Lost Mirrored Array After Installation

May 10, 2008

I have been using this hack www.tomshardware.com for some time quite happily then installed winxp sp3 and it lost my mirrored array. I attempted to re apply the hack and no joy. Luckily i could break the mirror and i have access to my data on a single drive.

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Lost The Product Code For My Installation CD

Dec 8, 2007

I have lost the product code for my Windows XP installation CD.Is there anything I can do?

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Powertoys Installation And Lost Admin Password

Jun 22, 2006

I downloaded a program tilled MS PowerToys from MS's website. I installed the program and ran it. I was attempting to set the program to allow me to bypass the startup screen (the screen that asks for your password and asks you which user accout you want to use). I did this because I only had one user, and had no password. But when I would boot it still made me click on the users name.

So in Powertoys I selected Logon, Autologon. I then checked the box "automatically logon at system startup". It asked me to create a password, so I created a password..

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Lost Space After A Failed Installation Attempt?

Aug 29, 2007

I went to install nero 7 ultra. then i realized I didnt have enough space for the whole install. I hit cancel at some point in the install and lost about a gig. My laptop has like no free room

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Lost Administrator Rights / Installation Wasn't Completed

Oct 26, 2007

My OS is XP Pro. For quite a while now, whenever my system tries to install the latest version of Win Media Player, most of the installation happens and then I get an error message saying the installation wasn't completed and that I must log on as administrator. Since I am the adminstrator, I guess I've somewhere along the line lost my administrator rights.

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New Installation Of Operating System Caused Lost Data From Hd?

Oct 22, 2007

I have a friend that has a computer with an illegal version, i told to resolve it with microsoft, or he can backup the data neeed and do a new installation, well guess waht he did a new installation w/o backup, so actually he lost applications and data, question:it is possible with any recovery utility for hd to recover at least the documents from ms word and the email messages and address book from outlook express, even when this hd already have a new win xp prom ? is there a software that will be able to recover evrything that was on the hd, i really doubt it but maybe there is a posiblity

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Installing Inc Sp2 Onto RADI 0 Array

Aug 27, 2005

Whenever I try and install windows xp inc sp2 onto a RADI 0 array formatted with 32kcluster after the initial file copy process the system reboots and gives a disk read error yet when using XP sp1 the install works fine. tried pro and home and same on both also tried various versions of the sata driver and that hasn't helped either.

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Setup Won't Recognize RAID-0 Array

Dec 17, 2005

I just finished preparing my slipstreamed windows XP setup disc with the SATA drivers already on it for my nForce 4 SATA RAID setup. It will detect the drives, just fine, but displays each one as though there were no array. I've already set up the RAID array in the bios, and it detects it as a single 500gb striped RAID-0 array.Windows is asking me to install on either one drive or the other, as though there were no RAID-0 array. If this is what usually happens, would I just point windows to install to one of the drives and the BIOS will take care of the rest? Or is something else not quite right here?

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Unable To Restoring My Boot.ini Of A RAID0 Array?

Aug 13, 2008

So my boot.ini got changed on a RAID0 setup.
First, if I load off the XP CD, go to recovery console, load up the raid drivers and run fixboot that will work right? Loading the RAID drivers before going into recovery concole will let me see the raided drives? if so, thats good, cept I dont have a floppy drive or any floppys near me
second, i got Arconis Disk Director loaded, it sees the RAID0 drives and all the files on them but it doesnt have any form of explorer or an editor.
Is there a PE program out there that will work with RAID0? I trie Ubuntu but it doenst work

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Dual Booting Windows & VISTA On A RAID Array?

Mar 20, 2008

I have windows vista installed on a raid array, and when i try to install windows XP it asks for the 3rd party driver which i have on a floppy. I then can get through the next couple of screens, however after it creates the windows directory on the partition I have set it asks me for another set of drivers to be put into the floppy disk, this is where the problem start, any ideas what drivers its asking for? The only drivers I can find are the intel mass storage drivers but these are larger than the floppy disk...

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Bios Error: No Array Defined -no Hard Disc Detected ?

Apr 24, 2008

Dumped Vista and installed XPP. Went smoothly, except get this message on start-up. Adapter 1 -no array defined -no hard disc detected continues on and windows starts, no problem.

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Extending Primary Partition On RAID Array On 2003 SBS Server

Aug 6, 2007

I have a Dell Power Edge server with a C: drive that is too small. The RAID array is about 40GB but only 9 GB was given for the C: drive and it has run out of space so I cannot install service packs, extra software, etc. The remaining space is an F: drive with the "data" on it. What method should I use to extend the partition, I am thinking of just moving all of the F: drive to an external hard drive and then deleting the F: drive and trying to extend the partition in Windows Disk Manager, but I wonder if that will even work, or if there is a better tool out there to use to manage these partitions. I would like to preserve the Windows installation and everything on the C: drive if at all possible. I dont care if I have an F: drive, if I can just get a big enough C: drive, that will be fine.

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Installing Router And Setting Up Array Of User/admin Accounts?

Sep 15, 2008

In attempting to install a router I inadvertently setup a confusing array of user/administrator accounts which leaves me unable to log in as administrator. Two things 1) My description of the problem leaves people confused and unable to help. 2) Given that people can't really know what my intent is in trying to log in as admin. there are obvious ethical issues involved. It's understandable. I want all those user accounts wiped out so I can just start up without logging in as I did before. Will re-installing Windows do that?

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Installing A Raid Array - Original Raid Driver Floppy Disk

Jan 30, 2010

i have 2 western digital 80gb on raid0. on this array i have installed windows 7 and now i want to install windows xp on another partition.the problem is that windows xp setup won't recognize my array even with the original raid driver floppy-disk. i created even an nLite customized xp with those drivers installed and it doesn't work.

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Pro RAID Array "Access Denied"

May 9, 2005

After the usual 6 month XP clean re-install, I am finding I cannot access one of the two RAID arrays. This message comes at the end of attempting to install the RAID card driver, the second array in the computer. It was running with the previous XP install. I didn't do the F6 RAID driver thing during the clean install.As well, when booting, I get a Symantec error "Access denied" to the first RAID array, which is motherboard driven. This does not seem to affect the use of the RAID in any way.

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Lost My Wallpaper, Lost Screen Saver

May 7, 2007

My wallpaper has disappeared even though it appears under display properities-themes. Under the desktop tab my wallpaper is set correctly. When I try to change the theme from modified theme to windows classic the change is not accepted. My screensaver was the picture slideshow and is now windows xp moves across the screen as the screensaver. When I try to change it back the change is not accepted.

This all started because I am trying to back up my computer to an external hard drive and keep getting error message "windows delay write failed". I tried updating the hard disk driver but there wasn't any update. While searching for fixes for that problem, I came across Panda Software online virus checker. I used it and it deleted a few viruses. They were all old, some may have only been unopened email attachments and they were all from 2001 and 2002. Two days later, I was using logmein - remote access and while rebooting (not the first reboot) I got the blue screen. Here's the error message.

Driver_IRQL_not _less_or_equal
stop:0x000000D1 (0x502F1F70, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0XF398B203)
VSDATANT.SYS - address F398B203 base at F3966000, Datestamp 4313a6c6

So I looked up vsdatant.sys which is located in system32 directory, and I changed the name of the driver to vsdatant.old but then my zonealarm stopped working so I changed it back.

How do I get my display working properly? Any ideas on the "write failed" error message?

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Lost Photos - Data Lost Writing On Cd

Jun 26, 2005

I have burned some photos onto a CD -R and have gone back into the cd drive but they are missing!! where have they gone. The photos were definitely burned on. I thought that once on a cd nothing could be lost.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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Lost Icons + Lost Taskbar

Apr 20, 2008

when I switched on my computer when I got to the xp wellcome page inviting me to sign in i clicked sign the screen went priefly go's to my home page with no icons and no taskbar nothing, then go's back to the wellcome page again, every time i click sign in it happens again,help me!

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Corrupt Installation & Repair Installation Hangs?

Jul 4, 2006

I started up the computer, watched the BIOS detect the RAM, hard drive, etc, and then was greeted by a blank screen instead of the Windows boot screen. It proceeded though, and after a few seconds flashed to another black screen, this time displaying the cursor. I'm guessing this is the logon screen, but nothing displays but the cursor. (Note that the video card and monitor are both fine...I tried swapping them out just in case.)

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Installation CD On Ebay Works For Installation?

Jan 8, 2010

I need to install Windows XP Pro on my laptop. Currently it has Vista. Some people are selling these installation CDs (and keys) on ebay. Can I buy it from there?

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Installation Stops - Restart Installation

Jul 26, 2006

Whenever I try to install something, the window that shows thats its installing closes and installation stops. I restart the install, but it keeps on closing and at different times.

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SP3 Installation Hanging On "Finishing Installation - Performing Cleanup"?

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to install SP3 on a Windows XP Home (currently SP2). The installation is hung on "Finishing Installation - Performing cleanup". I downloaded the installer from the MS Download center (it didn't appear in Windows Update). Is it safe to turn off the computer (since I can't close the installer), or should I let it sit for a while longer (it's been hanging for a few hours)?

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Xp Password Lost!

Jan 22, 2007

i have a windows xp home and i forgot my password and even if i boot it in safe mode i can not accses the computer.

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Password Keeps Getting Lost?

Dec 13, 2008

my mum is running XP with Tiscali broadband. More often than not, when she tries to connect she is asked for her password ( we have tried clicking remember password!) but then is told it is not recognised. After several tries worth of helpline phone calls they take her thru the whole setting up procedure again & she is connected.

A few days later the same thing happens again!

Is this a money making ploy by Tiscali? Or is there something ( virus?) that could be causing the password to become unrecognised?

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Lost Password - How To Get Around?

Feb 27, 2007

i forgot the password to the only account on the computer and I need to know how to get around it.

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Lost Password

Jul 27, 2005

i have lost Windows password. I don't know which version of Windows he has. Can anyone give me advise as to how he can access Windows again and then begin with a new password?

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Lost Welcome Screen ...

Sep 14, 2006

I have a new Toshiba notebook running windows XP Home SP2. I set it up with two account users. I eliminated the welcome screen so that the primary user will be logged on automatically on power on. This turned out to be not a good idea because the primary user must be logged on before the secondary user can log on and I can't get the welcome screen back. I have it checked in both user accounts as well as fast user switching. I don't remember how I eliminated it in the first place so I can't remember how to get it back. Any suggestions?

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Lost Hibernation After New RAM (64X)

May 10, 2008

So I lost my hibernation function after going from 1GB of RAM to 4GB(dual channel). I've done plenty of research and found all the hot fixes and MS support articles, one catch...... They are all for x86 while I'm running' a 64x system. I want my hibernation back! Give me hibernation or give me death...well maybe not death but I'm considering downgrading back to 1GB just to get it back.

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Having OEM License For Xp But Lost The Cd?

Oct 13, 2007

I have my OEM License for XP Home but I can't find the CD. Will MS charge me for a copy if I give them my Serial? How can I get this for free?

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Lost Photos

Mar 22, 2007

I went to print a photo from My Pictures yesterday and about 3/4 of my photos were gone. I did a search for pictures and got most of them back but some are still missing.

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