Won't Load Past - Black Screen With Loading Scroll Bar

Jun 6, 2010

Turned the computer on today and Windows will not load, gets as far as the black Windows XP page with the loading scroll bar. Nothing happens beyond that. Everything was working fine yesterday and nothing was downloaded or installed to indicate where to start looking. Tried installing 1GB RAM last month to no avail and took it out. Things have been okay since. Have read some posts that suggest using the Windows install CD to repair whatever but I didn't get one with the computer only have the Windows recovery disk.

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Computer Wont Load Past The Loading Screen - Goes Black

May 23, 2008

My Medion PC running Windows XP loads past the windows loading screen then simply goes black but the computer is still on and the screen is still active. My dual boot of Ubuntu works perfectly as does safe mode. Ive had this issue for a while but it used to turn on after i rebooted it but now it only turns on occasionally. Also I'm almost certain its got nothing to do with my hardware.

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Wont Load Past Logo - Then Black Screen

May 16, 2007

The PC is now over a year old and has been running fine for about a year.

AMD 3500+939GT4- SLI-G Mobo
2 GB Twinmoss Ram200 Sata HD DVD 6600GT Sli Pixel View Graphics PCIe Super Flower 500 Watt PSU.

Now about 6 months ago, I started to get the Nvidia card sentinal saying the Graphics Card isnt getting enough power and will reduce its performance to prevent any damage. I checked it all out and it appear to be fine so pretty much ignore the issue.

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Won't Boot Past Loading Screen

Feb 19, 2009

After a visit to the wonderful land of pornography, my dell (about 5 years old) has decided that it doesn't want to boot past the loading screen. Just before this happened, I booted up and the screen froze on the desktop, flashing some distorted lines across the center of the screen. I have tried rebooting multiple times and running diagnostics, but nothing appeared wrong. I'm going to assume its virus related.

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User Screen Not Loading - Can't Get In To Past

Jul 1, 2005

when i start-up in either normal or safe modes, I get past the XP logo screen with waving flag, then I go to the screen with each user listed out, except the users aren't listed and there's only an off-center XP logo and I can't get in to anything - and i can't do system restore because I can't get a Start menu or anything.

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Won't Go Past Loading Screen - Harddrive Activity

Aug 27, 2006

My computer starts up normally until it gets to the part where "Windows XP" shows up with the blue loading bar. When it gets to that screen, there is a few secs of harddrive activity and then it suddently just stops. THe screen stays the same wit the blue thing moving. I am getting no errors or anything. I am able to boot up into safe mode just fine. I can still get my files and everything. Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Could it be that a file just went corrupt? Manybe a way to reload a fresh version of the file? There is nothing I can think of that made this happen. The only thing done was creat a new account and then after creating the account is when the problem happened. I even tried a system restore to about 2 weeks ago and nothing. The same thing happens

THis has happened to me before. I was able to fix it for a few more boot ups by doing a system restore but then the same thing would happened. The only way i was able to fix it was by reinstalling windows again and i do not want to do that unless if it is my last option.

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Won't Get Past Loading Screen - Registry Corrupted

Mar 21, 2007

whenn i start my computer i come to the windows loading screen, and stays there. i have tryed start in safe mode, but explore won't open, and when i open via task manager it just open and closes again in seconds. i have also tryed chkdsk in console, no luck.. i have tryed start virus scanner in task manager, but when it comes to a certain registry file it stops, so i have an idea that the registry is corupted... i have no win XP cd available for about 3 weeks,

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Won't Get Past Loading Screen Or Go Into Safe Mode

Mar 24, 2007

I'm using windows xp home sp2 and when ever I try to turn on the computer normally it comes up with a blue screen saying something about

system32/config/default or log or replacement
It is corrupt

then resets the computer (the message is something along those lines) When I try booting into safe mode or safe mode with networking it scrolls txt down the screen then resets the computer. The only way I've got into it so far is with knoppix to backup what will fit of my gbs of files on to my laptop via a pen drive.

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PC Won't Go Past Loading - Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 1, 2006

I turned on my PC this morning to find it would restart after the Windows Loading screen and give me the list of safe mode, etc. I went into safe mode but it done the same. This is also the case for all of the other options, including last configuration. The previous night I received a BSOD (Blue screen of death) and there was a count up showing memory dump to hard drive. I read the instructions and as it said it was my first event and so I restart. However, I did restart when the counter was at around 34. Im guessing thats really a % and I should have waited until 100%?

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Install Updates And Shut Down - Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Jul 16, 2009

About a week ago I reformatted my computer. Everything worked wonderfully and my computer ran great. Then 3 days ago at the end of the night I went to shut it down and it said "install updates and shut down." So, I told it to install and shut down. The next day when I went to turn it on, for the first time since that shutdown, it froze on the XP loading screen. I manually turned it off, then tried again and selected to start windows normally. It came up fine, and ran just great since then, with a couple of different shutdown and restarts in between. Last night, it again said "install updates and shut down." I clicked for it to install and shut down. Now this morning I can't get past the XP loading screen. I have tried 4 different times. I don't know what to try. I also, don't know if the "install and shut down" is part of the problem or just a coincidence.

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CPU Won't Load Past Screen - Shut Down For Safety Reason

Dec 8, 2006

Everytime I boot up my computer I get a message that my computer had shut down for a safety reason, power failure, inproper shut down etc, so I am given theses options:

1.Start Normally
2.Start at last working configuration (setting that my cpu last worked properly)
3.Safe mode
3.safe mode with networking
4.safe mode & something else (sorry I forget exactly)

Currently, I have to disable the other computer so I can get online with this one, so I may not be exactly wording the messages given.........

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Won't Load Past Logon Screen - Cannot Setup To Type Regedit

Jun 12, 2008

I loaded Keperksy virus programme from PC user disc and the next time I turned my lapptop on it loaded and came up to a logon screen for windows xp. I have never had this screen come up before in the 4 years that I have owned it. I have tried escape, enter, all the passwords that I use and noting has worked. I have tried all the usernames and even the previous persons username and all I can get is the desktop screen with no icons on it, if you know what I mean. I downloaded boot discs and can load to the A: prompt, I can change this to C: and even Windows but the only command that seems to work is Dir. how to get my PC back to normal. I have tried to boot using F8 in safemode but when it loads it goes to the logon screen. It loads Windows for about 10 seconds and then logs out. I have no original discs for using to reload windows xp. It is the Kaspersky programme that has altered something. I cannot get into my PC setup to type regedit at the run command.

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Cant Get Past Loading Screen - Songs Starting Skipping And Computer Freeze

Oct 28, 2009

I have a gateway laptop. about 6 months ago i was listening to music through my itunes and the songs starting skipping and the comp froze. I tried to do ctrl alt delte and couldnt so i had to shutdown by just holding the power button. The computer was also really hot when this happened. Since then I have not been able to get the computer to work. It will start about and give me the option of how i would like to start (in safe mode or regular) and no matter which option i pick it will go to the loading screen for windows xp and just sit there with the progress bar going for hours or until the comptuer dies. It never gets past this point or gives me any kind of errors.

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Won't Load Past Login Screen - User Profile - Blank Desktop

Mar 19, 2008

I have XP Entertainment Home Edition. My system boots up to the user profile screen where I can choose between the two profiles If I select either profile a blank desktop appears (no icons/no windows task bar) and freezes Trying to boot into Safe Mode also hangs after choosing a profile. It's a Dell so I don't have the XP cds to try a repair. I do have other computers with different versions of XP installed that are working fine

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Black Screen While Loading BIOS Untill Window Welcome Screen

May 9, 2007

I have this strange problem:I can't see my Bios loading .The screen is totaly black untill the windows' welcome screen , and then everything is back to normal.
It happened when I updated my motherboard Bios (Gigabyte GA-8N-SLI ,Rev. 1.0) through the original vendor's Website

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Black Screen Appears After Load Screen - Uninstall A USB Bluetooth Driver

Nov 10, 2006

i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more

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Not Loading - Black Screen

May 23, 2005

It is just a backup drive to be used for video editing -not a primary drive. However, once rebooting I get as far as the windows boot screen and then it hangs. The screen goes black, my monitors power down and nothing happens. Occassionally it reboots on it's own accord but instead of seeing the usual dos prompt screen all I get are some nastly looking blocky patterns. I usually have to turn the power off at the wall when this happens. I get no error messages on the screen at any time.

The good news is I CAN BOOT IN SAFE MODE! This is the difference I have found with other similar problems posted. I can boot in 'safe mode' and 'safe mode with networking' no problem. I can see all my HDD's and everything seems fine. From here I've tried doing system restore several times with no effect.

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Black Screen After Loading

Apr 4, 2005

my parents PC got infected with spyware and the browser was hyjacked. I tried all I could to fix this but I couldn't. I tried posting here for help but didn't get anyone who could fix the PC. So I tried the windows restore. So I went to start>All programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore. I chose the date and it ran. Once it got to the end it rebooted the PC and it came up with the normal strtup procedure untill it said "loading windows xp" or "starting windows xp" something like that, once that goes I get a black screen with just the curser visible. So I tried to reboot and it came up with the settings like start in safe mode, start windows normally, previous settings etc... I have tried all these and they all do the same, black screen after loading. Now the PC has no windows disc thanks to the companys stop supplying the discs and it also has no restore disc.

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Black Screen Loads Before The Windows Load Screen

Oct 29, 2010

whenever i start my dell laptop inspiron 6000 after the dell load a black screen appears with a white loading bar appears which loads for about 10 minutes and then the windows xp proffesional sp2 loads i had recently reinstalled windows from a cd can you please tell me how to get rid of this black loading screen

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Could Not Load Stuck On Loading Screen

Oct 22, 2008

Recently I installed a new hard drive on my sisters PC. I wanted her to be able to go straight to the desktop after loading and not get the log in screen. so I went to start, run and typed (I think) userpasswords2 or something like that and unchecked the box about passwords being allowed or something. (I found a site that explained how to do it)anyway, now when I try to start up the PC, it gets all the way to the desktop and then super fast an error message comes up that says "Windows could not load." and I can't read the rest because a new screen appears over the top of it that says "Windows is loading" but it stays there for hours and never loads.

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Not Loading Just A Black Screen - No Recovery Disk

May 10, 2007

i went to start my computer up, xp will no longer load the first screen that say compaq loads, then a bios type screen the it just stops, it goes black. i took it to a computer shop and he said it was my mother board so he put my harddrive in a new computer and told me to reinstall xp. well when i get home i realize i no longer have the recovery disk or any type of boot disk, so how do i go about reinstalling xp now. please help i need my computer for work tommorow

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Loading Stops At Black Screen With Cursor

Oct 19, 2009

generic cp system is on wireless network Netgear and broadband cable modem Dell laptop connected to network, not affected. Brother all in one printer connected, not affected.

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Tried To Load And Get Black Screen With Blinking Cursor

Jan 2, 2009

I had a copy of windows xp home addition i think. I have a copy of Professional i was going to put on the computer. It was doing the normal load that i have seen window do before when loading on other computers. Then it came to a blue screen that said something to the affect of Windows startup is installing. It used to go to the loading screen then shut itself off and start again. I went to bios trying to figure out why it doesn't load. Now after the blue screen saying it is restarting setup it now goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor that i can move.

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Shutting Down - Wont Get Passed Black Loading Screen

Nov 14, 2009

I have recently installed a fresh copy of windows XP on my vaio VGN-SZ770N, everything was goin smooth untill i installed SP3, after installing SP3 and tried to restart my laptop, the laptop was on "Windows is shutting down" blue screen for like 30 mins, so i turned it off manually and turned it on again, now it stops on the black screen with windows XP logo and the loading animation and never get passed that, i can use it in safe mode only, the reason of me installing a win xp is that i had exactly the same problem when Vista was installed on the laptop, it wouldnt get passed the black loadin screen as well, im wondering if this is a hardware failure? Also before installing SP3 i had the Form1 window that pops whenever you start your computer

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BIOS Starts To Load After That Black Screen Appears

Feb 6, 2009

A few weeks ago it started freezing and restarting randomly. Sometimes, on restarting, I would get the "Serious error" pop-up, which I always sent, and always got different results. Sometimes it would say it was an unknown driver error, sometimes an anti-virus error, once a RAM error. I had just upgraded the RAM when this started, so I ran the M$ testing tool several times, no errors. I also removed the new RAM, which didn't solve the problem, and put it back in

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Wont Load - Black Screen With Blinking Sensor

Sep 3, 2004

i have a ms 6337 lite mother board with a p3 i haven't used this MB for about 6 months.my son is here now and i don't want him on my soooo i bought a new hard drive maxtor 40 g diamondmax plus 8installed windows xp.the MB posts, i can get in the bio's.but it will not load in to windows i get a black screen or a black screen with a blinking sensor and i cant do nothing form therethis same hard drive will boot on my other pc and load in to windows.i am running windows 98se on it. i put the disk with windows 98 on the ms mb and it will not load in to windows. only to the logo screen and freezes up. also when i try to use the boot disk it get to the point " starting your computer now and freezes

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Hangs At Black Load Screen - Did System Restore

Sep 24, 2008

I just replaced my power supply because after coming back from vacation my PC wouldn't boot. The new supply power works but I get to the XP load scree with the little progress bar and it just hangs there. I restored to last know good point and that did nothing and I did a system restore and neither seemed to help. I am able to start in safe mode but I'm not sure where to turn and I'm not sure what happened while I was gone

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Black Screen With Compaq Logo, Wont Load OS?

Nov 12, 2007

Hi...I have a compaq 5108US, windows xp pro.. recently installed a new hard drive, which worked fine for a few months. now when I try to turn on the computer, all I get is a black screen, with the compaq logo, and an immediate blinking cursor in the upper right hand corner. Tabbing f8 etc does not bring me to the safe mode option screen. I had the same problem a few months ago

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Monitor Screen Black - Down Load Proper Driver

May 26, 2006

I recently re-installed win. xp on the dell insperation 2400. Everything went find except the resoluton wouldn't change from the 480 x ...so I tried to set up my dial up but I needed a higher resolution. I did finally find a way to get that although it was very poor quality and I figured that I'd be able to down load the proper driver once on line, which I did do, although I'm not sure it was the right one, as dell doesn't seem to have anything for that model of pc. Anyway I also downloaded the Microsoft updates to get back to current for the secruity stuff. When that was done it required restart, which I did. When it restarted the monitor remained blank after the win. xp part was done loading. I know its on and that my pc is sitting there running, but I can't see anything. I restarted using F5 and tried; last known good configuration, vga mode, and safe mode. In the 1st 2 no monitor. In safemode the whole screen filled with a dos like line repeated over again to fill the whole screen, then a message came on that said, "stop!!! fatal error and I can't remember what else. Can you help? I guess I should mention that I don't have the right driver disk that came with the pc.

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Computer Boots The Loading Progress Bar / Screen Turning Black?

Mar 10, 2010

When the computer boots, the loading Progress Bar of Windows XP is displayed, but as soon as the computer goes into Windows XP, the screen turns black and stays black. wat is the cause of this problem and its solution?

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Computer Skips Bios (Black Screen) Then Goes Straight To Windows Loading Bar?

Aug 22, 2010

as above, pentium 4 windoiws xp black screen on startup cannot see bios menu or get to safe mode.

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