Cursor Constantly Moves Left

Nov 29, 2006

I have a very annoying problem which seemingly happens totaly at random. The cursor which you use to type (not the mouse cursor) constantly moves left, as if the left arrow key is being held down (although the movement of the cursor is slightly slower). This occurs at random, it sometimes goes a week without happening, other times it will happen three times in a day. Having said this it always seems to happen after something is clicked on the takbar (eg a firefox window).I don't think it has anything to do with the keyboard because it continues to do it even when the keyboard is disconnected and reconnected. I have to restart my PC for it to stop, as doing anything while the cursor is constantly moving left is impossible, even shutting the thing down is tricky.I have no idea where to begin to solve this, any help will be massively appreciated,

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Cursor Moves Across Screen By Itself

Jun 28, 2005

the cursor moves across the screen by itself and I notice if I pick the mouse up then lightly dump it onto the mouse pad the cursor will begin moving across the screen again.This may not have anything to do with the cursor but I can not sign out of this newsgroup.

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Cursor Mysteriously Moves All By Itself

Sep 17, 2005

Have noticed an odd little occurrence of late.I am sitting reading something on the net, my hands are not touching the mouse or the keyboard and suddenly the cursor/arrow starts moving horizontally all by itself? I have remote access turned off but wonder if this indicates a possible remote user incursion?

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Desktop PC Left Powered On Constantly

Jan 12, 2006

I tend to leave my desktop machine powered on for long periods of time without using it. Is this bad? Good? I have a windows xp, dell dimension p4. Does brand of processor (or Apple) have an impact.

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PC Will Not Boot / Cursor Blinking In Top Left Corner

May 4, 2010

DELL XPS 410 XPSP2 - system will not boot past the blinking cursor in the corner. I can't get to the BIOS and the PC will not boot from CD. I have tried to hit F1, F2, F8 andF12 at startup to no avail. I replaced the Video card with a known good card, still no luck.I tried the unplug/plug method for the I/O panel with no changes.The fans are working correctly, so I don't think it was an overheating issue and the power supply is up and running.

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Blinking Cursor In Upper Left Corner

Jun 16, 2005

I forgot to pull the plug during a thunderstorm and XP home won't boot into the GUI anymore. When trying to start in fail safe mode files seem to be loaded as usual, but at the point where the GUI should be loaded the computer halts and the cursor is blinking in the upper left corner.Have searched MS KB but only found articles about running Fixmbr, chkdisk and fixboot. None worked.

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Will Not Boot Flashing Cursor In Top Left Corner

Jun 30, 2008

I'm hoping some can offer some advice on this rather troublesome problem.I have a Dell laptop that was recently formatted, XP Home was re-installed from the original Dell ReInstallation CDs.Everything has been working perfectly for the past month. However, this past weekend, we're now unable to boot into Windows.
When powering the machine on, the Dell logo appears as normal. When the Dell logo disappears,instead of the Windows splash screen appearing, a flashing cursor appears in the upper left hand corner. Nothing else. After letting the machine sit for approximately 30-minutes, an error message never appears.

I've already attempted a few things Removed the drive, attached it to a working computer via USB adapter. There, I performed a scan disk. No error messages appear. Placed the hard drive back into the Dell laptop. Inserted the Windows XP ReInstallation CD to access the recovery console. FIXMBR completed successfully, however the problem continues Verified that the system BIOS recognizes the drive and correct drive size/parameters.I really don't know what to do. Apparently the repair install function is not available with the Dell OS ReInstallation CD. Can someone throw a hint or two? I'm almost out of gas on this one and need to have it running again ASAP.

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Black Screen Blinking Cursor Left Hand Cornor

Sep 27, 2008

I believe I got a virus it was stuck on a warning screen. I tried to reinstall window XP now it goes to choose Window XP Professional or Home on Black screen white lettering. It will not let you choose XP is highlighted. Then it goes to black screen with cursor in left hand corner.

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Not Booting - Blank Screen With Cursor Blinking At The Top Left Corner

Dec 5, 2006

I have two HDD. In the 1st one XP and Ubuntu and in the 2nd one FC5. Suddenly the XP is not booting. As I choose XP from boot loader [I use Acronis Boot Manager] it is giving me a blank screen with the cursor blinking at the top left corner. Just that no movement, no XP logo nothing.

I tried fixmbr, fixboot and chkdsk; but in vein. sfc scannow is not supported. Fixmbr and fixboot succeeded but it is giving me the same result. I reinstalled FC5's Grub in the hdb5 [location of FC5's installation] but it does not give me boot option. I then reinstalled FC5's grub in hda1 and atleast now I can access net and look for immediate help from you. I know reinstalation is the last option but I just don't want to do that unless I do not have any more avenues left.

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Desktop Items - There's An Outline Of The Box That Moves

Jan 7, 2007

I know I should know this, but for the life of me, can't remember LOL; when you drag a dialog box or item that's on your desktop, there's an outline of the box that moves before you move the box. How do you turn that off?

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System Desktop Icons Moves

Feb 8, 2009

I have a client who is experiencing a strange issue that I thought I'd see if anyone else has faced. About 30% of the time when he boots his PC, his desktop is different. The icons are moved, and a different size. But if he then reboots, they'll return to their normal positions. This has happened many times. It seems like a weird profile thing, but I'm stumped.

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Video Moves Opposite To Mouse

Jun 20, 2008

I have searched the net for this problem but can't find an answer. I hope someone here has heard of this problem. I use windows media player but it does this with any player that i use In XP. I will open an avi in windows media player and if I move my mouse from centre screen toward the bottom the video will move upwards within WMP. Same for moving the mouse to the right the video will move to the left and so on. I have no idea what the problem is. I don't think re-installing WMP would do anything since it does it in Show Tunes as well.

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Computer Haults When Mouse Moves

Nov 10, 2007

I am not sure what the problem is. I have restarted the computer at least 10 times in the last 2 days. I never restart my computer. Its a newer gatway, well just over a year old. IT freezes up all the time. When you run your mouse over something it doesnt tell you what it is.

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Every Thing Looks Large And The Computer Moves Really Slow

Apr 14, 2008

I now have another computer to use. This computer is almost new and was given to me by my mother. My problem is everything looks large and the computer moves really slow. I have no idea of the problem and I would also like to remove SUPERAntiSpyware from the cpu and have no idea how.

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Scroll Down Screen Web Page Moves Slowly

Dec 25, 2007

when I scroll down the screen on a webpage the screen has a juddering jerky quality and moves pretty slowly,

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Higher Screen Resolution Moves Display

Jan 7, 2009

With a lot of help I've been able to fix the Control Panel>Display problem I had earlier.But now I have another problem. I started a new thread because it is a different problem, and because it may be a Viewsonic monitor or ATI screen driver problem rather than a Windows-XP problem.When I have the screen resolution set to 1024*768 the desktop fits neatly into the monitor.When I tried it at 1280*720 the desktop fits neatly into the monitor, but the graphics and text look as though they are stretched vertically - ie too tall for their width.When I tried it at 1280*768 the proportions looked right, but the desktop seems to have been moved up and to the left. That is, there is about a 2cm black band to the right of the display, between the right edge of the monitor and the right edge of the display; and there is about a 1cm black band below the desktop.When I tried it at 1280*800, just for completeness, the whole desktop seems to overlap the limits of the monitor. That is, the icons on the left are half hidden 'behind' the monitor, and the task bar at the bottom is barely in sight at the bottom edge of the monitor.I don't remember having this problem in the past, but it's been quite a while.

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Svchost.exe Constantly Using 50% Cpu

Jan 2, 2008

My HP Pavilian dv8000 laptop running XP home with media center is constantly using 50% of the cpu for svchost.exe as soon as you log boot up and it never stops.* How can I find out what process is running and shut it down?

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Pc Locking Up Constantly

Jul 5, 2008

I have windows xp home and I am having a problem with my pc locking up constantly I am always using cntr alt delete to free it up I have a dell intel pentium 4cpu 2.53 ghz 1gig memory 300gig hd I have plenty of space the pc seems to run ok except for the freeze ups I am a rookie on the computer.

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CPU Would Constantly Spike All Way Up To 100%

May 7, 2007

Anyone have an idea why my CPU would constantly spike all the way up to 100%, it seems to be slowing down my computer bad.I have googled a million things and nothing is working. Also having Defrag problems (will not work at all) no error messages, this too I have googled and read all kinds of ways to fix to no avail.

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Constantly Reboots Itself

Mar 15, 2006

An interesting problem. I have a box here that constantly reboots itself. Firstly I thought it may be a cmos problem, so I drained the cmos by removing the battery. Nope. Then I forced the bios to find hardware (I think it's eecd?). No problem finding hardware, but constant reboot. I thought it may be a hard drive problem so I changed the h/d. Nope, still constantly reboots. I took out the cdrom. Nope. I then low level formatted the h/d (the box worked just fine for this, using a cd with the format program, booting from the cd) tried to install a new o/s rebooting again during the install, after several tries got the o/s in the puter boots to the point of xp starting, then reboot or teases the heck out of me by actually opening xp to the welcome screen - then reboot. The box uses XP, the pwr supply is good and I am at a loss.

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Explorer.exe Constantly At 100% CPU Usage

Jun 11, 2006

My computer is a Dell Dimension 2400, 2.2 GHZ and 256 constantly running at 98-100% CPU usage in task manager. I have run ad-aware, spybot, AVG, microsoft antispyware, checked my HJL for an strange occurences, ran chkdsk, This seems to be a pretty large problem, since i've been spending considerable time on the internet trying to find solutions, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there.

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Computer Restart Constantly

Dec 30, 2006

My computer is restarting constantly. I tried sunning my virus software and it doesnt even work now. i tried and online scanner but it restarted when it started scanning. Now you guys are my last hope T-T.

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Laptop Constantly Crashing

Oct 5, 2007

My laptop keeps on crashing, whilst playing on world of warcraft, my laptop just completely switches itself off without warning. As of yet, has only crashed whilst playing wow. This is also not due to overheating, as im using a separate fan unit, after heat issues arose Using an acer laptop - aspire 5610 - with Xp proffesional, media center. Also sometimes, after restarting the laptop, and selecting the screen name, it comes up with my background wallpaper, but no icons, start bar, etc - only way to get rid of this is turning the power button off. Included a hijackthis log (hope i've done it right.

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Laptop Shuts Off And On Constantly

Jan 23, 2009

My name's Montana from london and i've got a problem with my sony laptop viao recently as it keeps on shuting off and on over and over and i cant even do anything..Is there anyway i can solve this issue please.I look forward to hearing from you'all.

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CPU Usage At 100% / PC Freezes Constantly ?

Jan 7, 2009

computer running slow - cpu usage at 100% My computer has been lagging something terrible, to the point I am rebooting frequently because I freeze. It shows my that my CPU usage is at 100% and I havent done anything to have warranted this. Yesterday ran program called Advanced systemcare and seemed to clear up for while only to have it begin to bog down a few hours later.

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Explorer Crashing Constantly

Sep 13, 2009

Well as the title reads my windows explorer for my sony vaio (running xp) is crashing within 10 seconds after i start using it.I force quit, it reloads then crashes again.I'm sure its not a virus and just today i reinstalled the OS core files (recovery install).I don't get whats up.It crashes in safe mode and normal mode as well.

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Desktop Constantly ''refreshes''

Jan 19, 2006

I have a problem with my desktop. Every few seconds, my desktop seems to be ''refreshing''. My taskbar seems to disappear for a moment, then returning and reloading the taskbar icons, as if I just logged into windows. This is very annoying, because it's very hard to do anything now because it lags my computer every few seconds. I don't know why it's doing this, or when it started, it just seemed to happen over night. I scanned for viruses with PandaSoftware free online scan and removed some trojans. I also scanned for spyware with Ad-aware, Spyware Doctor, and also used Registry Mechanic and EasyCleaner to fix others problems I think are triggering the problem, but it didn't seem to fix it. Another thing is that sometimes goes away, especially when I'm doing any type of scan, but it can return at any second. It always appears after a reboot.

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How To Delete File That Is Constantly Being Used?

Dec 22, 2005

I got sent a file by a friend. When I tried to run it it wouldn't work. So I tried to delete it, only now it tells me that someone else or another program is using that file.So I rebooted and tried again - still the same message.So I rebooted into safe mode - still the same message.I think explorer is the program using the file.

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Computer Freezing Constantly

Dec 15, 2005

My PC is freezing alot mainly after internet activity and especially after e-mails are sent.

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Explorer.exe Running At 99% CPU Constantly

Apr 29, 2005

Every time I start my PC it boots up very slowly and once I've loggd in, everything takes an age to open and the PC is generally sluggish. I've noticed that in Task Manager's process list, explorer.exe is running at 99% even when I've got no programs running!I've tried ending the process and restarting it but this has no effect. I've run a virus scan with Norton AV and it found nothing

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Constantly Have To Switch Ip Addresses / Release / Re-new

Apr 2, 2008

This has been a problem for me for about 2 years now.I've seen many other people complain with the same problem, but have never seen a viable solution (it's always what brands, switch channels, winsockfix, firmware, etc.)Wireless connect (Belkin Wireless Pre-N card)Win XP SP2 (updated as far as it can go) The problem: Connection becomes unstable(i.e. slow) for about 2-5 seconds, then utterly fails to connect...can't access web, can't access local address(i.e., can't ping anything. When using DHCP on router, doing a repair (i.e. release/renew clear ARP cache, etc.) fixes. If using static IP, then I must assign a new IP. That is, I have to go from say to

The problem is not unique to a single ISP & router. I have two networks I can access. For troubleshooting sake, I made them both unencrypted (although WEP, WPA makes no difference to the problem). I have also tried multiple channels in the theory of interference, and channel strength for both networks are good(using NetStumbler). Both networks are on far channels from each other (i.e. 1 & 11), and there are no other networks detected in the area by WinXP or NetStumbler.Net #1) Ameritech DSL Modem ->DLink Router ->Belkin Pre-N Wireless(access point). Router logs in PPoE (the DSL modem's "router functions are turned off"), Belkin access point has NAT turned off. (don't have the exact model numbers in front of me, but it's irrelavent, as the problem transcends manufacturers.

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