Not Loading Just A Black Screen - No Recovery Disk

May 10, 2007

i went to start my computer up, xp will no longer load the first screen that say compaq loads, then a bios type screen the it just stops, it goes black. i took it to a computer shop and he said it was my mother board so he put my harddrive in a new computer and told me to reinstall xp. well when i get home i realize i no longer have the recovery disk or any type of boot disk, so how do i go about reinstalling xp now. please help i need my computer for work tommorow

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Black Screen While Loading BIOS Untill Window Welcome Screen

May 9, 2007

I have this strange problem:I can't see my Bios loading .The screen is totaly black untill the windows' welcome screen , and then everything is back to normal.
It happened when I updated my motherboard Bios (Gigabyte GA-8N-SLI ,Rev. 1.0) through the original vendor's Website

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Not Loading - Black Screen

May 23, 2005

It is just a backup drive to be used for video editing -not a primary drive. However, once rebooting I get as far as the windows boot screen and then it hangs. The screen goes black, my monitors power down and nothing happens. Occassionally it reboots on it's own accord but instead of seeing the usual dos prompt screen all I get are some nastly looking blocky patterns. I usually have to turn the power off at the wall when this happens. I get no error messages on the screen at any time.

The good news is I CAN BOOT IN SAFE MODE! This is the difference I have found with other similar problems posted. I can boot in 'safe mode' and 'safe mode with networking' no problem. I can see all my HDD's and everything seems fine. From here I've tried doing system restore several times with no effect.

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Black Screen After Loading

Apr 4, 2005

my parents PC got infected with spyware and the browser was hyjacked. I tried all I could to fix this but I couldn't. I tried posting here for help but didn't get anyone who could fix the PC. So I tried the windows restore. So I went to start>All programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore. I chose the date and it ran. Once it got to the end it rebooted the PC and it came up with the normal strtup procedure untill it said "loading windows xp" or "starting windows xp" something like that, once that goes I get a black screen with just the curser visible. So I tried to reboot and it came up with the settings like start in safe mode, start windows normally, previous settings etc... I have tried all these and they all do the same, black screen after loading. Now the PC has no windows disc thanks to the companys stop supplying the discs and it also has no restore disc.

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Loading Stops At Black Screen With Cursor

Oct 19, 2009

generic cp system is on wireless network Netgear and broadband cable modem Dell laptop connected to network, not affected. Brother all in one printer connected, not affected.

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Won't Load Past - Black Screen With Loading Scroll Bar

Jun 6, 2010

Turned the computer on today and Windows will not load, gets as far as the black Windows XP page with the loading scroll bar. Nothing happens beyond that. Everything was working fine yesterday and nothing was downloaded or installed to indicate where to start looking. Tried installing 1GB RAM last month to no avail and took it out. Things have been okay since. Have read some posts that suggest using the Windows install CD to repair whatever but I didn't get one with the computer only have the Windows recovery disk.

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Shutting Down - Wont Get Passed Black Loading Screen

Nov 14, 2009

I have recently installed a fresh copy of windows XP on my vaio VGN-SZ770N, everything was goin smooth untill i installed SP3, after installing SP3 and tried to restart my laptop, the laptop was on "Windows is shutting down" blue screen for like 30 mins, so i turned it off manually and turned it on again, now it stops on the black screen with windows XP logo and the loading animation and never get passed that, i can use it in safe mode only, the reason of me installing a win xp is that i had exactly the same problem when Vista was installed on the laptop, it wouldnt get passed the black loadin screen as well, im wondering if this is a hardware failure? Also before installing SP3 i had the Form1 window that pops whenever you start your computer

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Computer Boots The Loading Progress Bar / Screen Turning Black?

Mar 10, 2010

When the computer boots, the loading Progress Bar of Windows XP is displayed, but as soon as the computer goes into Windows XP, the screen turns black and stays black. wat is the cause of this problem and its solution?

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Computer Wont Load Past The Loading Screen - Goes Black

May 23, 2008

My Medion PC running Windows XP loads past the windows loading screen then simply goes black but the computer is still on and the screen is still active. My dual boot of Ubuntu works perfectly as does safe mode. Ive had this issue for a while but it used to turn on after i rebooted it but now it only turns on occasionally. Also I'm almost certain its got nothing to do with my hardware.

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Computer Skips Bios (Black Screen) Then Goes Straight To Windows Loading Bar?

Aug 22, 2010

as above, pentium 4 windoiws xp black screen on startup cannot see bios menu or get to safe mode.

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Blue Screen When Loading From Disk

Mar 8, 2010

New to this site so go easy on me,please! I've been through the site looking for an answer to my problem with no luck so here goes:I am trying to reformat my drive by starting over with my XP disc. After initiating install from the CD all goes well with the boot (loads drivers, and configures devices,etc). When it tries to load Windows I get a blue screen that says:error problem has been detected and windows has shut down.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart, if not , follow these steps. Check for viruses. remove any newly installed drives or hard drives. check that the hard drive is configured properly. Run CHKDSK/F to check for corruption, then restart.

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Wont Load: Getting Black Screen With Floppy Disk Seek Error?

May 29, 2009

i have a dell dimension 310 with Window xp. when started the first screen is black and says floppy disk seek error, i dont even have a floppy drive. press f1 and will go to sign on screen, you press the user and xp pops up for a second and back to sign on wont stay open.

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Started Loading But Than Went Black And Reset Itself

Mar 27, 2005

I am having trouble starting my computer I turn it on and it automatically goes to the screen where it ask if i want to start it in safe mode. The first time i started it in normal mode, it started loading but than went black and reset itself. So i tried safe mode and the same thing happened. It does this for every option that i enter. Even in the extra safe modes when i press F8.It just keeps restarting itself.

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Black Screen After Boot Screen, No Welcome Screen, No Logon Screen

Oct 28, 2008

its my previously-formatted HP Pavilion dv5201tx! The problem is as the title above. I can go into safe mode. I've used system restore twice. And in Documents and Settings folder I noticed it has:

Administrator description name description name.000

Is it creating more user folders? At some point description name.000 wasn't there. Corrupted registry hive? I'm not sure! Restarted many times, used Last known good configuration, and it's still black after the boot screen. Please help!

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Disk Management After Loading

May 2, 2005

I'm testing XP2 on a lab at my office network.I have added program exceptions for
c:windowssystem32dmremote.exe:*:enabled and I've also added port exceptions for ports 135 and 445 and I'm still unable to use Disk Manager to manage remote computer.I keep getting the following message: The Disk Management console failed to conect to the remote computer because the Disk Management remoting sevices is not in the Windows Firewall exception list. Add the Disk Management remoting service (dmremote.exe) to the Windows Firewall exception list and try again.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Black Screen Appears After Load Screen - Uninstall A USB Bluetooth Driver

Nov 10, 2006

i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more

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System Crashed/ Screen Is Frozen/ No Signal' Message On A Black Screen?

Jul 20, 2005

friend whose computer has crashed the screen had frozen. He could do nothing except reboot it using the power button but on rebooting, there was a 'no signal' message on a black screen. We have checked the monitor connections (the monitor works when connected to his second computer) and even replaced the video card but of course this made no difference (no signal) We've taken out the HD and installed it on his second system. Does this mean that the most likely cause now is the motherboard/bios or is there something wrong in our approach/deductions

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Screen Freezes Up Then Black Screen Upon Reboot Sometimes A Red Screen

Apr 5, 2010

My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.

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Can't Start XP: After Loading Screen, Blue Screen Stop Error

Oct 5, 2010

Toshiba Satellite running on windows XP

When I start the computer, it asks if for the choice of Safe Mode, w/ Networking, w/Command Prompt or Normally.

I've tried them all and if I try it normally, it won't get past the XP loading screen. It's loading and then it flashes a blue screen for a second and then restarts the computer again.

I tried pressing F8 at boot and selected 'Disable automatic restart on system failure' and this is what I get

STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00190203, 0x83306788, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)

I even tried using this to get to chkdsk At boot, F12, chose CD/DVD, but still nothing, I even tried disabling boot from +HDD, FDD and LAN from the bios setup menu to see if it works and this is what I got, it just keeps going on and on unless I enable boot from +HDD

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 082)
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation

For Realtek RTL8139(X)/8130/810X PCI Fast Ethernet Controller v2.13 (020326)
PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM.

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Loading Screen Come Flash Blue Screen - Working Configuration

Oct 18, 2006

My dads pc was fine then all of the sudden it just restarted.And it came up to the options:restart in safe mode estart in safemode with networking estart in safe mode with networking Last known working config Normal But when he tries any of them.. None of them work The windows loading screen will come up flash a blue screen super fast (cannot read it no matter how hard i try) then go back to boot option screen.

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Hang At Loading Screen - Blue Screen Error On Reinstallation

Nov 18, 2006

I couldnt start up windows. It would hang at the windows loading screen and go no further. So I was told to try a repair-install. And thats where even more trouble has started. So I started to repair-install. During the Windows Install setup, it gets almost to the point of being completed, but gave me a blue screen error STOP message at around the "18 minutes left" mark. During "Registering components". It would do this every time at the same spot. So I searched a bit about how to solve the problem. One suggestion I found on the interwebs was to try it with only one stick of ram installed, I have four overall at 2gb. So I tried that, next time I boot up to the comp, it loads up the bios, and then goes to the black windows loading screen with the loading bar, then starts with a blue screen saying "Setup is being restarted" So I figure its restarting my windows installation since it never was completed, after that message, the screen goes black with a cursor, and stays that way forever. I immediately put all the ram back in, and no luck, same thing. I tested each individual ram stick, same thing, just goes black. So now, I can't even seem to re-install windows. Did my hard drive just crap out? Some hardware issue? Im already thinking about buying a new fresh hard drive, installing windows on there, and just moving all my files from the old hard drive over to the new one. Though that would be a pain, I really want to save my current drive! And all the data on it.

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Blue Screen - No Icons, No Error Message Or Black Screen?

Oct 23, 2009

The start of my problem is that I was receiving an error 'cannot initialize lsass.exe service'.After repairing XP SP2, the following is displayed every time that I boot:SAFE Mode - black screen with 'safe mode' in bottom corners of screen Windows Mode - blue screen.The mouse is responding.There are no icons.There is no text (except for 'safe mode' as above)CTRL/ALT/DEL does not display task manager.CTRL/ESCAPE does not display anything.Clicking on various parts of thescreen has no effect.I have replaced Explorer.exe from c:i386

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Computer Wont Boot, Black Screen Before Login Screen?

Jul 15, 2007

my computer would give me a few problems while booting up. I would start the computer, it would run through BIOS, run through the Windows loading screen, and after that it would run the CHKDSK to make sure my disks are fine. CHKDSK doesn't work, it just freezes right before checking the disks, so I restart and generally it will boot up. Most of the time it would boot up perfectly, but rarely would it go to the xp loading screen and then flicker as if it as going to go to the windows login screen but wouldn't. The screen would just stay black and I'd have to restart.

Next time, generally it would work perfect.So this brings me to the current day. After the windows xp loading screen, it goes black. The computer is on, but I don't see any activity for the HDD via the LED. SO i go into safe mode, i finally get CHKDSK to run, I had to really mess with some stuff to get that working. Windows says the volume is fine, and the only way I can boot my PC is in safe mode, but even that will freeze sometimes while loading some of the files.

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Need Recovery Disk

Mar 6, 2008

I want to reformat my hard drive but my computer of 2 years only came with a recovery disc. Do I have to purchase winxp to install the os? i need to purchase recovery disc where n how i proceed?

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Hal.dll Fix Without Recovery Disk

Jul 26, 2009

All you need is a laptop or a pc with hal.dll error and another laptop or cpu running any other os....ok here we go all you need is a usb or flash drive 256 mb and sometimes mabee smaller.. now download slax 6.1.1 ( small stripped down version of linux capable of booting fully from usb) just extract it to the usb drive and run the bootinst file ( if using vista u need to go to cmd first then type the usb drive (ex.. d: ) then enter then type boot cd enter then bootinst.bat .....once the file opens continue with instructions and your almost there... Now put the usb into the pc or laptop with hal.dll error ..... when boot menu is up type watever it says (like hit the f key for boot order or boot menue or something) when u hit the f key then change boot order to usb hard drive to the 1 slot and save and onlmost there just start the computer and let slax boot this will take a few minutes and if the letters on the screene stop just wait it out for a couple of minutes.

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Won't Boot. Black Screen With No Cursor After The Logo Screen

Aug 9, 2010

it all started when I ran Nod32 antivirus. I ran it because I had some viruses on my computer that I wanted to get rid of. After the scan there were 180 some detected objects that were quarantined or deleted. So then I restart my computer and after the windows xp logo there is just a black screen with no cursor. And after awhile the computer will just restart and try booting up again. I tried going into safe mode and safe mode with command prompt but I still get a black screen with no cursor. The last known good configuration doesn't work either. I'm pretty frustrated because I did nothing wrong. I am also having a feeling that nod32 might have quarantined some infected files that are essential for Windows Xp to boot. I also do not have any windows xp disks with me how to fix this?

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Black Screen Loads Before The Windows Load Screen

Oct 29, 2010

whenever i start my dell laptop inspiron 6000 after the dell load a black screen appears with a white loading bar appears which loads for about 10 minutes and then the windows xp proffesional sp2 loads i had recently reinstalled windows from a cd can you please tell me how to get rid of this black loading screen

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Black Screen With Moveable Cursor After Splash Screen?

Feb 11, 2009

Was working fine this morning but this afternoon - Upon startup everything runs fine until after the windows splash screen everything goes black and the only thing visable is a cursor, but nothing to click, cannot ctrl=alt=del, cannot right click. Cannot enter safe mode at all, last good configuration doesn't work either. Computer is still running, fan whirring, lights flashing. Fan has been cleaned and power supply checked, no change. Cannot get into anything to run explorer or virus check. She is running Windows XP SP3. I'm unsure of when sp3 was installed. I understand this may be an issue, along with video and graphics drivers, display settings, corrupt registry, flat CMOS battery or loose internal connections.

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Laptop Screen Got Black After Start Up @ Login Screen?

Nov 4, 2004

I start up my laptop with the screen closed. When I open the screen I see the XP login screen for a second and then the computer goes black. I can't do anything else.I have Windows XP Home with the service pack 2 (I regret installing it).I never had any problems before. If you know how to fix this let me know.

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