Wont Load: Getting Black Screen With Floppy Disk Seek Error?
May 29, 2009
i have a dell dimension 310 with Window xp. when started the first screen is black and says floppy disk seek error, i dont even have a floppy drive. press f1 and will go to sign on screen, you press the user and xp pops up for a second and back to sign on screen.it wont stay open.
Dell 8400 desktop..On bootup, the Dell logo screen appears and goes to a 'dos-like' screen advising: Floppy diskette seek failure, strike F1 key to continue or F2 to run Setup Utility'.I get no response from F1 other than a beep. F2 brings me to the setup menu, but can I get to safe mode just in case my 5.5 yr old computer is about dead? Dell just replaced the motherboard & power supply in Oct after that quit working after a surge protected power outage. I don't have many personal files on the C drive other than my iTunes & my email
i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more
whenever i start my dell laptop inspiron 6000 after the dell load a black screen appears with a white loading bar appears which loads for about 10 minutes and then the windows xp proffesional sp2 loads i had recently reinstalled windows from a cd can you please tell me how to get rid of this black loading screen
I am trying to update my EVGA 7800GT's BIOS as well as my motherboard's. I have done this a few months ago, same disks and everything.When I create a floppy with the required files and restart, I get the following message:"Non-system disk or disk error. Replace and strike any key when ready."
I had a copy of windows xp home addition i think. I have a copy of Professional i was going to put on the computer. It was doing the normal load that i have seen window do before when loading on other computers. Then it came to a blue screen that said something to the affect of Windows startup is installing. It used to go to the loading screen then shut itself off and start again. I went to bios trying to figure out why it doesn't load. Now after the blue screen saying it is restarting setup it now goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor that i can move.
A few weeks ago it started freezing and restarting randomly. Sometimes, on restarting, I would get the "Serious error" pop-up, which I always sent, and always got different results. Sometimes it would say it was an unknown driver error, sometimes an anti-virus error, once a RAM error. I had just upgraded the RAM when this started, so I ran the M$ testing tool several times, no errors. I also removed the new RAM, which didn't solve the problem, and put it back in
i have a ms 6337 lite mother board with a p3 i haven't used this MB for about 6 months.my son is here now and i don't want him on my soooo i bought a new hard drive maxtor 40 g diamondmax plus 8installed windows xp.the MB posts, i can get in the bio's.but it will not load in to windows i get a black screen or a black screen with a blinking sensor and i cant do nothing form therethis same hard drive will boot on my other pc and load in to windows.i am running windows 98se on it. i put the disk with windows 98 on the ms mb and it will not load in to windows. only to the logo screen and freezes up. also when i try to use the boot disk it get to the point " starting your computer now and freezes
I just replaced my power supply because after coming back from vacation my PC wouldn't boot. The new supply power works but I get to the XP load scree with the little progress bar and it just hangs there. I restored to last know good point and that did nothing and I did a system restore and neither seemed to help. I am able to start in safe mode but I'm not sure where to turn and I'm not sure what happened while I was gone
The PC is now over a year old and has been running fine for about a year.
AMD 3500+939GT4- SLI-G Mobo 2 GB Twinmoss Ram200 Sata HD DVD 6600GT Sli Pixel View Graphics PCIe Super Flower 500 Watt PSU.
Now about 6 months ago, I started to get the Nvidia card sentinal saying the Graphics Card isnt getting enough power and will reduce its performance to prevent any damage. I checked it all out and it appear to be fine so pretty much ignore the issue.
Turned the computer on today and Windows will not load, gets as far as the black Windows XP page with the loading scroll bar. Nothing happens beyond that. Everything was working fine yesterday and nothing was downloaded or installed to indicate where to start looking. Tried installing 1GB RAM last month to no avail and took it out. Things have been okay since. Have read some posts that suggest using the Windows install CD to repair whatever but I didn't get one with the computer only have the Windows recovery disk.
Hi...I have a compaq 5108US, windows xp pro.. recently installed a new hard drive, which worked fine for a few months. now when I try to turn on the computer, all I get is a black screen, with the compaq logo, and an immediate blinking cursor in the upper right hand corner. Tabbing f8 etc does not bring me to the safe mode option screen. I had the same problem a few months ago
I recently re-installed win. xp on the dell insperation 2400. Everything went find except the resoluton wouldn't change from the 480 x ...so I tried to set up my dial up but I needed a higher resolution. I did finally find a way to get that although it was very poor quality and I figured that I'd be able to down load the proper driver once on line, which I did do, although I'm not sure it was the right one, as dell doesn't seem to have anything for that model of pc. Anyway I also downloaded the Microsoft updates to get back to current for the secruity stuff. When that was done it required restart, which I did. When it restarted the monitor remained blank after the win. xp part was done loading. I know its on and that my pc is sitting there running, but I can't see anything. I restarted using F5 and tried; last known good configuration, vga mode, and safe mode. In the 1st 2 no monitor. In safemode the whole screen filled with a dos like line repeated over again to fill the whole screen, then a message came on that said, "stop!!! fatal error and I can't remember what else. Can you help? I guess I should mention that I don't have the right driver disk that came with the pc.
My Medion PC running Windows XP loads past the windows loading screen then simply goes black but the computer is still on and the screen is still active. My dual boot of Ubuntu works perfectly as does safe mode. Ive had this issue for a while but it used to turn on after i rebooted it but now it only turns on occasionally. Also I'm almost certain its got nothing to do with my hardware.
error began appearing on my computer yesterday (running XP Home, 2nd SP). When I'm booting up cold or not I get a screen which says "Floppy Disk fail 40" and then it allows me to continue by pressing the F1 key.
i went to start my computer up, xp will no longer load the first screen that say compaq loads, then a bios type screen the it just stops, it goes black. i took it to a computer shop and he said it was my mother board so he put my harddrive in a new computer and told me to reinstall xp. well when i get home i realize i no longer have the recovery disk or any type of boot disk, so how do i go about reinstalling xp now. please help i need my computer for work tommorow
The start of my problem is that I was receiving an error 'cannot initialize lsass.exe service'.After repairing XP SP2, the following is displayed every time that I boot:SAFE Mode - black screen with 'safe mode' in bottom corners of screen Windows Mode - blue screen.The mouse is responding.There are no icons.There is no text (except for 'safe mode' as above)CTRL/ALT/DEL does not display task manager.CTRL/ESCAPE does not display anything.Clicking on various parts of thescreen has no effect.I have replaced Explorer.exe from c:i386
When left for a while (about half an hour), I come back to it and see that the screen is black with something about a system disk error. I experienced this before I had to re-install windows a few weeks back.The first time, I pressed enter, and the system started up fine. The second time, the secondary loading screen (that's what I call it...it's like little white rectangles at the bottom of a black screen...you know the ne, right?). Well yeah that goes really really slow. When it get's a few inches in, it stops and tells me 'system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt'.
Ok so I custom built my computer from parts I had at home and completed it and was having problems getting it to boot at home. So I worked on it for a while and did get it to boot. So thus I packed it up and brought it to college. when I set up my computer in the dorm and turned it on it went to the phoenix bios screen then didnt detect my hardrive and thus failed to boot. After a couple of minutes in BIOS I got it to reconigze my HD adn I rebooted. On the Phoniex BIOS screen it gave me these errors:
It then allowed me to hit f1 to continue which I did and it displayed this error Hooking bootstrap interupt 18h... After this it fails to do anything. I have gotten to the point where it doesn't display the first 2 errors I mentioned through replacing the CMOS battery and disabling anything to do with floppy in the BIOS but it sometimes still displays the Hooking bootstrap error and has yet to actually load windows. The screen just goes black and the computer makes a constant hum like its actually doing something. I have switched IDE cables and don't have a windows xp cd for about another week when my parents come up.
My computer was missing a system file after restarting one day. I inserted winxp disk to repair I would boot from it but the setup would wouldn't ever load anything. I reformatted with the Seagate disk and tried a different winxp disk to install same thing, it hangs at asking for third party adapter software. Any ideas? Winxp, 160gig SATA seagate, 1gig of ram biostar mobo. It all worked fine until I lost that file now I cant even reload windows!
I have a PC that sometimes gives me a black error screen after startup The screen says.Sometimes I also get a Blue screen with an error message.. Is this the blue screen of death? This message reads.Any further information you might need to help me.
When starting my computer, I have started getting a "Hard Drive Not Found" error on the black screen just as the pc starts booting up. I've not written down all the details, but I see the MAC address displayed and a cursor blinks just after the letters DHCP, there is something about "boot filename not received", then "Hard Drive not found" and then it defaults to the Windows boot screen and will boot up fine. The pc seems to run normal once up...but, I'm somewhat concerned about a "Hard Drive Not Found" error. It just doesn't sound good. I'm going to try to get more specifics as to what I'm seeing on the boot screens, but wondered if anyone here might have some suggestions as to what my issue is?
My pc specs should show in my signature. Also, I recently upgraded my graphics card, but that's the only hardware I've been playing with lately. Don't know if that would make any difference because I wasn't getting any trouble until now and that graphics card has been in about a week already.
Apparently she was trying to save some files to a floppy drive, and after several failed attempts, a "bubble" popped up (the little yellow pop-ups on the bottom right) that told her to run checkdisk on the A-drive. How does one go about accomplishing this? I've been looking around and found how to run it on the C-drive, is it any different for the A-drive?
I am trying to install a dual boot system on XP but I am unable to boot from the floppy dirve with a Windows ME bootable disk. The A drive is the first thing in the bios and it is set for 3.5, 1.44mb size disk. At the very bottom of the bootup screen, it shows "Floppy Disk Fail (40). The floppy drive works ok whenever XP is up and running in that I can put a floppy in the drive and open it and view the files, copy the files and most anything I need to do. I have read everything I can find on that error but since the drive seems to work ok other than for boot up, it has me stumped.
The Intel CPU D925XCV is still available and admired but it was introduced in 2004. I would like to find a more recent CPU which builds on the virtues of this CPU,and not too difficult to install.
I am attempting a clean installation of Windows XP on a new disk. I have 3rd party drivers to install but the system at this step fails to recognize the floppy drive. At least it fails to respond to the F6 > S > 'Insert ... floppy disk ...' sequence. The drive is required for the floppy disks on which the drivers are located.
Is there a way around this, putting them on a CD or USB since some computers are coming now without floppy disks.
BTW the floppy drives works with an Alt. Boot using Win 2K Pro
My problem is when I turn on my Dell 5100 I get a floppy disk failure message and it instructs me to hit f-1 which then allows me to boot up. I dont have a floppy disk and this is slowing start up. What can I do to fix this? I went into Bios to try and fix this, nothing has worked. Also when I attempt to start windows media center it crashes.