Right Click Desktop Icon, Recycle Bin, Left File/folder Task Pane Not Responding
Jun 19, 2005
I really need a help here. About two days ago I was trying to improve the speed of my system. I think I have delete an important file. My curent problem is that When I rightclick a desktop icons I only get an hour glass, the system stops responding to any thing. The only way out of it it to either log off or shut down and restart.When I open the recycle bin though it appears full on the desktop icon I could not see any item on it.If I try do delete, move this folder or any of the command on the left file/folder task pane I only get hour glass. The only way out of it is ctrl+alt+del, task manager (program not responding) end task.
On XP Pro I used to have it set up so that when I opened or saved a file(regardless of the program being used) it would show the folder list on the left side of the open/save file window (like in Windows Explorer when you do a folder list in the left pane). Now, it only shows certain groupings like My Documents, My Computer, My Network, etc. in the left pane. How do I get folders back?
theres a task pane on my desktop and i didnt even open a folder. I restart and its still in my deskstop. I attached a file showing a pic on wuts wrong with it. Can guys tell me wuts going on, cuz i dunno if this is a bug on sp2 or sumthing. Hopefully u guys experienced this too.
When I try to open one of My Folders (One that I added to my desktop with application I added to it) with a double left click a search results window opens instead of the folder opening and displaying the contents of the folder with things I've put into it. If I right click on one of my folders and go down and left click on open the folder will open and the contents displayed as I expect (The first opetion displayed is a search after I right click). Any other folder including My Documnets folder will open the folder and display the contents correctly.At one time it used to work correcly and its not a major issue but I would sure like it fixed > Any ideas?
I clicked on Windows Explorer and it opened but the left pane did not expand and there was not even a + sign if front of the C: drive to expand it. My shortcut path to Explorer is and has been: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,C: and I have it open maximized. It was working just fine about supper time and then I went to do other things and when I came back I had the problem. I have not installed any software nor made any system changes.
I have seen this problem listed for Win98 and ME, but not for Win2000. I just updated IE to 6.0 and now the left pane in Explorer is greyed out and blank,fix for Win2000?
Until recently Windows Explorer has shown the title of a CD inserted into either the CD Rewriter or the DVD reader drive on my PC. Since about two weeks ago, XP does not react at all to the insertion of a disk until I click on the relevant drive letter in the left pane of Explorer. It then shows the content of the disk but still does not show the disk title info. In addition Autorun no longer operates even though it is enabled.
Upon opening windows explorer by clicking My Computer from the Start Menu, I see all of the drive icons but no detailed information in the left pane. It was there once but I don't know when it went away. I have searched all of the menu view tabs but I am having no luck restoring it. WinXP Pro SP2 pre-installed from OEM.
in windows xp professional's explorer the left pane shows the directory-tree structure, and the right pane shows the files in the selected directory.
When I run the mouse over the directory-tree I can see that the tree items become highlighted with an underline. By single-clicking on a directory item in the tree that item is expanded in the left pane (so the subdirectories are shown), and the contents are displayed in the right hand pane.
Is it possible to stop the subdirectory expansion in the left hand pane?
I just want to select the directory there, not see a list of all the subdirectories with a single click. On the other hand, with a double-click I would like the expansion of subdirectories to occur. Is this at all possible in XP?
I've recently re-sized my task-bar to hold my usual desktop icons in the quick-launch area and moved the bar to the left of the screen with auto-hide enabled. All was well until recently when it began to remain on-screen for about 1 min when not in focus. Then it recently began to open on start-up at a size of only 1 icon wide instead of the previously set 3 icons wide. I've made no such changes to the configuration and am curious to know if anyone might know why/how it seems to have obtained a "mind of its own"???
I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).
It all started a few weeks ago when I could not move a folder to the recycle bin because it "could not find it". This week i did somehow get it to move there, but when i tried to delete it for good I got the same error. So i used Tune-Up Utilities 2008 in an attempt to get rid of it. The folder is gone, but the error remains. I think the bin is not working properly anymore either. I moved some folders of music to the recycle bin but they weren't there yet rar files i had deleted were. I have tried many many different commands, and a "restore recycle bin" registry edit, and safe mode.
After migrating my win xp pro system to a bigger hard drive using the Western Digital tools, everytime I try to empty the Recycle Bin, an error dialog pops up stating Error Deleting File or Folder: Access Denied..When I explore the Recycle Bin folder, it's empty. Then I try to empty the Recycle Bin again. The same message appears.
This is a very simple matter. I have always had an icon on my taskbar for accessing my desktop that I use quite often. Its been there so long that I can't remember if I put it there or if it came that way on the computer. Tonight, the icon had changed and when I clicked on it, I got the little flashlight and asked if I wanted to search. Grrrr. Not the end of the world but I would really like to have it back.
Now I have a new problem...I can't click on my desktop icon to start Windows Live Messenger. I can't even right click-->Open the program. The icon appears on my task bar, as if it was running, but I know it is not. I've of late had this same problem with other programs, so I know it's not just Windows Messenger. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I decided to get rid of my "Symantec Antivirus" program, but I couldn't find a way to uninstall it, so I deleted the program folder (with included files) and the related shortcuts and left it up to my registry cleaners to get the rest. However, whenever I right-click on an icon or the desktop, it gives me a couple of Systemac Antivirus installation windows that I have to cancel out of before I get my right-click menu. My registry cleaners, anti-spyware, and anti-virus programs can't find anything. Searching for "Symantec" provides no results. How do I fix this?
Unil this morning i could click on a little "up" arrow on the right side (not extreme right) of my taskbar to display a pop up list of my desktop icons. I could then click on the 1 i wanted. it was very convenient because i didn't have to close all my windows to see the icons. The arrow suddenly disappeared & everything became different & i don't know why.
On the quick launch toolbar, it comes with the Show Desktop icon. I deleted this not thinking I would need it.I tried to remove the quick launch bar through the task bar options, and I looked in Windows XP setup to see if it was sitting there.
I recently added a usb2 pci card to my computer so that I can use it with my IPod. Since then, my computer freezes from time to time. I have no power saving features running, and I've disabled the screen saver.
I have a laptop running Windows XP Home Edition. I just got into a little trouble with my explorer. Whenever I double-click on a folder, it opens in a new window, not in the same one. I even changed "folder option>>general>>open each folder in same window" but with no result. I was actually trying to change the icon for the 'file folder' and I dont really know what I did (went to 'folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced>>change icon....but I changed the icon back to the original icon again) , but from that time, I am unable to change it back to open folders in the same window. In the 'actions' (folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced) section (after i changed the icon) all I could see was a 'find' option. It was opening 'search' window every time I double clicked on a folder, so I created a new action called open and selected 'explorer' as the application to use and then set this 'open' as default. Although it solved the initial problem of opening the 'search' window, it still opens every folder in a new window.
I have a 0 byte file setting on my desktop I can't get rid of. The error message says "cannot delete file. cannot read from source file or disk." Nor can you cut, copy, rename or do anything else with it. I googled the error message and have tried a number of suggestions without help, i.e.: safe mode and command prompt, etc. I tried Move on Reboot without success. I even resorted to restoring back prior to before the time this started without success. It was originally a business email that I saved to my desktop. When I opened the email to read it this icon appeared. when I deleted the original email this one stuck around and around and around. There must be some registry edit or something else I can do to get rid of it.
I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?
when i now left click on my desktop... on any icon that needs to explore a folder...like the recyle bin, the my computer icon, the windows explorer shortcut or any folder type icon it brings up a window where it tries to install adobe acrobat!! It does not happen when i left click a program icon...it also happens when i right click and select open or explore...eventually the computer finally realizes that it cannot install acrobat because it cannot locate the installation folder and then it finally opens the folder that i wanted. how to revert this behvior back to normal
When I left-click on a file and select "Open with..." I get the error: "File does not have program associated with it for performing this function. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." I can not select what program to open a file with because of this error.
I was tooling around Abode Photoshop, when suddenly my computer stopped responding to left-clicks, so I was stuck inside the program.I tried hitting ctrl alt delete but I couldn't force Photoshop to end because my computer wouldn't respond to left clicks. So I hit the reset button and when my computer booted up, nothing would respond to left clicks.Right clicks worked, however.I tried a bunch of stuff, like uninstalling Photoshop and using a system restore, but nothing worked.Then suddenly, out of nowhere, my left-clicking ability returned.
When I am on a web page , I no longer see the arrow icon at the top left of the page that is used to bring you back to the previous page, so now I have to exit out of the page and start all over again.
This only applies to my folders, but everytime I left-click them, it gives me the search window instead of opening it. I don't remember changing it to do this, is there a way to change to back to Open?
through some uncontrolled mouse move while playing with the task bar I managed to make by "info bar" disappear. Only the clock is left. All other bars can be switched on and off correctly. The option "Hide inactive symbols" under taskbar properties is greyed out.