Wont Start Pro - More Memory

Apr 16, 2008

XP won't start for about 10 min's when I turn the computer on. Then it starts up and works just fine. is this because I need more memory? I only have 256. Model Dell Optiplex GX260, I installed a printer that needed 512mem. and I installed it any way.

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PC Won't Start After Upgrading Memory.

Sep 2, 2009

I recently purchased memory and after I installed it, the pc won't start.

I removed the memory and it still won't start.

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I Reset My Memory Cards For A Start

May 21, 2008

I was having problems due to SP3 but I didn't know it. I haven't seen any posts on it here but there's a big hubub over at the microsoft technet forum.) Ran a dell diagnostic and had many system memory failures come up. So, I decided to reseat my memory cards for a start. It was the first time I opened up my Dell Dimension 8400 (which I purchased about 4 years ago...I hope that gives some help as to what is in it because I really don't know besides that it has an intel pentium 4 inside). It was VERY dusty so we bought some canned air and went about cleaning it. I did use a vacuum on the inside cover but I was careful not to touch any of the componenets inside. I followed all of the instructions. We did blow air into the fan (something I didn't know wasn't good, per another site I went to later that said you shouldn't)! When we plugged everything back in it worked it's way up to a very loud whirring noise (I thought the fan was going to just break off and fly around the room!). Could be I just had never heard it run outside of the cupboard on my desk (which I now know I shouldn't have had it in)! But, the worst part is, my monitor does not come up with the computer (doesn't matter how many times I press the on/off on the monitor) and not even the lights on the keyboard light up

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Out Of Memory And Disk Defragmenter Could Not Start

Aug 18, 2009

I hope this is a simple problem, but each time I try to defrag my C drive, or even just analyze it, windows says it is out of memory and Disk Defragmenter could not start. However I am able to defrag the D drive just fine.

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Application Error Start Up - Instruction At 0x009a6f9a Memory Couldn't Written

Oct 22, 2004

I get an application error on start up before ever making a move to open any programs. The instruction at "0x009a6f9a" referenced memory at "0x00000000" could not be written. The moment I noticed this issue was after an install of my Printer/Fax/scanner by HP, It is a wireless printer so the firewall asked if it should unblock for the install process. My question is should I try to go back to a restore point before that install or is there a workaround for this error.

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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Find Only Two Out Of Three Memory Modules - Increasing Original Memory

Oct 19, 2007

why my Windowx XP sees only 1024 MB memory while I've increased the original memory of 512 MB by 2x 512 MB ?My motherboard has three DDR-slots. It had from the beginning a Kingston K 512MB PC2700 module in slot #1. This week I've added two Kingston K512 UDIMM 512MB PC2700 modules in the slots #2 and #3.All three modules has the type name KVR333X64C25/512, so I thought they would be compatible.

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Transfer DVD To Memory Stick Or Memory Card

Dec 27, 2007

I am running Windows XP in a Compaq Presario, with CD reader and CD/DVD burner. My question: How do I get a DVD(with photos and sound) onto a Flash Memory stick or an SD card??

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Weird Memory - Adding More Memory In Computer

Jan 19, 2006

I have a white box Pentium 4 CPU with XP professional service pack 2 build 2600 installed. The motherboard is an intel D865GLC with 512 MB RAM installed in Dual channel mode with 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 1 and 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 2. This memory is dual channel compatible. I tried to add another 2 sticks of the same type ram but from a different manufacturer.
Here's the problem: I can use any 2 of the 4 sticks of ram together, both from the same manufacturer or 1 from 1 manufacturer and 1 from the other for a total of 512 MB. Everything works fine. I can place one stick in slot 0 of bank 1 and the other in slot 0 of bank 2 or I can place 1 in slot 1 bank 1 and 1 in slot 1 of bank 2 with no problems. I can even place a 3rd stick of the same type ram in any open slot and all's fine (except the machine complains that this is not an optimal memory setup). Memtest86 reports no errors with any of the above configurations

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Virtual Memory Is Low - IE Takes Up Memory

Dec 6, 2004

I was running Outlook, AIM, and IE at the same. After a few moment, I'd get this following message:

Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your Virtual Memory Paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied.

When I hit OK, all my applications would close, except my Outlook. I'm running Win2K with 512 memory. My computer is only 1.5 years old. I didn't play any games or download anything so it's not heavily used. But why the message then?

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Virtual Memory And Memory Leak ?

Jun 21, 2008

I don't really have a problem on my hands, but I would like to ask a few questions relating to Virtual Memory and Memory Leak.

I downloaded a game back in December, but hasn't been installed as yet. I heard that it is created using "C++" or "C" (whatever it is), and I learned that it has a memory leak. My Virtual Memory was running low (it may already have beforehand) by the time the game was installed. My computer crashed two days later as a result.

But some users haven't experienced any problems with the game. My question is, is it a better idea for me to install the game on a CD-ROM or USB Drive and play it from that media type (instead of from the hard drive) so that I can protect my PC from crashing due to low virtual memory?

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To Know Virtual Memory And Memory Usage ?

Sep 28, 2007

virtual memory and memory usage i need to know how to know this 2 perfomances and if we need to otuch something to upgrade memory and best usage for your pc.

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Swapping Memory - Memory Sticks

Aug 9, 2005

I have a Ecs P4vxasd Motherboard, Pga socket 423. The mainboard accomodates 2 DDR 184 pin 2.5v + 2 SDR 168 pin 3.3v Dimm sockets with a total capacity of
etting various blue screen errors, to go along with several reloads. I downloaded a memory diagnostic program from this site. My computer didn't pass the test, so I removed on stick and it passed this time. I assumed that the memory stick was my problem, and ordered a DDR 512 mb pc3200 stick from Curcial.com. I installed the new memory and got the same error from the diag. test. I began swapping memory around. all three sticks worked fine by themselves in either slot, but put two together & I would get a bad diag.

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Memory Could Not Be "written" 0x77f52b6a Referenced Memory At 0x00000067

Feb 28, 2005

anuyone ever seen this problem or know how to what is the cause of it or where it came from, and how do we fix it?

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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Ding More Memory Can Put More Memory?

Mar 1, 2007

I have 3 memory slots on my motherboard. Two of them have 512MB DDR PC2700 chips. Can I put a 1GB chip in the third slot or would it have to be another 512MB chip?

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Unread Memory: 0xfe9ed428' Referenced Memory At '0xfe9ed428 ?

Dec 3, 2005

I am having major trouble with windows explorer. Microsoft doesn't even have the error on their website, at least that i can find. The error reads: "The instruction at '0xfe9ed428' referenced memory at '0xfe9ed428'. The memory could not be 'read'."

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Memory At 0x0000001 The Memory Could Not Be "read"

Apr 26, 2010

I was just playing a game I bought recently, and after I got up to the second level, the models in the game weren't rendering properly, (some of the people were invisable etc), then it froze and gave me the following errors:

First error ~
Quote: Rendering thread exeption:
General protection fault!

History: Adress =0x98aeb8 (filename not found)
Adress =0x2 (filename not found) Second error ~
Quote: The instruction '0x009d8bd2' referenced memory at 0x0000001 the memory could not be "read" After these errors occurred, my desktop reverted to 6-bit color, and the lowest possible resolution, then wouldn't let me change it back.

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Virtual Memory Error / Virtual Memory Is Low

Dec 23, 2005

My OS is Windowns XP. Lately while on-line, I have been getting a "virtual memory is low" error message and then my computer either locks up or I am booted off AOL. Can you tell me what might cause this type error? I have noted added any new software in weeks. The last install was my IPOD Nano.

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Can Only Start In Safe Mode - Windows Was Unable To Start Successfully"

Dec 14, 2006

I recieved the following message after a forced restart after windows updates were installed: "We are sorry for any inconvenience but Windows was unable to start successfully" My options are to start in Safe Mode , Last known config or normal. Safe Mode is the only thing that works. Also System Restore would not work Also System Recovery from Sony Vaio Recovery Wizard would not work

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Start Up Takes Too Much Time - Eliminate Items In The Start-up File

Jun 2, 2006

I have a Dell PC 8250 and over the past two yrs I have managed somehow to increase my start-up time by inadvertently adding to my start-up file. I understand that there is a way to eliminate items in the start-up file but having been to the site, I cannot determine which items to delete without messing up my system. Please advise, and maybe tell me what the basic start up should look like.

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Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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Start Cmd Command Error Message >Windows Cannot Find Or Start

Aug 6, 2005

In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?

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Windows Wont Start:did Start In Safe Mode Now Cant Even Do That?

Mar 6, 2008

It never would start windows normal but would in safe mode,so now i did a diskcheck and restarted now it gets hung up on the system32driversagp440.sys...at least thats the last one that pops up before it freezes.

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Moved Start Up Programs From C To D And Now System Doesn't Start

Jan 12, 2007

I admit it...I moved my startup folder from C drive to D and now I am dead in the water. The computer is a Sony PCV RS420 with Windows XP Home Edition with all the updates. When I start the comp. I get "SONY" on the screen and thats it. Unresponsive to all F commands.

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Programs Will Not Start Even Though Desktop Icons & Start Menu Appear

Jun 5, 2008

I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?

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Powers In But Start Button Wont Start Computer

Jul 30, 2007

I believe its a problem with the actual start up button instead of the computer itself, ive pried the thing open, seeing the generator is on, everythings in place and there are lights on, showing there is power. any ideas?

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Show Start Manager Icon Name Place Of Start

Feb 16, 2010

How can i show start manager icon name ayub place of start.

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Does Not Start Up Properly - Power Failure Start Windows Normally

Aug 18, 2008

We are trying to start a laptop but windows is not starting up properly. As the boot begins, it takes you to a screen that says, :"if a previous start up attempt was inturrupted due to a power failure, then choose Start Windows Normally". We follow the directions, takes us the Window XP screen trying to boot it up and then takes us to the Gateway screen and then back to the screen where it asks the same question again.The cycles continues without any other options.

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