Will Not Load - Floppy Disks Fail (40)

Sep 4, 2005

Ok so I custom built my computer from parts I had at home and completed it and was having problems getting it to boot at home. So I worked on it for a while and did get it to boot. So thus I packed it up and brought it to college. when I set up my computer in the dorm and turned it on it went to the phoenix bios screen then didnt detect my hardrive and thus failed to boot. After a couple of minutes in BIOS I got it to reconigze my HD adn I rebooted. On the Phoniex BIOS screen it gave me these errors:

Floppy disk(s) fail (40)
CMOS checksum error- Defaults loaded

It then allowed me to hit f1 to continue which I did and it displayed this error Hooking bootstrap interupt 18h... After this it fails to do anything. I have gotten to the point where it doesn't display the first 2 errors I mentioned through replacing the CMOS battery and disabling anything to do with floppy in the BIOS but it sometimes still displays the Hooking bootstrap error and has yet to actually load windows. The screen just goes black and the computer makes a constant hum like its actually doing something. I have switched IDE cables and don't have a windows xp cd for about another week when my parents come up.

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Can't Boot From Floppy - Disk Fail (40)

Dec 20, 2005

I am trying to install a dual boot system on XP but I am unable to boot from the floppy dirve with a Windows ME bootable disk. The A drive is the first thing in the bios and it is set for 3.5, 1.44mb size disk. At the very bottom of the bootup screen, it shows "Floppy Disk Fail (40). The floppy drive works ok whenever XP is up and running in that I can put a floppy in the drive and open it and view the files, copy the files and most anything I need to do. I have read everything I can find on that error but since the drive seems to work ok other than for boot up, it has me stumped.

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"Floppy Disk Fail(s) (40)" Boot-up Error

Apr 28, 2005

error began appearing on my computer yesterday (running XP Home, 2nd SP). When I'm booting up cold or not I get a screen which says "Floppy Disk fail 40" and then it allows me to continue by pressing the F1 key.

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Wont Load: Getting Black Screen With Floppy Disk Seek Error?

May 29, 2009

i have a dell dimension 310 with Window xp. when started the first screen is black and says floppy disk seek error, i dont even have a floppy drive. press f1 and will go to sign on screen, you press the user and xp pops up for a second and back to sign on screen.it wont stay open.

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System Wont Load Operating System / Unable To Format Disks?

Aug 19, 2009

I shut off the computer and turning it back on couldn't boot up windows. It gave the windows wasn't shut down properly and I tried the normal restart option and it would just give a black screen with a blinking _ and then nothing happens. Tried loading in safe mode but it gets to mup.sys then "Press Esc to cancel SPTD.sys" flashes below and whether I press Esc or let it be, nothing happens after that.

I tried popping in the windows xp disc that came with the laptop, boot from disc, it starts up but then after loading everything, it then says "Windows is starting up" the disc stops spinning then nothing happens. I tried popping in a windows vista disc and it says "Windows is loading files" with a progress bar, when it fills up, I get stuck with a blank black screen the disc stops spinning and then nothing happens.

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Things Boot Disks - Recovery Disks

Jul 27, 2007

my desk top is using xp and i cant access it i have tried all sorts of things boot disks, recovery disks but still no joy, tell me to format then i can start again,

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Trying To Load Windows Xp / Load Set Up / Going To Load Files It Locked Up

Apr 12, 2006

First my computer was cutting off in the middle of any program. I decided to delete everything on the drive and reformat it and reload windows xp. While trying to load windows xp it would load the set up but when going to load files it locked up everytime. I tried also loading windows 98, 95 and they too locked up. At one point it said I had a virus in my boot sector and at another time it said I had a virus in my RAM. I got a program called PC Beginner to help partition my drive and redo the MBR. I can partition the drive and format it but windows still doesn't load. Now I wonder if there is a problem with the mother board and I have a dual bios board, I was wonder if there is a program loaded in the dual bios that may somehow causing my problem. If so what can be done to clear the problem? How can I get windows reloaded?

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Always Fail When Updating To SP2

Apr 15, 2005

I just recently bought a laptop and i'm trying to update it to SP2 but i always get this error Error Code: FFFFFC06 so it stop there and do nothing else.

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Updates Fail To Install

Dec 2, 2005

I presently have 4 computers 2 old and in the process of being replaced and 2 new, the replacements. For some time now, I have noticed that updates were failing to install on one of the old computers. I fiddled with it a bit but wasn't too concerned as I had plans to replace it. I now have 2 newer computers that have been set up and one of them, after installing a number of updates, repeatedly tries to update XP then gives me a message that.

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All Updates Fail To Install

Oct 24, 2007

I'm a college student with a Macbook Pro running Boot Camp and running WinXP natively. Just yesterday, I got an error right in one of my classes saying I had a corrupt system file and said to reinstall or repair. So, I pop in the WinXP cd and repair Windows and go through the whole process of fixing Windows. Once I get through it all, I go to Microsoft Update just to find out I have a ton of updates to install. (91!) I had to install Installer 3.0 and it installed successfully and I restarted. I go to install the rest of the updates and Microsoft update downloads all the updates and when it goes to update....they ALL fail. Every last one fails. All 91! I don't understand what is going on.I heard somewhere that you need to uninstall all .NET things so I did that. Still didn't work.Someone said to stop AutoUpdate and clean out the SoftwareDistribution folder and start up AutoUpdate again. Still didn't work.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Installer 3.0, thinking it might be the problem. Uninstall is fine, but when I go to download and install, IT TOO FAILS TO INSTALL So, now I'm 92 updates down.I was told to go check my update history on the Windows Update website. It has no record of any failed updates. I tried multiple times to install with failed attempts and the history has no record of me failing to install anything. So, that basically means I have no error code to find through that.Can anyone please help me? I need my laptop for school for engineering stuff because they don't make the programs for Mac. Thanks everyone.

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Updates Fail Every Time

Feb 25, 2008

Im new on this site and I would like to ask you if you could kindly help me with my problem.here is the issue:
Im using Windows XP SP3 (installation of SP3 not the reason of the issue,cos it started before) and since few weeks back,maybe 1-2 months,the automatic windows updates are downloaded absolutely without any problems,but fails the installation every time.any idea why? I dont know which of my installed software could cause this,but maybe its just some system settings(which I havent touch).

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Update Installation Fail

Mar 17, 2005

I have this computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1.I am installing the patches and everytime the installation fails.Any procedure to follow in order to SUCCESSFULLY install the patches.

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Possible Causes For System Restore To Fail?

Dec 4, 2006

So what are the possible causes for System Restore to fail? I tried to restore and it says "Your system cannot be restored to this time point."

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System Fail To Boot Without Xp

Sep 2, 2009

my system fail to boot without the xp cd

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Fail On Mobo Swap

Feb 4, 2008

I recently had motherboard problems with my computer.Swapped the motherboard for one given to me off a forum.The problem now is that on boot I get past the windows splash and get the BSOD.The error code was just a hex code for which google was not my friend.I could boot in safe mode (without cmd prompt or networking only), but I could not work out what the problem was.I have compounded the issue by using the XP install disc to perform a repair.All that has done is made it so i cannot boot in safe mode at all now due to the setup restriction with safe mode.I believe this is all to do with motherboard drivers that I need to fix.I probably need help in canceling the repair, and how to clean out the existing drivers.I have in the meantime installed Ubuntu to allow access to attempt repair.I would prefer not to have to do a full reinstallation if could be avoided.

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System Boot Fail

Oct 24, 2009

Here is my problem:When I started my computer a couple of days ago the screen stayed black and had the mouse pointer on it. I waited a few minutes but nothing happened. I rebooted and the same thing happened. I hit restart and pressed the Esc key ant the system started to post and stopped. This message came up Warning: System boot fail. Your system boot fail or post interrupted. Please enter setup to load default settings and reboot again.I pressed F1 and setup looked to be in order so I exited and rebooted. When that message came up I hit F2 and the system booted up ok. I tried restoring to a few different dates but that didnt solve the problem. I also made sure that I have the latest video card drivers and monitor drivers. The system wont start in safe mode either.

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Security Updates Fail To Install

Sep 24, 2008

Security updates KB953404 and KB94478 for MS office 2003 fail to install. This is an automatic security update. Using XP Home Edition.

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Admin Accounts Fail To Open

Aug 21, 2009

My Dimension 4500 (XP) has developed a serious fault and fails to log-in to accounts with Admin rights, ie password protected. There are two other accounts which do not need a password to log-in and these open correctly and I am able to use them to run some programs and for some limited use of the internet. But I cannot access my E-mails on that computer. Using Acronis, the C:drive is separately backed-up on an external hard drive which I can also interrogate from my Inspiron computer. I cannot use the LAN to contact the faulty computer from my other computers although the LAN operates satisfactorily between them. The breakdown could extend to the other computers if a fault occurred to the router since this is controlled from the Admin accounts which cannot be opened.

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Run Automatically Fail - Programs Not Responding

Jul 5, 2008

my family have damaged the computer in some way that im not sure about. I do not know whether its a virus or something else. On startup, all the programs that run automatically fail to and the "Program not responding" message is displayed for each one, and programs continue try to open to no effect. Any program which i try opening after that also has this problem. When i look at the task manager, no processes are given any memory usage.

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Operating System Fail To Boot

Aug 10, 2008

I have a computer with windows xp which continuously failed to boot fully the first go.I would have to soft boot, it would freeze on the windows loading screen and after another one or two soft boots it would finally load by selecting load windows normally.Then all works fine until the next time I turn on.I have since reformatted this machine using different windows xp and are still having the same above problems loading the first time.

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Lsass.exe And Services.exe Fail To Initialize Properly

Nov 10, 2007

I have a WinXP Pro machine that I just had to do a repair install of XP SP2. All works fine until I run windows updates. The first thing windows updates will do is update itself. But then it will not install any other updates. I found a forum on this and started the following services:

regsvr32 /s wuapi.dll
regsvr32 /s wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32 /s wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 /s wucltui.dll
regsvr32 /s wups2.dll
regsvr32 /s wups.dll
regsvr32 /s wuweb.dll

Then I ran windows update again. This time I chose custom updates and started installing only a few updates at time to try to narrow down the offending one. When I got to the ones listed below and restarted my pc, I started getting errors that lsass.exe and services.exe failed to initialize properly (0xc0000096). Here are the last updates I installed:

Security updates for KB930178, KB931261, KB932168, KB925902, KB928255, KB928843, KB927802, KB924667, KB927779, KB918118, KB926436, KB923980

I am going to try another repair install and update up to KB930178 but would appreciate any assistance in determining why these updates cause the lsass.exe and services.exe errors when restarting after they are installed.

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Downgrade Fail On Toshiba L355D-S7815

Jul 25, 2008

I downgraded my Toshiba L355D-S7815 to XP. I decide to install drivers for the model but I've run into some difficult situations.As I reinstalled, I read the manual for it and I needed a driver for the "AMD M780G chipset". So I browse the AMD website and I find no luck, nor do I find any luck finding the ATI Radeon HD 3100 driver. I call up ATI and AMD and they tell me they don't have the drivers for it, but I've done some research and saw similar drivers for it, but wouldn't work on my laptop. I'm fed up with searching all day because it gave me a headache that now I want to switch back to Vista.

There's a hidden partition that Toshiba put in the HDD that will restore it, but the laptop gave me no recovery cd. I was wondering, is there anyway to access this hidden partition and reinstall Vista

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Fail To Open Service Control Manager

Sep 25, 2008

Recently I had set for guest account by removing the Administrator rights. After that Every 5 minutes there is an error throwing on the screen is as follows : ANIOApi : Fail to open service control manager. Request you to kindly advise me how to solve this problem

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Updates Fail On Mulitple Fresh Installs

Aug 30, 2008

I have a number of used Dell systems, mostly optiplex GX150, GX240, GX260 and GX270, as well as one brand new custom built machine.There are at least 15 machines total, and on each one I've installed Windows XP Professional with SP2 on the disc. On each one, ALL or MOST of the windows updates will fail if I skip the SP3 installation. This isn't a problem as SP3 works fine on the Dell machines and they're being prepped to be sold anyway.The problem is on the custom build. The customer specifically requested NOT to have Service Pack 3 on the machine. There are about 20 updates that fail on this machine. I've tried using Dial-a-fix to re-register dll's and restart services etc to no avail.These are all clean XP installs with no additional software other than device drivers.

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Booting Problems - Hard Drive Fail And More

Jan 23, 2009

My hard drive crashed. When I start up, the device info is supposed to say something like:"Maxtor 2B020H1" but instead I get "Maxtor eph7 hgnk78l" note: the odd device name isnt exact, but I could write it down and post it if it helps.This all happened when I unplugged the ribbon cable from my m/b. -dont ask- lolWhen I plugged it back in I got that message.I have confirmed it is the hard drive itself, by trying it in a different computer.My second problem is, that was my primary master hard drive. I did not have the operating system on that hard drive but, that hard drive contained the xp boot record or ntldr .

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System Restore - Fail To Covering Back

Apr 28, 2007

What could make System Restore in Windows XP not work? A virus maybe? Or what?
I tried like heck to roll back something in System Restore the other day and nothing would work. I just kept going back and trying further points but each one failed to restore my computer.

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Can't Burn To CD-RW Disks

Jul 30, 2005

Write CD-RW drive will burn data files to CD-R disks but not to CD-RW disks.

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Setup Disks For XP

Aug 12, 2002

For some reason they have not included these very usefull gems, the Setup Disks for Windows XP, for all those that cannot boot from a CD for some reason.XP uses 6 floppies and there is a version for XP Pro and one for Home Edition. You need the right set for your version. The makeboot and files forthe floppies are not on the XP CD.

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How To Restore Disks?

Oct 30, 2008

I have a sony vaio pcv-rx550 desktop that had a corrupt hard drive.It would not let me do a system recovery or system restore, so I wiped the hard drive with dariks boot and nuke,and ordered a new set of restore disks for my specific brand and model, but when i put the first disk in-it says ERROR: this recovery cd is not for your computer.I checked the dir. using a win98 setup disk and there is a sony folder and a image folder but I do not know the correct command to get them to load that way. any help would be appreciated.Can I use a regular win xp home disk to get it up and running and then use the disks to load the remaing software that came with it off of the restore disks?It had win xp home on it to begin with.

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My Laptop Will Load Data Cds I.e. Excel, Word Ete, But It Won't Load DVD

Mar 7, 2010

I had my laptop fixed due to windows xp not starting up. My laptop will load data cd's i.e. excel, word ete, but it won't ...

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Desktop Does Not Load, No Icons,cannot Load Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2007

1. My desktop remains blank without any icons.

2. clt+alt+del shows all choices except task manager - so I am allowed to reboot and shutdown

3. When I enter in safe mode cannot see desktop nor icons

4. Ran Norton Antivirus 2007 boot with CD - no virus found

5.Prior to crash desktop went RED, hence I rebooted and then the issues.

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