Stuck In Classic Mode - Themes Stopped

Oct 12, 2007

I am stuck in the Windows Classic mode. I clicked Run; services.msc and discovered that Themes was 'Stopped'. If I click Start, this sorts the problem, allowing me to go back to my Royale theme I have on Windows XP. However, on restarting the PC, the problem occurs again, and I have to repeat the procedure to sort it. Startup Type is set to 'Automatic'.

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Starts Up In Classic Mode Without The Curved Edges

Oct 5, 2010

I installed a wireless internet thingy on my computer to obtain internet when living with roommates. Ever since then, everytime I start up, I end up having to restart over and over again, until the log in screen that pops up has the curved edges. I have recently removed the hardware (wireless card/thingy) and now I am unable to get the computer to start up with the "curved edges" even after restarting OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I am up to my neck in anger.

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Hide User Accounts - Start Up Screen Without Switch Classic Mode

Jul 28, 2005

Is there a way to hide user accounts on the XP start-up screen without switching to the "CLASSIC" mode? XP created the default 'Administrator' account, which is what it's supposed to do, but I don't what it to be visible to other users. I know how to switch to the classic view, but would like to keep the new XP view for ease of use by the other users.

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Stuck In Safe Mode

Jul 21, 2006

I was having problems with Norton Live Update and requested assistance. Everything that they instructed me to do failed and finally they asked me to remove Live Update in "Safe Mode with networking" and then reinstall off the web. I do not work on a network, by the way. I only have Broadband at my home and I don't think that counts as a network, anyway. Well, I did what was asked of me and since that day the computer has been stuck in Safe Mode. It will not use any of the restore points that I have chosen when it asks "yes" or "no" to restoring to an earlier date in order to restart in Normal Mode. By the way, I am using my other Compaq laptop to send this message - even though the Toshiba can send and receive on broadband, even though it's stuck in Safe Mode.

I was having trouble with "Word" on this computer but that problem is insignificant to the one I now have with the Toshiba. Is there a remedy or am I bound to have to use the Recovery Disc that came with the machine when I bought it? Symantec have simply said that they cannot help me if it's stuck in Safe Mode. Brilliant. They are more worried about the Live Update problem than the fact that I am stuck in Safe Mode.

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Stuck In Safe Mode

Sep 27, 2007

I have a malware issue on a computer. I was in the process of fixing it when I tried to restart the computer in safe mode. The typical press F8 at the beginning of bootup did not work so I went to msconfig and told it to boot in safe mode. When I restarted, it did go into safe mode like I had hoped. However, I was not thinking ahead very far. This computer is connected to a domain so the user name and password I was using was from the network active directory. When going into safemode, obviously that will not get me logged in to the computer. The problem is that I did not load the OS originally and never logged in locally so I do not know a user name or password to allow me to log in. So now I am stuck with the computer booting in safe mode and no way to change it. Do you know of any ways to get past this?

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Stuck At Logon / Can't Access Safe Mode

Dec 15, 2004

After running virus scans in Safe mode I attempted to restart into Normal mode but the computer just hung at the boot screen indefinately. I finally forced it off. When I switched it back on it gave me the usual black screen saying "Windows did not shut down successfully" and instructed me to use the arrow keys to choose how to start windows, otherwise it would load the "last known successful configuration"

However at this screen only the arrow keys do not react, making it impossible for me to select Safe mode, and although Safe mode was actually the last successful configuration, it proceeds to attempt to load Normal mode and stops at the login screen every time

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Wont Boot / Safe Mode Is Stuck On Mup

Feb 16, 2008

I've been trying to fix this computer for the last 8 hours and I can't figure it out. I've narrowed it down to a system corruption, it's not hard, viruses or spyware, it's not anything but a corrupted windows installation.I will only image the drive at a last resort. I might just buy a second hard drive and install the OS and copy over the goods. Either way, I don't want to go though all that work. I know I can fix this.I had it working at one point, I did a Windows XP Setup into Repair mode, checked the disk and even went as far as created a second boot.ini - Just to eliminate a factor, that didn't work.What appeared to work was to "repair" the "corrupted windows installation" 3 or 4 times, and then do an "upgrade" and reactivate windows. I managed to get to a desktop, but then things just went downhill.

The icons where weird, and my "theme" was reset, and various other things. I created a new user in hope to start over, I was aimed at uninstalling things such as the vista transformation pack, etc.. Did a Windows Update, changed a few Driver letters so shortcuts worked, and then tried to "repair" the transofmation pack so i could uninstall it. I also did a Windows Update.Then I reboot, and my nightmare starts over again. Now I can't even get the damn upgrade/repair to work and it wont boot past mup.sys. If I just knew what file was corrupted or what was making the system hang I could rename/restore it and well you get the idea..Please HELP - I need this computer, it's got lots of client data and bleh bleh on it. I'm completely out of ideas and my mind is exhausted.

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Home Won't Boot In Any Mode, Stuck In Loop

Sep 15, 2007

I don't really know where i should start so.well earlier today i installed a second hd in my computer to pull so files off of it for my sister and my mom, but when i got it working it said accsess was denied to there stuff i went on my moms computer to check if i hade already backed up there stuff of the old comp, so i go into her document to see if i could find the old documents and when i start scrolling through them the window i leave it for a minute and while i'm waiting i close some other programs one of which was mozilla which was also frozen.I go back to the my document window and its still frozen.

I try to close it and of course its not responding so i click end now and it made the every thing disappear like the task bar and all the icons on the desktop are i wait and see if any thing will reappear and nothing does so i restart it and it starts booting up..the windows logo comes up and the little bars only gets half way across then it restarts and brings me to that menu where you can choose save mode or start normally and all that and no matter what i pick the comp just restarts and bring me back to the menu.

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Computer Stuck In Reboot / No Safe Mode

Nov 9, 2007

I returned home the other day after shutting my computer down for the first time in a couple weeks. I turned it on it got to the Windows log on and shut down and constantly reboots over and over. I tried chkdsk /r I couldnt get /f to work by itself Last know configure didnt work I foolishly tried this LINK Then I read in another forum that it could be a bad driver. I do recall when I was able to get in safe mode an error for my printer came up so I want to get in safe mode and try to uninstall it. but now safe mode won't work and after doing that part in the link its says I have 2 O/s to choose from?

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System Stuck In Windows Error Mode

Mar 8, 2009

Computer won't boot up. Goes to a windows error screen and won't let us boot up on safe or any other mode. System won't allow us to boot from any system disk. Is there any help other than taking it to a professional?

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Stuck In Safe Mode - Pointer Won't Move

Mar 23, 2010

I have a Sony Vaio BZ-570, I had some malware to remove so I went to try and boot in safe mode. When I get to the blue login screen the mouse is just stuck in the middle of the screen and won't move. I can't click anything to get to msconfig to reset it and even if I push F8 in the beginning and select "Normal Mode" it still goes into safe mode.

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PC Stuck In Safe Mode Loop / Wont Boot

Aug 21, 2007

I'm working on an IBM ThinkCenter Desktop PC.On bootup, it goes through the IBM logo and then the Windows logo flashes quickly and then is gone and then the Safe Mode screen appears. No matter which option I choose from the Safe Mode screen, the result is the same: The Windows logo flashes quickly and then the system reboots, and then the IBM logo and then the Safe Mode Screen.I have tried running the repair module from an o/s disk I have here, but when I get to the c: prompt and type "dir" it says "error occurred during directory enumeration".There is only one partition.I have a copy of UBCD4WIN, if that would be helpful in diagnosing the problem.I do not have the o/s disk that belongs to this computer.

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Extended Desktop STUCK / How Can Restore To Normal Mode?

Apr 18, 2010

I've been trying over 2 to 3 weeks to solve this issue. Hopefully, THG can offer a distinct solution that works.Problem: My Windows XP Home Edition is "Stuck" in the "Extended Desktop" mode. I have only 1 monitor (an Acer H233H). Acer offers NO support; just a run-around. I tried to find out from them if there's a problem with their drivers.I noticed the problem recently when updating 'security' fixes, etc. from Microsoft.Normally, I run my system in 1280x800dpi. It used to work fine that way.By right-clicking the desktop and choosing a .jpg graphic, I could perform each of the 3 display options with no problem; (stretch, center, tile). However, now the following happens. When I choose "Center," the graphic is displayed on my monitor 'centered' in the virtual 1280x800 area. In other words, it is located toward the right side and lower right portion of my monitor's physical display area.

The real problem is when I choose to "Stretch" the same image, it stretches it to the full 1280x800 size, and (NOT TO MY PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE)!It did not use to work that way. It used to always center and/or stretch to fit my physical screen size, even while in 1920x1080 resolution.HOW DO I GET IT BACK TO NORMAL?
* I've updated my ATI drivers w/CCC.
* I've updated my Acer monitor drivers to their latest offering.
* I've reverted back to older ATI drivers versions to test with, but that didn't work either.
Note: the only thing that DID WORK (more or less) was when I used a tool called "System Tweaker" (by Uniblue) and had it FORCE WINDOWS TO USE CLASSIC MODE. The display worked perfectly, but I began getting "Windows.EXE" critical errors, Memory location Errors, etc.

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System Stuck In Safe Mode: Mouse Won't Move?

Feb 6, 2008

I've spent the last two months just trying to get Windows to operate correctly on a new Mac. Unbelievable! I've re-installed XP SP2 too many times to count, finally had it up and thought it was running fine for the last week, then I went over to the Mac OS tried accessing windows through boot camp, it shut down the Mac OS, then when I tried to go back to boot Windows directly, I received the damning <windows root> system32hal.dll file is missing or corrupt - again.

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Stuck In Safe Mode - Screen - Graphics Card

Aug 4, 2008

So im stuck in safe mode, but with some extra problems.My screen has some kind of problem with my graphics card i believe, and when i start my computer it always has to change the resolution.This wasn't a problem at all until now, I recently tried to get into safe mode to check something, And i used the way with msconfig.
Now when i restart my computer it goes straight to safe mode without changing my screen resolution, leaving my screen pitch black.So is there any way to get out of safe mode with this problem? Or can i fix the screen?My computer has been running into problems all the time this past month.EDIT: I just found some thing out, For somereason my mouse and keybored aren't working now.So I'd bet there no chance i'd be able to fix my computer?

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Stuck On Startup Infinite Loop - Safe Mode Do Not Work

Mar 9, 2010

My desktop is stuck on an infinite startup loop, I can see the standards Windows starting screen then there is a quick BSOD flash and the computer restarts and does the same thing - lucky I have a spare old laptop which will allow me to jump onto this site. Safe mode options do not work I tried the Windows recovery console - typing 'R' booting from the CD but then I get stuck at the console black screen not knowing what DOS commands I should be pushing. I tried goign the other way and choosing to install XP but then I get a message saying C: isn;t configured and will need to format to continue.

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System Stuck In Safe Mode / Print Spooler Wont Run?

Dec 14, 2009

My PC (XP SP3) suffered a rough recovery from a malware infection. I.e., certain services (like Print Spooler) no longer run.The malware is gone, but when I go into Computer Management and try to restart the services (like Print Spooler), an error message pops up saying "Cannot start service in Safe Mode"However, it is definitely not in safe mode. So, there must be some internal flag that says otherwise. Restarting XP in safe mode and then in normal mode doesn't un-stick it.

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Stuck In A Boot Cycle - Black Screen With Options To Start In Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2008

My main pc is stuck in a boot cycle giving me the black screen with options to start in safe mode etc etc and when selecting one of those options it reboots to the same point. When I press return the system tries to start it attempts it, clicks then goes back to boot cycle. The Windows XP system disk won't cut in like it should so I cannot gain control of the pc.

System is a Dell, 2years old and has had various viruses despite having the usual protection. I am currently using my old trusty Advent Pentium 3 for this message (which has never had the same degree of virus prob's curiously). After the first virus Dell talked me through using Ghost - brilliant. Within a couple of days it was hit again and usinng Spybot got rid of the virus but PC kept displaying the message rundll.dll file damaged. So I used XP Recovery seemingly with no problem only to find it won't reboot.

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Can't Get Classic Theme

Sep 19, 2005

I just spent a number of hours getting rid of Trojan.desktophijack.B and Trojan.popuper, and now i cant get my windows xp theme off of "windows classic." i can select the theme but when i go to "windows and buttons" all that is available is "windows classic style." how do i fix this? i find it ironic that i can manually clean a registry but changing themes is beyond me.

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Classic Login Box Will Appear

Aug 12, 2002

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del multiple times... then the classic login box will appear.

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Unable To Use Classic?

Jul 28, 2005

Ok so i installed a new theme on my computer, but all i gto was the background and the sounds. So i tried to get xp back, but it wouldnt work. Now all that i can get is windows classic.

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Can't Change Theme From Classic

Aug 19, 2007

I have windows xp sp2 and I am using windows classic style i tried to right click desktop go to properties and click on appearance (so i could change back to windows xp style) but in the drop down menu all i see is one option which is the classic theme

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Rebooted PC And It Only Has The Classic Theme

Oct 2, 2006

I have just rebooted my PC and it only has the Windows Classic theme. I think this might be because i have disabled something thru services.msc.Does anyone know which service i need to change to Automatic or Manual?

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Get Classic Login Box From The Welcome Screen

Aug 12, 2002

Goto control panel > user accounts > "change the way users log on or off" > uncheck the first box "Use the Welcome Screen". here you'll get a regular win2k/NT login screen.

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Theme Has Changed To Classic

Aug 20, 2005

Out of the blue my XP theme has changed to Classic.but only for Startup and
Shutdown.All else remains XP theme

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Classic Search Style

Jan 11, 2003

In order to remove the annoying and useless search dog all you need to do is add one simple registry key.Right-click an empty space in the right pane and select New > String Value Name the new value Use Search Asst Double-click this new value, and enter no as it's value data

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Using 98 Themes In XP

Aug 22, 2005

I've tried every search and couldn't find the answer I was looking for.I"ve got dozens of windows 98 themes (Star Wars) and want to bring them over to my new XP Pro machine. Is this possible? Do I need to convert them to get them to work? Many of these didn't have XP equivalents so I can't get new ones. They're all zip files no exes.

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Computer Randomly Switched To OS Classic

Jun 26, 2005

after a computer repair dude fixed some stuff on my computer, everything
except the sign in screen is windows classic and i cant switch back. i've
gone into properties and there isnt even an option form the scroll down list
that includes windows xp

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Very Slow Computer - Tried All The Classic Spyware

Oct 4, 2007

i was wondering if anybody had some ideas on how to speed up this computer of mine i've tried all the classic spyware and virus scans, registry scans i even upgraded the RAM from 512mb up to 2gb, which provided no improvement whatsoever the cpu just seems to have trouble handling even the simplest tasks, theres no evident process or program hogging up the cpu time

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Disable Classic Folder View

Jul 7, 2005

For somereason i can no longer enable Common Tasks, how do i go about fixing that. Also My Default folder view for all folders is not being set globally, it has to be set for each single folder After countless efforts of going through the process

1)view>list and arrange by name
2)tools>folder options>view tab>apply to all folders doesn't seem to work. Attached is a screenshot of the classic view error

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Classic Start Menu Style

Aug 12, 2002

This tweak (group policy setting) forces the display of the Windows 2000 style Start menu and the display of the standard desktop icons.START > RUN > type GPEDIT.MSC > USER CONFIGURATION > ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES > START MENU AND TASKBAR > find FORCE CLASSIC START MENU > check ENABLED > OK > REBOOT
If you check DISABLED only the XP style Start menu can be displayed.If you check NOT CONFIGURED the user can change the view.

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