Bios Error: No Array Defined -no Hard Disc Detected ?

Apr 24, 2008

Dumped Vista and installed XPP. Went smoothly, except get this message on start-up. Adapter 1 -no array defined -no hard disc detected continues on and windows starts, no problem.

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Alert: CPU Fan Not Detected Bios Error?

Sep 2, 2009

The CPU fan for my Dell Dimension 2350 desktop computrer stopped working and I got the BIOS error "Alert: CPU fan not detected". So I replaced the CPU fan and the fan works good but now I get this error message when ever I turn my PC on. When I press the power button, I get the Dell logo and I get the Phoenix-Award BIOS screen with the error message "Alert: CPU fan not detected. Press F1 to continue,F2=SETUP,......". When I press F1 the system continues to boot fine and the Pc works fine. My CPU is cooling fine also.

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Error, Probably Hard Drive Error, Recovery Disc Not Working

Oct 29, 2006

I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.

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Not Start Up - GRUB Hard Disc Error

Aug 15, 2009

My daughters computer is giving me a Grub hard disc error message everytime I try to boot up the pc, and now the pc will not start up past this error message. I tried rebooting a few times but it just kept giving me this error and then would not go further.

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DVD / CD Drive Not Detected In Bios

Sep 9, 2006

This one has me baffled. My DVD/CD drive is no longer detected in the Bios of my Asus A8V Motherboard. I have it attached as the Primary Slave and the Bios says that it's not detected. It used to be, how else would I have installed XP. The drive works fine for burning Cd's and DVD's and shows up as working normally in Device Manager. Any thoughts?

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Hard Drive Not Detected

Aug 7, 2010

I get an error on the boot and it tells me that the hard drive can't be detected. then just goes to a blinking curser on a blank black screen.I looked in the bios and read what other forums wrote and things seem to be set correctly.I did switch it to enable UEFI Boot and that just made it to where I can't get into the BIOS Settings now.I am running xp and am connected to a central server.I have only had the pc for a year with no major problems.I can't get a hold of my IT guy since it is the weekend.

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Hard Drive Not Installed And Detected

Jun 5, 2010

i have use more than 10 disk of windows xp to format compaq pressario v3000.. when i press enter to format.. it shown that the hard drive is not installed. what should i do sir?

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Hard Drive Detected At Boot

May 15, 2007

have tried 1.6ghz 512mb xp pro sp2 and 1.2ghz 512mb memory 256mb graphics memory xp home sp2 drive is 250gb maxtor. the situation is if i have it in my external HDD enclosure it assigns a drive letter but i get " the device is not ready" error if i attempt to access it and if i put in my main computer as a slave drive it is detected during boot but not in windows.can anyone help me i tried deleteing the driver and having windows redetect but no might be unrelated but delayed write failure keep happening on g:/$mft and g:/$bmp.

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Starting Pc Then Show Hard Disk Not Detected ?

May 28, 2010

When i start my pc then show H. D. D not detected & press f1 for conti how solve problm?

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No Hard Disk Detected Following A Blue Screen

Jul 14, 2005

I am running a AMD 64, 1 GIG memory, Asus motherboard, real nice computer.Everything has been working fine until last night. I received the BLUE SCREEN and now when I try to re-boot I get a message which reads NO HARD DISK DRIVE DETECTED.I dont want to lose all the family photos and such that I have loaded up on this machine.

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No Hard Drive Detected In System - Video Cards

Jan 9, 2009

Recently I opened up my computer to take the dust out of it as I have before. I hadent done so in a long time so there was some caked on dust on some components. I took the RAM out an cleaned it, re-installed it. I also took my vidoe card out because the heat sink had been cloged with dust aswell. After putting everything back and restarting my computer I recived this msg before windows start up. Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMand it followed with instruction to use the xp setup disk to repair the problem. so I threw the windows CD in, and tried to repair however the program tells me I have no hard drive installed. Which I do since my computer is 3 years old now and has been working fine. I hadent changed any bios settings, I never disconnected the hard dirve either.

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Shutting Down The Computer After Defined Time?

Oct 10, 2007

How to shut off Pc after lets say, 3 hours?

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Xp Error Has Been Detected

Mar 30, 2005

Had my PC in Oct its a tiny by the way, since new it has had a fault when turned off ,but power still on at the mains, the phone rings the PC boots up, also lately is has been shutting down saying problem has been detected, and recovered from an error, i have restored it back to when it was working fine but still the same, tried to get hold of tiny but get a guy who i cant understand on the other end of line.

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Dr Watson Debugger Detected An Error

Oct 28, 2007

I browsed through the posts of this forum and I hope you can help me to sort this issue out. I often experience dr Watson postmortem to cause my Windows Explorer to freeze. This is particularly true when I display a number of pictures in a folder directory as icons or when I open a divX file with Windows Media Player. Sometimes, even when I drag and drop a media file (the longer the file the higher the risk), I experience system freezes. The only way to recover that is by stopping the operation through the task manager.I understand that the problem is not with dr Watson per se: this is just the debugger, but I cannot sort the cause of the problem out.

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Microsoft Antispyware Events - Cannot Change User's Defined Shell Folders

Mar 6, 2006

using win xp IE6 w/ sp 2 running microsoft anti spyware .. It popped up saying it was moving my favorites to a different shell folder. I was not doing anything so I took it as a spyware ,so I block it ....Bad move .now when I click favorites I get nothing. I found it it microsoft antispyware events...( has decided to prevent a change to the user's defined shell folders from Favorites to %USERPROFILE%Favorites.)but it shows no way to unblock it or change

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Hard Disc Problem?

Sep 25, 2006

The other day I jumped on my computer and double clicked the icon of a program I wanted to use. I then got an error message (not sure what it said) I closed it and another popped up and then another. After closing the 3 errors my system rebooted on it's own. After that I could not get into either of my hard drives (main or backup). Both seemed to have bad boot sectors. I formatted my main drive and am now trying to get into my backup drive but it won't even let me look at it says it's invail or coruppted? So I would like to try some hard disk recovery programs but I'm not sure what else is out there. I just tried acronis and it won't read that drive. I'm not sure what happened but it took out both of the drives.

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Warning Virus Detected Error Message - Open A Website

Jan 1, 2009

Some dangerous viruses detected in your system. Microsoft Windows XP files corrupted.Your personal data at the reach of anyone's hand. Internet history records and other personal information (passwords, chat sessions logs, adult materials) easily reachable. Download protection software now!

Click OK to enable antispyware software. (Recommended)

Yes No

(than it opens a site I just close it out everytime it shows it.)

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Unexpected Error Detected - Hotspot Virtual Machine 0xc0000005

May 22, 2006

this came up the other day... i have no clue what it is and why it happened... can someone explain it to me and tell me what i can do about it...

# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x7c9010f3, pid=3676, tid=3848
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
# Problematic frame:
# C [ntdll.dll+0x10f3]
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x049542c0): JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-4" [_thread_in_native, id=3848]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x07f3ef74....

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Booting Computer Hard Disc

May 4, 2008

I live with went on a rampage and felt like throwing my desktop around. Anyways, when I go to boot it up and use the Boot disc (XP Home Edition) It goes through but says it can't find the hard drive. Can someone please tell me how to fix this. I know how to open the case of my computer and everything.

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Reformat Second Hard Drive Without Disc

Jan 17, 2005

want specific instructions on how to reformat a secondary hard drive without having the xp disc. never done this before. used to have son do all my hard drive installation work but he moved far away. i have complete system restore discs for first hard drive but does not recognize my secondary hard drive; found this out when reinstalling/doing complete system recovery on first hard drive. of course i backed up all my important information from both drives. i want to reformat second hard drive due to several reasons. One, i want to start off fresh. Two, there is a lot of junk on there i no longer want or need or use.

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Installing - Cannot Find The Hard Disc

Sep 8, 2008

I bought a dv2660se hp laptop (which had vista home on it). I used G-parted to destroy all partitions including the tiny back-up partition. When I put in the windows XP disc, it says that it cannot find the hard disc. What does this mean? One of the geek squad guys told me that you can't install xp on hdmi laptops. I'm pretty sure my laptop is hdmi.

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Boot Disc Error & Partmgr.sys Error

Oct 27, 2008

My machine shut down properly with no errors. Then when I tried to start it the next day I encountered the following errors. The first is a Boot Disc Error which is followed by a Boot from CD prompt.After copying files from the windows xp cd, a blue screen with a stop message appears with details of an error -
partmgr.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. At this point, I am able to reboot in safe mode and do a system restore. However, when I shut down and try to restart, I'm back to square one

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No Install Disc? I Need To Reformat My Hard Drive

Sep 15, 2005

Any possible solutions? where can i go to get a new disc, I have no idea where it went.

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Cannot Clean My Hard Drive - Used Maxblast Disc

Oct 16, 2005

i used my maxblast disc to clean my hard drive now that i try 2 reinstall windows back everything i try fail i changed the bios to boot from cd rom and floppy [i have the 6 disks of xp bootables what do i do now i cant get anything to work

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PC Showing That Hard Disc Almost Full - Can't Find

Mar 16, 2010

I have a Lenovo Thinkcentre PC, with windows XP. I'm having a problem with the PC in that although I use an external hard drive to make sure the PC hard drive is not full and have very little saved on the actual PC, when I look in properties on the 'C' drive by right clicking on the 'C' drive icon, it is showing that there is 118GB used and only 26.1GB free space (total capacity 144GB). But when I go into the 'C' drive and manually explore all the different folders, there is nowhere near this much space used. Probably less than 5Gb that I can account for. I think it is drastically slowing my system, and also every few days I get a message that my computers performance is degraded and that I should defragment. I was under the impression that you didn't need to defragment anywhere near this frequently....

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Copy Files From Hard Disk To Dvd Disc

Jul 4, 2005

I want to copy files from my hard drive to my dvd writer.InCD screws this up.I want to be able to open windows explorer and move/copy]selected files to a dvd. I then want to be able to read the files direct from the dvd using windows explorer.

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Hard Drive - Tech Information - Disc Installing

Jul 16, 2008

well this is my first computer i built so i'm a little inexpierianced but here's the problem i powered on my computer and put in the xp disc i boot it up from the disc and so the disc is installing xp it says windows is starting up for about 15 seconds the screen goes black and i get the bsod. it talks about my i get the error code : stop: 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) i've found what these mean but not wha

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Sata Hard Disc - Make Floppy From The Drivers

Mar 17, 2007

i have a p5s800-vm mother board of asus and the setup of windows xp (pro-sp2) dont find my hard disc and i need to make a floopy from the drivers on the disc to help it found the hard disc. that what i do to make that floopy (as some nice guys here tell me to) i go to the drivers folder on the disc of the motherbord than chose "raid" folder in it i chose the floopyimage folder there i have 3 folders


the guys here tell me to put the files of the 965_965L on the floopy without the foler imself. so in the 965_965L folder i have two files "SISRAID and "TXTSETUP.OEM" and aonter folder calld "raid" and in it i have to folders "winxp" and "win2000" and each folder has its own file. so what i do was to put only the "TXTSETUP.OEM" file on the floopy without noting else cause someone here tell me it all i need to do......

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Boot Up / Bios Never Recognizes A Hard Drive

Jan 5, 2005

I have tried replacing the power supply-no change.I've tried unhooking cd-rom, floppy, replace ram & everything remains unchanged.Bios never recognizes a hard drive. I've tried several known good hard drives and the original hard drive works in another machine. It starts POST & I get HP splash then back to NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND, It doesn't find the CD rom drive either. What might this be related to? I've replace hard drive cable, floppy cable. The only cable I haven't replaced it the cd-rom drive.

The hard drive works as a slave in another computer. I am running virus scan and spyware on. But, why won't it work in the other computer? I'm thinking its somehow related to the bios and the fact that it cannot see the drive in the bios. I don't find anywhere in this particular bios where I can try to auto recognize the drives

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Checked Hard Drive In The Computer BIOS

May 14, 2007

I am using XP on my laptop,tried to boot up my computer and it was extremely extremely slow. Took maybe 15-20 minutes to get started.When the desktop finally came up, it was in a bad resolution. The cursor would move fine, but if i tried to click on anything it would pretty much completely freeze up.Id maybe be able to minimize a window, but no program would open at all.I don't really know what to do since it is pretty much impossible to do anything on the computer.I checked my hard drive in the computer BIOS and it didn't report any problems.Not really sure what my next step should be.I have a lot of information on my computer that i really can't lose, but don't really know how to back anything up at this point.What can i do?

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Full Hard Drive Wont Be Recognized / Os Is Windows Xp Fat 32 Oem Disc

Sep 12, 2009

Oem disc auto partions any hdd as 16GB os fat 32/D:\ drive NTFS raw. The Sony OEM disc(s) are pre sp1.
What steps do I take to install and get the full 200 GB to bea recoginized correctly?

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