Explorer Crashing Constantly

Sep 13, 2009

Well as the title reads my windows explorer for my sony vaio (running xp) is crashing within 10 seconds after i start using it.I force quit, it reloads then crashes again.I'm sure its not a virus and just today i reinstalled the OS core files (recovery install).I don't get whats up.It crashes in safe mode and normal mode as well.

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Laptop Constantly Crashing

Oct 5, 2007

My laptop keeps on crashing, whilst playing on world of warcraft, my laptop just completely switches itself off without warning. As of yet, has only crashed whilst playing wow. This is also not due to overheating, as im using a separate fan unit, after heat issues arose Using an acer laptop - aspire 5610 - with Xp proffesional, media center. Also sometimes, after restarting the laptop, and selecting the screen name, it comes up with my background wallpaper, but no icons, start bar, etc - only way to get rid of this is turning the power button off. Included a hijackthis log (hope i've done it right.

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Explorer.exe Constantly At 100% CPU Usage

Jun 11, 2006

My computer is a Dell Dimension 2400, 2.2 GHZ and 256 RAM.is constantly running at 98-100% CPU usage in task manager. I have run ad-aware, spybot, AVG, microsoft antispyware, checked my HJL for an strange occurences, ran chkdsk, This seems to be a pretty large problem, since i've been spending considerable time on the internet trying to find solutions, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there.

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Explorer.exe Running At 99% CPU Constantly

Apr 29, 2005

Every time I start my PC it boots up very slowly and once I've loggd in, everything takes an age to open and the PC is generally sluggish. I've noticed that in Task Manager's process list, explorer.exe is running at 99% even when I've got no programs running!I've tried ending the process and restarting it but this has no effect. I've run a virus scan with Norton AV and it found nothing

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Outlook Express/Internet Explorer Constantly Closing Out?

Jul 31, 2005

I accidently downloaded auto windows updates of SP2 which I did not want to do. My problems with IE and OE(Have windows XP HOme edition) constantly freezing and closing out with error reports started then. It's getting MUCH WORSE AND MORE FREQUENT. I have resisted and not downloaded any more SP2 auto updates since.I do virus and spy checks daily--no problems there; no new software recently installed.

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Internet Explorer And Outlook Express Constantly Closing Out?

Jul 31, 2005

I have windows XP HOme Edition; Outlook Express 6.0.Awhile ago, I accidently downloaded windows auto updates of SP2 which I did not want to do. My problems with Inter. Exp. and OUtlook Express closing out with error messages started then but is getting MUCH WORSE AND MORE FREQUENT. I have resisted downloading ANY MORE auto SP2 updates since.I do virus and spycheck daily--no problems there. No new software recently installed. Do I need to be doing these persistant SP2 updates now?

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Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Do Right Click

Jan 29, 2008

My Windows Explorer keeps on crashing when ever I do right click in windows explorer.The error shown in the Event Viewer(Application Log) is as follows

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module , version, fault address 0x00000000.

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Explorer Crashing When Do Right Click

Aug 7, 2007

I had a problem crop up yesterday in which a folder in my documents (my documents few folder to be exact) has consistently started crashing explorer whenever I even go near the folder.If I go in to it, right click on it or even put my mouse on it explorer will crash, it has clips and pictures in it, mostly game or movie trailers, or little movie clips. If the problem cant get sorted out I would prefer the folder to be deleted.Ive asked at other places, and have seen someone else ask the same question (albeit without a resolutions) here so I'm not walking in blind.I've tried various programs including unlocker, killbox, moveonboot which all crash when attempting to delete.Spyware and virus programs crash when scanning the folder.

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Constant Explorer.exe Crashing

Aug 26, 2008

Yes, that's right, whenever i start up the computer, five seconds later all my desktop icons and the taskbar disappears. Every time when i enable explorer.exe (via the run command in the Task Manager), the same thing occurs, five seconds working, after that it disappears. By the way, i am running Windows XP.Now, i am afraid a virus is on this computer, but sadly i cannot open BitDefender, since it is "expired" and i don't know what else to do.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing, Taking Dr. Watson With It?

Apr 29, 2008

I've started having constant Windows Explorer crashes lately. It usually happens after I have a directory window open on the desktop and then close it. Unfortunately, it often freezes Dr. Watson with it, and my PC becomes unresponsive until I enter the Task Manager and kill both instances of Dr. Watson that is showing. What sort of things affect Windows Explorer? If there is something corrupt, is there a chance that if I install SP3 it will fix it?

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Explorer.exe Is Crashing When Opening Certain Folders

Oct 15, 2006

I read alot of manga that I download from online. Now after extracting it from a .rar file I try to open it to read it. Explorer.exe crashes and gives me and error message.

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Internet Explorer 8 Keeps Crashing Freezing

Feb 16, 2010

Sometimes it won't start in the first place - when I go to Windows Task Manager it states NOT RESPONDING and I have to end task (which often doesn't work immediately). Other times it can work fine then just freezes and won't do anything. When I have chosen to end task (using Task Manager) I have sometimes had messages saying things aren't responding. These flick up then disappear very quickly. Two that I've managed to read are DDEserver and ccSvcHst.This hasn't starting happening in conjuction with anything else I've done with the PC.

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Slowed Computer And Internet Explorer Crashing?

Jun 16, 2006

My computer lately has been slowing down and my IE explorer keeps crashing on certain sites from some odd reason. I have ran spyware, adware, virus, malaware scans on a frequent bases but it still does not work.

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Rundll32.exe Sticked: Slow Internet Explorer / Crashing?

Jan 1, 2005

I got stuck with the Run32dll.exe virus. Noticed that IE was extremely slow and crashing constantly and task manager actually had 2 'Run32dll.exe' programs running and hogging up 100% cpu usage. I just did a Hijack this scan based on what I read from previous posts but I am not sure where to take it from here. I also noticed that something called 'SurfBuddy' is in there and have no idea where that came from. So if anyone can take a look at this Hijack This log and let me know what I should check off to be fixed that would be great. As you can see there are 4 run32dll.exe

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Explorer Constant Crashing While Opening/copying Files?

Aug 19, 2006

I have had a long long running windows explorer issue in which i get very frequent crashes of windows explorer when doing any of the following... opening folders, copying files, opening trash, empty trash, search, multiple tasks of any kind with folders - all cause a system freeze which can only be resolved by ending the explorer.exe task and then running a fresh explorer.exe.Can i re-install explorer and its components to ensure its stability ? also should windows explorer be rock solid ? Maybe this is a windows pro issue ?

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Installed SP2 Results In Crashing Internet Explorer And Outlook Express?

Dec 10, 2004

I recently 'upgraded' the family computer (running XP pro) with SP2.we've had a number of problems with programs no longer working after the upgrade. More specifically, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Norton, and HP Precisionscan Pro 3.1 (to name a few) are causing us grief.Outlook will load, but as soon as you try and view a new message, the program crashes.Internet Explorer will open, but immediately closes before any page can load. (I've installed Firefox in the meantime, so I'm sure it's not the internet connection).

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Svchost.exe Constantly Using 50% Cpu

Jan 2, 2008

My HP Pavilian dv8000 laptop running XP home with media center is constantly using 50% of the cpu for svchost.exe as soon as you log boot up and it never stops.* How can I find out what process is running and shut it down?

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Pc Locking Up Constantly

Jul 5, 2008

I have windows xp home and I am having a problem with my pc locking up constantly I am always using cntr alt delete to free it up I have a dell intel pentium 4cpu 2.53 ghz 1gig memory 300gig hd I have plenty of space the pc seems to run ok except for the freeze ups I am a rookie on the computer.

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CPU Would Constantly Spike All Way Up To 100%

May 7, 2007

Anyone have an idea why my CPU would constantly spike all the way up to 100%, it seems to be slowing down my computer bad.I have googled a million things and nothing is working. Also having Defrag problems (will not work at all) no error messages, this too I have googled and read all kinds of ways to fix to no avail.

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Constantly Reboots Itself

Mar 15, 2006

An interesting problem. I have a box here that constantly reboots itself. Firstly I thought it may be a cmos problem, so I drained the cmos by removing the battery. Nope. Then I forced the bios to find hardware (I think it's eecd?). No problem finding hardware, but constant reboot. I thought it may be a hard drive problem so I changed the h/d. Nope, still constantly reboots. I took out the cdrom. Nope. I then low level formatted the h/d (the box worked just fine for this, using a cd with the format program, booting from the cd) tried to install a new o/s rebooting again during the install, after several tries got the o/s in the puter boots to the point of xp starting, then reboot or teases the heck out of me by actually opening xp to the welcome screen - then reboot. The box uses XP, the pwr supply is good and I am at a loss.

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Computer Restart Constantly

Dec 30, 2006

My computer is restarting constantly. I tried sunning my virus software and it doesnt even work now. i tried and online scanner but it restarted when it started scanning. Now you guys are my last hope T-T.

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Laptop Shuts Off And On Constantly

Jan 23, 2009

My name's Montana from london and i've got a problem with my sony laptop viao recently as it keeps on shuting off and on over and over and i cant even do anything..Is there anyway i can solve this issue please.I look forward to hearing from you'all.

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CPU Usage At 100% / PC Freezes Constantly ?

Jan 7, 2009

computer running slow - cpu usage at 100% My computer has been lagging something terrible, to the point I am rebooting frequently because I freeze. It shows my that my CPU usage is at 100% and I havent done anything to have warranted this. Yesterday ran program called Advanced systemcare and seemed to clear up for while only to have it begin to bog down a few hours later.

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Desktop Constantly ''refreshes''

Jan 19, 2006

I have a problem with my desktop. Every few seconds, my desktop seems to be ''refreshing''. My taskbar seems to disappear for a moment, then returning and reloading the taskbar icons, as if I just logged into windows. This is very annoying, because it's very hard to do anything now because it lags my computer every few seconds. I don't know why it's doing this, or when it started, it just seemed to happen over night. I scanned for viruses with PandaSoftware free online scan and removed some trojans. I also scanned for spyware with Ad-aware, Spyware Doctor, and also used Registry Mechanic and EasyCleaner to fix others problems I think are triggering the problem, but it didn't seem to fix it. Another thing is that sometimes goes away, especially when I'm doing any type of scan, but it can return at any second. It always appears after a reboot.

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How To Delete File That Is Constantly Being Used?

Dec 22, 2005

I got sent a file by a friend. When I tried to run it it wouldn't work. So I tried to delete it, only now it tells me that someone else or another program is using that file.So I rebooted and tried again - still the same message.So I rebooted into safe mode - still the same message.I think explorer is the program using the file.

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Computer Freezing Constantly

Dec 15, 2005

My PC is freezing alot mainly after internet activity and especially after e-mails are sent.

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Constantly Have To Switch Ip Addresses / Release / Re-new

Apr 2, 2008

This has been a problem for me for about 2 years now.I've seen many other people complain with the same problem, but have never seen a viable solution (it's always what brands, switch channels, winsockfix, firmware, etc.)Wireless connect (Belkin Wireless Pre-N card)Win XP SP2 (updated as far as it can go) The problem: Connection becomes unstable(i.e. slow) for about 2-5 seconds, then utterly fails to connect...can't access web, can't access local address(i.e., can't ping anything. When using DHCP on router, doing a repair (i.e. release/renew clear ARP cache, etc.) fixes. If using static IP, then I must assign a new IP. That is, I have to go from say to

The problem is not unique to a single ISP & router. I have two networks I can access. For troubleshooting sake, I made them both unencrypted (although WEP, WPA makes no difference to the problem). I have also tried multiple channels in the theory of interference, and channel strength for both networks are good(using NetStumbler). Both networks are on far channels from each other (i.e. 1 & 11), and there are no other networks detected in the area by WinXP or NetStumbler.Net #1) Ameritech DSL Modem ->DLink Router ->Belkin Pre-N Wireless(access point). Router logs in PPoE (the DSL modem's "router functions are turned off"), Belkin access point has NAT turned off. (don't have the exact model numbers in front of me, but it's irrelavent, as the problem transcends manufacturers.

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Dead Laptop Constantly Restarting

Jan 21, 2008

I have a (really) old Compaq Armada M300 running Win2K Pro. It was given to me several years ago from a buddy who upgraded. Old, slow, not much space, but we use it daily as an extremely convenient 'dummy terminal' to get to the internet & work on documents/files on the desktop upstairs.Yesterday afternoon, while nobody was working on it, it suddenly attempted to restart. Just a quirk that I thought wouldn't matter. Wrong it is now stuck in a never-ending cycle of restarting compaq intro screen, then windows startup screen, then an extremely quick blue screen that flashes too quickly for me to even see what it's saying, then restarts all over.I've tried all various ways to start in setup (safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, etc), all different options produce the same result.Since it was given to me on a whim so many years ago, I don't have the install CD, nor do I have a boot disk for it. According to what I've found, I need the CD to create a win2K boot disk.

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Vaio Laptop Constantly Restarting

Feb 9, 2009

I have a problem with my laptop & it is really starting to do my head in. I got my vaio about 2 years ago, it was second hand, so came with no CDs. nIt has been running fine with no problems until this morning.It is constantly restarting, with a blue screen that flashes up momentarily.I saw something that someone mentioned about it being to do with the wireless, so I've switched that off, and it has stopped restarting. As soon as I switch it back on though, it goes back in to constantly restarting.I can't even seem to get into the menu to start with safe mode. I've tried to restore the system to when it was working fine, but this hasn't helped.

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Constantly Rebooting During Logo Splashscreen

Feb 8, 2010

I have windows XP on a hp pavillion desktop. Within a couple seconds after the windows XP bootup splashscreen is displayed, the computer reboots.I am unable to boot into safe mode, or "last known configuration that worked". When I tried the "disable automatic restart on system failure" option, I get an UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME error on a BSOD, so I googled on that and tried booting off the XP install cd into the recovery console, and trying chkdsk, fixboot, and fixmbr to rebuild the master boot record, but to no avail.

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Home Freezes Constantly On Every Startup?

Jul 18, 2005

about an hour ago, i reformatted my computer and now it freezes constantly.It usually freezes on startup. I have Norotn Anti-Virus installed and all of the latest Windows updates.

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