Out Of Memory And Disk Defragmenter Could Not Start

Aug 18, 2009

I hope this is a simple problem, but each time I try to defrag my C drive, or even just analyze it, windows says it is out of memory and Disk Defragmenter could not start. However I am able to defrag the D drive just fine.

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Hard Disk Free Space: Clear Recycle Bin And Disk Defragmenter C?

May 1, 2007

It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?

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Disk Defragmenter, Disk Management VERY SLOW 2Respond

Sep 17, 2009

When I open my Administratives Tools, "Computer Management console" the "disk defragmenter", the "disk management" are VERY SLOW 2Respond and even freeze (not responding) when I clic on a any of the disk task.I run Win XP SP3 very well so far.. and I had since "few days" problems with a VERY LONG black screen before the logon screen.http://forums.cnet.com/5208-6142_102-0.html?threadID=358991 .first time I resolve it just with a restore back but it begins again.

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Disk Defragmenter Detected Disk Scheduled

Aug 7, 2004

For some reason when I tried to Defrag my (D drive it tells me that, DIsk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume: (D Please run Chkdsk /f. I do this, it tells me I have to restart my computer and I do this. For some reason when it scanes, it goes up to 17% at stage 2 of Chkdsk and it freezes. How can I fix Chkdsk from freezing?

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Defragmenter- Disk Did NOT Need Defragmenting

Jun 19, 2006

go to start > you click all programs > you select system tools > and click disk defragmemter. Disk defragmenter opens up. You click analyze. It comes up with 'You do not need to defragment this volume' You click report. You find out that the disk it only 3% fragmented. The bar that displays estimated disk usage before disk degramentation is mostly colored red, except for blocks of blue here and there. You look down at the bottom and realize that red stands for 'fragmented files' You say to your self, The report said disk did NOT need defragmenting. The bar clearly shows the disk is fragmented.

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Unlock Disk Defragmenter

Jan 28, 2009

Hello folks, We are about to push a policy to remove everyone from the local administrators group on their local PCs. We are also creating a template to allow all users to access certain hives in the registry. Is there a hive or key that could unlock Disk Defragmenter for anyone to access.

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Disk Defragmenter Won't Work

Jul 31, 2005

When I try to open and run my disk defragmenter, a message comes up with the following:
"MMC cannot open the file CWINDOWS/system32/dfrg.msc.This may be because the file does not exist, is not as MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient rights to the files."I really have no idea what this means.

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Disk Defragmenter Strangeness

Mar 13, 2006

I have been attempting to defragment my hard drive a multitude of times with both command-line and from windows tools. When i analyze the drive, i get the report that i need to defrag the volume, i do so...only to wait for less than 2-5 mins and receive a report stating the fragmentation status of the drive, which was exactly the same amount of fragmentation the analysis reported!

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Disk Defragmenter Not Working

May 8, 2007

I tried everything I could find to fix it and nothing.There is no error messages just does not respond.Someone said to look in windows for an inf folder, I do not have one.

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Disk Defragmenter Detected Message Shown

May 2, 2005

I noticed my defrag isn't working when i tried it and it says this Disk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume(C).

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Volume C Has Less Free Space Available - Disk Defragmenter Requires More

Jan 4, 2009

On our other machine we have a 70 GB hard drive. It is partioned C: 20 GB and D: 50. All the program files are on C. When I try to defrag C I get the message "Volume C has only 4% free space available for use by Disk Defragmenter...it requires at least 15%". I uninstalled some inessential programs and got it up to 9%. In my wifes user account there is one folder My Pictures with 2.9GB. Can I move that onto the D partion to create the needed space?

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Rippling Effect - Spybot Disk Cleanup Defragmenter

May 1, 2005

Janet has a "Time" Notebook which has developed an odd effect when scrolling ( pages, or lines). Instead of the page or line moving downwards smoothly, it ripples.this happens whether she uses the built-in mouse or one plugged into a port.It's a PS2, if that is of any use.She has a new optical mouse and XP found the software for it but the rippling happens with the new mouse as well.Any ideas would be most gratefully received.The Notebook isn't here with me.We've run Spybot, Disk Cleanup, Defragmenter, and a scan when the computer is switched on. She uses Zone Alarm and AVG Antivirus.I downloaded XTeq Setup and set the number of lines to scroll (3) but the same thing happens.

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Hard Disk Is Losing Its Memory

Jun 18, 2010

My computer started to lose its memory. I have had to remove items just to keep it running. Even though i don't have any big games in the computer i only have 2% free space left. I don't add anything but I still lose memory. I have run 2 virus programs (trend and super anti spyware) and a lot of problems were deleted.

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Hard Disk Losing Memory?

Dec 17, 2004

I have a computer running Windows 2000 Professional and one running Windows 2000 Server. Both display the ram in kilobytes I'm trying to figure out if there losing memory or what. This could be perfectly normal for 2000 to display this, but I need to make sure.

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PC Won't Start After Upgrading Memory.

Sep 2, 2009

I recently purchased memory and after I installed it, the pc won't start.

I removed the memory and it still won't start.

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Wont Start Pro - More Memory

Apr 16, 2008

XP won't start for about 10 min's when I turn the computer on. Then it starts up and works just fine. is this because I need more memory? I only have 256. Model Dell Optiplex GX260, I installed a printer that needed 512mem. and I installed it any way.

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USB Flash Memory Recognizing As Disk Drive

Apr 8, 2006

When I plug in my USB Flash memory, it is automatically recognized as a disk drive. When I try to access it, it asks me to insert a disk.

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Hard Disk Is Slowly Losing Memory?

Aug 8, 2008

I've just started to notice that my Hard Disk has been losing 50-70mb a day. Like something hidden is slowly replicating or something. I have Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti-virus running always, and it shows nothing out of the ordinary.

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I Reset My Memory Cards For A Start

May 21, 2008

I was having problems due to SP3 but I didn't know it. I haven't seen any posts on it here but there's a big hubub over at the microsoft technet forum.) Ran a dell diagnostic and had many system memory failures come up. So, I decided to reseat my memory cards for a start. It was the first time I opened up my Dell Dimension 8400 (which I purchased about 4 years ago...I hope that gives some help as to what is in it because I really don't know besides that it has an intel pentium 4 inside). It was VERY dusty so we bought some canned air and went about cleaning it. I did use a vacuum on the inside cover but I was careful not to touch any of the componenets inside. I followed all of the instructions. We did blow air into the fan (something I didn't know wasn't good, per another site I went to later that said you shouldn't)! When we plugged everything back in it worked it's way up to a very loud whirring noise (I thought the fan was going to just break off and fly around the room!). Could be I just had never heard it run outside of the cupboard on my desk (which I now know I shouldn't have had it in)! But, the worst part is, my monitor does not come up with the computer (doesn't matter how many times I press the on/off on the monitor) and not even the lights on the keyboard light up

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Svchost.exe Eating 95MB Memory - Scan Disk

Dec 6, 2004

To all those with the ability to step up to the plate and knock this one out of the park (steroids permitted):Shortly after starting windows xp home edition, a process named "svchost.exe" starts and ties up 50% of my cpu usage. The process will not end on its own so I open the task manager and end the process. I've been running Norton Anti-Virus 2004, Ad-aware SE Personal, and Spybot Search & Destroy. I update these programs daily, yet they show no unwanted guests on my computer. How do I get rid of this booger.

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Loosing Memory On Hard Disk At Random Basis?

Jan 2, 2005

I had admilli on my computer and i had run Hijackthis and deleted it from my pc.after this, my memory has began to fall dromatically randomly! i dnt hav much room on my pc but i had 256MB and it had gone down to 32MBi had then searched for files over 10MB and found that there was BLOB files that were 118MB each. i deleted them..I get back on my computer and then i had 20Mb left!!the Blob File reappeared.but i think that this storage loss is not due from this file.

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Blue Screen Of Death / Dumping Physical Memory To Disk

May 19, 2010

My computer was working a minute ago. I decided to restore it. I put the disk in, except it belonged to my other Sony computer. The computer message was that it was the wrong disk. So I took it out. I rebooted the computer and got the blue screen of death it says Dumping physical memory to disk and started at 0 and got to 60. I figured it'd explode at 100 LOL so I better shut it down. I rebooted several times but that always comes up. I rebooted and hit F8 I think it is which gave me the option to reboot the hard drive, a floppy, or the DVD drive. I did one at a time, rebooting in between each choice. I still have that screen. Did I totally ruin my computer? Oh sigh.I can get to nothing but that screen. No control panel.I then figured I couldn't make it much worse, so I put in the Windows XP disk to just install Windows XP again, but the computer wouldn't even pick it up. The disk was spinning, but the screen remained the same.

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Installed Word 2000 - Insufficient Memory Disk Space

Oct 8, 2009

"There is insufficient memory or disk space. Close extra windows and save your work." It's the message that I keep getting when I try to paste some pages of a book from Internet onto WORDS 2000 on my Laptop DELL INSPIRON 9300 with OS Windows XPPLEASE HELP ME TO FIND A CURE FOR THIS

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Cant Seem To Get Defragmenter Working

Feb 12, 2008

I cant seem to get the defragmenter working.I have searched and did some troubleshooting so ill explain. My C: is dirty. CHKDSK runs at bootup every time.When I go to defrag, I get the message: CHKDSK is scheduled to run, please run CHKDSK /f.Here is were it gets complicated. I have run CHKDSK /f and it doesnt do anything. I have tried to disable CHKDSK, nothing. Its not in startup under msconfig, I even tried reediting the registry for a non startup CHKDSK. The problem is basically that CHKDSK doesnt work. Its looping back and telling my computer that it has not run when it has.When it runs, I have some unreadable files. 4 to be exact. I have searched and troubleshot numerous things, I even reformated my C: drive. Ran Anti Virus, all came back negative.

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Defragmenter - 4.5GB Log File - Drwtsn32.log?

Jan 28, 2005

Defragmenter told me the following files couldn't be defragmented. It's safely deleted now lol. Quite a large file on a 40GB hard drive, eh?

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Application Error Start Up - Instruction At 0x009a6f9a Memory Couldn't Written

Oct 22, 2004

I get an application error on start up before ever making a move to open any programs. The instruction at "0x009a6f9a" referenced memory at "0x00000000" could not be written. The moment I noticed this issue was after an install of my Printer/Fax/scanner by HP, It is a wireless printer so the firewall asked if it should unblock for the install process. My question is should I try to go back to a restore point before that install or is there a workaround for this error.

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Defragmenter Won't Defragment Fragmented Files?

Jan 16, 2006

I have defragmented at least 20 times and these small red files will not defragment. Is there anything I can do?

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Drive-C Could Not Be Accessed On Norton Defragmenter

Jul 24, 2005

It is still functioning fine. BUT when I click on Computer from the Start Menu, All my drives and CD roms are listed EXCEPT DRIVE-C! I am able to access the drive for cleaning thru Windows XP prof. but Drive-C Could not be accessed on Norton Defragmenter for some reason.I contacted Gateway Support with no soltuoin.

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Sony Vio Extreamly Slow Startup - Ran The System Defragmenter

Aug 1, 2007

I have no idea, but about 5 days ago, my computer started acting very slow on boot up.I play a sound upon boot up and the them song plays angonizingly slow.From power on to full access its nearly 7 mins.

Ive ran the system defragmenter.

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OFFICE 2007 - "Not Enough Memory Or Disk Space To Run Word 12"?

Mar 10, 2008

when i try to run word 2007 i get the following error message:There is not enough memory or disk space to run word 12I have 1Gb RAM with 550Mb free and 2Ghz Turion with 7Gb free space on the system partition and 15Gb free space in the other partition

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Make A Start Up Disk

May 29, 2007

I am trying to reformat my daughters computer using the Windows XP Home Edition CD. But after installing a new CD Rom drive, the computer doesn't recognize the cd rom. I tired add new hardware wizard but when it gets to the part where I can pick the hardware I am trying to install it doesn't list any CD rom drives. I have even tried to change the boot sequence in the Bios settings. Still no luck. So I am hoping that there is a way for me to make a start up disk using the Original Windows XP Home Edition CD.

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