Internet Explorer 8 Keeps Crashing Freezing

Feb 16, 2010

Sometimes it won't start in the first place - when I go to Windows Task Manager it states NOT RESPONDING and I have to end task (which often doesn't work immediately). Other times it can work fine then just freezes and won't do anything. When I have chosen to end task (using Task Manager) I have sometimes had messages saying things aren't responding. These flick up then disappear very quickly. Two that I've managed to read are DDEserver and ccSvcHst.This hasn't starting happening in conjuction with anything else I've done with the PC.

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Slowed Computer And Internet Explorer Crashing?

Jun 16, 2006

My computer lately has been slowing down and my IE explorer keeps crashing on certain sites from some odd reason. I have ran spyware, adware, virus, malaware scans on a frequent bases but it still does not work.

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Rundll32.exe Sticked: Slow Internet Explorer / Crashing?

Jan 1, 2005

I got stuck with the Run32dll.exe virus. Noticed that IE was extremely slow and crashing constantly and task manager actually had 2 'Run32dll.exe' programs running and hogging up 100% cpu usage. I just did a Hijack this scan based on what I read from previous posts but I am not sure where to take it from here. I also noticed that something called 'SurfBuddy' is in there and have no idea where that came from. So if anyone can take a look at this Hijack This log and let me know what I should check off to be fixed that would be great. As you can see there are 4 run32dll.exe

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Installed SP2 Results In Crashing Internet Explorer And Outlook Express?

Dec 10, 2004

I recently 'upgraded' the family computer (running XP pro) with SP2.we've had a number of problems with programs no longer working after the upgrade. More specifically, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Norton, and HP Precisionscan Pro 3.1 (to name a few) are causing us grief.Outlook will load, but as soon as you try and view a new message, the program crashes.Internet Explorer will open, but immediately closes before any page can load. (I've installed Firefox in the meantime, so I'm sure it's not the internet connection).

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Internet Explorer 7 Only Freezing For 1 User?

Oct 4, 2007

System is Insignia D400 2.8ghz 512 mb ram, 256 mb ATI Radeon 9250 graphics card, IE7 the current browser.I am able to view everything on my user log in, but when my wife logs in, her IE freezes.Doesn't even bring up a home page.Can click on anything, but just freezes until it's logged off.I ran Spybot and AdAware and AVG, made the fixes,and it still didn't help her side.After saving her favorites and mine,I tried uninstalling IE,then removing the components, rebooting and starting from scratch, I thought...but her side is still frozen.

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IE Not Responding - Update Internet Explorer Has Been Freezing

Aug 17, 2006

My computer runs Windows XP SP2.. I Know there was a recent update at the beginning of this week my computer automatically downloaded and installed. Since this update my Internet Explorer has been freezing, than a box pops up saying it's not repsonding and it automatically closes out. It does this after using it for less than a minute so it's rather annoyning. I've ran several malware/adware programs as well as my virus program (AVG).. what else can I do to fix this irritating problem?

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Computer Crashing And Freezing

Mar 25, 2007

My computer keeps crashing and restarting itself all the time. it also keeps freezing when i am using programs. it doesnt happen with just one program, it happens when i am on the internet too. i have run AVG, spybot search and destroy and spyware blaster but there is nothing coming up as abnormal.

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New PC Freezing And Crashing With Games

Jun 1, 2007

I had bought a Compaq Presario 5013wm a few weeks ago. The system came with Vista. I was having a lot of hardware issues with network and gfx card, so I opted to install XP. Well, XP wouldn't install because I had no floppy disks to load the raid drivers with, so I went under the BIOs and changed it from RAID to IDE. So now XP is on and everythings working... kind of. The problem I seem to be running into is some seemingly random crashes. From what I've noticed, they only happen while playing a game and, very rarely, when playing music. Sometimes I can play for hours and other times, just a few minutes. The graphics card is a Geforce 7300GS and it has the latest drivers along with the audio. Checked the temp and it seems to stay between 64-67C while playing a game, which I hear is normal for my card. The BIOs is still in IDE mode.. not sure if thats an issue.. can't turn it to RAID without a floppy drive -__-;. Upon thinking of it, I doubt that's the issue as the few times I was able to play before uninstalling vista, I recall the same freeze.

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Constant Crashing And Freezing

Nov 14, 2007

This started since I started overclocking my graphics card. I thought might be it but a new symptom occured.First, it started freezing and crashing randomly and I thought it would pass if I stopped overclocking. I took out my graphics card and hoped it would stop.It got worse. What happened was I tried to turn on my computer and it crashed while starting up everytime. I had a bunch of recovery discs so I used them because they worked everytime in the past. Bad idea. I started the recovery process and as soon as it started, my computer crashed. I turned my comp back on but it said there was no OS installed. I tried reformatting and my computer crashed in the middle of that too.At this point I'm really pissed at my computer. I can't reformat. I can't recover. I can't even start up my computer up to the desktop.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing

Mar 29, 2006

My computer is freezing and crashing can someone help me I'm bout to download hijackthis so I will return with a log in a few mints.

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Computer Is Crashing, Freezing OH NOES

Jul 25, 2007

it all started a few weeks ago with crashing, which i was told after looking at event logs that it was graphic card related, so i reinstalled drives and wulah! but then immediatly i started getting freezes again, then i kept getting crashes and such and now im getting this error Error code 1000007f, parameter1 00000008, parameter2 bab50d70, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 00000000.i seem to always crash or freeze when playing a game, it is undescriminate to which game i dont know what to do and hope this can be solved without reformating,also i heard it could be related to RAM, which mine is designed to be overclocked to 1150MHZ so should i reset it back to stock bus speeds?

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Reformat And Then Reinstall - Still Crashing And Freezing

Nov 21, 2006

I have just formated and reinstalled XP Pro, updated and loaded my programs.(Have installed only the drivers for the Creative Audigy 2).The system randomly freezes or justs shuts down. Mostly when I am working with images but by no means exclusively so.Sometimes instead of freezing/rebooting the graphics processor stops responding and will restart itself, often after only a few minutes. Again I don't know why this is happening or how to solve the problem.I had the same problem last month and followed advice given by crjdriver (in another thread on these forums) but the problems have reappeared.I've downloaded and run CCleaner and run the issues function which seems to have helped but hasn't fixed the problem.

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Crashing To Black Screen Or Freezing Pc

Oct 11, 2007

All seemed well until trying to render video projects using Pinnacle Studio 11.1, when I would get random freezes or black screens with the pc being unresponsive, requiring power down (5 seconds holding the button) or reset.After some time on Studio related forums I bought more RAM recommended from Crucial. No difference. I bought a new video card. No difference.I defragged, updated drivers, updated bios. no difference.I then started experimenting with Prime95 torture test, Memtest86+, PassMark's Burn-In Test and Windows Memory Diagnostic with the following results:Memtest86+ completed one pass ok. Have not yet left it running for longer.Prime95 runs overnight with no errors when testing large FFT's so far. It produces the black screen crash overnight on small FFT testing but was running ok for over 2 hours to start with.

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Freezing And Crashing Windows And Games

Nov 5, 2007

My computer went from running fine to taking 5 min to start windows (this is before getting to desktop) then started doing a blue screen windows stop because of my nvi drivers which i updated/uninstalled/reinstalled and it works fine as long as world of warcraft isnt on or i dont leave the computer on all day... ive never had these problems before and its very aggrivating. i didnt download anything but i did let my friend use it for 2 days when i was away and thats when i seemed to notice the problems.

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Freezing, Crashing To Desktop And Blackouts

Feb 14, 2009

My computer often becomes "Non-responsive", freezes, crashes to desktop and blacks out. This occurs mainly when using the "Flight Simulator" program when one of the above prevents me from continuing. Today it occured while compiling a slideshow in Windows Movie Maker. I have just spent $40 on PCdoc, hoping that it might fix it, but the problem is still there.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Do Right Click

Jan 29, 2008

My Windows Explorer keeps on crashing when ever I do right click in windows explorer.The error shown in the Event Viewer(Application Log) is as follows

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module , version, fault address 0x00000000.

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Explorer Crashing Constantly

Sep 13, 2009

Well as the title reads my windows explorer for my sony vaio (running xp) is crashing within 10 seconds after i start using it.I force quit, it reloads then crashes again.I'm sure its not a virus and just today i reinstalled the OS core files (recovery install).I don't get whats up.It crashes in safe mode and normal mode as well.

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Explorer Crashing When Do Right Click

Aug 7, 2007

I had a problem crop up yesterday in which a folder in my documents (my documents few folder to be exact) has consistently started crashing explorer whenever I even go near the folder.If I go in to it, right click on it or even put my mouse on it explorer will crash, it has clips and pictures in it, mostly game or movie trailers, or little movie clips. If the problem cant get sorted out I would prefer the folder to be deleted.Ive asked at other places, and have seen someone else ask the same question (albeit without a resolutions) here so I'm not walking in blind.I've tried various programs including unlocker, killbox, moveonboot which all crash when attempting to delete.Spyware and virus programs crash when scanning the folder.

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Constant Explorer.exe Crashing

Aug 26, 2008

Yes, that's right, whenever i start up the computer, five seconds later all my desktop icons and the taskbar disappears. Every time when i enable explorer.exe (via the run command in the Task Manager), the same thing occurs, five seconds working, after that it disappears. By the way, i am running Windows XP.Now, i am afraid a virus is on this computer, but sadly i cannot open BitDefender, since it is "expired" and i don't know what else to do.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing, Taking Dr. Watson With It?

Apr 29, 2008

I've started having constant Windows Explorer crashes lately. It usually happens after I have a directory window open on the desktop and then close it. Unfortunately, it often freezes Dr. Watson with it, and my PC becomes unresponsive until I enter the Task Manager and kill both instances of Dr. Watson that is showing. What sort of things affect Windows Explorer? If there is something corrupt, is there a chance that if I install SP3 it will fix it?

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Explorer.exe Is Crashing When Opening Certain Folders

Oct 15, 2006

I read alot of manga that I download from online. Now after extracting it from a .rar file I try to open it to read it. Explorer.exe crashes and gives me and error message.

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Explorer Constant Crashing While Opening/copying Files?

Aug 19, 2006

I have had a long long running windows explorer issue in which i get very frequent crashes of windows explorer when doing any of the following... opening folders, copying files, opening trash, empty trash, search, multiple tasks of any kind with folders - all cause a system freeze which can only be resolved by ending the explorer.exe task and then running a fresh explorer.exe.Can i re-install explorer and its components to ensure its stability ? also should windows explorer be rock solid ? Maybe this is a windows pro issue ?

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Internet Explorer Corrupted / Reinstalling New Copy Of Internet Explorer?

Apr 2, 2007

i have windows xp professional operating system my internet explorer has been corrupt it does not open i want to know that i how can i install internet explorer from my windows XP CD if it is possible

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Slow Explorer - Freezing System - 256 MB RAM

Apr 2, 2006

My windows explorer runs really really slow when you simply click on files that are about the size of an mp3 or larger. This is especially noticable with my secondary drive (F: drive) and the mp3 player that I connect via USB that acts as an external drive (G when plugged to the computer. My computer does run a lot in the background, most of it being junk for the stupid satellite internet system (yes, laugh. I hate it), but it still seems odd that, especially with movies, I can't even get them to open at all; it just freezes, but if I do start>run and put in the file name, it goes fine. I've got Windows 2000 with 256 MB RAM.

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Does Not Read A Burned DVD-RW Disc Without Freezing In Explorer

Sep 17, 2005

I have been trying to back up my data onto DVDs and I have tried using Nero9 and Roxio 10 and in each case the DVD burns fine, but each time I try to read it in Windows Explorer, although it lists all the data that is burned on the disk, it freezes and will not open any file type, or folder on the burned data dvd.

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Explorer Causing Errors - Computer Freezing

Jun 5, 2005

My computer has recently been freezing quite a bit. I have re-installed the op sys win2k prof. and it still does this. I have learned to live with the freezing not a big deal i just re-start often. Anyway today it really started acting up. I get to the login screen type in my password and it loads the desktop but before i can click on anything it gives me an error message saying that explorer has caused an error and will be closed and must be re-started, then it says generating error log. At this point i click ok and there is nothing on the desktop and there is no start bar. The only button combo that works is ctrl alt del. I have tried to boot into safe mode and it does the same thing. Today i had just finished installing new updates from microsoft and it froze right after doing this so i just had to do a hard re-start could this have screwed up the op sys??

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Freezing Firefox, Explorer.exe Failing Occasionally?

Jul 10, 2008

At random times, my Firefox will freeze, and I have no other choice to get it away but to restart my entire computer, and that is VERY annoying.And at other times, explorer.exe (obviously the start menu, task bar, etc) just fails by saying:"Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and has to close. Sorry for the inconvenience."

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Computer Freezing When Connected To Internet

Feb 23, 2005

The computer will freeze after a few minutes, no start menu, taskbar internet. Just some desktop control. CPU usage was 100% when I finally got task mgr to work.

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My Computer Freezing, Closing Explorer, USB Devices Not Recognized

Feb 25, 2007

So I have an iPod and external hard drive connected by USB.My Dell only recognizes these devices maybe 50% of the time or so, unless I start with the iPod connected, which will work fine. If I start with the external hard drive connected, it isn't recognized until I reconnect it. I had USB recognition problems, and Dell sent me a new motherboard for my Inspiron E1705, which I installed myself successfully. Now my computer recognizes my printer consistently, but the hard drive and iPod are iffy.I disregarded this and tried to add more music to my iPod. At first, it was giving me disc writing errors. Later on, it would either freeze or only add a small portion of the songs. So I started fiddling around with the order things were connected, and now My Computer freezes when I open it. I restarted my laptop, tried a diagnostic in iTunes (with the iPod attached at startup, which opened iTunes, then closed iTunes so I could turn on my external hard drive where my music is stored, reopened iTunes where music worked by iPod wasn't being recognized by iTunes), and it said I was having iPod connection problems.

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Explorer (explorer.exe) Keeps Freezing On SP3

Jun 29, 2008

Last night i noticed a problem with windows explorer, about 5 seconds after i opened anything that uses explorer.exe (eg. my computer, documents etc.) explorer would freeze, the only way to kill it was to do it through task manager, once it was killed though it would not reload and i would have to restart my pc.

I am running windows xp sp3 and have noticed a couple of little concerns. I tried to do a system restore and all my restore points had been removed ( i make it a habit to set a restore point when i install new software) and also my Norton auto protect has been disabled, when i select enable, i click apply and it is disabled again, it doesn't stay enabled. I have run windows in safe mode and explorer works fine in there i can get to all my files but when i boot xp normally, explorer crashes.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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