Cant Seem To Get Defragmenter Working

Feb 12, 2008

I cant seem to get the defragmenter working.I have searched and did some troubleshooting so ill explain. My C: is dirty. CHKDSK runs at bootup every time.When I go to defrag, I get the message: CHKDSK is scheduled to run, please run CHKDSK /f.Here is were it gets complicated. I have run CHKDSK /f and it doesnt do anything. I have tried to disable CHKDSK, nothing. Its not in startup under msconfig, I even tried reediting the registry for a non startup CHKDSK. The problem is basically that CHKDSK doesnt work. Its looping back and telling my computer that it has not run when it has.When it runs, I have some unreadable files. 4 to be exact. I have searched and troubleshot numerous things, I even reformated my C: drive. Ran Anti Virus, all came back negative.

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Disk Defragmenter Not Working

May 8, 2007

I tried everything I could find to fix it and nothing.There is no error messages just does not respond.Someone said to look in windows for an inf folder, I do not have one.

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Defragmenter- Disk Did NOT Need Defragmenting

Jun 19, 2006

go to start > you click all programs > you select system tools > and click disk defragmemter. Disk defragmenter opens up. You click analyze. It comes up with 'You do not need to defragment this volume' You click report. You find out that the disk it only 3% fragmented. The bar that displays estimated disk usage before disk degramentation is mostly colored red, except for blocks of blue here and there. You look down at the bottom and realize that red stands for 'fragmented files' You say to your self, The report said disk did NOT need defragmenting. The bar clearly shows the disk is fragmented.

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Unlock Disk Defragmenter

Jan 28, 2009

Hello folks, We are about to push a policy to remove everyone from the local administrators group on their local PCs. We are also creating a template to allow all users to access certain hives in the registry. Is there a hive or key that could unlock Disk Defragmenter for anyone to access.

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Defragmenter - 4.5GB Log File - Drwtsn32.log?

Jan 28, 2005

Defragmenter told me the following files couldn't be defragmented. It's safely deleted now lol. Quite a large file on a 40GB hard drive, eh?

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Disk Defragmenter Won't Work

Jul 31, 2005

When I try to open and run my disk defragmenter, a message comes up with the following:
"MMC cannot open the file CWINDOWS/system32/dfrg.msc.This may be because the file does not exist, is not as MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient rights to the files."I really have no idea what this means.

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Disk Defragmenter Strangeness

Mar 13, 2006

I have been attempting to defragment my hard drive a multitude of times with both command-line and from windows tools. When i analyze the drive, i get the report that i need to defrag the volume, i do so...only to wait for less than 2-5 mins and receive a report stating the fragmentation status of the drive, which was exactly the same amount of fragmentation the analysis reported!

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Out Of Memory And Disk Defragmenter Could Not Start

Aug 18, 2009

I hope this is a simple problem, but each time I try to defrag my C drive, or even just analyze it, windows says it is out of memory and Disk Defragmenter could not start. However I am able to defrag the D drive just fine.

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Defragmenter Won't Defragment Fragmented Files?

Jan 16, 2006

I have defragmented at least 20 times and these small red files will not defragment. Is there anything I can do?

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Drive-C Could Not Be Accessed On Norton Defragmenter

Jul 24, 2005

It is still functioning fine. BUT when I click on Computer from the Start Menu, All my drives and CD roms are listed EXCEPT DRIVE-C! I am able to access the drive for cleaning thru Windows XP prof. but Drive-C Could not be accessed on Norton Defragmenter for some reason.I contacted Gateway Support with no soltuoin.

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Disk Defragmenter Detected Message Shown

May 2, 2005

I noticed my defrag isn't working when i tried it and it says this Disk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume(C).

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Volume C Has Less Free Space Available - Disk Defragmenter Requires More

Jan 4, 2009

On our other machine we have a 70 GB hard drive. It is partioned C: 20 GB and D: 50. All the program files are on C. When I try to defrag C I get the message "Volume C has only 4% free space available for use by Disk requires at least 15%". I uninstalled some inessential programs and got it up to 9%. In my wifes user account there is one folder My Pictures with 2.9GB. Can I move that onto the D partion to create the needed space?

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Rippling Effect - Spybot Disk Cleanup Defragmenter

May 1, 2005

Janet has a "Time" Notebook which has developed an odd effect when scrolling ( pages, or lines). Instead of the page or line moving downwards smoothly, it ripples.this happens whether she uses the built-in mouse or one plugged into a port.It's a PS2, if that is of any use.She has a new optical mouse and XP found the software for it but the rippling happens with the new mouse as well.Any ideas would be most gratefully received.The Notebook isn't here with me.We've run Spybot, Disk Cleanup, Defragmenter, and a scan when the computer is switched on. She uses Zone Alarm and AVG Antivirus.I downloaded XTeq Setup and set the number of lines to scroll (3) but the same thing happens.

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Sony Vio Extreamly Slow Startup - Ran The System Defragmenter

Aug 1, 2007

I have no idea, but about 5 days ago, my computer started acting very slow on boot up.I play a sound upon boot up and the them song plays angonizingly slow.From power on to full access its nearly 7 mins.

Ive ran the system defragmenter.

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Hard Disk Free Space: Clear Recycle Bin And Disk Defragmenter C?

May 1, 2007

It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Disk Defragmenter, Disk Management VERY SLOW 2Respond

Sep 17, 2009

When I open my Administratives Tools, "Computer Management console" the "disk defragmenter", the "disk management" are VERY SLOW 2Respond and even freeze (not responding) when I clic on a any of the disk task.I run Win XP SP3 very well so far.. and I had since "few days" problems with a VERY LONG black screen before the logon screen. .first time I resolve it just with a restore back but it begins again.

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Disk Defragmenter Detected Disk Scheduled

Aug 7, 2004

For some reason when I tried to Defrag my (D drive it tells me that, DIsk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume: (D Please run Chkdsk /f. I do this, it tells me I have to restart my computer and I do this. For some reason when it scanes, it goes up to 17% at stage 2 of Chkdsk and it freezes. How can I fix Chkdsk from freezing?

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Tablet Part Not Working, Recovery DVD Not Working

Aug 8, 2008

I have a Gateway CX2618, w/ windows XP tablet edition 2005 version 2002, sp2. And wanted to wipe it clean and reinstall just the things I use. Plus my Tablet side of things hasn't worked in a long time and I was hoping the clean install would fix that. But my recovery DVD isn't working (could be user error). I DO have apps that I need to keep and I think I've backed them up to my external HD correctly.

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USB Mouse Not Working, Yet Keyboard Is Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I just recently reinstalled Windows XP on my computer, my USB keyboard is working fine, but my mouse is not working, I tried it in all the USB ports for it and I am getting no response, I am getting a curser on screen but no movement nor am I able to click.

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HTTP Not Working - FTP - HTTPS Working?

Sep 17, 2008

I de-infected a windows XP system with SP3 and IE7. Once I did that, http no longer loaded in IE. It does not work in portable firefox either. I can type in ftp:// ftp address and IE works. Likewise I
can use https:// and the page loads! What is going on: I tried:

1) Reset ie7 as per MS
2) Removed IE 7
2a) IE6 would not load http either
3) reapplied SP3
4) Repair install win winxp cd.
5) Deleted and re-installed network card

This is where I am now. Still no http://. Since multiple applications are affected, I do not think it is a browser helper.

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Changed ISP DSL 330 ICS Before Working Now Not Working

May 14, 2007

I'm using Speedtouch 330 DSL modem single port when i changed the ISP cannot browse the sharing Internet but i can use Yahoo Messenger. Windows XP, before 3 computers working fine when i changed the ISP internet card thru DSL modem with single port i cannot browse the other with.

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Tab Key Is Not Working

Jun 10, 2010

I have two computer that have issues with there 'TAB' Key not working. One is an XP 64 bit machine and the other is a windws 7 system. Every now and then there 'TAB' key just stops working. Then later on in the day just start working again.

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CD Not Working On Pro

Jul 30, 2005

I recently moved from Minnesota to Texas and when I powered up the computer here, my CD drive no longer shows up in My Computer.. I have a dual-boot system (win 98SE and XP Pro)..It was working before the move.. It also works fine on Win98SE.. When using XP Pro, looking at hardware profiles it says the driver's are installed, but it can't find hardware.. I've tried deleting it there and rebooting and it finds new hardware, but still says it can't see it.. I've already tried a different CD drive with the same results (works on 98SE but not on XP Pro.

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Alt+tab Is Not Working

Aug 1, 2005

I'm running under Windows XP and I'm having the following problem. The "alt+tab" hot key on my computer's keyboard is not working.

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Fax Not Working

Feb 12, 2006

I cant use my windows fax it tries to dail a connection I have cable modem cant figure out how to change it so i can fax my documents to my fax machine which is on voip with a separate number

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PC Not Working AGAIN

Sep 30, 2006

ok, when I switch on, it gets to the desktop which now has 3 lines of little green dots across the screen , a warning triangle says currupt file use dsk chk which I did,tried to do a virus scan but it wouldnt work , Ewido wouldnt scan and now after re booting I get as far as the desktop, my task bar appears, then the screen goes black Earlier I also tried a system restore but it wouldnt restore.

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Working With SMS

Jun 15, 2005

The number of servers and workstation I am managing is slowly but steadily growing. Soon it will be more than I can handle. I've read quite a bit on how to manage small to medium sized networks, and I've seen several references to SMS from Microsoft.Do any of you guys or gals know the basics of how the System Management Server works? Currently my network consists of: 2 firewalls/gateways, 1 domain controller, 1 web server, 1 ftp server, 1 NAS array, 6 IP-addressable volume printers, and 6 standard workstations.Granted, this isn't exactly a monster network, but since I'm a one-man show, I need all the automation I can get.

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XP PC Has Stopped Working

Aug 30, 2006

My computer has stopped working all of a sudden. It does not even start when he turns it on. It was working perfectly the night before and when he turned it on the next morning, it just did not start. He says that it never gave any warnings or error messages and this was the first time. Could this be due to the power cord or the power supply?

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Cd-rom Stopped Working....

Mar 3, 2008

I'm working on computer (windows xp) and notice the cd-rom is no longer working.

I've tried a couple of things that were recommended through another site.

1) I turned "SAFE MODE" on and the cd-rom worked fine but when I got out of safe it wound not fire up.

2) I uninstalled the cd-rom and let the computer reinstall it but that did'nt work either. Please any help you could give me would be great.

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