Customize Button In Taskbar Grayed Out

Jul 12, 2005

The "Customize" Button in The Taskbar and Start Menu Dialog box is grayed out. How do I activate it please?

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System Properties - Open Advanced Apply Button Grayed Out

Sep 6, 2005

I wouild like to know where this resides in either 'Windows' or the registry. When I open 'Advanced' the 'Apply' button is greyed out, so I would like to repair it.

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Appearing And Dissappearing Taskbar Button

Jul 21, 2005

I'm using Windows XP with service pack 2. Every once in a while, a taskbar button will pop up for a fraction of a second, then dissapear. This never used to happen before, just started about a week ago. The button doesn't have any text on it, and the icon is just the generic program icon, so I have no idea what is doing this.The most annoying part is that while i'm playing a game in full screen mode, when the button pops up it will make my computer display the desktop and minimize the game.

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Hover Over Button On Taskbar To Maximize Not Working

Sep 22, 2007

When I hover over a button on the taskbar the window is supposed to restore. Well it's not happening. Is this a setting I can change or is it messed up somehow Win XP Pro SP2

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Desktop No Icons Taskbar Start Button

Jun 2, 2010

The desktop in my daughter's Inspiron 6000(4 years old machine. WindowsXP home) has no icons, taskbar or start button. This began yesterday morning. No new downloads before this started. Trojan removed two months ago from the system and has been working well since.Problem seems to be common going by my search but the only solution that everyone seems to be leading to eventually is a repair re-install. Have tried reinstalling explorer.exe to no avail. I only get a one second flash of the taskbar. Any suggestions before doing the re-install? BTW, checked for new malware, the system is clean.

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Start Button Taskbar And Desktop Icons Missing

Jun 21, 2005

Whenever I start up my computer, I can no longer see the Start button, the Taskbar or any of my Desktop icons. I have tried system restore but there were no valid restore points, and re-installing Windows from the CD has not solved the problem.Has anybody got any ideas about how to fix this? The system also seems to be running more slowly, and on some occasions it will automatically restart about 10 minutes after I have turned it on. I've run a virus update (with updated virus definitions) but it has not found anything.

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Cannot Find Shell.dll / No Desktop Icons / Taskbar / Start Button

Jun 22, 2005

I have XP Home Edition. My problem is that when I try to log into an account (any account) I see the desktop icons, task bar, start button for a second and then suddenly they disappear and I am left with the background. I can not bring up task manager (cntrl+alt+delete) or anything else. I have tried a few things:

1. Ran spyware be gone

2. Ran adaware (got a 'cannot find shell.dll' error after doing this)

3. Tried to using selective startup and disabling startup items (when I reboot it turns it back on)

4. Tried creating a new user account --- problem still occurs.

5. Finally tried a reinstall of XP. Significant to note that during this installation I get an error related to explorer.exe.

The first time I tried to reinstall it aborted the installation. I ran a repair on the programs (from disk that came from Dell with my pc). I then tried the reinstall again....I got further this time but still when it was at the point of installing explorer it through another error and said that the program was not installed.I do not know what to do next!

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Wallpaper And Cursor Stop - No Taskbar - Clock - Start Button

Jul 31, 2007

My son's Compaq Presario SR1200NX running WinXP has a slight problem. When starting the comp it will get as far as the desktop wallpaper and then just stops. The mouse cursor is there and moves around but there is no taskbar, clock, start button or anything. I'd give y'all a hack file but I can't get far enough to be able to do that. I've tried ctrl-alt-del and that does nothing. I've tried running in safe mode and I still only get to that point. I've taken the HD out and connected it to my notebook and cleaned it up with an anti-virus program and anti spyware stuff. Physically, it's fine and I can run any program on it but only as an ext. HD for my laptop.

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Start Button And Taskbar Missing / Unable To Recover Back?

Dec 28, 2004

I am new to the forum and have read some of the threads related to my problem, but my problem still exists. I have run spybot and Ad-aware from in the safe mode and have removed everything that came up (Bargain Buddy could not be removed.) I have also run Housecall and removed their recommended items

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Customize New Menu

Dec 12, 2002

Customizing the New Menu.The New menu is a handy tool, but it gets even handier if you customize it by adding your own commands and by remov­ing existing commands that you don't need. This is all possible through the Registry.Go to HKEY CLASSES ROOT and then open the .bmp subkey. This subkey includes a ShellNew subkey.  The existence of ShellNew tells Windows to include this file type on the New menu. How Windows creates the new file is determined by extra settings (other than Default) in ShellNew. There are four different settings used:NullFile: When Windows sees this string setting, it cre­ates an empty document of the associated file type. This is the method used by the Bitmap Image (.bmp) and Text Document (.txt) file types.File Name: The value of this string setting is always a file­name. When Windows sees this setting, it looks in the WindowsShellNew folder for that filename, and then cre­ates the new file by making a copy of the file that's in ShellNew. This method is used by the Wave Sound (.wav) and WordPad Document (.doc) file types. For the latter, the filename (winword.doc) Command: The value of this string setting is a command. When Windows sees this setting, it creates the new doc­ument by running the command. This is the method used by the Shortcut (.lnk) and Briefcase (.bfc) file types.Data: This setting is set to a binary value. When Windows sees this setting, it creates a new document of the asso­ciated file type and copies the binary value into the document.

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SlipStream- Way To Customize The Install

Aug 8, 2005

I have no problems creating a slipstream for SP2 and running it but i would like to find a way to customize the install a little bit more. I have about 120 clients that i need to push XP pro Sp2 too. We are going to be using an SMS server to do this. I have pushed service packs in the past with this and it works like a charm however all previous service packs did not include the firewall client. Slipstream a new version of SP2 or use another medium to accomplish this that will create a sp2 install without user interaction and without the firewall client enabled.

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Trying To Customize My Folder Icons

Jan 17, 2004

hey everyone. im trying to customize my folder icons and in doing so i noticed that there are some folder icons i cant change. most of the folders i can right click on and in the properties window there is a customize tab. Some folders do not include this option. As well, under windows xp will not allow me to change the icon of the default folder type. i know there are various applications such as iconpackager that go in a do it for you , however is there a way to manually change the folder icons for folders such as "program files", "my music", etc ?

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Customize Open Dialog Box / Look In Pane

Aug 3, 2005

When you click File, Open, in a Windows program like FrontPage, Word or Excel, you see 5 icons for My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer, and My Network places. Is there a way to customize the Look in pane and remove or add any locations here? I would like to add the My Webs folder to this pane.

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Can't Customize Favorites Folder Icon

Jun 28, 2005

On a Windows Media Center Edition 2004 Notebook Computer I can't seem to assign a custom icon to a folder in Favorites. I can copy the same folder to the desktop and customize the icon.My old machine running Windows XP Pro allowed customization of Favorites Folders and this machine seems to allow me to do it, but when I am done the manilla folder icon still remains stubbornly there. Folder seems to be read only. Windows Firewall is turned off. Web root Spy Sweeper is off, though I think new version runs a process no matter what.

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Customize Folder - Point Less Pictures

Oct 9, 2006

I?ve had this problem for a long time it started when my HD die on me (RIP) I think it was at the beginning of the year. I turned my slave into the master. I installed xp on it and it was all good. I don?t know when but a problem started, what happened is folders like C: and My documents and other non customize the folder would change to a music folder and I would only be about to sort the folder out my artist e.g. My doc might become a picture folder type and I can sort the folder out by when the picture was taken which is point less. I also found that the more folder type I choose e.g. music folder type that a folder like C: might change to that type.

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IE7 Setup Requires Customize Your Settings At Every Bootup

Oct 8, 2007

IE7 has required 'customize your settings' at every bootup ever since I istalled it. I continue to get the following: I thought perhaps the problem might be fixed with this months release of revised IE7.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 6, 2004

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 25, 2006

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Start Up And Task Bar Become Grayed?

Jan 27, 2006

Mt taskbar and start menu have decided to become greyed out i have tried the taskbar repair site but you have to pay $5.00 i have tried other sites but hetting nowhere fast all i want is for my taskbar to be blue with the start button green lol if that makes any sence this all started when i removed all my worms and trojons

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Sp2 Install Firewall Grayed Out

Feb 8, 2006

I'm trying to configure the Windows Firewall after recently installing SP2, but it's set to 'Off' and the options to turn it on are greyed out. A message at the top says "For your security, some settings are controlled by Group Policy". After googling for some answers, I came across a couple of solutions, some of which involve reg editing, and others using the gpedit.msc tool. Problem is, I'm using XP Home, on which the reg keys don't exist and the gpedit tool doesn't either. SOMETHING must be blocking these things. So how can I disable this Group Policy thing, even though XP Home isn't meant to use it, doesnt have it and I never changed any settings like that in the first place?

I found I can turn the firewall on/off by changing the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWin dowsFirewallStandardProfile EnableFirewall=0/1. and in the Contrl Panel util it changes it's status, but it's still greyed-out with that Group Policy stuff. This is my first post after searching hi and low for help. Thanks for any you can provide. I understand windows, ha ha, but am not a nuts and bolts insider with registry or editers. Just want firewall to work. I upgraded my laptop with noproblem with sp2......

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Cannot Access Grayed Out Buttons

Aug 5, 2005

As the administrator signed in, i can not access a lot of buttons or check mark boxes because they are grayed out. Please advice is need to gain full access.

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Audio Devices Grayed Out

Jun 12, 2008

I've been trying to figure this problem out for a while.After a little break, im back on the search for the solution.I've noticed that a lot of people have had the same or similar issue, but the solutions that i've found havn't helped me out.I had an M-audio firewire 410 audio interface, and one day i stupidly unplugged it without first turning off my computer. Ever since that happened, my sound has stopped working, all options in "sounds and audio devices" are greyed out with 'no audio device' showing up. I've uninstalled all m-audio drivers including the hidden ones. I've uninstalled all of my motherboard audio drivers and re-installed them. I've reformatted my whole computer out of desperation and then re-installed the motherboards audio drivers. Still I have the same issue. When i click on the installed audio drivers, it says they are working properly.Is this a hardware issue? do i need a new motherboard?

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Not Able To Standyby --- Grayed Out--picture Added

Dec 3, 2007

I noticed my standby button was grayed out.I haven't really tried to seek out an answer for this but sometimes I would like to put my computer in standby. I think it may have something to do with a power setting or a driver installed.

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Grayed Out Icon On Desktop Won't Delete?

Sep 7, 2005

noticed an icon on my desktop representing the email I had read (and deleted). Now I can't delete the icon. It is grayed out and I get the message "Cannot delete file: cannot read from source disk or file"-no kidding. How do I get rid of this thing?

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No Sound No Playback Devices Grayed Out

Jan 15, 2006

I am running a WinXP SP2 machine, with a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS.One day, during a Windows session, my sound just stopped working. I tried to play a song in Winamp, and got the message: "Device not found. Please select another device in configuration. Error code: 88780078." The window title was "DirectSound output v2.2.12 error".Trying to play a song in Windows Media Player yielded a simlar result: "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly."

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Pro Taskbar With "Group Similar Taskbar Buttons?

Jul 24, 2005

With XP Pro SP2, I enable "Group similar taskbar buttons". I generally have my taskbar stretched 2 to 3 rows even so. Sometimes, when I have a lot of windows open, and the similar taskbar buttons group and stack themselves, so 1 button contains 2 or 3 open tasks, I can't get any action out of the buttons that represent multiple open tasks.

Any of the taskbar buttons that represent a single open task are fine. But any buttons that represent multiple open tasks don't respond. I have to do Alt -
Tab to bring a task to the front, if it's one of the tasks on a button that represents a group. Or I can go to Taskbar Properties, and deselect "Group similar taskbar buttons".

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Truncated Window Designations In Taskbar - Taskbar Grouping On

Jan 21, 2008

I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.

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Taskbar Fails At NOT Group Similar Taskbar Buttons

Sep 23, 2009

I want to see all task bar buttons and not have them grouped. XP Taskbar menu offers check "Group similar taskbar buttons." I leave this unchecked, then Apply, then OK. XP still groups the similar buttons (e.g., Word doc1, Word doc2, etc.) instead of having these ungrouped.

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Lost User Name And Password Cancel Is Grayed Out

Jan 23, 2005

Windows 2000 usually displays the username and password when i want to log on, and i just click OK and go to the desktop. However, upon turning it on today nothing appears, i press enter and it says to enter a username and password, Cancel is greyed out and there is no 'X' button.

I can't for the life of me find the username and/or password and have no rememberance as to the username or password in my head (never needed to remember it).

Is there anyway i can get round it? BIOS changes? password hackers? I really am looking for anything that might work

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Windows Firewall Grayed: Removing Service?

Jun 18, 2006

I've searched for this topic and am not able to find anything. I'm wondering why my Windows Firewall options are all greyed out and a message states that "for your security, some settings are controlled by a group policy" I also have a follow up question as to how to remove a service that appears to not be in the HJT log but shows when I check msconfig under services

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Pro Display Properties - Grayed Out And Fixed On Stretch

May 15, 2006

In Display properties when clicking the Desktop tab the Position option is greyed out and fixed on "stretch" but all other options can be customised.

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