Networking Limited To Machines?

Jul 5, 2008

I have an old machine running Win2K and a new laptop running Vista. Both machines are in a workgroup. The Vista machine can see itself, the Win2K machine and the router. owever, the Win2K machine can see only itself. Can someone tell me if Microsoft did this purposely to encourage people to migrate to Vista? Everything seems to be configured properly. If someone can tell me how to check out things thoroughly,

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Networking Connection: "limited Network Connectivity."

Jan 29, 2009

I've been having this issue with Vista for over a year now. I just recently reformatted my machine AND bought a new PCI network card (I thought maybe the problem might be related to the onboard network port/driver) and the issue still persists.

This is a nasty one. My network connection simply cuts out at random times. By random I mean I'll be connected between 15 or so minutes to up to 2 or 3 days before the problem occurs. My network icon down in the task tray will show a yellow exclaimation with the message "limited network connectivity." The only way to fix this is to reboot. What's worse is that there are no errors in thrown in any of the Event Viewer logs.

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Vista See XP Machines And The Shared Folders But XP Machines Don't

Mar 9, 2009

I used to have a network that consisted of: XP Pro / XP Home / Win 98 / Win 2000. they all saw each other and I was able to move & change files between them. I have had VISTA since 9/2008. however, my vista machine sees my XP machines and the shared folders but my XP machines don't see vista when I open network folder. I have everything shared, all permissions are full. I tried again to set up network on XP machine and it sees the vista shares but not allowed access. ps don't know if it matters, vista is a laptop running wireless.

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Cannot See XP Machines

Jun 17, 2008

I have a small home network. The three XP machines on the network use static IP addresses. One of the XP machines shares a printer. When I open Windows Explorer on the new Vista .Business machine and click on Network the only computer listed is the
Vista Business machine. Network Discovery is turned on on the Vista machine. The workgroup name is set to WORKGROUP on both the XP and Vista machines.

I cannot find any way to search for a computer by entering the computer name or IP address as I can in Explorer on XP. I have no idea what the search box in the upper right corner is supposed to do but it does not work. As soon as I type any character in the box it says "No items match your search."

I can ping the XP machine from a command window on the Vista machine.

If I do DIR \COMPUTERNAMEPRINT$ at the command prompt on the Vista machine the directory on the XP machine is listed.

I can see the Vista machine in Explorer on the XP machine.

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How To LAN Between 2 HP Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I've seen information on how to do the wifi routine. How about a straight old fashioned cable connection? With XP, it was fairly simple. But now vista seems to have forgotten about that probability or need. In the network and sharing center, the wizard does not even have such a choice. All choices want either an internet connection or a connection through a router. So how do we go about setting up a LAN as we did in XP?

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Does 64 Bit Machines (Dual Processors) Need A 64 Bit?

Nov 7, 2008

I don't know if this was asked before, please forgive me if this is just a repeat. I am new in the forum.

Does 64bit machines (Dual Processors or Quad etc) need a 64bit Vista to maximize its capabilities? I noticed that new PCs and Laptops shipped today have pre-installed Vista but 32bit OS . . . why is this? Or does it really matter? Please explain this puzzling mystery to a non-techie like me.

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No Access Internet From Both Machines

Apr 29, 2008

What I can do: Access the internet from both machines. Share files both ways using Net Use. From Laptop apparently access printer on old PC using Net Use but it does not work What I cannot do. Access the other PC (either way) by browsing (but I did on one occasion)Print from the laptop to to a printer attached to the old PC; on the laptop the document status is shown as "Error - Sent to printer" while nothing appears to occur on the the old PC.

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Remote Assistance Between XP And Machines

Jun 17, 2008

A friend needs me to help troubleshoot an application on his Windows Vista machine. I have an XP machine, and both of happen to use routers at home (he lives in a different city), and neither of us have unique IP addresses, just local IP addresses and the address of our routers. Connecting to each others machines is therefore a bit tricky.

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Two Identical Machines: One Offered SP1, The Other Not

Mar 31, 2008

I have a strange situation. I purchased two identical machines on the same day 2 months ago for replacements in a small medical office. Both are running Vista Home Premium. Every day during bootup, one machine is offered SP1 via Windows update, while the other is not. Both machines have the same software loaded, set up the same (except computer name and user names etc).

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Two Machines Are Not Accessable Same Time

Mar 24, 2008

I have two Vista machines, a desktop and a laptop. both in the same workgroup
I have enabled Network Discovery, File Sharing, Printer Sharing and Password
Protected sharing on both machines. (I have also tried with the firewall turned off). The problem is that I can only access shares on the notebook from the
desktop. I am logged on to both machines as an administrator with the same user name.

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IE8: 3 Business Machines Crashed

May 28, 2009

I have 3 VB machines running IE8. All worked fine until today, where nobody can open the IE8 app. The one XP machine in the office is working fine on IE8, and the Windows SBS 2008 machine we have is running fine on IE7. We did emergency Firefox installs, and this is what we are using now to do browsing. It looks like the program is trying to open, but just doesn't. The only update installed yesterday was a definition update for Windows defender, although since then I have installed SP2 on my machine to see if it cures.

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Windows Not Connecting To XP Machines

Feb 22, 2009

I have a couple of Windows XP computers and a couple of Vista computers. I share files, printers etc. and it all runs great. One of the family has been away, and now they have come back their laptop won't connect to the XP computers. It connects to the Vista (and Win7) computers just fine. It must be something wrong with the laptop, as my other Vista/Win7 computers connect fine to the XP ones perfectly. I have tried disabling firewalls.

The error I get is:
Windows Cannot Access \COMPNAME

If I click diagnose I get:
"COMPNAME" is not a valid hostname

The laptop is running Windows Vista Home 32bit with SP1, using it's wireless connection. One of the XP machines is wireless, the other is wired and both are XP Pro 32bit with SP3.

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Restricting Limited User

Nov 6, 2009

Im the admin on my PC. There is a limited user account. I want to set permissions for certain folders such that they cannot 'cut' or 'delete' the files. Please help me with the settings. I have tried rightclick>>Security but i dont know to proceed further.

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Limited Or No Connectivity Revisited

Sep 26, 2009

I know there are several threads like this on the vista forums, but the postmaster recommended a new thread so i am kindly obliging. I have the same ****ty problem many before me have had. One peeerty day I turned on my Vista comp, and all of a sudden my wireless connection had stopped working. Limited or no connectivity was the message I got. So I fired up my notebook, running with XP - same thing. Limited or no connectivity. Only when I did diagnose problem on my XP it did precisely that. and the problem was gone............

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Limited Connectivity Or No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops that are running Vista and get this message numerious times. I also have 2 Windows XP pc's on the same network. Why do the Vista pc's keep having this issue. My Linksys wireless router is setup with no restictions so I can get this problem fixed.

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When Downloading - Limited Or No Connectivity

Jul 23, 2008

I'm on Vista Ultimate x32. I connect to my internet wirelessly using a Linksys USB adapter. When I'm downloading something my internet stops working, downloads top and it says limited or no connectivity - so I have to disconnect from the network, unplug the USB Adapter and then re-plug it in and then it connects.

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Limited Wireless Connectivity

Mar 23, 2008

My Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-05 (Running Vista Home premium) was working fne on a wireless network through a BT Wireless home hub. It did automatic updates and since then has connection problem reporting "limited Connectivity" what does this mean and how can I cure this problem? It seems to be the same if I connect through the Wireless or direct on the hub Lan connection.

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Limited Internet Connectivity Via ICS

Mar 23, 2008

I m trying to resolve limited internet connectivity via ICS. My Vista 64bit Ultimate notebook connects directly to a wireless network, from which it gets internet connectivity. I can visit any webpage and see all network devices, so things seem to be working great on the server side.

My other computer, the ICS client, runs 32bit XP pro and is set up to connect to the internet through my notebook. Between the two PCs is a spare buffalo WHR-HP-G54. I can see all network devices, but it fails to connect to most websites. It will display Google and *some* pages from Time Warner Cable, but I cannot get to Wiki pages, my favorite forums, or download updates for anything on my desktop PC. Based on the status bar of my browser, which usually gets as far as "Transferring data from ", it seems the communication problem is limited to incoming streams........

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Extended Desktop - Limited Use

Jul 4, 2008

I don't fully understand the use of an extended desktop - when I extend my desktop on the external monitor all I get is the background picture from my desktop...can i get anything else on this, am I just being simple? (mirrored monitors works fine)

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Limited Acces To C Drive

Mar 23, 2008

After I shared my C drive on a network it was working fine. I then unshared it but something went wrong and said the hard drive would be in a mixed state if i didn't continue the operation fully. i ignored it(idiot) and carried on. but now i cant access my C drive directly but i can access my documents. i was thinking i would just system restore it but i cant even access that and i cant back up my files either. but i can access them. I have tried changing permissions in the security tab of c drive but it wont let me stating that access is denied and i have tried to enable the guest account but it wont even open up the window to do so.

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Logged On As Limited User

Dec 1, 2008

I sucessfully loaded software and when I attempt to run it I get the msg that says that I am logged on as a limited user. In order for me to have access to all SonicStage functions I must log on to an account that has Administrator or Power User Privileges.

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Network: Can Not Get Vista Machine To See The XP Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 ip's from my cable provider. I use a switch to connect to internet. I have 3 PC's 2 XP Pro One vista Ult. My two xp machines see each other and share fine but I can not get my Vista machine to see the XP machines. I have done all the proper updates etc...I can ping the xp boxes etc.

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Slow File Transfer Between Machines

Jul 3, 2008

I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why I can't get decent file transfer speeds between my two Vista machines (Home Premium x64 SP1 and Ultimate 32bit SP1). If I attempt to transer a 1GB file between the two Vista machines I get about 14MB/s, however if I transfer the same file between either of those machines and my Mac laptop it get about 40MB/s. So far I've tried the following to no affect: the steps mentioned in the Window Auto Tuning tutorial but it didn't seem to help. tried transfering the file between the two Vista machines using FileZilla (a free FTP server) and that showed the same slow network speeds. changed over the network cables to brand new CAT6 cables but that didn't help.

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Cannot Share Files Or Printer Between XP SP2 And Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 (actually 4, but 2 are important here) machines that can see each other network-wise, but not share files. The Windows XP machine (Home SP2) has the printer and files that need shared. It can see the Vista machine (a laptop) when I go to "My Network Places" and click on "View Network Computers", but clicking on the machine gives me the error "\Laptop is not accessible. You might not have permission to access this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The network path is not found."

The XP machine can share to other XP machines just fine. The Windows Vista machine (it's Home Premium RTM, no beta versions of SP1 installed) can not see any other machine on the workgroup (it sees the router, however) from "Network" on the start menu, but it sees the XP machine in "Control Panel > Network Map" (the XP machine DOES have LLTP installed so that this happens.) When I type in "\Desktop" in the address bar, the error is "Windows cannot find '\Desktop'. Check the spelling and try again. In "Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center", Network discovery, File sharing, and Public folder sharing are on, and my wireless network (it's encrypted and MAC-address- filtered) shows up as a private network.

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Machines Not Handle 64bit Processors?

Aug 22, 2008

I currently have vista home premium on my laptop but recently recieved a copy of vista ultimate x64. Can some machines not handle 64bit processors?

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XP Machines Cannot Access Vista Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 XP machines and 1 Vista machine. The Vista machine can access the XP machines (using a variety of methods), but the XP machines cannot access the Vista machine (in any way/shape/form). That includes "ping", file sharing, an HTTP server, anything. All computers are in the same workgroup and subnet.

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Connected With Limited Access - WRT54GS

Jan 13, 2010

Dell laptop Inspiron 1545, WRT54GS - "Connected With Limited Access" - drove me up the wall. Tried everything. Browsed other forums for hours. What did I do? Just for grins, and for NO particular reason, I switched from WEP to WPA Personal / TKIP in the router and to WPA / TKIP in the laptop and other PC, entered the ten-char key I've always used, and POOF - instant connection.

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Unidentifed Network - Limited Connectivity

Feb 20, 2009

Well basically last night my internet was running fine and when i woke up to turn it on i got Unidentifed Network - Limited Connectivity, I'm using my laptop's connection which is the same connection way as the other computer so i'm guessing there is somthing wrong with the desktop

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Limited Connectivity / Unknown Network

Apr 16, 2008

About 3 days ago I was downloading a file when I noticed the download had stopped half-way through. Thinking the router had frozen I unplugged the router to reset it, as I have done a hundred times before with no problem. After restarting the router Vista (Home Premium 32-bit SP1) stopped recognizing my home network (wired) and I started receiving a "Limited Connectivity" message. When I go into the Network & Sharing screen I see "Unknown Network". When I boot this same computer into Ubuntu (7.10) I can access my network and the internet. I also have a small Ubuntu server and Xbox 360 that can access the network just fine. This is definitely a Vista issue. After trying many, many suggestions (Unplug router, Reset router, IP refresh,...) from around the internet with no success, I purchased a new PCI Ethernet card (Netgear GA311) just to rule out a possible hardware issue. I unistalled the onboard lan in Vista and disabled it in the BIOS then installed the new card. No Luck, Same Problem. My router is a Netgear FWG114P. I have had this network for over a year with no issues and now, out of the blue, nothing. I tried re-entering the IP, Subnet, Default Gateway and DNS addresses for the ethernet adapter, NO LUCK. I did notice a strange issue when I ran "Ipconfig /all" The default gateway was shown as "". After re-entering the gateway address, the gateway was listed as "" with my gateway address listed below.

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Limited Variety Of Fonts To Choose?

Jul 6, 2009

I downloaded some new Mac fonts and I want to change the default font in Vista to one of them. I can't do that via Appearance>Advanced, because there's a limited variety of fonts to choose from.

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Wireless Disaster - Limited Connectivity

Apr 7, 2008

I am one of the many users experiencing problems with wireless connections that work until your laptop goes into powersave mode, then only allow "Limited or No Connectivity" I have 2 wireless routers, a Linksys and ActionTec, supplied by Verizon with FiOS and Linksys has helped me a couple of times to make it work but that is all. Verizon is clueless. As am I since I have 4 XP laptops that all work. Vista is apparently trying to prevent me from hurting myself, and therefore I am unable to fix it.

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