Folder List In Left Pane When Using Open Or Save Dialogue?
Sep 9, 2005
On XP Pro I used to have it set up so that when I opened or saved a file(regardless of the program being used) it would show the folder list on the left side of the open/save file window (like in Windows Explorer when you do a folder list in the left pane). Now, it only shows certain groupings like My Documents, My Computer, My Network, etc. in the left pane. How do I get folders back?
I really need a help here. About two days ago I was trying to improve the speed of my system. I think I have delete an important file. My curent problem is that When I rightclick a desktop icons I only get an hour glass, the system stops responding to any thing. The only way out of it it to either log off or shut down and restart.When I open the recycle bin though it appears full on the desktop icon I could not see any item on it.If I try do delete, move this folder or any of the command on the left file/folder task pane I only get hour glass. The only way out of it is ctrl+alt+del, task manager (program not responding) end task.
I'd like to permanently set my open and save file dialogue boxes to display thumbnails instead of the usual list display but can't find any way to do this (the folder options setting doesn't appear to affect this aspect of windows XP).
I clicked on Windows Explorer and it opened but the left pane did not expand and there was not even a + sign if front of the C: drive to expand it. My shortcut path to Explorer is and has been: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,C: and I have it open maximized. It was working just fine about supper time and then I went to do other things and when I came back I had the problem. I have not installed any software nor made any system changes.
I have seen this problem listed for Win98 and ME, but not for Win2000. I just updated IE to 6.0 and now the left pane in Explorer is greyed out and blank,fix for Win2000?
Until recently Windows Explorer has shown the title of a CD inserted into either the CD Rewriter or the DVD reader drive on my PC. Since about two weeks ago, XP does not react at all to the insertion of a disk until I click on the relevant drive letter in the left pane of Explorer. It then shows the content of the disk but still does not show the disk title info. In addition Autorun no longer operates even though it is enabled.
Upon opening windows explorer by clicking My Computer from the Start Menu, I see all of the drive icons but no detailed information in the left pane. It was there once but I don't know when it went away. I have searched all of the menu view tabs but I am having no luck restoring it. WinXP Pro SP2 pre-installed from OEM.
in windows xp professional's explorer the left pane shows the directory-tree structure, and the right pane shows the files in the selected directory.
When I run the mouse over the directory-tree I can see that the tree items become highlighted with an underline. By single-clicking on a directory item in the tree that item is expanded in the left pane (so the subdirectories are shown), and the contents are displayed in the right hand pane.
Is it possible to stop the subdirectory expansion in the left hand pane?
I just want to select the directory there, not see a list of all the subdirectories with a single click. On the other hand, with a double-click I would like the expansion of subdirectories to occur. Is this at all possible in XP?
Does anyone here know where can I get a list of all of Windows XP dialogue boxes? Recently, when I was Turning Off my computer, there was a very interesting dialogue box that appeared on my desktop, however, I don't remember exactly what it said, but if I could go through a list of Windows dialogue boxes (hopeful ly an alphabetical list), I would be able to find it.
A while back I had a program or a tweak that enabled me to change/add to the list on the left side of the window that opens when you want to save or save as. So, if I was saving a photo, instead of clicking on My Documents >> My Pictures, I was able to just click on My Pictures, ect. (See Photo) Does anyone know of a tweak/program that would allow me to do this?
When you click File, Open, in a Windows program like FrontPage, Word or Excel, you see 5 icons for My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer, and My Network places. Is there a way to customize the Look in pane and remove or add any locations here? I would like to add the My Webs folder to this pane.
copied the url, desktop > right click > properties > new > shortcut which brings up the new shortcut box. Paste url > next > named it b&b, clicked finish, thought I was done. and clicks on the link. It promptly opens up the printer dialogue box. That was in Firefox, our default browser. Tried it in IE, same thing. All other icons work fine. Only when I create an internet shortcut do I get this issue, and I don't even know how to begin to google for it.
Outlook Express folder list and Contacts list are not showing. I've walked her through the process of clicking on View at the top of the Outlook Express Interface and setting the Layout items so that her Contacts and Folder list should be on the screen, but they are not. I've tried everything I can think of to rectify the situation and I've run out of options. The way it is without her folders list she cannot access her deleted folder and her sent folder and cannot delete anything from those folders. Is there anything else I can do to bring up those her contacts list and her folders list?
I just added a "Directory List Print" to my right click options and somehow the default choice (highlighted at the top of the list) changed from "open" to "search".
Apparently the default selection governs what happens when you left click. I want to restore "open" as the default choice, but can't figure out how. Does it require a reg edit or a utility program or what? TIA
OS is Win 2K. I have a folder containing about 150 files Using Explorer, I can open the folder and view a list of the files. Is there any way to save that list as a text document?
I had no idea where to put this thread, but since I am running XP Home SP2 I put it here. EVERY picture I save in "My Pictures" ends up in the list of available wallpapers in the display properties. My other computer did not do this, I had to manual choose a particular pic from my folders and then I could use it as a wallpaper. The pictures were not just routed there by default like it seems to be doing now. My big issue is the list is now ridiculously long & I don't know how to stop them from going there & undo the ones that are already on the list.
I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).
I have hundreds of photos in subfolders, the photo names being prefixedwith a 4-digit sequence number.I would like to be able to create a text file containing all the files sorted by File Name and then showing the sub-folder that they are in -is that possible?
first with usb harddrive, then with C drive, prompting me to select a program in "Open with" dialogue box. Some of the solutions I read on the net were too technical for me, for fear of creating myself further problems. Through good luck I needed to attach a file to an email. I selected attach, then browse, and I decided to see what would happen if I selected My Computer, then C drive in that dialogue box. I did this and C drive information was displayed. Later when I was out of the mail account, I tried My Computer and C drive again and it worked fine.
I got back from holiday a few weeks ago and i notice that in my documents, my pictures and all the other windows folders, that the settings had changed. As you can see there is no toolbar on the left hand side of this folder and this is what ever one of my folders look like even if i create a new one. How can i get this back to the original look?
Why is it that some programs won't open with the left mouse button? I have to use the right button and click on the "open" line in the drop-down menu that appears.Sometimes the left button works after about 15 to 20 seconds.
When I left-click on a file and select "Open with..." I get the error: "File does not have program associated with it for performing this function. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." I can not select what program to open a file with because of this error.
When I open up the Start Menu on one of the accounts, there is nothing in the left-hand column. When I right click and get the Properties, and try to Customize the Menu, the options don't save, and I'm stuck with nothing. I've tried clicking on the Internet radio button for "Show on Start Menu". I click Ok, then Apply, and Finally Ok again. But when I go back to the menu, it still has nothing in the left-hand column.
The second thing I've noticed was under Folder Options -> View, I tried to check both the "Show Hidden Files and Folders" button, and also un-check "Hide extensions for Known File Types" and click on Apply, then Ok again. But still, these options don't save and are reset back to "Do not show hidden files", and "hide extensions".
The left hand mouse button will not work on the desktop icons,nothing will open unless I use the right and open button. I'm running Win XP hope SP2. I have tried all the usual mouse settings that came with windows and the software for the mouse. The mouse I am using is wireless but I have also tried others with the same result
When I double click using the left mouse button the file does not open. Instead the seach screen comes up. This has just started happing lately. How could I remedy this situation.
When I try to open one of My Folders (One that I added to my desktop with application I added to it) with a double left click a search results window opens instead of the folder opening and displaying the contents of the folder with things I've put into it. If I right click on one of my folders and go down and left click on open the folder will open and the contents displayed as I expect (The first opetion displayed is a search after I right click). Any other folder including My Documnets folder will open the folder and display the contents correctly.At one time it used to work correcly and its not a major issue but I would sure like it fixed > Any ideas?
Running Windows XP SP2 and I have just noticed in the couple days, that whenever I use an open/save as dialog box (to open/save a song in from firefox, to send a file in messenger etc), all the files are getting listed and arranged by name in reverse order (z-a).They were always getting displayed by name in the right order, which I assume is the default, until recently.Any idea on how I could get it back that way? I know it is a minor issue, but it has really decreased the speed with which I look through my system.I've tried arranging the icons by name, but it never seems to save.