Can Live Failure Retrofitting Vista Machines

May 19, 2009

I tried to retrofit a "windows XP" machine into a Windows Vista machine for the past 2 days. My problems including no sound and no modem and a machine that wouldn't boot with a new sound card or an external USB device attached to it. I can live with the failure of retrofitting. But I can't live with the following: For some reason , known only to Microsoft and / or Symantec, both "vista machines" want to share my music library. The problem is that Idon't have any shares on either machine. The problem also exists when I restored the Windows XP machine. I noticed this behavior when I was sitting in a airport waiting for a plane. Airport was in a wireless network. Yesterday was wired.

I wonder what will happen in Windows 7. Why does "Vista" automatically search for media libraries to share? Does this behavior happen when 2 XP machines are side by side? I have NIS 2009 installed on both machines with the installed default behavior on both machines?Again who is too blame? How do I fix this? (I know, use Linux)

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Vista See XP Machines And The Shared Folders But XP Machines Don't

Mar 9, 2009

I used to have a network that consisted of: XP Pro / XP Home / Win 98 / Win 2000. they all saw each other and I was able to move & change files between them. I have had VISTA since 9/2008. however, my vista machine sees my XP machines and the shared folders but my XP machines don't see vista when I open network folder. I have everything shared, all permissions are full. I tried again to set up network on XP machine and it sees the vista shares but not allowed access. ps don't know if it matters, vista is a laptop running wireless.

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Go-slow Or Failure To Connect To XP Network Machines

Jun 9, 2008

I am connected to the network using a wired connection and have the same workgroup name as the XP machines on the network. My files are stored on an XP machine that is used almost exclusively for this purpose - we call this the 'server'. I also run a couple of programs remotely from that machine, notably my mail program (Pegasus Mail).

on this Vista machine for a reason that I cannot fathom I am having a very slow connection to the files on the XP machine on the network. (Other XP machines on the network have no trouble accessing these same files quickly and effortlessly, though they are much older rickety machines by comparison with this one.) Some of these files are on the 'server' machine itself (on a Raid 5 system) others are on a Mybook external hard drive which I have removed from this Vista machine and connected to the XP one - in case this was causing the problems. I am not able to access my email program except painfully slowly and with frequent crashes or messages of 'not responding' though eventually the program catches itself and recovers. But obviously this is not workable.

I have tried to remove all sorts of devices in case they have suddenly caused conflicts (webcam, removed the Mybook from my own computer etc.). also replaced the network cable. I have also reset the router and restarted the computer. After reading a post on here I have also disabled the IpV6 on this. not able to access them using programs such as Breezebrowser or Photoshop Bridge.

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Windows Live Id Service Failure

Feb 16, 2010

As some of you may have noticed (we heard from you on Twitter!) we had an issue with the Windows Live ID service between 9 and 10AM PST this morning. Due to the failure of one server, Windows Live ID logins were failing for some customers, and this increased the load on our remaining servers. We took the problematic server offline and brought a new server into rotation. We identified the root cause and fixed it in less than an hour, but it took a while to resolve the logjam that had built up in the meantime, and to redistribute the load to normal levels. As with all incidents like this, we will fully investigate the cause and will take steps to prevent this from happening again. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to you, our customers and partners.

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Network: Can Not Get Vista Machine To See The XP Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 ip's from my cable provider. I use a switch to connect to internet. I have 3 PC's 2 XP Pro One vista Ult. My two xp machines see each other and share fine but I can not get my Vista machine to see the XP machines. I have done all the proper updates etc...I can ping the xp boxes etc.

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XP Machines Cannot Access Vista Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 XP machines and 1 Vista machine. The Vista machine can access the XP machines (using a variety of methods), but the XP machines cannot access the Vista machine (in any way/shape/form). That includes "ping", file sharing, an HTTP server, anything. All computers are in the same workgroup and subnet.

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XCopy Files To Profiles On Vista Machines

Apr 1, 2009

I'm having some problems with xCopy files to profiles on Vista machines. I realise robocopy is the copy util to use with vista but I'm copying via a logon script with a mixed vista and XP environment. That is also why i'm using "documents and settings" rather than "users" in the path. The following command copies the file over properly without any prompts. xcopy "\servernamesharefilename" "C:users\%username%appdata......

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Password Protection Turn Off Both Vista Machines

Mar 23, 2008

Why is Vista asking for a username and password everytime I try to access shares with password protection turned off on both Vista machines? Damn if I know. I can use the XP Pro machine to access the shared files on either Vista machine and don't get asked for a username/password. Vista's networking is flaky to say the least. The whole idea of small office networking is to be simple, Vista has tried to complicate this with password protection. Why should I have to have all users on every machine? That's just more network maintenance I don't want in a small home office. Besides some users may not want other people's accounts on their machines but they'd still like to share files and Vista has made this a nightmare.

File sharing : On (check)
Printer sharing: On (check)
Public sharing: On (check)
Password protection: Off (check)
Workgroup name the same (check)
Private network (check)

Logon to the router and I can see the Vista machines and the XP machine and the network printer. On XP machine access the shared printer on Vista 1, works like a charm. On XP machine open a shared folder on Vista 2, works like a charm. On Vista 1 access a shared folder on XP machine, works like a charm. On Vista 1 access a shared folder on Vista 2, not pass go do not collect $200 until you enter a username and password. EXCUSE ME! Oh well, so much for progress. Not a firewall problem, get the same result whether or not a firewall is enabled or not. Haven't tried a crossover cable between the 2 Vista machines to see if it's the router but I have my doubts because XP works fine. Solution: Move all shared printers and files to XP and forget Vista sharing.

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Failed Windows Sharing WITH TWO VISTA Machines

Aug 6, 2008

I am having is I cannot acess my laptop with windows sharing/networking.I am trying to share files and printers between my Dexktop PC and my Laptop.My desktop PC is connect to a router with DNS by cable and the laptop is connected by Wi-Fi.Both computers belong to the same workgroup(WORKGROUP).Both computers have password protected public folder and printer sharing,file sharing,network discovery,and password protected sharing enabled. Both computers do have shared files and printers.What's happening is from the laptop the desktop(RK-PC)appears and I can share files and printers flawlessly and very quickly.However from the desktop while the laptop (RYANK-MOBILE) appears it cannot be accessed at all.Also the desktop is vista 64 bit and the laptop is vista business.I saw another thread with the same problem but the response pointed to a tome of an article that explained every single facet of windows sharing down to the way the packets are constructed.To be honest I don't have time to read 100 pages on windows sharing and there is no way the problem is the complicated.None of the suggestions I read in the first five pages or so helped at all any ways.I tried changing netBIOS from default to disabled on both PCs but after doing this the result was normal function on the laptop as before but the desktop could no longer even see/discover the laptop on the network.

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Norton 2008: Access The Public Folder On The Vista Pc From The XP Machines

Apr 20, 2008

I can access the other pc's from my Vista pc but I can only access the public folder on the Vista pc from the XP machines.I have shared the C drive on the vista pc but when I try to access it I get told about not having permissions etc.

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Copy A File From The Windows 2003 Server To The Vista Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows 2003 R2 x64 (all current SPs and updates installed) and 3 Windows Vista machines (also al X64 versions). When trying to copy a (large - maybe 50MB +) file from the Windows 2003 Server to the Vista Machines (the Server Shared folder is mapped to a drive in Vista) - I will get an error like "There is a problem access I:igfile.txt - make sure you are connected to the Network and try again" Once in a while I will see "Error 0x8007003A" I can copy those files just fine from Windows 2003 to another Windows 2003 machine or Windows XP machines...

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Corporate America: Automaker Has Encountered So Many Speed Bumps Getting Vista To Work On Its Machines

May 13, 2008

Corporate America's rejection of Vista Many companies delay or denounce Microsoft's flagship product By Aaron Ricadela. updated 11:34 a.m. ET, Tues., May. 13, 2008. General Motors may take a detour around Vista, the latest computer operating system from Microsoft. The automaker has encountered so many speed bumps getting Vista to work on its machines that it may just wait for the next version of Windows, due in 2010 or 2011. of course, that's only assuming the next version doesn't suck too...

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Outlook 2007: Before I Upgraded The Desktop To Vista, I Copy The Outlook.pst Back And Forth The Two Machines To Synchronize My E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop that I upgraded from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate and a laptop running on Windows XP Pro. I recently upgraded both devices from Office 2003 to Office 2007. Before I upgraded the desktop to Vista, I copy the Outlook.pst back and forth the two machines to synchronize my e-mail. Now that the desktop is running on Vista and the laptop still running XP Pro, can I do the same thing to synchronize my e-mail or is there a better solution in synchronizing the pst files.

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Vista Reinstall Failure

Mar 26, 2009

I attempted to reinstall Vista Home Premium 32bit to my laptop. It fails to do so. I have attempted startup repair with no success.

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Vista 64 Update Failure

Nov 1, 2009

I installed the vista 64 system updates. I found that this caused my system update to fail. upon using these forums I found that others with this issue, could not get this to be fixed, without reinstalling/repairing of the operating system..

what I found was microsoft office SP2 was the cause of the problem..the trusted installer was missing in the windows servicing folder....

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Vista Installation Failure

Mar 26, 2008

I just bought parts for a new computer, today i finished putting together, now when I try to install Vista, it hangs at the 'loading files....' screen. I've tried installing XP Pro too, and it gives me a STOP C0000221'Unknown Hard Error' after it copies all the files, and tries to start the installation.

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Installation Failure Of Vista

Oct 12, 2009

Got a new laptop today and turned it on and started to install Vista and then as I was also putting my xbox back on to my table next the the laptop the extension cord for the laptop came out and it turned off. Now it wont install and keeps on repeating the same error message that I should restart and when I do the error box pops up again.

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Back Up Failure In Vista

May 26, 2008

There have been many posts about backup problems in Vista. I too was having problems. I kept researching for answers and maybe the following will help someone else with their problem. I counld not get the backup to work properly. I kept getting BACKUP FAILED messages.

I even reformatted the Hard Drive and then still ran into the problem. I read all the treads, and saw numerous refernces to REGISTRY CLEANERS. I like my 3B REGISTRY REPAIR PRO but trying to correct the backup problem, I restalled the original registry. and then tried to Back Up. Result. NO MORE BACKUP FAILURE. I am 99% sure, that when a Registry Cleaner is used, It will interfere with the Backup Program, thus generating the problems.

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Windows Locked: Is Vista Failure?

Jul 24, 2009

I have on my PC Vista Ultimate 32. Last night i saw a movie near my PC and left it open (most of the time i locked it when not in use), when suddenly right in front of my eyes - the PC locked him self! It was like i locked it myself - but alone! So, i run AVG scan, W Defender scan and another anti-spy program scan - nothing.

My UAC is on all the time. My Fire Wall is on all the time. I am the only user on this PC, and no one know my password. I check in the Event Viewer and there was no unusual activity. the locked activity was mentioned but in the normal way, as if I was the one that did it. Is it Vista failure? Or maybe someone broke into my PC?

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Windows Live Mail Can Not Working With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Like many others, I've wasted more than enough time trying to get Windows Mail to work yet it remains completely unreliable. I have Windows Live Mail but it does not meet my needs (e.g. no provision for sub-folders or bulk despatch of emails). The email client "Thunderbird" has been recommended to me (though by an XP user - not Vista).

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Stop Vista From Chewing On My Disks, Failure Of My C: Hard Disk

Mar 3, 2009

How do I stop Vista from chewing on my disks. I have had a failure of my C: hard disk and i want to stop Vista from chewing on my disk. Had to replace it and reinstall everything

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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VISTA Ultimate Fresh Reformat Clean Installation Failure - Hangs...

Jul 29, 2009

I've got a serious problem. I decided to do a fresh installation of Vista Ultimate on my $4000 Asus VX2S Lamborghini notebook (which I got after getting a nice pay bonus back in 2007. Details of the Lambo are here: 'Techgage - ASUS Lamborghini VX2' It was very sluggish and took about 5minutes to loadup. It was slow in multitasking and hanged on Windows Media Centre operations. Played games ok tho - but needed a cooler.

Things improved a bit after I deleted some of the Asus bloatware mentioned in the unofficial asus notebook forum FAQ. Stuff like Splendid, TPM, Asus Protect, Asus live update, power4phone etc... But it still seemed a tad slow for a US$4000 machine, esp the startup and multitasking. I mentioned this to my friend a computer guru who advised me to do a format and fresh clean installation. He had a spare moment in the weekend so he formated C drive - including the recovery partition as I did not want the pre-installed Asus software.......................

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Cannot See XP Machines

Jun 17, 2008

I have a small home network. The three XP machines on the network use static IP addresses. One of the XP machines shares a printer. When I open Windows Explorer on the new Vista .Business machine and click on Network the only computer listed is the
Vista Business machine. Network Discovery is turned on on the Vista machine. The workgroup name is set to WORKGROUP on both the XP and Vista machines.

I cannot find any way to search for a computer by entering the computer name or IP address as I can in Explorer on XP. I have no idea what the search box in the upper right corner is supposed to do but it does not work. As soon as I type any character in the box it says "No items match your search."

I can ping the XP machine from a command window on the Vista machine.

If I do DIR \COMPUTERNAMEPRINT$ at the command prompt on the Vista machine the directory on the XP machine is listed.

I can see the Vista machine in Explorer on the XP machine.

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How To LAN Between 2 HP Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I've seen information on how to do the wifi routine. How about a straight old fashioned cable connection? With XP, it was fairly simple. But now vista seems to have forgotten about that probability or need. In the network and sharing center, the wizard does not even have such a choice. All choices want either an internet connection or a connection through a router. So how do we go about setting up a LAN as we did in XP?

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Does 64 Bit Machines (Dual Processors) Need A 64 Bit?

Nov 7, 2008

I don't know if this was asked before, please forgive me if this is just a repeat. I am new in the forum.

Does 64bit machines (Dual Processors or Quad etc) need a 64bit Vista to maximize its capabilities? I noticed that new PCs and Laptops shipped today have pre-installed Vista but 32bit OS . . . why is this? Or does it really matter? Please explain this puzzling mystery to a non-techie like me.

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No Access Internet From Both Machines

Apr 29, 2008

What I can do: Access the internet from both machines. Share files both ways using Net Use. From Laptop apparently access printer on old PC using Net Use but it does not work What I cannot do. Access the other PC (either way) by browsing (but I did on one occasion)Print from the laptop to to a printer attached to the old PC; on the laptop the document status is shown as "Error - Sent to printer" while nothing appears to occur on the the old PC.

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Remote Assistance Between XP And Machines

Jun 17, 2008

A friend needs me to help troubleshoot an application on his Windows Vista machine. I have an XP machine, and both of happen to use routers at home (he lives in a different city), and neither of us have unique IP addresses, just local IP addresses and the address of our routers. Connecting to each others machines is therefore a bit tricky.

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Two Identical Machines: One Offered SP1, The Other Not

Mar 31, 2008

I have a strange situation. I purchased two identical machines on the same day 2 months ago for replacements in a small medical office. Both are running Vista Home Premium. Every day during bootup, one machine is offered SP1 via Windows update, while the other is not. Both machines have the same software loaded, set up the same (except computer name and user names etc).

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Two Machines Are Not Accessable Same Time

Mar 24, 2008

I have two Vista machines, a desktop and a laptop. both in the same workgroup
I have enabled Network Discovery, File Sharing, Printer Sharing and Password
Protected sharing on both machines. (I have also tried with the firewall turned off). The problem is that I can only access shares on the notebook from the
desktop. I am logged on to both machines as an administrator with the same user name.

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Networking Limited To Machines?

Jul 5, 2008

I have an old machine running Win2K and a new laptop running Vista. Both machines are in a workgroup. The Vista machine can see itself, the Win2K machine and the router. owever, the Win2K machine can see only itself. Can someone tell me if Microsoft did this purposely to encourage people to migrate to Vista? Everything seems to be configured properly. If someone can tell me how to check out things thoroughly,

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