Left Click Doing Nothing Tries To Install Acrobat

Sep 23, 2005

when i now left click on my desktop... on any icon that needs to explore a folder...like the recyle bin, the my computer icon, the windows explorer shortcut or any folder type icon it brings up a window where it tries to install adobe acrobat!! It does not happen when i left click a program icon...it also happens when i right click and select open or explore...eventually the computer finally realizes that it cannot install acrobat because it cannot locate the installation folder and then it finally opens the folder that i wanted. how to revert this behvior back to normal

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Unable To Install Adobe Acrobat Or SUN JAVA

Sep 19, 2005

System: Dell Inspiron 9300 2Ghz Centrino w/ 2G memory Window XP Pro with SP2 I believe. Brand new system out of the box preloaded from vendor not Dell, but an integrator.

I have tried to load Adobe from the web and manual download file. XP just sits there and looks at me. NOTHING.

Sun Java 1.5 from web says load active X control (yellow bar at top of browser) click on it and windows Installer Window opens says preparing to install and stays there forever. Multiple JAVA.exe sessions running in task manager and ca not end task with any of them.

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Open Folders Full Of Pictures - Attempted To Install Adobe Acrobat

Jul 22, 2007

I installed Adobe Acrobat about 2-3 weeks ago as part of a CreativeSuite package. I have yet to use it. However, just last night, when I tried to open a folder full of pictures on my desktop, for some reason, it attempted to install Adobe Acrobat. I cancelled the installation (acrobat was already installed) and the folder opened. I've tried some experiments now and it seems like every time I try to open a REGULAR FOLDER or a COMPRESSED FOLDER (ARCHIVE) ... ON MY DESKTOP ONLY, my computer attempts to install adobe acrobat. When I hit cancel the folder finally opens. I haven't waited to see what would happen if I let the computer install it cause I just spent hours cleaning my hard drive so my windows installation is sparkling and I don't want to mess that up w/ 2 copies of acrobat.

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Error On Left Click - Open With - Program Not Associated

Mar 10, 2008

When I left-click on a file and select "Open with..." I get the error: "File does not have program associated with it for performing this function. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." I can not select what program to open a file with because of this error.

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Left Click Response In Adobe Photoshop

Nov 3, 2006

I was tooling around Abode Photoshop, when suddenly my computer stopped responding to left-clicks, so I was stuck inside the program.I tried hitting ctrl alt delete but I couldn't force Photoshop to end because my computer wouldn't respond to left clicks. So I hit the reset button and when my computer booted up, nothing would respond to left clicks.Right clicks worked, however.I tried a bunch of stuff, like uninstalling Photoshop and using a system restore, but nothing worked.Then suddenly, out of nowhere, my left-clicking ability returned.

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Folders Left Click - Gives Search Window Instead Of Opening It

May 26, 2007

This only applies to my folders, but everytime I left-click them, it gives me the search window instead of opening it. I don't remember changing it to do this, is there a way to change to back to Open?

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Double Left Click On Folders / Starts Search Instead Of Opening Folder?

Sep 10, 2008

When I try to open one of My Folders (One that I added to my desktop with application I added to it) with a double left click a search results window opens instead of the folder opening and displaying the contents of the folder with things I've put into it. If I right click on one of my folders and go down and left click on open the folder will open and the contents displayed as I expect (The first opetion displayed is a search after I right click). Any other folder including My Documnets folder will open the folder and display the contents correctly.At one time it used to work correcly and its not a major issue but I would sure like it fixed > Any ideas?

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Added Directory List Print - Change Default Left Click In Explorer?

Aug 20, 2006

I just added a "Directory List Print" to my right click options and somehow the default choice (highlighted at the top of the list) changed from "open" to "search".

Apparently the default selection governs what happens when you left click. I want to restore "open" as the default choice, but can't figure out how. Does it require a reg edit or a utility program or what? TIA

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Right Click Desktop Icon, Recycle Bin, Left File/folder Task Pane Not Responding

Jun 19, 2005

I really need a help here. About two days ago I was trying to improve the speed of my system. I think I have delete an important file. My curent problem is that When I rightclick a desktop icons I only get an hour glass, the system stops responding to any thing. The only way out of it it to either log off or shut down and restart.When I open the recycle bin though it appears full on the desktop icon I could not see any item on it.If I try do delete, move this folder or any of the command on the left file/folder task pane I only get hour glass. The only way out of it is ctrl+alt+del, task manager (program not responding) end task.

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Sp1 Install Freezes At 32 Min Left

Jun 1, 2007

My primary hard drive recently went nuts, so I decided to make my second drive the master. I completely disconnected the former master drive and set the former slave drive as the master. The newer harddrive is 250G and had been added thru XP. I only had some folders with music, video and such saved onto it. I wanted to keep those files so I didn't format the drive. And since they are large I didn't move them off the drive.
Installation proceeded normally until it reached "32 minutes remaining" and showed that it was "setting up network." The system just stays there. (The "new features" messages on the right side of the screen continue to cycle thru their list, and the little progress squares at the lower right continue to flash in sequence.) I had read thru some forums that hardware may be the cause so I removed the following: phone modem card, NIC, graphics card and the sound card. This left me with just the motherboard, floppy drive and cd-rom drive. Rebooted and still freezes at the same spot

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Win Re -install Freezes At 32 Min Left To Go

Jun 28, 2005

I have responded to a question in another conference which asks for help with a failing re-install whith 32 mins to go. and said I would ask in here This happened to me and was sorted by Microsoft help desk (using the last of my 2 free support calls attendant with purchasing a full copy of XP) - by a lady in India and lots of waiting Musak and a high phone bill! - but I can't for the life of me recall the keysrtokes the support lady took me through to "continue the process". I seem to remember it was something to do with objections to some drivers that had halted the install but what keystorke ovecame the problem alludes me

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Cannot Install - No Options Left To Do Graphics Card Wouldn't Work

Nov 12, 2006

I hope someone out there can help me because i am well and truly stumped with this problem. I ordered a brand new pc - Ath 64 X2 4600+ CPU, 1 GB RAM, 400GB SATA, 256MB 7900GT, 19" TFT, 16x DVDRW-DL, Running Mcafee Antivirus / Ad-aware, I originally had problems when my Graphics card wouldn't work. I installed some older versions of the drivers and it was working okay. Then I had some problems with some dll files and i couldn't open Windows due to the system/config error at start up. I managed to repair that installation. THe next day, my PC would not boot and I could not repair it. I then found out, i had bad sectors on the Hard disk so i tried formatting it

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Acrobat 9 Standard For Laptop

Aug 31, 2010

I can't install acrobat 9 standard in my laptop.

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File's Try To Open With Acrobat

Mar 18, 2006

when i start up and log on under my name and as admin all my programs try to open with acrobat reader.i have to right click and run as but system files eg misconfig. control panel i can't open.two other accounts with out admin rights are running as normal from start up?

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Run Acrobat Reader 9 Always Fails

Mar 20, 2010

I have tried several times to run the Acrobat Reader 9. But it always fails. It says the programme configuration is incorrect, reinstallation may solve this. I have reinstalled it several times, but of no use.
Presently I am managing with " FOXIT" reader. It is also OK. No problem with it. But some documents need only Acrobat. There the problem arises.

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Acrobat Internet Explorer Helper

Jun 29, 2005

Leave the WEB I get: Acrobat IEHelper: iexplore.exe-Application Error. The instruction at Ox2e4c9e97 referenced memory at Ox3175cd38. The memory could not be "read" Click on OK to terminate the program.

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Adobe Acrobat Reader Removal

Mar 12, 2008

It necessary to remove Acrobat Reader in order to install an update. As part of the manual removal I was to remove three files at the cmd level. They will not remove at any level.All I get is Access denied. I am doing this with administrator privileges. How do I get these three files removed? They are .dll in the ActiveX directory.

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Double Click C: Opens Install Shield

Sep 28, 2005

When I open my computer and double click the c:, an install shield wizard opens and wants me to install the intel extreme graphics driver. I am not able to access the C drive. However, when I right click on c: I can choose open or explore and I can browse the drive. So this is only happening when I left click.

All recent virus/spyware scans are clean (AVG, panda, trendmicro, spybot, adaware, spyware doctor, and ewido). Below is a recent HJT log, although I didn't see anything which would be causing this.

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Unable To Install Not Open Up When Double-click

May 15, 2005

I'm working on a system that has Windows XP Home on it and when I try to install a spyware removal or anti-virus program that I have downloaded from the internet to the desktop or program files folder, it will not open up when I double-click on it or if I right-click and select OPEN. However, if I right-click the program icon and click on RUN AS, it brings up a gray window asking for a user name and password to gain access to the program. It says something about security that prevents unauthorized installation of viruses and the like.

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Right Click On C Drive Runs An Install Program

Nov 11, 2007

Recently cleaned up a friend's very infected machine. The jury is still out as to how much damage was done (specifically to the registry), but something weird is going on. When I right click the C drive in My Computer, the EZ CD Creator 5 install program starts executing. I didn't see a autorun.inf file or on the drive which is the only thing I can think of. Any ideas?

Figured I'd add some more info. I've installed a second drive to take backups to. Backup of 12G of data to the drive while the OS was up took 1.5 hours, took much less from an emergency disk, weird. XP SP2 256K memory. I'm also getting a windowformsparkingwindow popup on a shutdown. Reasonably sure this is due to HP stuff on the machine. Java is busted up but I wanted to start getting the backups going before uninstalling that and reinstalling.

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Right Click Context Menu Starts An Install

Sep 4, 2005

When I right click my context menu, on a drive or hard disk in Explorer, a small window opens to "configure Roxio Easy Media Creator". This program was installed a while ago and has been used a number of times.This event happens every time I left click on one of my hard drives or optical discs in MS Explorer. I have to cancel each time.

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Reboot Setup Window / Click Next Button Error Say / Can Not Install On Windows NT

May 17, 2005

Every time I reboot a setup window appears. When I click the next button an error say can not install on windows NT.

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Missing Print To File (FILE) Port After Acrobat Installation

Jul 6, 2007

after installing acrobat on my machine, I realised that my FILE print port for postscript printing had been deleted. Need help to reinstall the print port.

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Office / Acrobat / Icons Replaced With Generic Windows Icons

Mar 30, 2005

I started my computer today and all of the icons pointing to Microsoft Office files, Adobe Acrobat files, and similar files have been replaced by generic windows icons (white icon with little window in the middle) they are no longer program specific icons.Yes, I have tried TweakUI to rebuild the icons and it did nothing, I have tried increasing then decreasing the size of the icons to attempt to force windows to replace them with the correct icons and that has not worked either. I have also tried to use system restore and that did not help either.This is really making me angry and I don't understand why it happened I have searched everywhere for a solution and found nothing.

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Explorer Closes When Click On File Menu - Right Click

Aug 3, 2005

I have a computer that quits explorer every time I try to click on the file menu, or right click on explorer and go to the new link. It also does this when i try to delete a folder in explorer or through my computer.

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Double Click- Right Click Does Not Works For Apening Any Folder

Feb 16, 2005

When I open a folder (MyComputer, for example), and try to right-click or double-click an icon to open it- it does not work. When I right-click the icon, NOTHING happens. When I double-click the icon, the icon gets highlighted, but the program or other folder does not open. I checked in the folder options, and it is set up so that when you double-click an icon, it opens the program. But the weird thing about it is that if I try to double-click or right-click an icon on my desktop.. it works like it should. So this really just doesn't make sense.

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Mouse Single Click But Double Click Response

Dec 31, 2006

Many times when I single click on an item with my mouse, whether it be a program, a shortcut, or whatever, more often than not , it acts as a double click. When I double cliclk, it opens up the program twice more often than mot, also. I have the Folder options set up to double click so I don't know what's going on. I regularly run AdAdware, Spybot, and I have ZoneAlarm Suite running all the time

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Can't Click Or Right Click On Icons On Desktop

Feb 16, 2008

i have windows xp and i can't click or right click on any icon's on desktop.

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Getting BSOD Left - Right

Mar 28, 2008

This has been going on for almost 3 months. I've never had this many issues with a box before. I'm getting BSOD left and right, I average about 7 a day:

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Left-clicking Deleting

Jun 9, 2007

I'm running Windows XP Media Center. For the third or fourth time, left-clicking on a folder twice, I think instead of opening it, deletes it altogether. Impossible to find it after through search, also impossible to recover contents.My question: is it a feature I can disable? How?

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How To Get A Little Red X In The Left -hand Corner?

Aug 4, 2005

I'm trying to access this fantastic jigsaw puzzle at ,and when I paste it into the address bar, I get a little red x up in the left-hand corner of the picture. Where do I go in my security settings to change them so I can get this site?

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