Won't Get Past Loading Screen - Registry Corrupted

Mar 21, 2007

whenn i start my computer i come to the windows loading screen, and stays there. i have tryed start in safe mode, but explore won't open, and when i open via task manager it just open and closes again in seconds. i have also tryed chkdsk in console, no luck.. i have tryed start virus scanner in task manager, but when it comes to a certain registry file it stops, so i have an idea that the registry is corupted... i have no win XP cd available for about 3 weeks,

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Won't Boot Past Loading Screen

Feb 19, 2009

After a visit to the wonderful land of pornography, my dell (about 5 years old) has decided that it doesn't want to boot past the loading screen. Just before this happened, I booted up and the screen froze on the desktop, flashing some distorted lines across the center of the screen. I have tried rebooting multiple times and running diagnostics, but nothing appeared wrong. I'm going to assume its virus related.

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User Screen Not Loading - Can't Get In To Past

Jul 1, 2005

when i start-up in either normal or safe modes, I get past the XP logo screen with waving flag, then I go to the screen with each user listed out, except the users aren't listed and there's only an off-center XP logo and I can't get in to anything - and i can't do system restore because I can't get a Start menu or anything.

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Won't Go Past Loading Screen - Harddrive Activity

Aug 27, 2006

My computer starts up normally until it gets to the part where "Windows XP" shows up with the blue loading bar. When it gets to that screen, there is a few secs of harddrive activity and then it suddently just stops. THe screen stays the same wit the blue thing moving. I am getting no errors or anything. I am able to boot up into safe mode just fine. I can still get my files and everything. Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Could it be that a file just went corrupt? Manybe a way to reload a fresh version of the file? There is nothing I can think of that made this happen. The only thing done was creat a new account and then after creating the account is when the problem happened. I even tried a system restore to about 2 weeks ago and nothing. The same thing happens

THis has happened to me before. I was able to fix it for a few more boot ups by doing a system restore but then the same thing would happened. The only way i was able to fix it was by reinstalling windows again and i do not want to do that unless if it is my last option.

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Won't Get Past Loading Screen Or Go Into Safe Mode

Mar 24, 2007

I'm using windows xp home sp2 and when ever I try to turn on the computer normally it comes up with a blue screen saying something about

system32/config/default or log or replacement
It is corrupt

then resets the computer (the message is something along those lines) When I try booting into safe mode or safe mode with networking it scrolls txt down the screen then resets the computer. The only way I've got into it so far is with knoppix to backup what will fit of my gbs of files on to my laptop via a pen drive.

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PC Won't Go Past Loading - Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 1, 2006

I turned on my PC this morning to find it would restart after the Windows Loading screen and give me the list of safe mode, etc. I went into safe mode but it done the same. This is also the case for all of the other options, including last configuration. The previous night I received a BSOD (Blue screen of death) and there was a count up showing memory dump to hard drive. I read the instructions and as it said it was my first event and so I restart. However, I did restart when the counter was at around 34. Im guessing thats really a % and I should have waited until 100%?

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Won't Load Past - Black Screen With Loading Scroll Bar

Jun 6, 2010

Turned the computer on today and Windows will not load, gets as far as the black Windows XP page with the loading scroll bar. Nothing happens beyond that. Everything was working fine yesterday and nothing was downloaded or installed to indicate where to start looking. Tried installing 1GB RAM last month to no avail and took it out. Things have been okay since. Have read some posts that suggest using the Windows install CD to repair whatever but I didn't get one with the computer only have the Windows recovery disk.

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Install Updates And Shut Down - Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Jul 16, 2009

About a week ago I reformatted my computer. Everything worked wonderfully and my computer ran great. Then 3 days ago at the end of the night I went to shut it down and it said "install updates and shut down." So, I told it to install and shut down. The next day when I went to turn it on, for the first time since that shutdown, it froze on the XP loading screen. I manually turned it off, then tried again and selected to start windows normally. It came up fine, and ran just great since then, with a couple of different shutdown and restarts in between. Last night, it again said "install updates and shut down." I clicked for it to install and shut down. Now this morning I can't get past the XP loading screen. I have tried 4 different times. I don't know what to try. I also, don't know if the "install and shut down" is part of the problem or just a coincidence.

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Computer Wont Load Past The Loading Screen - Goes Black

May 23, 2008

My Medion PC running Windows XP loads past the windows loading screen then simply goes black but the computer is still on and the screen is still active. My dual boot of Ubuntu works perfectly as does safe mode. Ive had this issue for a while but it used to turn on after i rebooted it but now it only turns on occasionally. Also I'm almost certain its got nothing to do with my hardware.

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Cant Get Past Loading Screen - Songs Starting Skipping And Computer Freeze

Oct 28, 2009

I have a gateway laptop. about 6 months ago i was listening to music through my itunes and the songs starting skipping and the comp froze. I tried to do ctrl alt delte and couldnt so i had to shutdown by just holding the power button. The computer was also really hot when this happened. Since then I have not been able to get the computer to work. It will start about and give me the option of how i would like to start (in safe mode or regular) and no matter which option i pick it will go to the loading screen for windows xp and just sit there with the progress bar going for hours or until the comptuer dies. It never gets past this point or gives me any kind of errors.

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Registry Corrupted - Blue Screen - SymSPort.exe Stopped

Oct 11, 2007

This week my registry became corrupted and after fixing that had another blue screen problem the next day. I ran chkdsk in recovery console and the computer is working, but I get the following messages on start up: SymSPort.exe had to stop, and notification.dll failed to load properly. What do I need to do, is there a way to check for any other problems?

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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Blue Screen: Registry File Failure; Can't Copy Corrupted File To Tmp Directory

May 29, 2006

I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:

http://attachments.techguy.org/attac...chmentid=62075, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,

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Computer Unable To Boot Past Loading Bar?

May 2, 2005

My friend has a XP Home OS. When he fires up his computer, that sucker wont boot past the little loading bar. It just stays there indefinently. I had him boot off the 6 XP boot discs and run "FIXBOOT" to re-write the boot sector, still nothing. We booted up off the XP-CD and ran the setup so we could run the repair (R), files loaded and the computer restarted. Still nothing happened.The files that remain on his computer are so fragile that doing a fresh install of his OS would be a disaster. Any thoughts as to restoring the computer?

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Corrupted Registry - Pc Reboots Automatically

Sep 7, 2006

I rebooted after a software install and could not get back into Windows. The machine just does a continuous reboot after the XP Splash Screen. Finally got it to give me a corrupted registry file error message. After googling, it seems this has been fairly common occurrence. A simple repair install, right? Well, my OEM version of Windows does not give me a repair option(something else that many people have found with all different versions of Windows) I can get into the Recovery Console but this is not
what I need. When I skip the RC and press F8 at the Licensing Screen I can get to the "Repair Screen" but when I highlight the installation of Windows to repair, THERE IS NO REPAIR OPTION, only a INSTALL option and pressing 'R' does nothing

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Corrupted Registry Failed To Reboot

Oct 14, 2006

My daughters laptop dell inspiron 1100 [ xp home] failed to boot up. Checking dell's
online help, corrupt registry was diagnosed. In trying to recover the situation, I
For instance, on the setup-page 2, the configure setup is now disabled and I cannot
find how to enable it.
In addition, my other daughter has deleted the fat32 partition. Don't ask me why.

Now I need to get it working again. I have all the disks.

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Registry Corrupted - Files Missing

Apr 13, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

I found this soultion online and followed it to the marked point:

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Registry Corrupted Opens In Notebook

Oct 11, 2007

i have a client whos laptop using win xp sp2 got a virus attack. i cleaned the virus but now cant read the registry thru regedit. it opens in notebook and its all jiberish.
i tried win repair, still the same.

i can access all the programs, exe files, all is normal.

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Corrupted Files - Registry And Shut Down

Feb 25, 2010

Since January my computer started getting error messages about corrupted files, corrupted registry, and drivers stopped working. I tried different things and ended up formatting my hard drive and reinstalling Windows. Things were fine for a while, but after a week I started getting messages about corrupt files again, having issues with drivers, and now Windows won't shut down properly. Also, the computer powers off of its own accord sometimes. I'm using Windows XP Home Edition SP3. I haven't made any hardware updates recently.

Some of the error messages I've been receiving are. For Bluesoleil (which I have uninstalled and reinstalled) it says that the file is corrupt and to try an anti-virus scan (I tried to copy the message, but the window went off on its own). AVG anti-virus keeps on saying there are no active components, or replacing all the commands with things beginning with @. The drivers for my Logitech Fusion webcam stopped working, but I've reinstalled them, and they work, for now. The Microsoft Kernel Wave Audio Mixer kept on corrupting. I've also had the message 'Windows - Registry Recovery One of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternative copy.

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Stops During The Loading Process - Corrupted Driver File (agp440.sys)

Aug 24, 2006

I have a problem with Win XP not loading. It stops during the loading process. It does not matter if I try a normal boot, any of the safe mode boots or boot from a startup disk. I know what he problem and what the for the problem is, but I do not know how to accomplish the fix. The problem is caused by a corrupted driver file (agp440.sys). This is for video. If I do a normal boot it stops at tis file. The fix is to disable the file. But to do that I have to have Win loaded. I need a utility that will by pass the Win boot process and give me access to the files on the HDD so I can disable the agp440.sys file. I cannot find such a utility.

Some startup/recovery disks claim to not use Win to boot, but the one's I have tried stop installing at the same place Win XP stops, at the agp440.sys file. MS has a KB for the problem, but it requires being able to access the files on the HDD and disable the agp440.sys file. I could take the HDD out and connect it to another box to do the disabling, but I currently do not have another box. I an in a remote location without easy access to another computer. how I can make the repair without erasing the HDD, reformatting it and reinstalling everything?

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Registry Corrupted Message Opens Some Websites

Aug 19, 2005

I keep getting these messages when I'm online telling me my registry is corrupted. These messages always try to direct me to some website (different every time) that will repair it. They start off saying "Message from SECURITY to ALERT".

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Registry Getting Corrupted - ASUS CUBX-E Mainboard

Dec 16, 2007

I have an ASUS CUBX-E mainboard in my PC. For the past three weeks I am facing a strange problem : The registry of windows xp is getting corrupted quite frequently. I have re-formatted and re-installed windows xp pro several times but its registry is getting corrupted frequently, and I get the following error :

1. "Windows could not start because the file c:windowssystem32configsystem is corrupt or missing."
2. "Error : system rootsystem32hal.dll missing"

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Slow Windows - Possibly Corrupted Registry?

Jul 27, 2007

My box runs Windows XP Service Pack 2 32-bit home edition with AMD Athlon, Maxtor (ribbon cable'd, not SATA) with 3 sticks of 512MB DDR2 RAM. I haven't touched the hardware in about a month and a half.

Shows the windows XP pro login randomally; once logged in, background shows, explorer.exe doesn't run, and no windows hot keys respond. (every 1/8 boots)
Services and programs randomally quit out and will not run. Restarting them results in another crash

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Unable To Remove Corrupted Registry Entries

Oct 31, 2009

Hello, folks. I'm having a little trouble removing some corrupted registry entries found with the Uniblue RegistryBoost scanner. It was able to remove the other 667 entries, no problem, but these 3 just don't want to go away:

Quote: Scan subsection: System drivers
Entries found: 2
Entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCreative Service for CDROM

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System Registry Corrupted - Recoverable Or Re-install?

Nov 25, 2006

The system will not boot up properly. All latest OS udates are installed, all latest device drivers installed....kinda anal about that..lol. At first the system would not boot at all. Then I managed to get it into the recovery console....but that won't help. Then got it to boot into the "original install" mode (not safe mode) where I'm presented with the login "Owner" and most Start Menu links won't work (but all files/data can be seen through My Compuer

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Backed Up My Entire Hard Drive - Registry Corrupted?

Jul 9, 2009

I guess I have a few options (as I have backed up my entire hard drive before the problem started), including hiriing someone if need be.
System info: Win XP Pro. For security use KIS 09 and Webroot SpySweeper (henceforth, WSS). This is my desktop. Laptop the same except for Win XP home.
After I upgraded the WSS to their latest version ( I had problems only on desktop and only with MSWord. After two days of working on desktop problem I discovered it was the WSS upgrade, as no problems if WSS shut down or removed via Windows add/remove.

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Computer Shutdown In The Middle Of Update - Corrupted Registry

Dec 14, 2005

I believe that the initial problem was caused by the computer being shut down when it was in the middle of an update.
Error message: Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM
I followed the Windows instructions "How to recover from a corrupted registry.."
Started the Recovery Console, created a tmp folder, backed up registry files to a new location, deleted exising registry files location, copy the registry files from the repair folder to System32config folder.

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Recurring Problem With Registry Becoming Corrupted -cant Start Window

Jan 28, 2009

I have been having an ongoing problem with the dreaded "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt...". This has been happening for many months now and each time I have tried a different solution. Here is what I have tried in the past

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Corrupted Registry, No Floppy Drive For Regestry Check

Mar 23, 2007

I've blown my Win2K registry -- probably with an inopportune power loss. No backups, natch. And a complicated developer setup, probably on the order of days to rebuild ...

I found chkreg.exe on the MS site and was all set to try it when I realized ... my laptop doesn't have a floppy drive. The only format it is available in (that I can find) at MS is floppy.

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Cannot System Restore After Recovering Fron Corrupted Registry

Mar 25, 2006

Bit of a long story but here are the highlightsAdded spare memory stick and PC booted up OK Closed down PC, fixed cover on, tried to reboot but failed, got message from Windows saying system files corrupt Found process on Microsoft KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307545/en-us and carried this out. Only difference being that I was able to use XP from a second drive to do some of the copying which saved me from going in to Recovery Console all the time Last step in the process is to do a system restore but I get a message that this was not able to complete Tried several restore points

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Page File Size Change - Corrupted Registry

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 5100 with Winxp pro sp3 1 Meg of RAM and extra 500 gig hd:
I changed (increaded) the Page File zise (Virtual Memory) on both drives and it corrupted the Registry. Now it does not even let me re-install winxp on that drive. Towards the end of the installation I get a message that it cannot copy certain files. The file names varies according to the SP version on the winxp pro cd.
Also, I lost the original OS disk from DELL.

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