Setup Won't Recognize RAID-0 Array

Dec 17, 2005

I just finished preparing my slipstreamed windows XP setup disc with the SATA drivers already on it for my nForce 4 SATA RAID setup. It will detect the drives, just fine, but displays each one as though there were no array. I've already set up the RAID array in the bios, and it detects it as a single 500gb striped RAID-0 array.Windows is asking me to install on either one drive or the other, as though there were no RAID-0 array. If this is what usually happens, would I just point windows to install to one of the drives and the BIOS will take care of the rest? Or is something else not quite right here?

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Installing A Raid Array - Original Raid Driver Floppy Disk

Jan 30, 2010

i have 2 western digital 80gb on raid0. on this array i have installed windows 7 and now i want to install windows xp on another partition.the problem is that windows xp setup won't recognize my array even with the original raid driver floppy-disk. i created even an nLite customized xp with those drivers installed and it doesn't work.

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Dual Booting Windows & VISTA On A RAID Array?

Mar 20, 2008

I have windows vista installed on a raid array, and when i try to install windows XP it asks for the 3rd party driver which i have on a floppy. I then can get through the next couple of screens, however after it creates the windows directory on the partition I have set it asks me for another set of drivers to be put into the floppy disk, this is where the problem start, any ideas what drivers its asking for? The only drivers I can find are the intel mass storage drivers but these are larger than the floppy disk...

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Extending Primary Partition On RAID Array On 2003 SBS Server

Aug 6, 2007

I have a Dell Power Edge server with a C: drive that is too small. The RAID array is about 40GB but only 9 GB was given for the C: drive and it has run out of space so I cannot install service packs, extra software, etc. The remaining space is an F: drive with the "data" on it. What method should I use to extend the partition, I am thinking of just moving all of the F: drive to an external hard drive and then deleting the F: drive and trying to extend the partition in Windows Disk Manager, but I wonder if that will even work, or if there is a better tool out there to use to manage these partitions. I would like to preserve the Windows installation and everything on the C: drive if at all possible. I dont care if I have an F: drive, if I can just get a big enough C: drive, that will be fine.

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Pro RAID Array "Access Denied"

May 9, 2005

After the usual 6 month XP clean re-install, I am finding I cannot access one of the two RAID arrays. This message comes at the end of attempting to install the RAID card driver, the second array in the computer. It was running with the previous XP install. I didn't do the F6 RAID driver thing during the clean install.As well, when booting, I get a Symantec error "Access denied" to the first RAID array, which is motherboard driven. This does not seem to affect the use of the RAID in any way.

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Install RAID Setup

Sep 9, 2007

I have been trying to install a RAID setup and I can't get past the windows installation. I have set up the BIOS correctly and I've tried using 2 different RAID floppys and still won't setup. I start the windows installation and at the F6 prompt I press the F6, when it asks for the drivers I press S and first load the Nvidia RAID driver and then again I load the Nvidia storage driver as per instructions and the installation goes until it starts the windows set up and stops right there. If I only load the Nvidia Raid driver then the set will start. The second floppy I tried using was for SATARAID floppy. Same result If I load the Nvidia SATA storage driver then It stops at Windows installation setup. I have tried installing a bootable setup and a nonbootable with no luck.

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Fresh Install Asking For Raid Drivers During Setup?

Dec 28, 2008

I'm planning a reformat and clean install of XP Pro in the next few days. (Intel dual core with 4 GB RAM.)The OS has been living on C drive which is a Raid 0 setup consisting of two 250 drives operating as one 500.I also have a third drive (500GB) running as D drive (I do a lot of digital photography The Plan: To replace one of the 250's with a 500 so I'll have one 250 and two 500's.

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Raid Setup Hard Drives Started To Fail - Computer Disconnected

Aug 4, 2009

my daughters computer needs to have windows xp pro reinstalled. the computer used to have a raid setup but when one of the hard drives started to fail she brought it to the computer shop and they disconnected the raid and told her the drives were separated but not to put anything important on the one drive as its not so good. so last night we tried to reinstall windows . It came to can not read drive F. Options were fail, abort or retry. Nothing worked. so she called the the computer shop and they said it was because of the raid thing when. So they told her to go to gateway sight and put a program called serial ata on a disk and install it to her computer...

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Installing Inc Sp2 Onto RADI 0 Array

Aug 27, 2005

Whenever I try and install windows xp inc sp2 onto a RADI 0 array formatted with 32kcluster after the initial file copy process the system reboots and gives a disk read error yet when using XP sp1 the install works fine. tried pro and home and same on both also tried various versions of the sata driver and that hasn't helped either.

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Lost Mirrored Array After Installation

May 10, 2008

I have been using this hack for some time quite happily then installed winxp sp3 and it lost my mirrored array. I attempted to re apply the hack and no joy. Luckily i could break the mirror and i have access to my data on a single drive.

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Unable To Restoring My Boot.ini Of A RAID0 Array?

Aug 13, 2008

So my boot.ini got changed on a RAID0 setup.
First, if I load off the XP CD, go to recovery console, load up the raid drivers and run fixboot that will work right? Loading the RAID drivers before going into recovery concole will let me see the raided drives? if so, thats good, cept I dont have a floppy drive or any floppys near me
second, i got Arconis Disk Director loaded, it sees the RAID0 drives and all the files on them but it doesnt have any form of explorer or an editor.
Is there a PE program out there that will work with RAID0? I trie Ubuntu but it doenst work

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Bios Error: No Array Defined -no Hard Disc Detected ?

Apr 24, 2008

Dumped Vista and installed XPP. Went smoothly, except get this message on start-up. Adapter 1 -no array defined -no hard disc detected continues on and windows starts, no problem.

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Installing Router And Setting Up Array Of User/admin Accounts?

Sep 15, 2008

In attempting to install a router I inadvertently setup a confusing array of user/administrator accounts which leaves me unable to log in as administrator. Two things 1) My description of the problem leaves people confused and unable to help. 2) Given that people can't really know what my intent is in trying to log in as admin. there are obvious ethical issues involved. It's understandable. I want all those user accounts wiped out so I can just start up without logging in as I did before. Will re-installing Windows do that?

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Users Try To Install Fax Client / Setup Hangs Asking For Fx Setup Files

Aug 20, 2005

I've setup Windows 2003 fax services on a W2K3 server and shared the device. I've tested faxing from Word on my PC and it works fine.However, when other users try to install the fax client, the setup hangs asking for the fx* setup files. I've tried different XPSP2 CDs, copying the files to a local directory, making sure that the users have local admin rights (and even domain admin rights) but to no avail. The files are already in the system32 directory so in theory the setup doesn't even need to copy them. Even if I delete them, it doesn't work.Our corporate SMS team reckons that there isn't any policy which could
cause the problem.

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Pro Upgrade Fake Setup Call Himself Instead Original "setup.exe

Dec 4, 2006

I started an upgrade for xp pro part way through the install I got a message "WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe" no found I pressed enter then got another message "fake setup call himself instead original "setup.exe" ; setup abort!" now each time I reboot it starts to load xp then gives me the same message then press enter it then reboots.

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Hard Drive - Now To RAID Or Not?

Nov 28, 2005

Ive been getting alot of help with this RAID stuff and RAID 0 is looking to be my best choice. Heres the thing: I got a new Hard drive thats the same size as the first 2 I got. I have the option on my motherboard to RAID but I have hit a wall on what the RAID will do. If I were to put this HD on a RAID would it be its own drive still with the RAID structure or if I were to put it on there with another HD would both be made into 1 HD? I just have the other 2 on a simple SATA connection with no raid and its working good. I just would like to speed it up a little more mainly as I do most of my backups on DVDs. Would it be wiser to just skip the RAID since im doin backups on DVDs or would the RAID be a good option?

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Sp3 And Raid/AHCI Support?

May 25, 2008

Bought a Toshiba laptop. Low end w/Vista 32 premium. Upgraded memory to 2G and bought (received new HDD). Planning on installing XP on new HDD. Best Buy rep said no problem can install XP SP2 with out loading F6 drivers since it is not using Raid. Thought he was wrong, but tried it any way (Slipsteamed SP2 on XP) WRONG. My question is does SP 3 include support or SATA AHCI, or will I still need to find the F6 Driver. Could not locate on Toshiba Website. (Note - Their Tech support is like asking Homer Simpson and getting a reply like - DUH) Anyway the laptop is a Toshiba A205-S5804 (My cost at BB was only $368). Chipset is Intell M965) and Mainboard is a Intel Santa Rosa CRB.

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Deleted Raid Driver

Jan 22, 2008

I deleted the raid driver from a computer I built about 4 years ago and have since given to my parents. They said that startup was taking too long and I agreed with them. It was taking way too long for windows to boot up. I started with spyware/virus scans then defrag these seemed to help some but not as much as I hoped. So I decided to try deleting some of the start up programs. The raid driver came with the MOBO and loaded in XP on start up. I only have one SATA drive and two IDE drives and was not running a raid array. The SATA hard disk is/was the C: drive with the operating system. I disabled the raid by exiting the program with the taskbar icon by the clock. That seemed to have no affect on the system so I deleted it with add/remove programs. Now XP won't boot on the SATA drive. The Bios recognizes the SATA drive on booting up (I can see the drive on the bios screen) and then Xp logo may or may not briefly show on the screen then the computer reboots again and I get the windows screen saying there was a problem do I want to try safe mode ect. last known configuration that worked or boot normally. All those options send me into the same endless boot loop/cycle.

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Corrupt Setup / Trying To Remove Setup By Logging On From Another Disk

Feb 24, 2008

I mistakenly launched XP Setup and want to know how to stop it from progressing further. I have another XP installed on another virtual disk. Rebooting from there allowed me delete the Setup files. Or so I thought ! The main XP installation however continues to try to launch Setup. Just about whatever I do, it ends in tears. My question is how do I stop XP on this disk from thinking it has to launch Setup? I dont want to reinstall XP, as that will involve a huge amount of work to recreate my environment.

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Installing SATA Raid Drivers?

Dec 3, 2006

My computer came preinstalled with a whole bunch of HP garbage I didn't want.. So I bought a copy of WINxp pro and tried to install.. Upon doing this It couldn't read my hard drive, which I later determined was due to the fact it is a SATA hard drive and the XP install cd doesnt have the drivers for it. Solution was, I changed a setting in my computer's BIOS to change the raid mode to IDE instead of SATA, then the install proccess went fine. Problem is now I have to keep it at IDE, and if I turn it back to SATA the computer retstarts after the Starting Windows screen with the Windows icon, I assume this is due to the fact that Windows didn't bother installing any SATA drivers since I installed in IDE mode... Could somone please point me in the right direction as to what I need to install/configure to allow WIN to boot up with my BIOS using SATA mode?

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Logs Off Immediately With New IDE Raid Controller

Aug 8, 2005

I have a Home Theater PC (XP Pro with SP2) that I have been using for a few months. I recently decided to mirror the O/S drive since this machine was very valuable to me. I bought a RocketRaid 454 controller
and added it to my system. I first booted up with no drives attached to the new controller (left them connected to the onboard). I did this so that XP could recognize

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System's Bios To Read The CD First - RAID HDD

Oct 4, 2008

I am trying to install winXP Pro I set the system's bios to read the CD first.
Now the system can not see any of the RAID HDD's? Help I have been pulling my hair out over this thing?

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RD-350w Raid Max Power Supply

Aug 3, 2005

I have been using a "Raidmax RD-350W" power supply with a 20-pin connector to the motherboard. When i bought a new power supply it had a 24-pin connector to the motherboard. Here are a few questions since I know nothing about PSs. 1. Is there a designation (besides just manufacture preference) between 20 & 24-pin connectors to the motherboard (i.e. Pentium vs. AMD.I use AMD)? 2. Can I just buy a connector from the 24-pin connector from the PS to the 20-pin connector on my motherboard and not adversely affect my computer's power.

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Accessing An IDE Raid To Copy Files

Feb 9, 2008

I am trying to get files off of a computer that has an IDE raid setup.The IDE Raid is on the motherboard and I have all the drivers. Win XP is installed but will not boot.I have tried many of the MS fixes that deal with XP stopping during the boot up. Frankly I do not care about getting XP to run again on this system, but I do need some files as the owners did not back up their files.I used the XP CD to boot up the computer, F6 to enable raid and gained access to the hard drive.I installed a second IDE drive in the computer to transfer the files to. Everything seemed fine. I could see both drives, look at any directory and so on. However, I was not allowed access to copy any files, make any directories, etc. Just to get to the raid drive in the first place I had to enter the admin, so shouldn't I have had permission on both drives? I also wanted to try just booting to a command prompt, but had no access to the raid drive that way.I tried UBCD Win XP to no avail for the same reason, no drivers for the raid so it just wasn't there.

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Backup - RAID - Mirror Confusion

Aug 14, 2005

New machine (Dell) with 3 160gb "non raided" hard drives about to be delivered. Old machines system disk (Windows XPPro and apps) has about 15gb used. (C drive) Seems that on the new computer it would be a good idea if my system (boot) disc (C drive partition?) had an exact copy made at the same time (mirrored?) onto a (seperate partition?) on one of the other drives (say E drive) so that if the C drive goes down I can press a magic switch and everything is restored from E drive without having to reload Windows (XPPRO)
and all the apps. Totally confused with RAID and Mirroring and things like Ghost and Drive Image. Should I get back to Dell and ask for some sort of RAID - or other advice gratefully received.

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Reloading RAID Drivers - Upgrade 2 GB RAM

Feb 15, 2008

I have a Dell XPS Gen 2 computer (3.2 GHz P4) in which I was running a striped RAID array (2x250). It had worked fine for about a year, when one of the drives failed (the original that came with the computer) so I thought it would be a good time to upgrade and change configuration, so I installed 2 new Western Digital SATA drives (500 GB). The computer recognized the drives and let me create a mirrored array, so I started reloading Windows. When I got to the F6 part I put in the floppy disk with the RAID drivers and now I keep getting this error messag The only other thing I've done to the computer recently was upgrade from 2 GB of RAM to 4 GB, but everything was working for at least a month before this happened so I assume it's unrelated.

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No Boot Files On Raid Drive

Jun 24, 2005

Got a question conserning the boot files on my windows XP Pro,Raid setup.There are no boot files on the C: of my raid o setup.I just created this setup , I have 2 80 gig drives and partitioned them to C: & D: ,The boot files apear on my D: ,(Raid storage drive).Is this normal ? Why does windows put the boot files on D:, does this always happen in a raid setup?

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Pavilion DV 4 Asks To Specify The RAID Type/brand

Dec 18, 2008

I am trying to do what so many others prefer...install XP on a new notebook with Vista. I have had some problems thanks to the SATA controller driver. Even the bios has no option to turn the off the controller which has worked for me. So I slipstreamed the driver that seemed to be the one (read on another site) and started the install. Got to where the install asks to specify the RAID type/brand. I select what I think is the one (HP) and then a screen comes up which reads "please insert Windows XP Professional Setup Disk #4 into your CD ROM drive and press Enter when ready". I know of floppy number four, but this is asking for CD number four?

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How To Reset Recovery Console Password On RAID?

Aug 18, 2009

I was trying to repair a corrupt windowssystem32configsystem file using the recovery console - that did not work. Now, when I use the recovery console I am asked for an administrator password, which of course I do not know. A further complication is that the machine is configured with RAID (striped disks using Intel Matrix), so booting from any kind of recovery disk requires further drivers to be loaded. The ERD password reset tool I am using (not sure of the name but it is Linux based, and free) seems to allow support for RAID, but I can not get it to work (NTFS signature missing). I have tried 'fetching' the drivers from a floppy, but that does not seem to help. So where can I go from here? Are there any other password recovery tools that definitely support Intel Matrix Raid?

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Installing On RAID System - Recognizes One Drives

May 17, 2007

I have a RAID system setup as JBOD on both drive in my laptop and I formatted using DBAN... Now i boot with Windows XP Pro so i can install it and it only recognizes one of my drives. I loaded my RAID drivers. I go ahead and try to install XP on it anyway. I tried to format the drive again using FULL format, i tried a Quick Format, and I also tried leaving it as is. It will install the setup files and reboot my computer. So i take out the XP disc but then it doesnt recognize any disks. Does anyone know how i can reintsall xP back on this sysetm or how I can get XP to recognize both my drives even if i slipstreamed my RAID drivers in it already.

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RAID - Black Screen - Reboot System

May 31, 2008

I tried install Windows XP on to this machine for a dual boot, but unfortunately that doesn't appear like it's working... I used nLite to put the RAID drivers onto the installation CD, and here is the problem I am having:The system says "Press any key to boot from CD doThe system then says "Please wait while checking system configuration" or something to that effect.The screen then turns black, my CD drive no longer shows the read LED, and nothing happens indefinitely.I have been able to install Ubuntu on to this computer, and all works well, but whenever I try to use XP, either the original disk or the one with the drivers put on it, it will not boot. I have looked at my BIOS and no settings are off, they all appear normal to me.

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