Can't Update Boot Configuration

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to install windows vista onto my net book but every time I try to, it tells me that it can't update the boot configuration of the computer and stops the installation. Does anyone know what I should do to install it

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"Windows Not Update Computer's Boot Configuration. Installation Cannot Proceed."

Jun 18, 2010

I am upgrading from XP to Vista (on the way to Windows 7). After it completes the compatibility check it starts to copy files. About 20 minutes into the process the upgrade aborts with the following message: "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed."

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"Windows Could Not Update The Computer's Boot Configuration."

Mar 26, 2008

Vista upgrade was cancelled "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration." Installation cannot proceed.

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Windows Update Configuration

Sep 1, 2008

i'm having problems starting up my windows vista.. when i turn my laptop on there's a screen that comes up showing "configuration updates: stage 3 of 3 - 0% complete" and after a couple of seconds my computer shuts down, restarts and does the process all over continuously with no option of cancelling this process....

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System Restore Update Configuration Loop

Oct 19, 2008

Had an incomplete install of a otherwise working fine...did a system restore to try to go back to the system restore shutdown and restart, now hung up in a update configuation loop that is in third step up to 99% that shuts down only to do the same thing over and over again. So my system never gets to the mainscreen acknowledging system was restored.

I tried F8 going to safe mode, but configuation step 3 takes over again, goes to 99% and shuts down to restart.

I tried the vista 64 sp1 disc...cannot acccess another restore point since it says the system is already in restore mode....just never gets there with the endless 3rd step update configuration loop.

The disc also does not offer the repair/update mode as an option...only full install.

I do have norton ghost 14 on the there is a complete backup file on another internal drive...but no way to get to it to initiate a recovery ...

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Upgrade Cancellation, Boot Configuration

Mar 23, 2008

Vista upgrade was cancelled "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration." Installation cannot proceed.

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Boot Configuration Data Editor Frequently Asked Questions

May 16, 2008

I copied the following from the "Boot Configuration Data Editor Frequently Asked Questions" which I found found elsewhere on the Microsoft website. Multiboot Environments. Can I install Windows Vista on a computer that already contains an operating system? Yes. You can install Windows Vista on a different partition. It is best to install Windows Vista after you install the older operating systems. Older operating systems will continue to use Boot.ini for boot configuration. Should I replace the code that used to work with Boot.ini to now use BCD on Windows Vista? No. You will need to alter your code so that it uses Boot.ini for the older operating systems, and so that it uses BCD on Windows Vista. What does "your code" mean?

If I want to install both XP & Vista on separate partitions, apparently I need to install XP first. During the XP install I have the option of creating 2 partitions don't I? It's my understanding that there can be only 1 primary partition & only the primary partition is bootable. Every other partition is an extended partition. This is what confuses me. XP uses the boot.ini file & is installed first on the primary partition. Won't Vista be installed on an extended partition? Since XP uses the boot.ini file & Vista uses the bcdedit file, which file is used if both XP & Vista are installed in a multiboot configuration? Which would be the default OS? To further complicate matters, suppose that I want to install XP, Vista & Linux. Which of the 3 do I install first since Linux uses a different boot file?

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Update Upon Boot Disable Vista

Mar 2, 2009

Just wondering why the reported Physical Memory in the Task Manager drops to 14%, after an hour or so, from 28% when initially starting the system. Processes drop from 49 to 46. Mainly Trustedinstaller and winupdate processes. I know some applications check for updates upon boot, but I kind of disabled most (if not all) of them except Vista updates. Also one of the many svchost.exe starts off with a reported Commit Size of 177K and later is down to 155K. This of course is not a problem. Just Vista64 curious!

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How Can Make Boot Disk For Update BIOS

Mar 19, 2008

So have an intel mobo, and there is a BIOS update for it, but the windows exe that Intel provides to flash it right from inside windows doesn't work in Vista 64 Ultimate. So My other options are to create a bootable USB stick or a bootable CD. I actually don't have a USB stick I can use for this, so I want to go the CD route. Either way I don't know how I can make a bootable Vista disk that gets me to a command prompt that I can put these bios files on so then I can run the bios update. I think this BIOS update could solve some problems I'm having getting things running smoothly.

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Slow Boot,. Windows Update KB954430?

Apr 23, 2009

For the last few days my 'pc' ( takes three and half minutes to load. I did have the windows update KB954430 installed around that time. All malware and virus scans come up clean. Could this update be the problem? It takes 90 sec. to get to the welcome screen, then the screen goes black untill the programs begin to load at 195 seconds. the loading of programs seems to be in a normal time frame.

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2 Dpi Configuration.

Oct 1, 2008

needs to use a 120 dpi configuration but i really dislike it, i need more space in the screen. Need any way i can have 2 dpi configurations on the same computer one for his user account and one for mine.

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Need Option Last Configuration

Sep 24, 2009

i needed to use the option last good configuration that i used in xp but it was not available is thier a replacement option?

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Set Up A Raid Configuration?

Oct 30, 2008

My pc was configured in raid5 but I lost all the data. Since then I decided to go back to the classic drive C,D,E each by themselves. The point is that things are going slow / sometimes I try to access drive D with music and there is a significant latency in the hdd response. I can even hear the sleepy drive waking up. I might want to aim to high but here is what I dream to do.

1. I want to go back to a raid configuration in which all those hdd(i have 3x 500 sata) to work hard for me.
2. Find a way to add the fourth one in which to save important data. I case of crash to reinstall vista and all the soft without losing all my projects. I am doing video editing.

My motherboard has a sata external connector. What would you guys do with this configuration in order to set up a raid. Don t tell me trash it 'cause i won t. I paid more than 4000 bucks last year. Today might value less than 2000 ( hurts so bad). This is another reason I want to squeeze as much as possible from what I have.......

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Email Configuration, No ISP

Mar 23, 2008

I am having trouble with the email configuration. I have a wireless connection with a signal booster (ssid: free the net). I don't have an ISP as I don't need one to access the internet.

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Security Configuration Not To Use TCP/IP

Mar 23, 2008

How can Vista (no router) be configured not to use TCP/IP as transport protocol for NetBIOS, SMB and RPC, thus leaving TCP/UDP ports 135,137-139 and 445 closed.The best to my understanding is that Seconfig works with WinXP only.

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Wireless Zero Configuration Still Not Fixed In SP1

Mar 23, 2008

This message is in regards to the Wireless Zero Configuration not being fixed in SP1. This is a serious issue for multiplayer gaming enthusiasts who play wirelessly. This system causes a lag spike in games that lasts between 1-3 seconds and reoccurs EVERY 60 SECONDS. This is unacceptable! This makes playing games over a wireless connection completely unbearable!

The problem goes like this. Every 60 seconds, via Wlan autoconfig (WZC), my computer (and ANY computer using Vista and wireless connection) attempts to find the best connection. During this time period, if you're doing something intensive with your connection such as playing a game, the connection spikes and causes an intermission between your game and the server you're playing on because your connection is being temporarily interrupted. There are no options to stop WZC from doing this. Manually disabling Wlan autoconfig causes you to be shut out from connecting to the internet at all........

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System Configuration Question

Jun 18, 2008

With Windows XP, when you ran msconfig, and rebooted, you got that box with the message about how your settings have changed, and at the bottom there was a checkbox that said something to the extent of "Do not show this message at startup".

With Vista, when you run msconfig and reboot, Windows Defender comes up and gives you a message something to the extent of "Some programs have been blocked, click here to see which programs or choose to unblock them".

But now there's no easy, evident way to not make that message seen at startup.

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Window Ip Configuration Can't Worked

Mar 16, 2009

As youve seen from the title, its the access: local only error! I just built a rig this weekend, hours slaving over the damn beast! I cant connect to the internent, it says "access: local only", after doing a bit of googling i can see it must be a bit of a problem for vista? I can connect to the internet sometimes for small amonuts of time before im shut off! Im using a wierd connection straight into the router, have all drivers installed ect, other comps on the network can connect, just not mine I get a I am also getting "Cannot communicate with DNS server (ip)!! (Think its somthing todo with that!) I tired this Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or from certain non-Microsoft DHCP servers, but didnt seem to resolve the issue! I also tried disabling ipv6 and setting the DNS in ipv4 settings! Im am at my wits end!

Windows IP Configuration
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:.....................

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'Configure UAC', MS The Value In Grannular Configuration?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to grant an applicatoin the right to execute now and forever more? An app that I use 3,4,10,15 times a day triggers an UAC prompt. I understand that the app should be written in a different manner so that it does not need Admin rights. Until it is re-written, I do not want to be prompted __EVERY__ time i launch it. Is this possible?

Since I think I already know the answer (but I am wrong far more than I would like to admit which is why i am posting), Why not? and to answer the first 3 arguments against:

1) I don't care that the app should be written differently. It is not written differently now, and I need to run it now.

2) It's not really a security hole to whitelist an app(s) - UAC is still running. Firewall is still running. User is still a least priveledge account, etc.

3) i haven't thought far enough to have 3 counter arguments.

Can someone explain to MS the value in grannular configuration? 'Configure UAC' should have a few more options than Turn On / Off.

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Sound Output: Speaker Configuration

Jul 19, 2008

I got an ASUS M50SV with integrated Realtek HD ALC888S audio and the problem is in the speaker configuration, it only shows stereo. i cannot change it because its grayed out. The laptop also has S/PDIF output but the Realtek HD Audio Manager doesnt recognize it.

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System Configuration Startup, Security

Sep 29, 2009

Can I safely uncheck the following checked items from System Configuration Startup:
SupportSoft sprtcm
HD Audio Control Panel
Google Toolbar Notifier

That would leave only Microsoft Windows Operating System and Trend Micro Internet Security as the 2 items checked for Startup.

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Back Up The Configuration Of A Cisco Switch

May 6, 2008

I am trying to back up the configuration of a Cisco switch. I am using TFTP. After accessing the switch I try to ping and telnet to my Vista Business PC. I can't do either. I have Windows Defender turned off and I have shut down my Symantec Endpoint Protection. Under Windows features I have Simple TCP/IP services, Telnet Client and Telnet Server turned on. I also have TFTP client turned on. What might be stopping me from accessing my PC??

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Windows Defender Configuration Has Changed

Jun 9, 2008

"A system change was made by a known application...change type: application execution...C:windowssystem32mswsock.dll". This happens when I connected to the network/internet and also disconnected from them. When I checked through Event Viewer, I found some errors:

1- Windows Defender Configuration has changed. If this is an unexpected event you should review the settings as this may be the result of malware. Old value: HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows DefenderSpyNetSpyNetReporting = 1 New value: HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows DefenderSpyNetSpyNetReporting = 2

2- Windows Defender Configuration has changed. If this is an unexpected event you should review the settings as this may be the result of malware......

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Deploying Configuration Manager 2007?

Feb 24, 2009

I need to deploy windows vista enterprise to 20 laptops but don't have anything like configuration manager 2007 to use. I've read all the tehcnet info on deploying vista but still don;t know how I can do this. I want to build one laptop, put all our busines applications onto it etc and then copy that single image to another 20 laptops (all same laptop model) and join to our domain.

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Spybot Search & Destroy Configuration?

Jul 15, 2009

I have Ultimate Windows Vista x64 and I installed "Spybot....". After what usually I've done in the Windows Xp, after update I try to Immunize but it didn't mmunize everything about 800 things was not. I try to do something and my second try was:

Unprotected 166860
Protected 0
Total 166860

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USB Mouse Lost Configuration Failed

Jun 17, 2008

This problem happened after I installed Vista SP1. Here's my setup: Vista Ultimate 32bit with SP1 USB Microsoft Trackball Explorer (directly connected - does not go through a hub) I used the Microsoft IntelliPoint software (version 6.1) to map the keys differently than the default settings. Before SP1 this worked fine. After SP1 the trackball still works but my custom settings are lost. So I opened up the Microsoft IntelliPoint software and was presented with the following dialog: "Some mouse settings might not work until you connect a Microsoft mouse to a USB port on your computer or set up a Microsoft mouse that uses Bluetooth technology."

Next step was to Google for answers. There were several suggestions, so I started trying them:
1) Unplug and replug the USB Trackball - FAILED
2) Remove the USB Trackball from the device manager, unplug and replug it (so the OS sees it again) - FAILED
3) Remove the USB Trackball from the device manager, reboot the computer - FAILED
4) Remove Microsoft's IntelliPoint software - FAILED, it starts to remove the software but then fails with the following error: "Setup Error, Setup was interrupted before Microsoft IntelliPoint software could be completely installed. To complete installation at another time, run setup again." This is a bit strange since I was removing the software. Oh well............

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System Configuration : Delete The Statrup Tab

Jun 22, 2009

When I go into system configuration into the 'Startup' tab, it shows programs that are not on my computer anymore (at least I think). Is there anyway to get rid of these? I follow the file link and can't find them so I believe they are removed. Just wondering how to delete them from the Startup tab.

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Vista Power Configuration Settings Are Changing On Their Own!

Sep 23, 2008

I have a very annoying problem with my Intel DG45ID motherboard. I am noticing that my Vista power configuration setting are changing automatically! I will set my monitor to go to standby after 20-minutes and for the computer to go to sleep after 30-minutes of idle activity. Everything is fine for a week or two, then suddenly I notice that they are both set to "Never". Anybody have this issue? Alternately, is there some sort of log that I can look at to see what might have changed these settings?

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Adding 2nd Video Card In A NON Crossfire Configuration

Oct 3, 2009

Can Vista support more than 1 GPU driver? I am running Vista Ult 64. Looking to upgrade to Windows 7. I previously had an Nvidia 8800GT as my primary graphics card and also had an 8500GT installed as well on my dual boot XP/Vista PC. They worked fine and the computer recognized both correclty on both OS's I think I didn't have any trouble b/c as I found it all 8 series cards use the same driver. I bought a new primary GPU, a ATi Sapphire 4870 1GB Toxic. I am NOT trying to run SLI or Crossfire, I need availability for 3+ monitors. Can I have two completely different video drivers? I was under the impression NO, but a computer parts guy said I can install an Nvidia & ATi driver as long as I do not install the supplemental software.

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Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander : Configuration

Apr 25, 2008

I own this (??prehistoric?) device and I reaaally like it. But recently I upgraded my computer and move on to Vista SP1 (32 bits) for several reasons. But I find that the (??prehistoric!) software won't work. It won't even install, the setup.exe just stays there without doing nothing. And I have no way to configure the device. Is ironic that, when moving to Windows Vista, the only device I have problems with is from Microsoft.

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Wireless Router Configuration As A Access Point

Jan 24, 2010

Some of us don't use just a wireless router, but a combination of wireless and wired routers. In such cases the configuration of the devices can be a little tricky. But this thread it will be explained in depth, each step how to set up a wireless access points for laptops. This tutorial is going to explain how to set-up wireless for people who have setups similar to this model:

Modem -> Wired Router -> Wireless Router

Modem -> Wired Router -> Switch -> Wireless Router

***Note, there are pictures at the bottom of this post, use those for reference when going through this guide***


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