Does Not Read A Burned DVD-RW Disc Without Freezing In Explorer

Sep 17, 2005

I have been trying to back up my data onto DVDs and I have tried using Nero9 and Roxio 10 and in each case the DVD burns fine, but each time I try to read it in Windows Explorer, although it lists all the data that is burned on the disk, it freezes and will not open any file type, or folder on the burned data dvd.

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Disc Burned No Error - Will Not Boot The System

Dec 4, 2006

I am trying to slipstream XP Pro & SP2 I did it all according to plan, the disc burned with no errors but it will not boot the system. When I look at the disc it looks like an ordinary XP disc, but when I put it in system it says PRESS ANY KEY TO REBOOT. Am I missing something, I did it last year with no problems; also I can�t remember how to put the key in automatically.

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How Can I Read A RW DVD Disc?

Oct 5, 2005

I recorded a show onto a -RWDVD. It plays on the dvd player fine. I wanted to edit it and then burn to a -R disc. BUT, my computer "E" drive says the disc is blank.

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Computer Keeps Freezing / Get Random Disk Read Errors

Apr 8, 2008

Ok this problem started about 2 weeks ago when my windows xp wouldnt load it go to the loading screen but the progress bar just continued to act as if loading but windows never came on . Eventually after several restarts windows loaded but this continues to happen randomly. Also my computer keeps freezing and I get random disk read errors I have run a check on the hard drive and ram and both these seem to be working ok I have also run several spy ware and antiviruses can anybody help

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Unable To Read Total Space On Disc?

Jan 26, 2009

My computer says I only have 8gb of hard drive space total. I know when I bought the computer it came with much more. Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.080814-1233)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation
System Model: Dimension 2400
BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A05
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.53GHz
Memory: 638MB RAM
Page File: 484MB used, 884MB available
Windows Dir: C:WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

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Disc Read Error / Press CTRL-ALT-DEL To Restart

Jan 4, 2008

So i'm getting this error msg when I boot up Windows XP.Disc Read Error Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart. I do it but then it just comes up with that screen again.I have tried countless of times but it doesn't want to seem to work.This started happening after a game crash. Of artifacting and overheating and all that. So right now i'm using Ubuntu but it sucks. I hate it. I'm getting artifacts all over the screen. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to go into Windows Safe Mode either like trying to press F8 and all that. Otherwise, I would have tried to do a System Restore.

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Disc Read Error Occurred / Computer Did A Restart And Now It Will Not Open

Jul 24, 2005

I have had XP Home installed on a new Seagate hard drive for about 2 months. Suddenly, the computer did a restart and now it will not open Windows. It finds all my drives and then goes to a screen displaying "a disc read error has occured. Press control, alt, delete to restart." On restart, I receive the same message. I have tried checkdisc, fix boot and fix master boot record in the recovery console on my cd but nothing works. Is this a problem with the hard drive or Windows? Any suggestions would be helpful. I would hate to have to reinstall Windows.

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Internet Explorer 8 Keeps Crashing Freezing

Feb 16, 2010

Sometimes it won't start in the first place - when I go to Windows Task Manager it states NOT RESPONDING and I have to end task (which often doesn't work immediately). Other times it can work fine then just freezes and won't do anything. When I have chosen to end task (using Task Manager) I have sometimes had messages saying things aren't responding. These flick up then disappear very quickly. Two that I've managed to read are DDEserver and ccSvcHst.This hasn't starting happening in conjuction with anything else I've done with the PC.

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Slow Explorer - Freezing System - 256 MB RAM

Apr 2, 2006

My windows explorer runs really really slow when you simply click on files that are about the size of an mp3 or larger. This is especially noticable with my secondary drive (F: drive) and the mp3 player that I connect via USB that acts as an external drive (G when plugged to the computer. My computer does run a lot in the background, most of it being junk for the stupid satellite internet system (yes, laugh. I hate it), but it still seems odd that, especially with movies, I can't even get them to open at all; it just freezes, but if I do start>run and put in the file name, it goes fine. I've got Windows 2000 with 256 MB RAM.

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Internet Explorer 7 Only Freezing For 1 User?

Oct 4, 2007

System is Insignia D400 2.8ghz 512 mb ram, 256 mb ATI Radeon 9250 graphics card, IE7 the current browser.I am able to view everything on my user log in, but when my wife logs in, her IE freezes.Doesn't even bring up a home page.Can click on anything, but just freezes until it's logged off.I ran Spybot and AdAware and AVG, made the fixes,and it still didn't help her side.After saving her favorites and mine,I tried uninstalling IE,then removing the components, rebooting and starting from scratch, I thought...but her side is still frozen.

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Explorer Causing Errors - Computer Freezing

Jun 5, 2005

My computer has recently been freezing quite a bit. I have re-installed the op sys win2k prof. and it still does this. I have learned to live with the freezing not a big deal i just re-start often. Anyway today it really started acting up. I get to the login screen type in my password and it loads the desktop but before i can click on anything it gives me an error message saying that explorer has caused an error and will be closed and must be re-started, then it says generating error log. At this point i click ok and there is nothing on the desktop and there is no start bar. The only button combo that works is ctrl alt del. I have tried to boot into safe mode and it does the same thing. Today i had just finished installing new updates from microsoft and it froze right after doing this so i just had to do a hard re-start could this have screwed up the op sys??

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Freezing Firefox, Explorer.exe Failing Occasionally?

Jul 10, 2008

At random times, my Firefox will freeze, and I have no other choice to get it away but to restart my entire computer, and that is VERY annoying.And at other times, explorer.exe (obviously the start menu, task bar, etc) just fails by saying:"Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and has to close. Sorry for the inconvenience."

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IE Not Responding - Update Internet Explorer Has Been Freezing

Aug 17, 2006

My computer runs Windows XP SP2.. I Know there was a recent update at the beginning of this week my computer automatically downloaded and installed. Since this update my Internet Explorer has been freezing, than a box pops up saying it's not repsonding and it automatically closes out. It does this after using it for less than a minute so it's rather annoyning. I've ran several malware/adware programs as well as my virus program (AVG).. what else can I do to fix this irritating problem?

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My Computer Freezing, Closing Explorer, USB Devices Not Recognized

Feb 25, 2007

So I have an iPod and external hard drive connected by USB.My Dell only recognizes these devices maybe 50% of the time or so, unless I start with the iPod connected, which will work fine. If I start with the external hard drive connected, it isn't recognized until I reconnect it. I had USB recognition problems, and Dell sent me a new motherboard for my Inspiron E1705, which I installed myself successfully. Now my computer recognizes my printer consistently, but the hard drive and iPod are iffy.I disregarded this and tried to add more music to my iPod. At first, it was giving me disc writing errors. Later on, it would either freeze or only add a small portion of the songs. So I started fiddling around with the order things were connected, and now My Computer freezes when I open it. I restarted my laptop, tried a diagnostic in iTunes (with the iPod attached at startup, which opened iTunes, then closed iTunes so I could turn on my external hard drive where my music is stored, reopened iTunes where music worked by iPod wasn't being recognized by iTunes), and it said I was having iPod connection problems.

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Protect Burned Copy CD

Jun 22, 2007

A free software program that will add copy protection to a CD i have burned? so if i give the cd to a friend, he will not be able to make a copy of it.

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Explorer (explorer.exe) Keeps Freezing On SP3

Jun 29, 2008

Last night i noticed a problem with windows explorer, about 5 seconds after i opened anything that uses explorer.exe (eg. my computer, documents etc.) explorer would freeze, the only way to kill it was to do it through task manager, once it was killed though it would not reload and i would have to restart my pc.

I am running windows xp sp3 and have noticed a couple of little concerns. I tried to do a system restore and all my restore points had been removed ( i make it a habit to set a restore point when i install new software) and also my Norton auto protect has been disabled, when i select enable, i click apply and it is disabled again, it doesn't stay enabled. I have run windows in safe mode and explorer works fine in there i can get to all my files but when i boot xp normally, explorer crashes.

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Memory Couldn't Able To Read: Closing Internet Explorer Gets Error?

Jun 27, 2005

i got problem with internet explorer. when i close ie, it shows an error message like this, "The instruction at"0x0291341a" referenced memory at"0x029c2b18". The memory could not be read". Then after i just left with ok button to go with. if i click 10-15 times on the same till that it will continuously shows message and then after it works well. But this message bugs me all the time when i close ie.

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Burned Movie Onto Dvd-r And / Wont Play On Tv / Dvd Player

Feb 8, 2005

I burned a movie onto dvd-r and it wont play on my tv/dvd player. I also tried burning onto dvd+rw and it still wont play on my tv/dvd. Am I burning the movie wrong? How can I fix this?

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Downloaded Rosetta Stone ISO - Burned Image

Jul 9, 2006

I downloaded a rosetta stone ISO and burned the image to a disc and so on. When i put the disc back in i just get many folders with images and sound files in them. I'm not sure but i thought this would be the actual program.

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Registry Files Crashed And Burned / Getting Error Message?

Sep 3, 2008

My rig crashed and burned yesterday. Definition: Gibberish on the screen, error messages galore, screen eventually locked up.

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I Have A Labtec Web Cam With Disc But My Mini Doesn't Have A Place For The Disc

Nov 15, 2009

i have a labtec web cam with software but i have a dell mini and have no where to insert the disc, please help

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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Bootable Disc/Recovery Disc Terminology

Jul 19, 2005

I get a little confused by terms like restore vs recovery, which are often interchanged incorrectly IMO -and then there are the terms bootable disc and startup disc, which can also get confusing - and I have seen other terms used also.

please explain exactly what you mean by the "bootable XP CD". I have a new XPsp2 home edition pc, and I had a millennium before that (which I made a "startup disc" for in add/remove programs - so I guess a startup disc is yet another term for boot disc - it was only a 3-1/2" diskette (less than a meg), and it would get my millennium to boot by typing "scanreg /restore" at a prompt that you eventually came to.

For my XP, I immediately made a Compaq "recovery dvd" (it took 2-dvd's) utilizing the "Compaq recovery cd-dvd creator" in start/programs/pc tools. This dvd (can also use cd's but it takes 8 or 9 cd's I believe) contains everything that is on the pc (from the factory), and which is also in the system recovery partition D:. There is also something called a "Recovery Tools CD", which I did not burn, since it did not seem necessary, after
reading about it in the "troubleshooting and system recovery guide" that came with my Compaq. I will burn that one to, if you can explain what it will do, that I can't ultimately achieve by using the "recovery dvd". The manual said that one of the things the "recovery tools cd" did was to remove the system recovery partition (drive D), so you could use it - but I'm sure there is another way of doing that from within the pc once you got it running using the recovery dvd - am I right - I've never messed around with partitioning, since I have no need to.

My new XP did not come with any "bootable CD" per se, and I made the "recovery dvd", as stated above. So please shed some light on what the "bootable XP CD" is that you refer to (because you said that a "restore Cd is really overkill" - I assume you mean the "recovery CD" that I mentioned). Also please provide your comments on the "recovery tools CD", and any other comments you have on the various terminologies I have mentioned above.

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No Administrater On Any Computer / C Can Read A But Not B / B Can Read A And C

Nov 6, 2005

I have four computers, three on windows XP and one on Linux. All are connected to the internet via a D Link DI-704. I had to reformat and reload one of my computers yesterday with windows XP and then proceeded to set up the networking. I will call the windows computers A, B and C. I reformatted A. Having run the networking wizard I can now from A read C but not B. B will not let A or C in. I need permission from the administrater. There is no administrater on any computer. C can read A but not B. B can read A and C. Does anybody know what is going on?

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Computer Tries To Reboot With Disc, But No Disc

Nov 28, 2007

After putting the windows XP CD in and rebooting, now whenever the computer is restarted I get the blue screen that says unable to find disc press F3 to exit setup. How do I stop this so computer will reboot normally?

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No Disc In The Drive. Please Insert A Disc

Mar 27, 2007

Windows XP Home Edition (sp 2) HP Pavillion After I start the computer, I get this message---Red circle with a white x message states There is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disc into drive. This started this morning. Didn't have it last night when I shut it down. Have no idea why this all of a sudden started. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried clicking on cancel

comes right back. Went into Task Manager and clicked End Task.

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Pro Sp3 Disc Installation / Disc Key ?

Oct 14, 2008

I have tried to install a new xp pro sp3 disc on a new computer but have been getting errors in the installation. I have tried 3 different times but it says that the disc is missing some components and when it is final it does not work properly.

I finally talked to a tech person that asked me if I had another disc and I have an older sp2 disc. He said to install that but when I put in the key for my new disc it does not work with my older disc. I finally put in my old key and it worked fine. THe installation went off without a hitch but I won't be able to use my old key when I activate it. When I install the sp3 download will I be able to change my key to the new disc key?

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Disc Is Not Writable Insert A Writable Disc

Mar 17, 2010

I have DVD-RAM drive in my hp laptop and i used to write DVD-R disc usually.
In the recent time i get an message when insert a dvd-r disc. The error message is

The disc is not writable

Please insert a writable disc

Disc required for compliation : DVD R/RW, DVD R DL, DVD-RAM

Disc type in the recorder VD-R

But i used the same disc before and it was half writtened already.

help me to resolve.
Note: burning software nero 7 essentils(nero smartstart)

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