Pavilion DV 4 Asks To Specify The RAID Type/brand

Dec 18, 2008

I am trying to do what so many others prefer...install XP on a new notebook with Vista. I have had some problems thanks to the SATA controller driver. Even the bios has no option to turn the off the controller which has worked for me. So I slipstreamed the driver that seemed to be the one (read on another site) and started the install. Got to where the install asks to specify the RAID type/brand. I select what I think is the one (HP) and then a screen comes up which reads "please insert Windows XP Professional Setup Disk #4 into your CD ROM drive and press Enter when ready". I know of floppy number four, but this is asking for CD number four?

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Installing A Raid Array - Original Raid Driver Floppy Disk

Jan 30, 2010

i have 2 western digital 80gb on raid0. on this array i have installed windows 7 and now i want to install windows xp on another partition.the problem is that windows xp setup won't recognize my array even with the original raid driver floppy-disk. i created even an nLite customized xp with those drivers installed and it doesn't work.

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Can't Change Computer Type Back To Original Type In Device Manager

Jun 28, 2007

so, a few years back i read a magazine that said to change the type of computer in device manager to standard pc because it made the computer run a little better or now i've got my laptop and i've noticed it getting slower and thought that i would do this... VERY BAD MOVE! i can still boot windows and everything - it meant that i had to let the computer reinstall all of the drivers for my hardware - but i have noticed in the device manager now that there are two instances of 'standard pc', there is also a new section titled 'other devices' with about 15 devices that seem to have no driver for them - some mention 'ISA' so i am guessing that changing to standard pc means that windows thinks my laptop is now a desktop pc with ISA slots? i find that when i put my laptop lid down the thing shuts down, when i press the power button it turns off straight away (doesn't even shut down!). i had had the laptop configured for ages to do nothing when i closed the lid and give me shut down options when i pressed the power button. i look in power options and i can only cinfigure the monitor screen and hard disk power off options - every other option is not available. when i do bring up the shut down options i can no longer choose standby.

i have also realised that i can not turn on my wireless connection - i've tried all sorts to get it to work with no avail! the laptop is an acer ferrari and when i call up the manager app it says that bluetooth and wireless are not present (by the way i can still get the bluetooth button to work - correction - it starts up with the button on but if i turn it off it won't let me turn it on again). the emanager and presentation manager buttons on the laptops casing don't work either (i have to access them via software route).

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Freezes On Brand New PC

Mar 2, 2006

I have a client who has a brand new PC running Windows XP and Trend 2006 as AV Software. The PC was purchased around August last year, and around November it started freezing up 3 to 4 times a day. When it does so, the power button has to be held down to restart, and the HDD light is light constantly. I intially tried a lot of different things, such as virus scans, hijack this, Anti Spyware etc etc. All of which found nothing.I have now ran some HDD tests and RAM tests which both showed nothing. I dont really want to rebuild again, as I think the same thing will happen again.

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The Best DVD Recorder Brand

Dec 6, 2007

I just got my first DVD recorder and am wondering what would be the best brand of DVD I should buy so I don't end up with very many coasters. While I am at it should I buy DVD-r or DVD+r so my DVDs can be played in most DVD players out there.

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Brand Of Web Cam Works Best?

Aug 22, 2008

I need information on which brand of web cam works best and how does one work?

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Gateway Brand Laptop

Nov 24, 2006

Out of 120gb, there is a 7gb restore partition, and only 2.1g is used. I have partition magic, can i reduce that partition to like 3gb so i have extra space? and.I also got a restore CD... what the? I am not sure why I need a partition in my HDD and a restore CD. Restore CD cant be the same as the restore hdd partition since it is way too small.

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Home To Pro On Brand New Laptop

Jan 26, 2006

Couldn't pass up post-Christmas price on Toshiba laptop, but it came with XP Home. Will be used on office network and be able to log on to domain. Must upgrade to XP Pro. IT guy tells me that Home cannot be upgraded to Pro without doing complete (non-upgrade) install of Pro. He says this is equivalant of low level format and all other preinstaled software, drivers, etc., will be lost.

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Generic USB Webcam Driver With No Brand Name?

Feb 17, 2009

I got a small usb webcam from Qatar Airways.It has no brand name and XP doesn't find a driver for it. Is there a generic driver for usb webcams?

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Mysterious Bluescreen On A Brand New Laptop?

Oct 7, 2006

i Was surfing the internet last night and just as I clicked "Search" on Google my laptop bluescreened. I have absolutely no idea what's wrong. The laptop's about two weeks old and I don't know what *any* of this stuff means.

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Install On Brand New Hard Drive

Sep 8, 2008

I was asked by a friend to install a brand new harddrive on his computer. His old one is completely burned up and will not work at all. He sent me the computer with no hard drive and the new one still in the box. I formatted the harddrive using external enclosure and my computer. Now I'm stuck. How do you install windows on the harddrive. I put the cd in the drive and turn on the computer. All I get is a message: NTLDR is missing. Hit cntl+alt+del to restart.How do I Install windows xp onto this harddrive when I can't get past this message?

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Unable To Install On Brand New Computer

Sep 6, 2005

I just really have no clue on how to install windows XP, I set first drive to boot in the bios as the CDROM and put in the windows XP disk, it goes to a blue screen with white text on the bottom saying it's loading stuff.. Then it says "Loading Windows XP" for about 10 seconds, then I get a 2 tone alarm (2 beeps each, like "beep boop beep boop" and the computer shuts down. I don't think it's a heat issue as I can let the computer run all day in dos and it won't shut down, but once it gets to Loading windows Xp it goes downhill.

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Crashes And Hangs On Brand New Computer

Apr 13, 2006

Recently have got a new comp with pretty good specs (xp media centre edition), and plenty of ram and memory. However I have noticied that now and again i will get a crash or a hang. Typically when i exit MSN messenger it will crash and stop responding. I have also noticed that sometimes my sound doesnt work. Then when i restart it will be fine again! I know this shouldnt be happeneing on a new comp but not sure how to solve this problem or even if this is in the right topic.

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Brand New Computer Has Crashed 3 Times

Jun 23, 2008

my brand new computer has crashed 3 times in 2 dayshere are the codes it is giving.
BCCode : ea BCP1 : 8725B670 BCP2 : 8AC14990 BCP3 : 8A9B5258 BCP4 : 00000001 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1 BCCode : ea BCP1 : 86E36488 BCP2 : 8AB91BE8 BCP3 : 8AC5B580 BCP4 : 00000001 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1

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Brand New PC: Errors - Oblivion, BF2, And World Of Warcraft

Apr 8, 2006

I get this message will playing videos, and gaming (Oblivion, BF2, and World of Warcraft). I've reinstalled windows, updated windows, tried 3 different nvidia driver versions, used 3 different sticks of RAM and I keep getting this message.The driver nv4_disp for the display device DeviceVideo0 got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates.

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Brand New Dell / Received IE Shutdown Errors

Aug 16, 2005

I just purchased a new Dell Dimension 9100 (new line for Dell). I loaded Mcafee VirusScan, Firewall and Privacy Service and then downloaded updates for all of the preceeding Mcafee programs (there were many). I also downloaded all critical Windows Security downloads. Everything is working fine except when I work with wordpad/notepad/word or other Microsoft programs. At random, when I open these files, I recieve IE shutdown errors. I created a new wordpad and notepad file, saved both and re-opened them: everything seemed fine. Then I ran Windows Explorer and when I tried to open the wordpad file with explorer, I received IE shutdown errors.

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New Brand 500GB SATA Hard Drive

Jul 31, 2007

I'm not completely computer illiterate but i have never set-up a dual or triboot system before.I want to triboot XP Pro, Vista Home Premium and Ubuntu. I have a brand new 500GB SATA hard drive which is straight out of the box. I don't have vista yet but plan on getting it soon (when the next service pack is released) and don't want to have to reformat my hard drive when i do. So i thought it would be better to prepare for it now

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Brand New Clean Install Win2k. Freezes After 2-3 Minutes Of Use!

Jun 29, 2005

I have made two clean installs of Windows 2000 Professional today trying to figure out a problem. It all started with my first install. It was behaving funny, freezing on startup (after desktop icons loaded) every other reboot or so. I put the latest Via chipset drivers on there, and nVidia video drivers (to get out of 16 color mode) and then the freezing upon boot seemed to stop. Is something somehow messed up in Windows 2000? I'm not sure where to go from here.

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Install Service Pack 2 / Brand New Pc With Configuration In Thread

Jul 28, 2005

Its been a while since I came here, alas, I have not had any major problems on any of my machines due to all the great information I have obtained on this site. however, I just put together a brand new PC, probably my best and most powerful to date, and I do not want anything to screw it up. Here is my configuration. There is nothing on it right now, its brand new only has a few mp3's. Should I install Service Pack 2? I think its good, but I would like some expert advice. Lastly, should I install it through live update or through the Microsoft site, or as someone suggested, install the Network Installation pack for Developers and IT professionals.

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Install Of Brand New Hard Drive And New, Legal Copy Of Pro Goes Nowhere

Sep 28, 2008

Have attempted to install a brand new & legal copy of XP Pro as well as the pc's (Compaq Evo N620C) original restore disk (W2000) on a brand new Seagate 60GB ATA hard drive and I get one of two responses along with a failed installation.I do have an old copy of Windows 98se that appears to be recognized by the pc and probably could be installed, but I would rather not. I started it up just enough to determine whether or not the pc and hdd would recognize the program, and it did....can anyone suggest what I am dealing with here and what can be done to get one of thes programs up and running, preferably the XP?

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SFC Asks For CD Always

Jun 28, 2005

I am running XP pro with SP1a installed on it. I have a bought copy of XP Pro and i slip streamed SP 1a onto a cd to ease installation and that is what i use. When i run SFC on this machine it continously asks for my CD regardless of whether it is my original disc or my slipstreamed with sp1a disc.I dont understand why it will not acknowledge these cd's.

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Brand New Computer Screen Immediately Flashes And Begins To Do And IDE Scan

Mar 13, 2005

I just put together a new system from scratch and regretting it BIG TIME, I have an intel d915GAG board with an intel P4 3.2 chip. Brand new WD HD, floppy, and 2 dvd/cd drives. After the final screw was tightened, I started my new system and the intel logo appeared. I pressed ESC and it appears to start the bios setup. It flashes my memory size (size is 512 MB), then the screen immediately flashes and begins to do and IDE scan, in which it promptly tells me that Device 0 not detected, device 1 not detected, device 2 not detected, device 3 not detected....and the setup stops right there. I don't have a clue, after searching Intel's site for 2 hours where to go from here.

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Hard Drive - Now To RAID Or Not?

Nov 28, 2005

Ive been getting alot of help with this RAID stuff and RAID 0 is looking to be my best choice. Heres the thing: I got a new Hard drive thats the same size as the first 2 I got. I have the option on my motherboard to RAID but I have hit a wall on what the RAID will do. If I were to put this HD on a RAID would it be its own drive still with the RAID structure or if I were to put it on there with another HD would both be made into 1 HD? I just have the other 2 on a simple SATA connection with no raid and its working good. I just would like to speed it up a little more mainly as I do most of my backups on DVDs. Would it be wiser to just skip the RAID since im doin backups on DVDs or would the RAID be a good option?

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Install RAID Setup

Sep 9, 2007

I have been trying to install a RAID setup and I can't get past the windows installation. I have set up the BIOS correctly and I've tried using 2 different RAID floppys and still won't setup. I start the windows installation and at the F6 prompt I press the F6, when it asks for the drivers I press S and first load the Nvidia RAID driver and then again I load the Nvidia storage driver as per instructions and the installation goes until it starts the windows set up and stops right there. If I only load the Nvidia Raid driver then the set will start. The second floppy I tried using was for SATARAID floppy. Same result If I load the Nvidia SATA storage driver then It stops at Windows installation setup. I have tried installing a bootable setup and a nonbootable with no luck.

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Sp3 And Raid/AHCI Support?

May 25, 2008

Bought a Toshiba laptop. Low end w/Vista 32 premium. Upgraded memory to 2G and bought (received new HDD). Planning on installing XP on new HDD. Best Buy rep said no problem can install XP SP2 with out loading F6 drivers since it is not using Raid. Thought he was wrong, but tried it any way (Slipsteamed SP2 on XP) WRONG. My question is does SP 3 include support or SATA AHCI, or will I still need to find the F6 Driver. Could not locate on Toshiba Website. (Note - Their Tech support is like asking Homer Simpson and getting a reply like - DUH) Anyway the laptop is a Toshiba A205-S5804 (My cost at BB was only $368). Chipset is Intell M965) and Mainboard is a Intel Santa Rosa CRB.

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Deleted Raid Driver

Jan 22, 2008

I deleted the raid driver from a computer I built about 4 years ago and have since given to my parents. They said that startup was taking too long and I agreed with them. It was taking way too long for windows to boot up. I started with spyware/virus scans then defrag these seemed to help some but not as much as I hoped. So I decided to try deleting some of the start up programs. The raid driver came with the MOBO and loaded in XP on start up. I only have one SATA drive and two IDE drives and was not running a raid array. The SATA hard disk is/was the C: drive with the operating system. I disabled the raid by exiting the program with the taskbar icon by the clock. That seemed to have no affect on the system so I deleted it with add/remove programs. Now XP won't boot on the SATA drive. The Bios recognizes the SATA drive on booting up (I can see the drive on the bios screen) and then Xp logo may or may not briefly show on the screen then the computer reboots again and I get the windows screen saying there was a problem do I want to try safe mode ect. last known configuration that worked or boot normally. All those options send me into the same endless boot loop/cycle.

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Clone Hard Disks DVD - Restore Image Another Disk / Different Size / Brand

Jun 10, 2005

Im intrested in purchasing a product to clone hard disks in Windows but I have a question before hand If I clone a hard disk into some DVD´s and the I want to restore that image into another hard disk, a new, different size/brand hard disk. Is that possible? Is there a "correct" way to do it? Someone reccomendme either Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image, but Im not sure if itll help me. I hope your answers help me to decide weather to buy the software.

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Can't Log On To XP, Asks For Password

Aug 25, 2005

I've been stupid and messed up whilst trying to get my bluetooth to work. I have windows XP Pro and did something in the bluetooth settings that needed me to restart my computer. When I did it had a screen with guest 1 showing and asking for a password. I haven't ever put one on so now I am gutted as I don't know what to do. I tried to start in safe mode and do a roll back but it wanted me to log on first. computer on which to ask as it is a wireless broadband connection

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Asks For Passwod - Can't Log In

Mar 26, 2005

I tried booting it up and it asks for the windows password, I tried every password I could think of and nothing works! Is there any way I can get around this or it it useless now? The old job is long gond so can't get into that domain anyymore! It is running Windows XP, I am thinking there must be a way to get into this thing, I tried safe mdoe but it still asks for the login password.

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Installing SATA Raid Drivers?

Dec 3, 2006

My computer came preinstalled with a whole bunch of HP garbage I didn't want.. So I bought a copy of WINxp pro and tried to install.. Upon doing this It couldn't read my hard drive, which I later determined was due to the fact it is a SATA hard drive and the XP install cd doesnt have the drivers for it. Solution was, I changed a setting in my computer's BIOS to change the raid mode to IDE instead of SATA, then the install proccess went fine. Problem is now I have to keep it at IDE, and if I turn it back to SATA the computer retstarts after the Starting Windows screen with the Windows icon, I assume this is due to the fact that Windows didn't bother installing any SATA drivers since I installed in IDE mode... Could somone please point me in the right direction as to what I need to install/configure to allow WIN to boot up with my BIOS using SATA mode?

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Setup Won't Recognize RAID-0 Array

Dec 17, 2005

I just finished preparing my slipstreamed windows XP setup disc with the SATA drivers already on it for my nForce 4 SATA RAID setup. It will detect the drives, just fine, but displays each one as though there were no array. I've already set up the RAID array in the bios, and it detects it as a single 500gb striped RAID-0 array.Windows is asking me to install on either one drive or the other, as though there were no RAID-0 array. If this is what usually happens, would I just point windows to install to one of the drives and the BIOS will take care of the rest? Or is something else not quite right here?

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