Lsass.exe And Services.exe Fail To Initialize Properly

Nov 10, 2007

I have a WinXP Pro machine that I just had to do a repair install of XP SP2. All works fine until I run windows updates. The first thing windows updates will do is update itself. But then it will not install any other updates. I found a forum on this and started the following services:

regsvr32 /s wuapi.dll
regsvr32 /s wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32 /s wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 /s wucltui.dll
regsvr32 /s wups2.dll
regsvr32 /s wups.dll
regsvr32 /s wuweb.dll

Then I ran windows update again. This time I chose custom updates and started installing only a few updates at time to try to narrow down the offending one. When I got to the ones listed below and restarted my pc, I started getting errors that lsass.exe and services.exe failed to initialize properly (0xc0000096). Here are the last updates I installed:

Security updates for KB930178, KB931261, KB932168, KB925902, KB928255, KB928843, KB927802, KB924667, KB927779, KB918118, KB926436, KB923980

I am going to try another repair install and update up to KB930178 but would appreciate any assistance in determining why these updates cause the lsass.exe and services.exe errors when restarting after they are installed.

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Failed To Initialize Properly

Sep 10, 2007

"The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application." Since I installed Visual Studio 2005, I've been getting this error when trying to run Soulseek, which has been working fine before. After OK, the same message comes up again, and after OK again, it closes and Soulseek doesn't run.The same thing happens trying to run Media Player Classic, and the HijackThis installer.Some googling suggested that other people had similar problems with other programs that might be .NET Framework related. I tried reinstalling Framework 2.0, installing 3.0, without any luck. Finally, I uninstalled Visual Studio and everything I could identify as installed with it, but still nothing.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly

Jul 10, 2009

The application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000142).Click on OK to terminate the application .

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly

Nov 19, 2006

I have Windows XP. I update my Virus Subscription in January every year and this year Norton said they no longer support the one I was using. I updated to the latest version and it included Pop up blocking and a bunch of other stuff. When it ran the scan it came up with a bunch of things and I diligently followed all the instructions to take care of them. (I don't know if this has ANYTHING to do with my problem but from some of the other posts I thought it might.) To make a long story short, I tried to update to Windows Media Player 10 to interface an MP3 player my daughter wanted to use. When I did this I got the following message. 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click on OK to terminate application.' After 2 days of trying to figure out what is causing this, I reverted back to the previous version I had and was grateful I got it back. Now, a few months later, I am working on something for my job and I go to install the software I need and the same message appears! So, I need some help. I am somewhat tech savvy but I haven't read code since learning Fortran in college 20 years ago!

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly 0xc0000005

Dec 27, 2007

So I have been having this issue with a program crashing and displaying a error message. Also just a note, This problem is happening on a windows xp pro machine. When the icon to start the application is clicked the program automatically displays the error. So I never actually get into the application. The error message reads "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005" (0xc0000005 means an access violation memory error occurred)

Now this is odd because the program works on other computers(of all different types)amd64, amd64x2, Intel core2duo, Intel celeron D, and a regular Intel P4 board. All with various different rams and such, leading me to assume this is not a hardware problem. I have tried to use the built in program error debugger in windows "Dr. Watson" to get a error log. but for some reason the program does write to the file.

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Start Programs - Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000012d)

Aug 24, 2008

I usually don't turn my computer off, but let it hibernate. This never caused problems, but lately, everytime after about a week, Windows became unstable. Part of the text disappears from the screen, like some text from web pages and the text 'start' on the start menu. When I try to start programs, I get various error messages, like 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d)'. When I close some programs, the system seems to work again for a couple of minutes, but then the problems start again.

(It might also occur when i do not use hibernate, but keep my computer on for a couple of days, but I didnt try this.) It looks like Windows is running out of memory or running out of some other resource? How can i check which resource is exactly running out? Physical memory is 458,224 kB, of which at the time of the problem about 84MB free and 114 MB system cache - not very different from the values during normal use.Kernel memory during time of the problem is total 188 MB - a lot higher than during normal use. However, I don't know what kernel memory is, how to reduce it, and whether it might cause this kind of problems. I am using Windows XP Home SP3. Processor is AMD Sempron 3000+.

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Error Application Failed To Initialize Properly - Outlook

Apr 22, 2008

I'm getting a LOT of error messages and having to reboot all the time. Let me see if I can explain what is happening... if my explaination isn't clear.. please ask me the questions you may need to know to be able to answer me 'When oppening an application I get: Application failed to initialize properly.'Or "not enough quota is avialbe to process the command'I use PCcillen and have had tech support did an hour going through my computer and have stated that there are 'no irus's'.Outlook: Sometimes when I go into find a file I get this type of error: Application or DLL C:Program FilesCommon FilesSytemMAPI1033outex.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this againt your installation diskette.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly - Explorer.exe Error (0xc000001d)

Mar 19, 2010

I use Windows XP with SP3 installed and when I turn on my computer and it gets to the log in screen it doesn't show the regular long in for XP but the clasic one. Also when I get into my profile (or anyone else for that matter) it says the following. "Explorer.EXE - Application error. The Application failed to initialize properly (0xc000001d)." All the other sites I went to say to open up the task manenger but when I go to do that it says.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly Error Code 0xc0150002

Jan 10, 2009

Im out of my depth here and after searching through Microsoft help topics and trying various things still no luck. After doing a repair with the XP disc I have ended with with more problems than before. I was going to make first priority SP1/2 as my system is now warning me. When I try I get this message. The procedure entry point SHRegGetValueW could not be located in the dynamic link library SHLWAPI.dll. Int Explorer 7 wont open: Same message as before. Tried to download updates (using Mozilla) but it requires IE 5 or above. WMPlayer wont open An internal error has occured , Office Word, Excell etc :The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002) Tried to unistall IE7 Control panel wont open

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Easy Way To Reset All Of Services Under Services

Jan 9, 2005

Is there an easy way to reset all of the services under services.msc back to their default settings?

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Lsass.exe 100% CPU When Running BlackWidow.exe

Sep 4, 2005

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?) Whenever I have blackwidow.exe running on this one particular PC, (other machines are fine) then lsass.exe goes to 100% and evrything runs very slowly.

Even if the app is just sitting idle, no network, no activity this will happen.

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Cpu Usage / Lsass.exe 50% And GcasServe.exe 45%

May 28, 2005

cpu usage sits at around 90-100% at times. lsass.exe 50% and gcasServe.exe 45% are using this percentage. this causes my pc to reboot.i noticed that when i shutdown windows anitspyware i no longer experience the could this be solved while running win-anitspyware

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Lsass.exe Eating Pc Resources

Aug 3, 2005

When I boot up my pc lsass.exe is eating all of the resources for at least 10 minutes and then it finally drops out and the machine speeds back up.

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Lsass.exe Can't Run Even In Safe Mode

Aug 13, 2005

When I try to bootup a popup box with lsass.exe Application Error shows itself then when I click "OK" it is still there thus I have two popup boxes with the same message then I click "OK" again and all I have is a black screen and my curser.I reboot but turning the power off/on then I go to safe mode where I have no taskbar or icons and cannot use Ctlr+Alt+Del to bring up Task Manager.

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Lsass.exe And Svchost.exe Using 100% Of System Resources

May 13, 2007

Hardware: Compaq Presario x1000, Win XP Home SP1, 1.4 Ghz, 512 Ram.

Symptom: Lsass.exe is using about 60%, and svchost.exe is using about 40% (they move around up and down but are always using 100% together). Recently the computer semi died (after the login screen it would blue screen). I repaired to OS (the reinstall option for windows that leaves data and programs intact). Have chkdsk the HD (found and repaired errors), ran a defrag, ran diagnostics on the HD and RAM (all clean), and the computer still moves at a crawl. I've found a lot of articles about LSass.exe causing problems with win 2k domain controllers, but this is not win 2k, is not a domain controller, and is in fact not even on a domain. HijackThis log is clean as a whistle

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)

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Highly Trusted On Firewall? Svchost.exe And Lsass.exe

Dec 19, 2005

I've been getting a lot of generic process win32 problems to do with lsass.exe and svchost.exe and im wondering if this has anything to do with it.

In my ZoneAlarm Firewall program control, I have 'Generic Host Process Win32 Services' SVCHOST.exe as a very high trust level. The settings look like this:

Trusted - Yes
Internet - Yes

Trusted - Yes
Internet - No

As for 'LSA (Shell Export Version)' LSASS.exe it also has a very high trust level and the following settings:

Trusted - Yes
Internet - Yes

Trusted - Ask user
Internet - Ask user

Are these settings correctly configured?

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Usb Flash Is Infected With Virus Called Lsass.exe?

Jun 22, 2009

Im asking help for anyone who know's to remove lsass.exe virus. This virus i driving me crazy, my flash usb create folders that i didn't create by my self and i can't delete the folder's even the folder's i create by my self. I click on folder and i go SHIFT+DELETE the folder hide ones and in 5 seconds he show again.
And in my friend computer the folder convert in folder.exe so i can't open it.I tried to repair with COMBOFIX but didn't repair nothing.So i have format my usb and when format is done show a error table wich is like this:

Line 0 (file"C:winlsass.exe"):
for$j = 1 to $filelist[0]
for$j = 1 to $filelist^error
error: subscript used with non-array variable

I will really apressiate any help cuz this virus has ifected my Computer too and i'm going crazy.

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Lsass.exe Application Error - Cannot Boot Disk

Mar 18, 2010

I have an XP machine that while booting, after the Windows XP Logo with the blue bar under it shows, receives a message box titled "lsass.exe - Application Error" with the message "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000ld). Click on OK to terminate the application." This occurs twice and then just sits on an empty black screen. It never reaches the login screen. I have tried booting to safe mode and the last good configuration and they both experience the same thing...

BACKGROUND: Got the computer with the problem from brother in law who lives hundreds of miles away. He had fixed it and was selling it. It was clean and in good working order except for the following: No boot disk provided. DVD & CD drives wouldn�t initialize automatically. Had to manually go find what you want to play and work with it til it played. Audio CDs would play. DVD never played dvds. Windows Media Player would not play FLV videos or MPEG4, MP4 videos, only avi. An error would come up saying there were not the correct codecs. By choice, this computer & our home does not have internet access, so I couldn�t go d/l drivers or fixes directly to computer. Using my laptop and a flash drive, I d/l GOM Player and installed it on his computer, and it would say the same thing. So I d/l codec packs using the same method. I ran Trend Micro scans on all files before putting them on the flash drive. They were either clean or cleaned. (It said this was cleaned : Locked successfully Troj_Gen.C33L9) Another something came up and quickly said something was successfully ignored.) This was before there was a problem. Began to install Klite_Codec_Pack_580_Mega. Checked all the boxes so all the codecs could run. It started installing lots, then toward end it got an error message saying it couldn�t register some big long numbers. I assumed it needed the internet to continue. It gave the choices to Abort, Retry, or Ignore (recommended). Each button produced the error message above and when you pushed OK it just looped. My husband restarted the computer thinking it would fix it and it began the problem stated at the beginning....

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Lsass.exe Eating System Resources On Startup

Nov 30, 2006

Ive read a million topics on this but almost all of them deal with OBVIOUS solutions to the problem. Well I've already updated my OS (newest security patches, service packs, etc...), Antivirus,adware removal...etc... and for about 30mins after a restart, the lsass.exe system process eats all my cpu power. Once its done my system runs like a charm, but those 30min restarts are a waste of time. It is really starting to annoy me. No this is not a virus (according to AVG, McAfee, etc...) problem, or an Adware (spybot,adaware) problem. It is the legitimate system process eating my resources.

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WLDAP32.dll File Missing And Lsass.exe Getting Error?

Jan 20, 2009

When the computer tried to load into Windows I get a message saying that the WLDAP32.dll file is missing and that I need to install it. The computer will not load into any mode, including the Safe Mode. I then tried to load the file from the XP install disc and was told on a blue screen that Windows had to shut down due to not wanting to damage the computer. So, I cannot load into Windows in any mode and I cannot get the file from the Install CD.

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Lsass.exe Won't Let System To Pass Boot Process?

Sep 13, 2005

Just bought a pre-owned Dell Inspiron 6000D, running XP. On first power-up, after what appears to be a normal boot-up, it displays a message window headed "lsass.exe System error". The error description says, "When trying to update a password this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is incorrect." It never asks for a password to be entered, so this is puzzling.

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Computer Reboot - Remove Lsass.exe - System Error

Sep 23, 2006

How to Remove cn_api60.dll?

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Lsass.exe Invalid Paramters Passed System Error

Nov 29, 2009

Recently I had a BSOD problem 0x000007b after running ComboFix and so I ran a repair XP SP2/3 and the Blue Screen is gone but now during the Repair steps screen (The light blue screen with Step 1, Step2 and the Ads on the right for the various programs) I get lsass.exe Invalid Parameters Passed and a prompt "Ok" which reboots my computer.

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Lsass.exe System Error - The Endpoint Format Is Invalid

Jan 25, 2007

I'm running xp home edition on my dell system. When I tried to boot up, the screen went black and I got the system error message. From there you can only click ok, the system reboots and goes thfough the same process. It also does it in safe mode. I've tried to use "the last known working configuration" from the f8 screen, same thing.I was going to try a repair install, but for some reason I have a xp pro disk, not home edition. Can I do a repair using this disk (it's a dell disk)? Or am i going to have to wipe everything out and install xp pro to get the system to work.

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Lsass.exe Causing System To Shut Down / Websites Wont Load?

Sep 12, 2005

Ok I'm getting this message now saying that something called lsass.exe is causing my pc to just shutdown while I'm right in the middle of something. And, earlier today I deleted some registries by mistake and computer just went haywire. I think for the most part I got them fixed but now pc freezes up and some sites take forever for me to load or certain programs like musicmatch radio and

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Can't Initialize Add/Remove Components

Aug 24, 2009

I get the following message:"Setup library msgrocm.dll could not be loaded, or function OcEntry could not be found. Contact your system administrator. The specific error is
0x7f" I have Windows XP SP3, and I'm trying to install the ISS from the install cd

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Always Fail When Updating To SP2

Apr 15, 2005

I just recently bought a laptop and i'm trying to update it to SP2 but i always get this error Error Code: FFFFFC06 so it stop there and do nothing else.

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DISCover Socket Failed To Initialize

Mar 22, 2006

Win xp media center edition HP 3700 amd athlon computer Newbie here..At the end of start up (when loading) on my computer I get a box in the middle of my screen saying DISCover (on top) then underneath, it says, Socket failed to initialize. I can click OK and it will go away or I can X out of it and it will go away, however I do not feel that this should be happening. Can anyone help.. I will try to give more info as we go. I believe DISCover has something to do with the media edition XP I have?

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USERINIT.exe Application Failed To Initialize

Apr 30, 2007

I would appreciate any useful information. Making sly remarks is childish.I to have received the message: "USERINIT.exe Application failed to initialize" after removing software that was previously install and may have been causing the computer to not get a TCP/IP number. Now I can not get to the desktop, It hangs.
I agree sometimes reloading a cleaned of hard drive may be the only way to resolve a problem. However, first see if there are any quick fixes that may save some time.
If all you can say is start over again from scratch then you are wasting your time and everyone else's that reads for some answers.

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Computer Running - Failure To Initialize

Jun 3, 2007

i keep my computer running all the time. At irregular intervals approximately every 2-3 days the computer will partially freeze. I say partially, because programs already loaded continue to work, but any attempt to run any new application produces the message "failed to initialize". So for example I can still use or save an Excel worksheet that was already open but if Excel were not open and I try to open it I would get the "failed to initialize" message. Outwardly the computer appears fine - it is only when I go to use it or realise I haven't had an email in a long while that I suspect it has "gone again". Re-starting the computer without pulling the plug takes 30 minutes, but does eventually work after several non-responsive programs are terminated (not the same ones each time). All very frustrating....

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Updates Fail To Install

Dec 2, 2005

I presently have 4 computers 2 old and in the process of being replaced and 2 new, the replacements. For some time now, I have noticed that updates were failing to install on one of the old computers. I fiddled with it a bit but wasn't too concerned as I had plans to replace it. I now have 2 newer computers that have been set up and one of them, after installing a number of updates, repeatedly tries to update XP then gives me a message that.

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