PC Won't Start After Upgrading Memory.

Sep 2, 2009

I recently purchased memory and after I installed it, the pc won't start.

I removed the memory and it still won't start.

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Change Hard Drive - Upgrading Start Up Freeze Up

Oct 18, 2005

I am priarily a Mac user, I do grahic & web design etc. I recently bought a cheap older PC to use for validating my work on the Windows platform. The computer came with 98, I need XP on it. I got XP installed (had to change the hard drive ribbon to an 80 wire ribbon) but now when it starts up, it freezes up after a few seconds. Before opening IE or doing anything. The computer has 64 MB RAM, which I would be upgrading if I thought this computer is worth putting any $$ at all into - 64 is supposed to meet the minimum requirements for XP so although I expect it to be molasses slow I do expect it to run the system software. I have it hooked up to a Samsung LCD screen (onboard graphics card - Compaq board) and Windows keyboard and USB mouse.

Also, the computer ran fine under 98 (tested it for a bit when I got it, and previous owner is a friend who swears there were no problems under 98). I don't get blue screen or anything, computer just totally freezes and doesn't respond. When I restart it goes through proper verification and then starts up, freezes again. So, I have no idea wher to start - hardware issue? Software issue?

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Wont Start Pro - More Memory

Apr 16, 2008

XP won't start for about 10 min's when I turn the computer on. Then it starts up and works just fine. is this because I need more memory? I only have 256. Model Dell Optiplex GX260, I installed a printer that needed 512mem. and I installed it any way.

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I Reset My Memory Cards For A Start

May 21, 2008

I was having problems due to SP3 but I didn't know it. I haven't seen any posts on it here but there's a big hubub over at the microsoft technet forum.) Ran a dell diagnostic and had many system memory failures come up. So, I decided to reseat my memory cards for a start. It was the first time I opened up my Dell Dimension 8400 (which I purchased about 4 years ago...I hope that gives some help as to what is in it because I really don't know besides that it has an intel pentium 4 inside). It was VERY dusty so we bought some canned air and went about cleaning it. I did use a vacuum on the inside cover but I was careful not to touch any of the componenets inside. I followed all of the instructions. We did blow air into the fan (something I didn't know wasn't good, per another site I went to later that said you shouldn't)! When we plugged everything back in it worked it's way up to a very loud whirring noise (I thought the fan was going to just break off and fly around the room!). Could be I just had never heard it run outside of the cupboard on my desk (which I now know I shouldn't have had it in)! But, the worst part is, my monitor does not come up with the computer (doesn't matter how many times I press the on/off on the monitor) and not even the lights on the keyboard light up

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Out Of Memory And Disk Defragmenter Could Not Start

Aug 18, 2009

I hope this is a simple problem, but each time I try to defrag my C drive, or even just analyze it, windows says it is out of memory and Disk Defragmenter could not start. However I am able to defrag the D drive just fine.

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Application Error Start Up - Instruction At 0x009a6f9a Memory Couldn't Written

Oct 22, 2004

I get an application error on start up before ever making a move to open any programs. The instruction at "0x009a6f9a" referenced memory at "0x00000000" could not be written. The moment I noticed this issue was after an install of my Printer/Fax/scanner by HP, It is a wireless printer so the firewall asked if it should unblock for the install process. My question is should I try to go back to a restore point before that install or is there a workaround for this error.

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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Find Only Two Out Of Three Memory Modules - Increasing Original Memory

Oct 19, 2007

why my Windowx XP sees only 1024 MB memory while I've increased the original memory of 512 MB by 2x 512 MB ?My motherboard has three DDR-slots. It had from the beginning a Kingston K 512MB PC2700 module in slot #1. This week I've added two Kingston K512 UDIMM 512MB PC2700 modules in the slots #2 and #3.All three modules has the type name KVR333X64C25/512, so I thought they would be compatible.

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Transfer DVD To Memory Stick Or Memory Card

Dec 27, 2007

I am running Windows XP in a Compaq Presario, with CD reader and CD/DVD burner. My question: How do I get a DVD(with photos and sound) onto a Flash Memory stick or an SD card??

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Weird Memory - Adding More Memory In Computer

Jan 19, 2006

I have a white box Pentium 4 CPU with XP professional service pack 2 build 2600 installed. The motherboard is an intel D865GLC with 512 MB RAM installed in Dual channel mode with 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 1 and 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 2. This memory is dual channel compatible. I tried to add another 2 sticks of the same type ram but from a different manufacturer.
Here's the problem: I can use any 2 of the 4 sticks of ram together, both from the same manufacturer or 1 from 1 manufacturer and 1 from the other for a total of 512 MB. Everything works fine. I can place one stick in slot 0 of bank 1 and the other in slot 0 of bank 2 or I can place 1 in slot 1 bank 1 and 1 in slot 1 of bank 2 with no problems. I can even place a 3rd stick of the same type ram in any open slot and all's fine (except the machine complains that this is not an optimal memory setup). Memtest86 reports no errors with any of the above configurations

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Upgrading From Dot-net 1.1 To 2.2 Or 3.5

Apr 22, 2010

I really don't understand much about dot-net; but, I am up against a real problem running a certain program that is currently using dot-net 1.1. I won't mention the program by name as I don't want to side-track the thread into troubleshooting a particular Windows App.

Tech support said that an error message we were getting indicated a dot-net problem. He suggested his program should run on dot-net 1.1, 2.2 or 3.5. He further suggested to try uninstalling and reinstalling 1.1, which I did to no avail. Problem is when I try to install 2.2 or 3.5, I get an error message saying there is no qualifying product on my system for the "upgrade".

So, how do I get 2.2 or 3.5 to install. I've read a dozen ambiguous and unclear web pages and tried downloading and installing four of what I thought was the dot-net installer.

Windows XP SP3 and all available updates. This is a freshly formatted and installed system that has not been on the 'net except for updates running on an older Dell socket 478 with Celeron 2.8-GHz processor and 512 RAM.

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Upgrading Win 2k Pro To Win Xp Pro

Mar 11, 2005

I have a windows 2k3 server with 4 win 2k pro workstations...the I.T. goon prior to me getting involved bogied the 4 workstations and all are using the same license #.if I purchase 4 new oem XP Pro upgrades with 4 new license #'s will I be able to upgrade?

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Upgrading To XP

Feb 19, 2005

Are there any important things I should know before getting my new Windows XP computer, especially security- or virus-wise? It seems that every new virus is made for XP, and that XP gets the lion's share of the security holes, so I'm a little daunted by moving up from my old Windows 98 computer, but otherwise excited about getting a great new computer for a good deal.

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Upgrading To Xp From 98

Nov 29, 2004

I am , finally, getting close to upgrading my HD from Win98 to XP. What steps do I need to do to prepare my HD for this. Do I need to backup all programs on CD's. Will some programs and settings " carry-over ' to XP ? Should I get the XP home version with servicepack 2 ? Will I need my old Win98 installation CD ?

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Upgrading From Win98se To XP Pro

Jul 23, 2005

I'm finally getting around to upgrading from Win98Se to XP pro. I've run into a snag. Here is the blue screen error message I've found:

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps:

Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and **** (I wrote this down by hand and this word is unintelligible)
Run Chkdsk /f to check for drive corruption and restart the computer.There is some tech information as well:

***Stop: 0x0000007B)0x898863C, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000,0x00000000

I've check for viruses with Panda online and there are none. I have three hard drives, two are internal and have never given me a problem and third is an internal adapted to USB. It is completely disconnected now. I have run scandisk and no errors. Drive F is a CDRW and no problems.

C is 20GB, D is 40GB, E is DVDRW and F is CDRW. Drive G,H (usb internal) is total 160GB.

What's my problem? Why can't I install XP Pro?

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Upgrading From 2000 Pro To Pro?

Sep 19, 2007

I am considering upgrading from Microsoft 2000 Pro to XP Pro.

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Advantages Of Upgrading From 32 Bit To 64-Bit

Jan 24, 2010

I built a new desktop last year with a 64 Bit processor but did not want to drop the $ on a new OS at the time. I continue to use the 32 Bit Version of XP. I have 4 GB of RAM but can only use about 3 of it due to the video card RAM and XP's 4 GB limit. I do not want to go to Win 7, I'd like to upgrade to the 64-Bit version of XP. Are there compatibility issues with going to Win XP 64 Bit for older drivers, programs, etc?

I have a laptop with Win 7 Home and have had some trouble getting older programs and devices to run on it - hence the reason to avoid it on the desktop.

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Upgrading To AMD64

Oct 2, 2006

If I'm upgrading my cpu to an AMD68 bit, do I need to upgrade my windows XP?

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Upgrading From 2000 To XP

Oct 7, 2009

I'm going to upgrade from 2000 to XP w/SP3 and was wondering about "backing up files". I don't really have much, but I'm mostly concerned about program files (I can't remember which ones I've installed myself)...
I'm also considering "unpartitioning" and starting over because I bought the pc "used" and it has partitions all over the place.

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Upgrading 2000 To Pro

Aug 12, 2005

I need to upgrade over 200 PC from 2000 to XP. Some are desktops and some are laptops. I need to do it with very little input from the users. I was thinking of using a email sent out that would ask them to do it at lunch or other sometime. I figure that it will take at least an hour to do the install etc, with no error. I plan on a test group to start with before I roll it out company wide.

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Upgrading From 2000 Pro To XP

Mar 24, 2009

Im a pc tech for a bank, I have to upgrade a pc from windows 2000 to xp, I know how to do but my question is will all the digital certificates and programs upgrade with it?

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Upgrading, And Choosing A New MB

Aug 27, 2009

PC specs are listed in profile. As you can tell, I have much less than the state of the art computer. I am looking to upgrade to a new MB for less than $100, $50 if possible (I can buy used from eBay, Amazon, whatever). Also I have no clue how to replace a MB, and if it is possible, I don't want to lose my data. I have a legit copy of XP Pro, but I don't have the disk, because I got the computer used. Eventually I want to dual boot with Linux, but I can figure that out later.

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Upgrading To Xp Professional?

Jun 10, 2007

I have windows home edition with service 2(sp2), i want to upgrade to xp professional , when i install xp professional when the pc restarts and the windows xp logo comes up , a messages pop up saying "press any key to boot from cd" then it disappears and the windows logo comes up again, then it says again "press any key to boot from cd" why does it keeps on doing that, i leave it for like 6 hours and it keeps on doing that,(the xp professional cd i have is a genuine xp professional Cd.(the pc is a desk top"Compaq presario 3500 series")

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Upgrading To 7 Professional?

Jan 13, 2010

I just built my first computer and I don't have an OS yet. I do have 2 copies on Win XP Home Edition that I found that I may or may not have installed yet.I was going to buy the Win 7 Professional Upgrade online from digital river. It comes with a download for your computer and a disk kit for 13 dollars more that they ship to you. Thing is, this will be a CLEAN INSTALL on a brand new terabyte hard drive. I have read about people doing clean installs with the DISK of Win 7 Upgrade Media, but it seems too complicated. I also know that the best way to upgrade Win XP to Win 7 was to do a clean install and backup your files. But im not going to have anything stored on Win XP.I want to install Win XP Home Edition,connect to the internet, download the Win 7 upgrade media. And install that.

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Upgrading To Machine

Jan 8, 2005

I will need alot of the software on my 98SE hard drive if i install the HD for the 98 machine as slave will XP be able to access it?

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Upgrading My System

Jun 3, 2007

I need help upgrading my system. I know nothing about computers so I really need to know what I am doing. I know that I am running Windows 95 with 1 GB of hard drive space, a 200 MHz processor, and 32 mb of memory. When I first got this computer about 12 years ago it cost me 2,000 dollars. Am I going to have to pay that much for a new system (if I need it)? Plus is there any way I can get this Windows Vista I've heard so much about?

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Upgrading Oem Not Working

Aug 3, 2007

I got a new mobo, and I didn't think about my Dell oem XP not working because of it. I really think its stupid to buy software I already use and own. Is it possible to use just an upgrade xp version to make my oem full? Ive also heard that you can contact MS and request they replace your oem restore CD with the actual install CD, and that they will actually do it. Anyone have any thoughts or experience about this? Ive been combing forums and Dell support and MS support for hours but I can't seem to find any more info about this. I really hope it doesn't end up I have to pay over $100 just to buy software Ive been using for the past 4 or 5 years....

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Upgrading From 98SE To XP

Sep 30, 2008

so I am thinking about upgrading, but with some confusion, and some concern. I have been reading on Wiki about Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), and it sounds not only am I going to be pestered for the product key eveytime I make a hardware update to my PC, but Microsoft will take it upon themselves to download spyware when I go online.Could somebody explain to me more simply than the author of the Wikpedia article what happens. (I don't understand what he means by "notifications" nor exactly what is being updated/read of my machine on an 'update').Am I right to think that I will only ever be asked of my product key to reactivate? I am only ever stuck with the one product key, right?

If so, why check against hardware? As I understand from what I have read elsewhere, system hardware is read at installation, recorded in a file, and then if checked positively against for changes, causes a re-activation prompt. But what's criminal in upgrading? If the product key remains constant to one supplied with the product (likewise for pirates), then in what way is it catching anybody out? Finally, if each copy of XP is generic and not carrying a unique product key, does this mean each batch comes with numerous codes? If ever I were to lose it, Microsoft would supply me with one of a ker-zillion (an expression of my ignorance) pre-determined codes?

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Upgrading Home To Pro?

Oct 5, 2006

I'm considering installing XP Pro over my XP Home installation (SP 2).Is there anything I should be worried about? For example, breaking installed software?

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