Vista 64 Update Failure

Nov 1, 2009

I installed the vista 64 system updates. I found that this caused my system update to fail. upon using these forums I found that others with this issue, could not get this to be fixed, without reinstalling/repairing of the operating system..

what I found was microsoft office SP2 was the cause of the problem..the trusted installer was missing in the windows servicing folder....

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Failure To Update

Mar 11, 2009

my computer is a Toshiba Satellite, and it will not install updates or shutdown properly. When I try to shut it down properly it says configuring updates I left it like this for a couple of hours and it made no difference. I am writing this thread on it now, and it runs perfectly other than the updates. It has flashed me a Blue Screen twice, and has never had this problem before. I need to know any Solutions before I completely wipe this partition and install XP.

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SP1. I : Windows Update Failure

Mar 31, 2008

My Confusions :
1.) A week ago Brink said SP1 was not available through Windows Update( WU ), while at the same time .Joe indicated it was available in website and WU. ( I read those threads .)
2.) Someone said something about driver not upgraded and therefore it was not offered in the WU for those users. Does that mean I'm one of those?
3.) .Joe said that there are 2 prequisites for installing SP1 (it's from the same thread I mentioned .)
a) First prerequsite includes updates to the servicing stack, which I never saw it in WU.
b) 2nd includes updates required to reliably install or uninstall the service pack, which I never saw in WU either.
4.) We all saw the " horror stories " posted in this forum regarding problems during installing and after installing SP1. It got me worried.
5.) I still do not see SP1 offered in WU, optional or otherwise.

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DirectX Update: Failure

Nov 8, 2008

There is what looks to be a November 08 update to DirectX, but on three different machines I have not been able to get the dxwebsetup.exe to work. Every time I run the executable I get “Installing components: Initializing…”, then “Setup could not download the file. Please retry later or check network connection”. The redistributable is still showing Aug. 08.

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KB947562 Update Failure

Jun 6, 2008

I have done a "clean" reinstall of Vista Ultimate two days ago and everything is running exceptionally well on this machine. So I feel a little guilty nit-picking about one update that continues to fail. It is KB947562 that fails with an error code of 8024200D.

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KB947562 Update Failure

Jun 10, 2008

I have a brand new clean install of Vista Ultimate running on a machine. Every day it tries and fails to load KB947562. It throws error code:8024200D. Anyone know what is going wrong?

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Update Failure: Stuck On 'shutting Down'

Mar 23, 2008

My vista desktop did an auto restart on its on last night and began 'updating' I left it on and went to bed. This morning it was stuck on 'shutting down' I did a hard reset and restarted in save network mode. After the normal dos info on safe mode setup I got a screen saying 'configuring updates'. After about 15 minutes it went to shutting down and its been over 2 hours shutting down. I have no idea what 'updates' it is trying to install. My guess is whatever came out on Tuesday as I use auto update/download. I am using an older xp machine to write this question. The vista machine was bought with vista ultimate installed in March of 07. It is a dual core intel 2.4. I have had no problems with update until today.

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Windows Update Failure: Studio

Nov 24, 2009

I have a Studio laptop with Windows Vista 32 bit installed that has recently failed on every attempt for Windows Update. Just does not respond.

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Windows Update Failure: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jun 18, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit without service pack 1 and have been trying to download windows updates for about a month now. I get a Windows Update error message 8007000b. I ran the command prompt as administrator, typed in fsutil resource setautoreset true C:. And I get a message saying “The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable”

I have tried to download updates 1 at a time, turned off my anti virus And tried manual updates as well. My Error checking is not working “windows can’t check the disk while it’s in use” And schedule disk check does not work. The System File Checker tool gives the message “windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them”. The windows memory diagnostic tool runs, reboots and does not display any results

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Vista Reinstall Failure

Mar 26, 2009

I attempted to reinstall Vista Home Premium 32bit to my laptop. It fails to do so. I have attempted startup repair with no success.

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Vista Installation Failure

Mar 26, 2008

I just bought parts for a new computer, today i finished putting together, now when I try to install Vista, it hangs at the 'loading files....' screen. I've tried installing XP Pro too, and it gives me a STOP C0000221'Unknown Hard Error' after it copies all the files, and tries to start the installation.

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Installation Failure Of Vista

Oct 12, 2009

Got a new laptop today and turned it on and started to install Vista and then as I was also putting my xbox back on to my table next the the laptop the extension cord for the laptop came out and it turned off. Now it wont install and keeps on repeating the same error message that I should restart and when I do the error box pops up again.

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Back Up Failure In Vista

May 26, 2008

There have been many posts about backup problems in Vista. I too was having problems. I kept researching for answers and maybe the following will help someone else with their problem. I counld not get the backup to work properly. I kept getting BACKUP FAILED messages.

I even reformatted the Hard Drive and then still ran into the problem. I read all the treads, and saw numerous refernces to REGISTRY CLEANERS. I like my 3B REGISTRY REPAIR PRO but trying to correct the backup problem, I restalled the original registry. and then tried to Back Up. Result. NO MORE BACKUP FAILURE. I am 99% sure, that when a Registry Cleaner is used, It will interfere with the Backup Program, thus generating the problems.

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Windows Locked: Is Vista Failure?

Jul 24, 2009

I have on my PC Vista Ultimate 32. Last night i saw a movie near my PC and left it open (most of the time i locked it when not in use), when suddenly right in front of my eyes - the PC locked him self! It was like i locked it myself - but alone! So, i run AVG scan, W Defender scan and another anti-spy program scan - nothing.

My UAC is on all the time. My Fire Wall is on all the time. I am the only user on this PC, and no one know my password. I check in the Event Viewer and there was no unusual activity. the locked activity was mentioned but in the normal way, as if I was the one that did it. Is it Vista failure? Or maybe someone broke into my PC?

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Can Live Failure Retrofitting Vista Machines

May 19, 2009

I tried to retrofit a "windows XP" machine into a Windows Vista machine for the past 2 days. My problems including no sound and no modem and a machine that wouldn't boot with a new sound card or an external USB device attached to it. I can live with the failure of retrofitting. But I can't live with the following: For some reason , known only to Microsoft and / or Symantec, both "vista machines" want to share my music library. The problem is that Idon't have any shares on either machine. The problem also exists when I restored the Windows XP machine. I noticed this behavior when I was sitting in a airport waiting for a plane. Airport was in a wireless network. Yesterday was wired.

I wonder what will happen in Windows 7. Why does "Vista" automatically search for media libraries to share? Does this behavior happen when 2 XP machines are side by side? I have NIS 2009 installed on both machines with the installed default behavior on both machines?Again who is too blame? How do I fix this? (I know, use Linux)

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Stop Vista From Chewing On My Disks, Failure Of My C: Hard Disk

Mar 3, 2009

How do I stop Vista from chewing on my disks. I have had a failure of my C: hard disk and i want to stop Vista from chewing on my disk. Had to replace it and reinstall everything

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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VISTA Ultimate Fresh Reformat Clean Installation Failure - Hangs...

Jul 29, 2009

I've got a serious problem. I decided to do a fresh installation of Vista Ultimate on my $4000 Asus VX2S Lamborghini notebook (which I got after getting a nice pay bonus back in 2007. Details of the Lambo are here: 'Techgage - ASUS Lamborghini VX2' It was very sluggish and took about 5minutes to loadup. It was slow in multitasking and hanged on Windows Media Centre operations. Played games ok tho - but needed a cooler.

Things improved a bit after I deleted some of the Asus bloatware mentioned in the unofficial asus notebook forum FAQ. Stuff like Splendid, TPM, Asus Protect, Asus live update, power4phone etc... But it still seemed a tad slow for a US$4000 machine, esp the startup and multitasking. I mentioned this to my friend a computer guru who advised me to do a format and fresh clean installation. He had a spare moment in the weekend so he formated C drive - including the recovery partition as I did not want the pre-installed Asus software.......................

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Get OEM Vista You Are Not Alound To Update Your Hardware Unless You Buy Another Copy Of Vista

Jun 19, 2008

I want to update some of the hardware in my computer and my friend said that if you get OEM Vista you are not alound to update your hardware unless you buy another copy of vista... and that sounds insane

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Vista Sp1 Came Through On Windows Update

Mar 23, 2008

vista sp1 came through on windows update. It is on my computer but wont install! becuase it wont install i cant uninstall it? My problem is that my dual cores are running at 100% half of the time. how to get rid before my processors burn out

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Is There A Way To Update DX10 In Vista?

Jun 6, 2008

Is there a way to update DX10 in vista?

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Windows Update Vista X 64

Dec 2, 2007

I have Windows Vista X64 Ultimate and every time i want to format my hard drive and reinstall Vista, i need to remove 2 gigs of RAM, since i get a blue screen during the installation of Vista because i have 4 gigs of RAM. So i need to then get this update "Windows6.0-KB929777-v2-x64.msu". My question there anyway to integrate this update into a back up copy of my Vista disc?. It's abit anoying to keep removing 2 gigs every time i want to install Vista.

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Vista Issue Or Like Update Idk?

Feb 6, 2009

about 2 weeks ago or so my computer has been having these little spikes in "Warcraft 3" like every second its really annoying and hard to game with i dont know if its just a Vista issue or like a update idk im using wireless net and i have a perfect connection.

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Update Vista Sp Not Presented

Mar 23, 2008

When I checked Windows Update today, 2nd Tuesday of March, I found only one new Vista update (.5 MB) which actually has a date of Feb 12th. I thought SP1 would be available today for the "first wave (English)" version. I'm using Ultimate installed by the manufacturer and have kept it up to date (except for hiding unneeded updates like the foreign language stuff and the test for counterfeit versions). Microsoft has a web page listing the SP1 roll-up files which also says that the service pack will contain additional files not in the list: "This document contains a list of these updates with links to their descriptive web pages on. There are other updates in Windows Vista SP1 which have not be released as updates and therefore are not presented in this list."

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IE 8 Be An Update For Vista Users

Feb 4, 2009

Will the Internet Explorer 8 browser be like a normal update for Vista users? Or will it have to be downloaded/installed separately?

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Vista Update Failed

Aug 20, 2009

I'm running Vista Service Pack 1 on a Fujitsu Tablet PC (T4220). For several days, I've been unable to install the Vista Security Update KB971657. The update downloads, my machine reboots, and then an error message comes up "Updates not configured correctly." The machine shuts down, reboots, and then gives the message "reverting changes." When I go to Windows Update in the Control Panel, I see that the update failed, but no error code appears. So far I have:

1. Disabled my antivirus program (Kaspersky), and tried to download and install again, but no luck.
2. Done a clean boot by changing the settings in the System Configuration Utility, rebooted, and tried to download and install again, with no luck. In reading through this section of the forum, I see at least one case in which an update wouldn’t install because the user has Service Pack 1 but should have SP2. Should I try downloading SP2 and see if this resolves the problem? Though I’m curious why Microsoft hasn’t installed SP2 automatically on this machine since my settings are for automatic installation of updates.

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Vista SP1 Update Victim!

Mar 16, 2009

I installed the SP1 update which stopped my system from working resulting in an error "DXC0000034!! 250/69843". Seems a number of people have been a victim of this. To get round this I could not restore to a point earlier than when I updated Vista therefore I have installed vista again over the old version! This allows me to access Vista but I now cannot install programs such as Windows Live, iTunes or update Vista (get a 8007000B error).

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Vista X64 Update Loop At Startup

Mar 26, 2009

My laptop, Toshiba model M305D, has been down about 6 days. I went to microsoft technical, put in a request but got no reply. This is the first problem I've had since buying the laptop new August, 2008. It has an AMD 64 bit processor and runs Vista home premium 64 bit. It has been kept up-to-date with windows update.

THE PROBLEM: The last time it was receiving updates it became stuck in a loop. It was processing update stage 3 of 3 at the 96% complete point when it restarted the computer to complete installation. Only, it keeps restarting and going through this update install process. It does this over and over.

I used the F8 on startup method to get to a help screen hoping to get into the safe mode. I got to the help screen.

The computer will not go into the "safe mode" using any of the choices presented on this screen, but instead goes right back to update screens described above when one of the choices is selected. I had hoped to get access to restore but could not.

How can I get past this to get back up and running?

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Is There An Update For The Error Above For 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

is there an update for the error above for 64 bit vista ultimate?

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Bios Update With Windows Vista

Jul 6, 2008

I have bios update, and knowing very little on what this is can someone tell me if this is going to be hard or easy and can it harm my Laptop, HP Pavilion Entertainment PC windows Vista.

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YooStar Update Pushed By VIsta

Aug 6, 2009

I have an HP notebook with Vista Home Premium and I just got an recommended update popup, pushing this: "Sonix - Streaming Media and Broadcast - YooStar Camera." What is this about? I've heard that some previous Sonix updates to HP laptops caused problems with the built-in web cam. Will this be another one like that?

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