Customize Open Dialog Box / Look In Pane

Aug 3, 2005

When you click File, Open, in a Windows program like FrontPage, Word or Excel, you see 5 icons for My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer, and My Network places. Is there a way to customize the Look in pane and remove or add any locations here? I would like to add the My Webs folder to this pane.

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File Open - Save As - Common Dialog Takes Too Long To Open

May 26, 2010

I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).

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OE Preview Pane- Messages Wont Open

Jan 3, 2007

the preview pane so that messages wont open immediately Win XP IE6

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Open Folders Panel / Pane When Launching Explorer

Nov 7, 2006

I have XP SP2. Can I change settings so that when I launch Windows Explorer the "folders" pane/panel opens automatically?

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Folder List In Left Pane When Using Open Or Save Dialogue?

Sep 9, 2005

On XP Pro I used to have it set up so that when I opened or saved a file(regardless of the program being used) it would show the folder list on the left side of the open/save file window (like in Windows Explorer when you do a folder list in the left pane). Now, it only shows certain groupings like My Documents, My Computer, My Network, etc. in the left pane. How do I get folders back?

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Dialog Box Appear Whenever Open Program

Jun 23, 2005

Few days ago I happened to come across a free anti-spyware program and install it. However it appear to be too intrusive and slow down my system and a few hours later I uninstall it.After that whenever I boot my system, there are numerous "Run As" dialogue box appear. The contents of the dialogue box are as follows: Which user account do you want to use to run this program? When I click "OK" the program will then proceed to run and which I have to click quite a number of "Run As" dialogue box for all the background program to run. If not it will struck there until I click "OK".Not only that whenever I run any software program the "Run As" dialogue box will appear and I have to click "OK" in order for the program to run.Some of the programs are affected as it cannot run properly.

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Home Open With Dialog Box

Aug 1, 2007

After right clicking a file open with choose app.( to place a check mark in the box " always use the selected program to open this file" is greyed out? I cannot place a check mark here, so as to open with a set program, in this case, using (Open Office 2.2)Need some guidance. OS XP HOme SP2.

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Open Dialog Box Error

Sep 5, 2005

I do a newsletter for a group I belong to. I use MS Word. I have one member who cannot open the attachment. He says he gets the Dialog Box Open error.Can someone help me.I have researched as best I could, but all I can find is associtions. He needs to associate the Word attachment to MS Word or his word processor to open it. I think he has another program trying to open it at the same time.

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Open / Save As Dialog Box

Apr 30, 2005

Running Windows XP SP2 and I have just noticed in the couple days, that whenever I use an open/save as dialog box (to open/save a song in from firefox, to send a file in messenger etc), all the files are getting listed and arranged by name in reverse order (z-a).They were always getting displayed by name in the right order, which I assume is the default, until recently.Any idea on how I could get it back that way? I know it is a minor issue, but it has really decreased the speed with which I look through my system.I've tried arranging the icons by name, but it never seems to save.

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Adding Shortcuts To Open / Save Dialog Box?

Nov 28, 2007

Without going through regedit, is there a way to add a network drive or some other shortcut on the left pane of the open/save dialog box? See the red circled area in the image below. I'm using WinXP SP4 with Windowblinds installed. What about rearranging the order the icons already appear?

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Open Dialog Box In Applications / Drop-down Won't Stay Expanded

Jun 4, 2008

I have a fresh install of WinXP Pro, SP3. The dialog box opens up. The drop-down menu for choosing drives expands as expected for about 1 second, then closes back up. This happens no matter what. It just won't stay open/expanded. I must add, that clicking, My Computer, and using THAT drop-down to choose drives works fine. It's only in applications that this happens. I could swear I've seen this behavior before, but I can't place what it is or how to remedy it.

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Cannot Open Properties Dialog Box For Add / Remove Program Files

Feb 15, 2010

If anyone can solve this problem effectively, they need to be congratulated, because I have scoured the internet for hours without success.
1.I cannot open the "Properties " Dialog box in the "Add/Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. In Control Panel, I right-click "Add/Remove Programs" to open the "Properties" Dialog box. But, when I right-click, all that appears is "Open" and "Create Shortcut." The same goes for all the programs in the Control Panel, except a handful may display a 3rd option..."Explore." However, I can click to "Open" any of the programs in the Control Panel. My problem in this case is the "Properties "dialog box is not available. There must be a way to restore this command option.
2. It might be related in some way to Problem # 1. I cannot open "Add/Remove Windows Components" in "Add Remove/Programs." In Control Panel, I click to open "Add/Remove Programs, and click on "Add/Remove Windows Components." It will not open. Instead, this message box appears: "Setup was unable to open information file games.inf. Contact your System Administrator. The specific error code is 0x2 at line 0." I click "OK" and the next message box reads: "The application could not be initialized."

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Drive / Folder In Run Dialog Not Working / Wont Open?

Apr 28, 2010

I extensively use the run dialog, as a quick way of navigating to drives / folders in explorer, however this has recently stopped working.If i now type a directory (e.g. C:Windows) in the run dialog, I get an Open With dialog from which I then have to click browse and type c:windowsexplorer.exe every time

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Open With Dialog Box Always Open

Apr 6, 2010

Whenever I try to run programs such as Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word I get a OPEN WITH dialog box asking me to choose which of the recommended programs I want to use. Currently they are Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word. When I click on Internet Explorer, IE momentarily open then closes and another dialog box open. asking me if I want to run c:programs filesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe. When I click on RUN another dialog box open asking me if I want to run Windows Vista SE Build. If I click on RUN I return to the OPEN WITH dialog box and starts the cycle over again. When I tried to run PROGRAM UPDATES in the CONTROL PANEL, I got a message about not being able to find RUNDLL32.EXE. Thinking I had a corrupted file, I copied a good RUNDLL32.EXE from my primary machine. No change after copying the file.I've run Norton AV and found no viruses. Interesting in that running Norton's did not initiate the OPEN WITH dialog box.

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Customize New Menu

Dec 12, 2002

Customizing the New Menu.The New menu is a handy tool, but it gets even handier if you customize it by adding your own commands and by remov­ing existing commands that you don't need. This is all possible through the Registry.Go to HKEY CLASSES ROOT and then open the .bmp subkey. This subkey includes a ShellNew subkey.  The existence of ShellNew tells Windows to include this file type on the New menu. How Windows creates the new file is determined by extra settings (other than Default) in ShellNew. There are four different settings used:NullFile: When Windows sees this string setting, it cre­ates an empty document of the associated file type. This is the method used by the Bitmap Image (.bmp) and Text Document (.txt) file types.File Name: The value of this string setting is always a file­name. When Windows sees this setting, it looks in the WindowsShellNew folder for that filename, and then cre­ates the new file by making a copy of the file that's in ShellNew. This method is used by the Wave Sound (.wav) and WordPad Document (.doc) file types. For the latter, the filename (winword.doc) Command: The value of this string setting is a command. When Windows sees this setting, it creates the new doc­ument by running the command. This is the method used by the Shortcut (.lnk) and Briefcase (.bfc) file types.Data: This setting is set to a binary value. When Windows sees this setting, it creates a new document of the asso­ciated file type and copies the binary value into the document.

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"save As" Or "open" Dialog Box Hangs

Jul 26, 2005

In any applications, when I click save as, that box hangs for at least 35-40 seconds before I can tell it where to save the file. Exemple: In IE, if I download a file, I'll click save as, and wait 35-40 seconds before I get a response from the computer. I have tried just about anything I know to fix this without having to reformat. I have the same dehavior in messenger or any of the other programs I use. The problem seems to be with the open/save as dialog box. I run WinXp Pro, SP2.

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SlipStream- Way To Customize The Install

Aug 8, 2005

I have no problems creating a slipstream for SP2 and running it but i would like to find a way to customize the install a little bit more. I have about 120 clients that i need to push XP pro Sp2 too. We are going to be using an SMS server to do this. I have pushed service packs in the past with this and it works like a charm however all previous service packs did not include the firewall client. Slipstream a new version of SP2 or use another medium to accomplish this that will create a sp2 install without user interaction and without the firewall client enabled.

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Trying To Customize My Folder Icons

Jan 17, 2004

hey everyone. im trying to customize my folder icons and in doing so i noticed that there are some folder icons i cant change. most of the folders i can right click on and in the properties window there is a customize tab. Some folders do not include this option. As well, under windows xp will not allow me to change the icon of the default folder type. i know there are various applications such as iconpackager that go in a do it for you , however is there a way to manually change the folder icons for folders such as "program files", "my music", etc ?

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Can't Customize Favorites Folder Icon

Jun 28, 2005

On a Windows Media Center Edition 2004 Notebook Computer I can't seem to assign a custom icon to a folder in Favorites. I can copy the same folder to the desktop and customize the icon.My old machine running Windows XP Pro allowed customization of Favorites Folders and this machine seems to allow me to do it, but when I am done the manilla folder icon still remains stubbornly there. Folder seems to be read only. Windows Firewall is turned off. Web root Spy Sweeper is off, though I think new version runs a process no matter what.

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Customize Button In Taskbar Grayed Out

Jul 12, 2005

The "Customize" Button in The Taskbar and Start Menu Dialog box is grayed out. How do I activate it please?

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Customize Folder - Point Less Pictures

Oct 9, 2006

I?ve had this problem for a long time it started when my HD die on me (RIP) I think it was at the beginning of the year. I turned my slave into the master. I installed xp on it and it was all good. I don?t know when but a problem started, what happened is folders like C: and My documents and other non customize the folder would change to a music folder and I would only be about to sort the folder out my artist e.g. My doc might become a picture folder type and I can sort the folder out by when the picture was taken which is point less. I also found that the more folder type I choose e.g. music folder type that a folder like C: might change to that type.

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IE7 Setup Requires Customize Your Settings At Every Bootup

Oct 8, 2007

IE7 has required 'customize your settings' at every bootup ever since I istalled it. I continue to get the following: I thought perhaps the problem might be fixed with this months release of revised IE7.

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Has White Pane On Desktop

Mar 28, 2005

I have a white pane covering my desktop icons and cannot get rid of it. It is a html fill that is showing this.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 6, 2004

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 25, 2006

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Explorer Left Pane Did Not Expand?

Apr 20, 2008

I clicked on Windows Explorer and it opened but the left pane did not expand and there was not even a + sign if front of the C: drive to expand it. My shortcut path to Explorer is and has been: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,C: and I have it open maximized. It was working just fine about supper time and then I went to do other things and when I came back I had the problem. I have not installed any software nor made any system changes.

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Left Pane In Explorer Greyed Out

Dec 10, 2002

I have seen this problem listed for Win98 and ME, but not for Win2000. I just updated IE to 6.0 and now the left pane in Explorer is greyed out and blank,fix for Win2000?

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Weird, Task Pane On Desktop Problem

Feb 13, 2005

theres a task pane on my desktop and i didnt even open a folder. I restart and its still in my deskstop. I attached a file showing a pic on wuts wrong with it. Can guys tell me wuts going on, cuz i dunno if this is a bug on sp2 or sumthing. Hopefully u guys experienced this too.

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Explorer Not Showing CD Title In Left Pane

Jul 16, 2005

Until recently Windows Explorer has shown the title of a CD inserted into either the CD Rewriter or the DVD reader drive on my PC. Since about two weeks ago, XP does not react at all to the insertion of a disk until I click on the relevant drive letter in the left pane of Explorer. It then shows the content of the disk but still does not show the disk title info. In addition Autorun no longer operates even though it is enabled.

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Missing Left Pane My Computer Display

Jun 20, 2005

Upon opening windows explorer by clicking My Computer from the Start Menu, I see all of the drive icons but no detailed information in the left pane. It was there once but I don't know when it went away. I have searched all of the menu view tabs but I am having no luck restoring it. WinXP Pro SP2 pre-installed from OEM.

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Stop Sub Directory Expansion In Left Pane In Explorer ?

Aug 4, 2005

in windows xp professional's explorer the left pane shows the directory-tree structure, and the right pane shows the files in the selected directory.

When I run the mouse over the directory-tree I can see that the tree items become highlighted with an underline. By single-clicking on a directory item in the tree that item is expanded in the left pane (so the subdirectories are shown), and the contents are displayed in the right hand pane.

Is it possible to stop the subdirectory expansion in the left hand pane?

I just want to select the directory there, not see a list of all the subdirectories with a single click. On the other hand, with a double-click I would like the expansion of subdirectories to occur. Is this at all possible
in XP?

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