Getting BSOD Left - Right

Mar 28, 2008

This has been going on for almost 3 months. I've never had this many issues with a box before. I'm getting BSOD left and right, I average about 7 a day:

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Sp1 Install Freezes At 32 Min Left

Jun 1, 2007

My primary hard drive recently went nuts, so I decided to make my second drive the master. I completely disconnected the former master drive and set the former slave drive as the master. The newer harddrive is 250G and had been added thru XP. I only had some folders with music, video and such saved onto it. I wanted to keep those files so I didn't format the drive. And since they are large I didn't move them off the drive.
Installation proceeded normally until it reached "32 minutes remaining" and showed that it was "setting up network." The system just stays there. (The "new features" messages on the right side of the screen continue to cycle thru their list, and the little progress squares at the lower right continue to flash in sequence.) I had read thru some forums that hardware may be the cause so I removed the following: phone modem card, NIC, graphics card and the sound card. This left me with just the motherboard, floppy drive and cd-rom drive. Rebooted and still freezes at the same spot

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Win Re -install Freezes At 32 Min Left To Go

Jun 28, 2005

I have responded to a question in another conference which asks for help with a failing re-install whith 32 mins to go. and said I would ask in here This happened to me and was sorted by Microsoft help desk (using the last of my 2 free support calls attendant with purchasing a full copy of XP) - by a lady in India and lots of waiting Musak and a high phone bill! - but I can't for the life of me recall the keysrtokes the support lady took me through to "continue the process". I seem to remember it was something to do with objections to some drivers that had halted the install but what keystorke ovecame the problem alludes me

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Left-clicking Deleting

Jun 9, 2007

I'm running Windows XP Media Center. For the third or fourth time, left-clicking on a folder twice, I think instead of opening it, deletes it altogether. Impossible to find it after through search, also impossible to recover contents.My question: is it a feature I can disable? How?

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How To Get A Little Red X In The Left -hand Corner?

Aug 4, 2005

I'm trying to access this fantastic jigsaw puzzle at ,and when I paste it into the address bar, I get a little red x up in the left-hand corner of the picture. Where do I go in my security settings to change them so I can get this site?

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Explorer Left Pane Did Not Expand?

Apr 20, 2008

I clicked on Windows Explorer and it opened but the left pane did not expand and there was not even a + sign if front of the C: drive to expand it. My shortcut path to Explorer is and has been: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,C: and I have it open maximized. It was working just fine about supper time and then I went to do other things and when I came back I had the problem. I have not installed any software nor made any system changes.

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Left Click Doing Nothing Tries To Install Acrobat

Sep 23, 2005

when i now left click on my desktop... on any icon that needs to explore a the recyle bin, the my computer icon, the windows explorer shortcut or any folder type icon it brings up a window where it tries to install adobe acrobat!! It does not happen when i left click a program also happens when i right click and select open or explore...eventually the computer finally realizes that it cannot install acrobat because it cannot locate the installation folder and then it finally opens the folder that i wanted. how to revert this behvior back to normal

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Left Pane In Explorer Greyed Out

Dec 10, 2002

I have seen this problem listed for Win98 and ME, but not for Win2000. I just updated IE to 6.0 and now the left pane in Explorer is greyed out and blank,fix for Win2000?

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Bits Of Menus Left On Screen?

Jul 25, 2009

I've suddenly started getting bits of menus left behind on my screen - for example the 'Open Outlook' choice from clicking the Outlook icon on the toolbar stays as white text on a blue background.AVG and antimalware scans show no infection and the onboard video driver is up to date.A hijack this log looks OK.A reboot or changing the video settings gets rid of it but otherwise it hangs around annoyingly.I've searched everywhere but found nothing helpful.The computer is a DELL Vostro 200 running XP with all the service packs installed.

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Desktop Items Always Align To Left

Mar 30, 2009

The problem is that my desktop items keep aligning on left after each reboot. I have selected Show Desktop Icons and Lock Web items, other options are unchecked. This is driving me crazy because I am constantly having to re-arrange the icons.

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PC Is Left Running For Extra After Shutdown

Jul 17, 2009

When i go to <Start> Shutdown, and than wait for my PC to shutdown, my computer takes its sweet time doing that, the monitor and everything shuts off but my PC is left running for extra 2-3 min. I am running out of options and I don't know what else did I miss or what else is there to try. Any ideas as to why its working like this? By the way I did try the registry, bios, power management options.

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Websites Crammed To The Left Side

Apr 29, 2006

I got a new computer that has the wide screen aspect, when I go to some websites it is all crammed to the left side and others, like this one, it fills the screen. is ther a way to make it looke the same at all sites.

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Uninstall But The Icons Left On The Screen Did Not Go

Oct 5, 2010

I downloaded some "freeware", but what I wanted was nothing but!! I uninstalled, but the icons left on the screen did not go. Seems there should be a way, but I have not had any luck.

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Stops Responding When Left Idle

Aug 17, 2005

I recently added a usb2 pci card to my computer so that I can use it with my IPod. Since then, my computer freezes from time to time. I have no power saving features running, and I've disabled the screen saver.

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Desktop PC Left Powered On Constantly

Jan 12, 2006

I tend to leave my desktop machine powered on for long periods of time without using it. Is this bad? Good? I have a windows xp, dell dimension p4. Does brand of processor (or Apple) have an impact.

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No Longer See The Arrow Icon At The Top Left

Jan 31, 2007

When I am on a web page , I no longer see the arrow icon at the top left of the page that is used to bring you back to the previous page, so now I have to exit out of the page and start all over again.

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Insufficient Resources - After Being Left On For Some Time

Mar 18, 2005

Over the past two years, I've built six computers for friends and co-workers, including some real screamin' gamers (P4, 3GHz, 2GB RAM, 256 MB video card, all running WinXP Pro). They all work fine, but all also seem to share one common annoyance. After being left on for some length of time (10-15 hours), they all seem to lock up. They don't completely freeze up - the mouse will work, but clicking on any icon gives the error message that "insufficient system resources exist for the requested operation ..". This happens even when the computers are unused for that time (i.e., overnight). I thought it was pretty obvious that something is eating up memory, so I installed AnalogX MaxMem to monitor the memory. It didn't help. Over time, the computer's available memory seemed to stay steadily around 70-75%, but even with MaxMem showing that much available memory, the computer still gave the "insufficient resource" message after being left on overnight.

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Couple More Left Over File And Add Remove

Dec 2, 2007

i know i just marked both threads solved, but i do have a couple more questions about specific left over files and add-remove program entries.

1. i have a folder in documents and settings/all user/applications for authentium. authentium was [i believe] from when i used the cox internet security suite which i did not like and uninstalled. in one of the folders is a quarentine folder with 4 items in it. trend micro doesnt pick those up during full scans, and im not sure how to scan each file with t-m. can i safely delete these or the whole authentium folder??

2. also, authentium antivirus SDK-2 shows up in add-remove programs. i thought i had removed authentium a while back. when high-lighted it doesnt show a "remove" button, doesnt show in start-programs list , nothing in program files either. i saw an authentim listed in the HJT uninstall manager couple days ago and deleted it, didnt think i saw it in the add-remove list at the time. how do i remove this entry?? is it necessary to remove other than annoying me?..........

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Favorites Left Side Colum

Feb 4, 2008

I upgraded Explorer a few weeks ago.Now Favorites is ONLY available as a drop down list.I have searched everywhere to see if I can make it a column again without any liuck.I am running windows XP Pro.

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Program Keeps Shooting To The Left Of The Screen

Dec 27, 2006

all of a sudden one of my programs keeps going to the left of my screen, this is the only oneit shows in the task menu icon but when i click it i cant see it, its off screen to the left.

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PC Slow And Worse When Left Idle

Sep 15, 2009

Hi, my PC is very sensitive when left idle it takes about 5 minutes just to changes web pages.Sometimes it is running well, sometimes it is really slow. I am using windows XP and have firewall and AVG.

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Cursor Constantly Moves Left

Nov 29, 2006

I have a very annoying problem which seemingly happens totaly at random. The cursor which you use to type (not the mouse cursor) constantly moves left, as if the left arrow key is being held down (although the movement of the cursor is slightly slower). This occurs at random, it sometimes goes a week without happening, other times it will happen three times in a day. Having said this it always seems to happen after something is clicked on the takbar (eg a firefox window).I don't think it has anything to do with the keyboard because it continues to do it even when the keyboard is disconnected and reconnected. I have to restart my PC for it to stop, as doing anything while the cursor is constantly moving left is impossible, even shutting the thing down is tricky.I have no idea where to begin to solve this, any help will be massively appreciated,

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Lost Icons At Bottom Left Of Screen

Aug 30, 2005

I had a few icons at the bottom left of screen (next to the start button)for my email and a couple of other programmes. For some reason they have disappeared, how do i get them back, I tried dragging and dropping but they just pop back to the desktop.

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Info Bar Missing, Task Bar Left To The Clock

Sep 11, 2005

through some uncontrolled mouse move while playing with the task bar I
managed to make by "info bar" disappear. Only the clock is left. All
other bars can be switched on and off correctly. The option "Hide inactive symbols" under taskbar properties is greyed

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Clicking Expands In Left Menu Automatically?

Sep 5, 2006

If I have c: listed it showes Docs, program files when i click say docs, it expands (in the left menu) automatically. I dont want it to do that unless i click the + sign. Is there a way to fix this?

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Crashing Web Site: Left Back At My Desktop?

Aug 24, 2005

When i go to a particular website for web learning at my university and enter my sign in detailsand click ok it crashes the web browser and im left back at
my desktop

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Freezes During Start Up, Because Of No Spase Left At All On The Drives

Sep 18, 2009

I cannot start windows anymore, because it freezes on half way before its totally up. message says: "not enough space on drive C" same with drive D. I also have EAZ fix installed and i managed to roll back to a previous date, but I still can not start up windows totally.I ALSO TRIED TO start in safe mode, and use cleanup disk, but even there it freezes while cleaning up disk

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Computer Shutdowns Automatically When Left Unattended?

Nov 16, 2005

Recently, I began having problems when I chose to go into standby. Hard drive just shut off. After several tech discussions with Dell, the computer now just shuts down on its own when I leave it unattended for any length of time. Dell asked me to uninstall/reinstall Windows XP. I am trying to avoid this because it is a lot of work to back up all of my files. I could try prior to doing uninstall/reinstall?

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On The Left Hand Side Of Desktop Is Big Blue Bar

Aug 10, 2005

On the left hand side of my desktop is a big blue bar. It is about 2 and a half inches wide ( from left to right) and goes from the top of my screen to the bottom where the start menu is. I have tried everything I can think of and have been unable to get rid of it. Does anyone know how to remove this. I even tried in msconfig.

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OS Screen Layout Gone Haywire - Everything Flipped To Left

Jun 28, 2006

I don't even know what the proper name for this problem is. I'll try my best to paint an easy picture: basically, the entire screen (not physical part) of windows xp os is flipped. the system tray/task bar is on my left side. EVERYTHING including my wallpaper, windows login screen, folders, programs, IE browser - all of them requires me to tip my head to the left side if i want to do anything. This is truly an odd incident and I didn't even know how to begin a google search without knowing how to even identify such problem.

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Computer Super Slow - 1% Memory Left?

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to fix a friend's computer. It's gotten alot of stuff on it according to pestcontrol but they won't take it off because I did the scan from pcpitstop. Here's the hijack this log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:54:55 PM, on 1/2/2006

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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