Partitions Boot And System After Xp Install

Apr 2, 2005

My company was messed up so I decided to clean reinstall xp pro, my hard drive was split into 3 partition, C, E backup and L photos and bits, at the point of the install were you decide,delete our make partitions, I decided to delete L as it was not needed and clean install onto C, leaving E with my docs and data

The install went fine, when I looked at my drives in admin tools the C is marked boot and E system, I was going to delete E and make new partitions, but because it marked as system, can not delete it.How did I do this and is there away to put it all back onto C, without reformatting

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Boot - System Partitions Placed On Separate Drives

Jan 6, 2007

Now I cannot boot without the 120GB plugged in (tried unplugging the drive and booting and it said the it was Unable to boot from disk or something). I eventually deleted the partition on the old drive in setup and then canceled setup, and I still couldn't boot. So I reinstalled winXP on the old drive and now it boots fine. Of course what I have to do is reinstall XP with the drive unplugged, but do I have to completely redo everything, or can I somehow reinstall without starting from scratch? I've tried using the setup disk in windows with the drive unplugged (I know it isn't safe to unplug drives with the computer running but I had run out of ideas), but it said that it couldn't reinstall windows because there was no valid System Partition (which is on the other drive.

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Create Partitions - Install New Windows

May 8, 2006

I was just wondering if i could have more then one OS installed on my computer my freind had told me that if i were to create a partition then i can install a different OS on it. But i wouldnt know what to do with this bit of info he gave me i know about partition magic but i feel that doing random stupid things is not a very smart idea so i thought i'd get to know all i can about this

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Create Partitions Prior To Install

Aug 28, 2005

I have a large hard disk and a card reader and 2 DVD Writers, It is terrible to use disk mangement tools to create logical drives, format them, rename them and re-assign the drive letters for all the drives.Is there any simple way to create partitions and format them prior to the installation of XP? Just like the old Win98, I can create and format as many as I like.

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Hard Drive Partitions - Install Them In The Appropriate Sub Folder.

Sep 28, 2007

Sometime early next year I will be building a new system. The system will likely have one large hard drive. As of now I will be installing XP Pro. I was curious how everyone else splits up their drive. How big of a partition is generally created for the OS. And do most people partition the remaining space.Now a file architecture question. When non OS applications games, utilities, MS Office, etc.) are installed do most people put then in D:Program Files Or create separate sub-folders for the broad categories and install them in the appropriate sub folder.

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Boot Xp Instead Of Win 2000 Dual Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

i have Windows XP Home edition i got the "NTLRD is missing press ctlr alt del to restart" error i do not have a windows xp cd i found a Windows 2000 server CD and i installed windows 2000 on the same hard drive but on a new partition i can now boot Windows 2000 in my computer it shows two drives
C: and H:

c=Windows 2000

h=Windows XP

i found the NTLRD file online and placed it in H:now how can i boot windows XP instead of Windows 2000 ?

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Clean Install / Pre-loaded" Machines With 2 Partitions

Jan 31, 2008

I was given a brand new Compaq Presario SR1910NX recently (I have 2 other heavy duty computer I use for video-editing, etc.). It is one of those "pre-loaded" machines with 2 partitions (one for OS; other for backup). The operating system is XP Home and plenty of bloatware. I don't plan on doing anything fancy with the machine - just some basic stuff like maybe a music server, check email, I would like to do a clean install with Windows XP SP2 (primarily to get rid of the partitions, bloatware, and upgrade OS).

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Won't Install After Setup Files Load - Drivers Partitions

May 12, 2008

So I think I was affected by the SP3 update. I went out and got another harddrive to reinstall on since the other harddrive wouldn't even boot up. I can format the disc and the setup files load and then the system does the reboot. But after it reboots it ask me if I want to install XP and it takes me through the prompts of which drive I want to partition.

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Multiple Partitions And Boot - Ntldr Missing

May 16, 2005

I re-did my pc, i have multiple partitions and multiboot. 2 partitions have win xp one for normal usage and one to test out apps. Everything installed fine both work. But when i boot my machine unless i have the WinXP Cd in the CDrom i get ntldr missing. if i have the cd in its boots fine. i thing i can do to fix this?

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Can Boot A Program From A USB Flash Drive To Format Both Partitions

Nov 21, 2009

I have installed 2 different operating systems (xp and vista) on my hard drive on seperate partitions without flagging 1 of them to boot (aka it doesnt boot at all.) I want to completely format the hole thing and just put xp on the 1 hard drive with no partitions.

My problem is that my computers CD drive has broken and it does not have a floppy drive, I want to know if theres any way i can boot a program from a USB flash drive to completely format both partitions so i can install xp (I already know how to boot xp off a USB flash drive.

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Remove Dual Boot Option - Installed New HDD Partitions

Jun 11, 2007

Ok, so this week end I tried adding a new HDD on my XP machine.
This HDD had 2 partition on it (from a previous XP install on another PC) so I used the XP install CD to basically remove it and create a single partition on it (that's the only way I knew how to do it).However, while doing that, it ended up creating a dual boot config so that now, when I start my PC, I have to chose which OS to start:1) The regular XP install2) The one that never got installed on the new HDD since I only partitionned it.?

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No Valid System Partitions

Jan 30, 2008

When trying to install XP over 2000 I get the following valid system partitions were found etc.Can someone tell me how to fix this.

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Boot To Install Operating System From Fedora 8

Aug 6, 2008

Boot to install Windows XP from Fedora 8. I do not wish to dual boot. I am new to installing operating systems and am not sure where to start. I hear I should check my BIOS setting first? but am not sure how to do that.

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Merging Partitions - Corrupted System Files

Aug 21, 2005

i partitioned the drive when i first installed win xp. C: was already win98se and i thot i'd keep it around a while just in case., i
had the dual boot workin' fine. but whenever i checked in on ol' win98 i got the error message about...whatever. i didnt care cause i never did have a case wher i needed it. so i just always booted to the winxp, which was the second partitioned, named E: and i figuerd one day i would just lose that win98 and make the whole drive winxp. the occassion arose when E: winxp wouldnt boot, error: corrupted system file. it seemed like a "good day to die" so i loaded win xp (pro) into that first partition, C:,and it just fit but with little room to spare. in fact,not enough to do anything, including loading antivirus. i acn still read everything on the E: logical partition, but i dont get to boot from there. i have a couple big eexternal HDD's oneon that machine, the desktype machine (250GB) and one on the laptop (400GB) which runs win xp. i can resort to moving things around, probably having to re-install a lot, but i have tried re-sizing the C: and E:,using Partition Magic (8.0) to no avail. it makes no changes. i've tried enlarging C: to use up the unused space in E:. when i re-boot,nothing has changed. tried merging the partitions, error is differnt cluster sizes, one is 2k, the other 4k. have tried to change the cluster sizes both ways. still no change.

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Trying To Do Clean Install Of Windows Xp / System Wont Boot From CD

Jul 3, 2010

i ran active kill disc program to erase local disc c then went to bios and changed boot device order saved changes and reboot now system wont boot from cd i get error loading operating system msg

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Install 2x 1gb Sticks System Wont Boot Fully

Oct 10, 2007

I currently have 2Gb (2x 1Gb sticks) DDR2 800 RAM in my system and saw an offer for the same RAM for 1/3 off the price I'd paid before so I decided to grab it while it was there. However, when I install the extra 2x 1Gb sticks the system won't boot fully and I don't know why. When I took them out and left the original 2x 1Gb sticks in the system works normally. I'm going to switch the sticks around to see if it's faulty RAM or bad RAM slots but it works fine in the BIOS and booting up. As soon as I enter Windows and login it the keyboard LED goes off, the mouse LED stays on and the system freezes. than switching the RAM out to test the slots on the motherboard?

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Reformatting / Partitions - System Recovery / Restore Original

Aug 6, 2005

My Pc has been come crippled with large amounts of spyware that make using the PC more and more diffcult each day. I was planning to complete a full system reformat, or system recovery as my manufacturer describes it. The PC was shipped with two drive C and D, both being a partition of one hard drive. I also added 3 further partitions to D, which means there are actually 5 drives. The computer manual says that when performing a system recovery, you can select to just recover the C partition, but it says that a recovery will provide an image of the PC's software when shipped, so does this mean it will restore the original partitions and lose my current partitions?

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Install Photo Gallery Files Automatically When System Boot

Jun 8, 2005

When Windows XP boots, it begins to install Photo Gallery, which it can't find. What is this and how can I turn it off?

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Dual Boot Woes Boot.ini Fresh Install

Sep 6, 2006

I just upgraded my system a couple days ago and have been having several issues. First, Vista wouldn't recognize my onboard sound and LAN from a fresh install No available drivers, go figure. So, I had to install two copies of Win XP SP2, and then upgrade one of them to Vista. A pain, but the only way I could get everything to work properly.

I got everything where I wanted it, life is good. Then I'm booting into Win XP and I have two identically named Win XP OS's in the bootup screen. So as not to confuse my wife, I went into the Startup and Recovery options menu (Again this is in XP) and deleted, what I thought, was the XP I used as an upgrade to Vista. Turns out I got the wrong one. Now I can't boot to XP, but Vista is working fine. Basically, when I choose "Earlier Versions of Windows" I get HD activity for a moment, but then everything seems to halt. No responce from the keyboard, so I have to do a Hard Re-Boot.

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Dual Boot Cant Boot From Cd To Start Second Install

May 21, 2010

I have done some searching and it seems that other people who have had this problem, have been installing ubuntu. I havn't managed to come to a solution. I installed XP(1) onto drive 1 , then reorganised all of my partitions to be in the correct order with the correct labels (I have been having a nightmare with volumue labels being incorrect!). Anyways got all the partitions exactly how I want them using partition manager (i.e XP(1) on C: with the intention to install XP(2) on D. Rebooted machine, pressed a key to boot from CD, it says 'setup is inspecting your current configuration' and then the screen stays black (I have to reset the machine). I turned off the computer and dissconnected drive 2 (int.) and drive 3 (ext.). Problem still exists.

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Dual Boot - Cant Boot From CD To Start Second Install

May 21, 2010

I installed XP(1) onto drive 1 , then reorganised all of my partitions to be in the correct order with the correct labels (I have been having a nightmare with volumue labels being incorrect!). Anyway got all the partitions exactly how I want them using partition manager (i.e XP(1) on C: with the intention to install XP(2) on D. Rebooted machine, pressed a key to boot from CD, it says 'setup is inspecting your current configuration' and then the screen stays black (I have to reset the machine). I turned off the computer and dissconnected drive 2 (int.) and drive 3 (ext.). Problem still exists. How do I boot to the blue setup screen for my second copy of XP?

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Boot.ini / Boot Prompt / 2nd Install

Jun 19, 2005

A customer gave me an xp laptop that was horribly ridden with viruses spyware etc. Apparently, she had tried to fix it herself with the restore disk. I see two instances of xp at the boot prompt and one of the installs ask for activation. She must have chose the "install windows on the existing installation" option.

I cleaned out the original install, updated it, and it runs fine now.I figured I would just let the second install sit where it is and edit the boot.ini to allow just the original instance of the os at the boot prompt. However, rather than just presenting one option, it presents "Windows XP" and "windows default" options. Certainly I didn't put windows default in the ini file. I suspect the windows written mbr is picking up on the second install.

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Install Direct X Without Re-Install Operating System

Jan 23, 2008

Accidentally removed my Direct X from my machine Win XP SP2 32bit. Now when i do dxdiag, in the system tab it shows directX version: not found. Is there anyway to restore this directX without having to re-install windowx again?

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Boot Failure:No HDD In Boot Menu/insert System Disk And Press Enter?

Jun 10, 2007

first i get the HP blue screen. I tried F1, but i dont see my hard drive in the boot menu. I followed some steps in Hp's web site- took the cpu apart and unplugged both hard drives from the motherboard, plugged them back in. when i restarted ,i got the HP screen and then windows started to load up. After a few seconds the HP screen came back up and then the black screen: sk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I also noticed that pressing F10 for system recovery does nothing.

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How To Recover Deleted Grub / Boot Partition (Dual Boot System)

Oct 24, 2009

I accidentally deleted a partition and later found out that my system is dead....The only way I recover out of that is I reinstall Windows and then install grub again to recover the Linux partition. But I feel the delete partition is a very rapid process just taking seconds and in that I don't think files would be deleted, so I feel potentially I can recover the deleted partitions including the boot partition. But I don't know how to do it. Also now when the boot partition is deleted and the system is not booting up what should be done to recover the system and data?

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Setup Duel Boot Configuration - Slow Boot Up - Occurred Error Operating System

Oct 27, 2007

I"m running WinXP SP2 Home. Hardware is 2.0 Celeron, 1 gig Ram, 64MB Nvidia Video Card, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, HD's are 250GIG Western Digital with 4 partitions and 27% free on the XP Boot and 200GIG Western Digital with 2 Partitions. I have a Lite-On DVD +-R/RW drive and a 3.5 floppy. I am setup with a Duel-Boot configuration Win 98/XP. I do not have a paging file.

My problem occures after I hit enter for the Select Operating System page. I Hit enter, Win XP proceeds to load. After I hit enter and Windows loads the blue welcome screen 1 minute has passed. I hear the Welcome Audio music, however blue welcome screen is still there for 30 more seconds. Next is my picture that I have as my background that is shown without icons for 1minute 21seconds. Windows now displays my icons on my desktop. the icons blink at minute 4. after 4 minutes and 51 seconds I am able to use my computer. At bootup I only have 43 programs running and 357MB of the 1 gig ram taken.

What I have done:
1) I have started in safe mode and defraged my PC, 0% frag on all partitions except a drive that isn't currently plugged in and it was 1% because it's my backup drive (not worried about that 1%)
2)Removing all connected Componets and rebooted, same problem.
3) I have tried using msconfig.exe and setting the startup selection as Normal- it's defaulted to Selective. Tried reducing my startup programs. ....

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Finding Boot Disc Having Required Data To Boot System?

Aug 12, 2005

hey anyone remember that boot disc that had everything and it also had a mouse function in it? it was like boot magic or something i cant really remember. I only remember it had 2 versions one was the floppy which was free and the other you had to pay for the cd version

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Changed Boot Drive Letter From F To C - The System Does Not Boot At All

Jan 22, 2006

I bought a computer for my wife and kids. Well months go by and my wife tries to install something and notices that the MAIN drive is H: not C:

I figured that it was weird but no big deal. Well I purchased a printer for her and while trying to install the software it was giving me a "Windows - No Disk in Drive" error.

I did some research and spoke to HP tech support and they suggested that I search the web for a way to change the drive letters from H: (current hard drive) to C: (supposed to be default drive)

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Removing Boot Partition In Dual Boot System

Nov 5, 2006

I have a dual boot environment with two Win XP installed on different disks, XP1 and XP2 . XP1 was installed first and contains the boot files (NTLDR, boot.ini...) and XP2 came second. Now, I would like to keep XP2 and get rid of XP1. How can i delete XP1 since it contains the boot files? if i delete XP1 i am afraid to not be able to boot on XP2.

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Wont Boot: Making A Bootable Cd To Boot The System?

Aug 7, 2008

I cannot boot windows, I think my boot file is corrupt and would like to know if I can use a boot cd instead of a floppy.I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what i need to do.

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