable, I have to wait for a window to open asking whether I want to scan it or proceed without scanning. This can often take up to one minute to come up on the screen. As I am well aware of what I am doing, I would like to disable this Vista feature. I have already disabled UAC, but not this one. There is no doubt a simple answer, how to accomplish this. If you do respond, please tell me the full path to reach the target, as I do not consider myself to be an expert.

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Anti Virus: Filter Mail For Virus

Jun 14, 2008

I have uninstalled MacAfee and Windows Mail now works fine. Do I need to install something else instead? My internet provider, British Telecom, claim to filter my mail for virus and I have the Mailwasher spam

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Anti Virus Can Not Removing: Virus SysWOW64

Apr 14, 2009

Ive been searching everywhere for answers i have vista home premium with windows live care anti virus in perfect condition and it detected something trying to connect to the internet. This monster devil thing icon beside it told me right away...trouble and also the random numbers...By looking in the settings of my anti virus i found that i blocked 4 of them so far ive scanned with my anti virus 2 times and 3 times with spybot search and destroy AND ran a ccleaner.It's still there...I just want to get rid of this once and for all but what in God's name is it!

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Free Anti Virus Program That Runs Well With Vista Home Premium

Jun 3, 2008

Need good free anti virus program that runs well with Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the bought version 8.0 and began having problems with the computer lagging, and generally slow all over, not thinking it was AVG, I checked every other possible issue that I thought may be causing it. Eventually it lead to AVG, as things had been good prior to installation. I completely removed AVG and everything returned to normal, great! But then I done a further download of the program again, and once again the problems began. Is there a good alternative Anti Virus program that is recommended?

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Disable ALL Security On Vista System

May 14, 2008

I want to disable ALL security on my Vista System. I don't want any passwords. I want every file visible/readable/writable/executable by ANYBODY who happens onto my network.
I don't want any firewalls. I don't want any antivirus. I don't want any automatic updates of any kind to anything. I don't want any popups asking for permission to do anything. I'd rather not have all the bloat and duplication in folders for different users. I want a single-user system and to be administrator of all things. Yes, I'll put some tiny subset of this back with third-party tools THAT I CONTROL. I've been poking around fixing up one issue after another...but it's a task. Is this info all in one place? Or better yet, a magic incantation to remove ALL of it in one fell swoop?

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Disable Alps Touchpad In Vista X64

Mar 25, 2009

i don't find this on the i'net after a month on google so i'll post here. it seems the alps drivers do not fully support v.x64. doesn't have the disable button anywhere. today vaio help (tier 3, supposedly) finally told me the above which i told there tier 2 a week ago, i guess he didn't read the notes. said i would have to live with it. they wouldn't help w/ registry hack. probably means they didn't know it. bad, bad, bad sony. anyway, to the chase. i saw where linux people could use synaptics drivers. tried the same trick w/ v.x64. there was the button under start>control panel>mousec>device settings>disable. those penguins aren't so bad. i have a severe neurological disease and that touchpad rendered a $1200.00 computer unuseable. sony's response was "live with it." to quote my favorite tech authorities, the three stooges, "chowderheads." let me reiterate "bad sony, bad sony." Drivers | Synaptics v.10.1.8 worked for me on win vista home premium x4, sp1/vaio vgn-fw170j.

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Update Upon Boot Disable Vista

Mar 2, 2009

Just wondering why the reported Physical Memory in the Task Manager drops to 14%, after an hour or so, from 28% when initially starting the system. Processes drop from 49 to 46. Mainly Trustedinstaller and winupdate processes. I know some applications check for updates upon boot, but I kind of disabled most (if not all) of them except Vista updates. Also one of the many svchost.exe starts off with a reported Commit Size of 177K and later is down to 155K. This of course is not a problem. Just Vista64 curious!

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Free Anti-Virus Compatible With Vista AND Does Not Insert Somekind Of Advertising Tag In Outgoing Mail Or Leave Some Other Kind Of Footprint?

Apr 30, 2008

Could someone please recommend a free Anti-Virus program that is compatible with Vista AND does not insert somekind of advertising tag in outgoing mail or leave some other kind of footprint?

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Get Rid Of McAfee

Jun 15, 2009

I have Vista Home Basic running an E Machine 32 bit. I recently took a full factory restart. I then deleted McAfee because I wanted to run Norton. I have since deleted Norton and am now using Avast. When I went to Windows Security Center - Malware protection and clicked on "show me the antivirus programs" it showed both McAfee and Avast were both running. I can not get rid of McAfee. Since I deleted it by using the uninstall or change panel McAfee is not listed but it is still running. How do I get rid of McAfee?

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Uninstall The McAfee

Aug 11, 2009

The new ACER compuer has McAfee Antivirus suite installed. I can't find a way to uninstall it. Any way to do it?

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How To Turn On McAfee

Jun 12, 2009

how do I turn on macaffee in vista home premium? It was working last nite until I put it into sleep mode. Today macaffe is disabled in the taskbar and am wondering how to turn it back on,

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Mcafee Not Supporting

Dec 31, 2008

I just bought a new puter with Vista Home Prem 64bit. Mcafee suite was installed with 2 years of free service. I used the virtual technician to indicate if everything was working properly. To my surprise there is one error "Process not working". It indicated that C:programfiles (X86)mcafee|virusscan|Mcshield.exe was not working. Is this inidcation just a misdiagnosis from the Virtual Technician because it is set for 32bit? If this indication is correct, do I have real time virus scan protection? Customer support was of no help. I have reinstalled and the same error shows.

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McAfee Uninstall?

Mar 23, 2008

After a 'friend' installed McAfee on my laptop, it has caused Vista to crash after about 30 seconds of starting up, you are able to do nothing. I need to re-install Vista, but do not have a CD/DVD to do it. I have a valid licence key. need to know a way to either get McAfee uninstalled.

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McAfee Antivirus Uninstalled

Jun 5, 2008

I am using AVG 8.0 free antivirus on my Vista laptop...When I went to the Vista Security center, it said that McAfee antivirus was on...I uninstalled it when I 1st got my laptop so I could use AVG free(it was version 7.5) can McAfee antivirus be on if it's not installed on my laptop??? I check the add/remove programs, and it didn't show up...just wondering...doesn't seem like a big deal, but just making sure..

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Windows Not Compatible With McAfee

Mar 23, 2008

My problem is that i have install McAfee ver: on my computer, but is not compatible with Windows Vista. I want uninstall, but i can't.

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How To Remove McAfee Personal Firewall

Jul 18, 2009

When go into security center on Vista, it says I have 2 firewalls enabled. Windows Firewall and McAfee Personal Firewall. I cannot find MPF anywhere! I want to delete/disable it. Anyone got any ideas on how to?

Note: I'm not using McAfee. It came with my computer and I stopped using it after the 30-day trial.

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Username/password After McAfee Uninstalled

Oct 24, 2009

Windows Mail worked correctly for 1 year. I did not have the "password won't

save" problem at all.

McAfee Security Center was uninstalled and debris removal was performed

because I dislike McAfee (which came installed on the the computer.)

Avast Pro was installed because I like it.

Now, I have the Windows Mail "password won't save" problem. When I look at

the Account Properties, there's nothing in the password box. When I enter

the password and click Remember Password, check email, I get the popup

requesting username password. If I enter the info there, mail is received

and can be sent. Next time, it asks for username/pw again.

I have deleted the account, closed Windows Mail, recreated the account -

same problem.

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Trojan.Dropper McAfee Cannot Delete

Sep 19, 2009

I aquired Trojan.Dropper on my computer. It runs Vista with a 64 processor. My McAfee tries to delete it but every time I restart my computer its there again. I'm not terribly computer savy so I need help. How do I get this off my computer?

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Cannot Receive Email Since Installing McAfee

Apr 5, 2008

I'm not able to receive messages in Windows Mail since installing McAfee - I receive this message. Account: 'Judy', Server: 'shawmail', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Could not read message file', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

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McAfee Not Registering With Security Centre

Oct 13, 2009

New computer.Keyboard not typing properly.DELL disabled background programs, side bar and upper horizontal icons on monday. 1 mth free Mcafee came with computer. Today I checked SECURITY CENTRE and it says: Warning,the security centre has not recorded an antivirus product.Cause: either its not installed or not recognized. solution: verify that its installed. Disabling programs DOESNT delete them does it? i'm sure i saw Mcafee in the files somewhere. How do i confirm for myself its still installed? and how do i verify to security centre that its installed. there were no options to click on.

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