PC Not Working AGAIN

Sep 30, 2006

ok, when I switch on, it gets to the desktop which now has 3 lines of little green dots across the screen , a warning triangle says currupt file use dsk chk which I did,tried to do a virus scan but it wouldnt work , Ewido wouldnt scan and now after re booting I get as far as the desktop, my task bar appears, then the screen goes black Earlier I also tried a system restore but it wouldnt restore.

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Tablet Part Not Working, Recovery DVD Not Working

Aug 8, 2008

I have a Gateway CX2618, w/ windows XP tablet edition 2005 version 2002, sp2. And wanted to wipe it clean and reinstall just the things I use. Plus my Tablet side of things hasn't worked in a long time and I was hoping the clean install would fix that. But my recovery DVD isn't working (could be user error). I DO have apps that I need to keep and I think I've backed them up to my external HD correctly.

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USB Mouse Not Working, Yet Keyboard Is Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I just recently reinstalled Windows XP on my computer, my USB keyboard is working fine, but my mouse is not working, I tried it in all the USB ports for it and I am getting no response, I am getting a curser on screen but no movement nor am I able to click.

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HTTP Not Working - FTP - HTTPS Working?

Sep 17, 2008

I de-infected a windows XP system with SP3 and IE7. Once I did that, http no longer loaded in IE. It does not work in portable firefox either. I can type in ftp:// ftp address and IE works. Likewise I
can use https:// and the page loads! What is going on: I tried:

1) Reset ie7 as per MS
2) Removed IE 7
2a) IE6 would not load http either
3) reapplied SP3
4) Repair install win winxp cd.
5) Deleted and re-installed network card

This is where I am now. Still no http://. Since multiple applications are affected, I do not think it is a browser helper.

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Changed ISP DSL 330 ICS Before Working Now Not Working

May 14, 2007

I'm using Speedtouch 330 DSL modem single port when i changed the ISP cannot browse the sharing Internet but i can use Yahoo Messenger. Windows XP, before 3 computers working fine when i changed the ISP internet card thru DSL modem with single port i cannot browse the other with.

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Tab Key Is Not Working

Jun 10, 2010

I have two computer that have issues with there 'TAB' Key not working. One is an XP 64 bit machine and the other is a windws 7 system. Every now and then there 'TAB' key just stops working. Then later on in the day just start working again.

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CD Not Working On Pro

Jul 30, 2005

I recently moved from Minnesota to Texas and when I powered up the computer here, my CD drive no longer shows up in My Computer.. I have a dual-boot system (win 98SE and XP Pro)..It was working before the move.. It also works fine on Win98SE.. When using XP Pro, looking at hardware profiles it says the driver's are installed, but it can't find hardware.. I've tried deleting it there and rebooting and it finds new hardware, but still says it can't see it.. I've already tried a different CD drive with the same results (works on 98SE but not on XP Pro.

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Alt+tab Is Not Working

Aug 1, 2005

I'm running under Windows XP and I'm having the following problem. The "alt+tab" hot key on my computer's keyboard is not working.

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Fax Not Working

Feb 12, 2006

I cant use my windows fax it tries to dail a connection I have cable modem cant figure out how to change it so i can fax my documents to my fax machine which is on voip with a separate number

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Working With SMS

Jun 15, 2005

The number of servers and workstation I am managing is slowly but steadily growing. Soon it will be more than I can handle. I've read quite a bit on how to manage small to medium sized networks, and I've seen several references to SMS from Microsoft.Do any of you guys or gals know the basics of how the System Management Server works? Currently my network consists of: 2 firewalls/gateways, 1 domain controller, 1 web server, 1 ftp server, 1 NAS array, 6 IP-addressable volume printers, and 6 standard workstations.Granted, this isn't exactly a monster network, but since I'm a one-man show, I need all the automation I can get.

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XP PC Has Stopped Working

Aug 30, 2006

My computer has stopped working all of a sudden. It does not even start when he turns it on. It was working perfectly the night before and when he turned it on the next morning, it just did not start. He says that it never gave any warnings or error messages and this was the first time. Could this be due to the power cord or the power supply?

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Cd-rom Stopped Working....

Mar 3, 2008

I'm working on computer (windows xp) and notice the cd-rom is no longer working.

I've tried a couple of things that were recommended through another site.

1) I turned "SAFE MODE" on and the cd-rom worked fine but when I got out of safe it wound not fire up.

2) I uninstalled the cd-rom and let the computer reinstall it but that did'nt work either. Please any help you could give me would be great.

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Fan STOPPED Working!

Aug 9, 2005

I decided to clear the dust out of the inside of my
computer tower today. After cleaning out all the dust, I turned on the
computer for the first time and I noticed the fan on the side had stopped
But I have a Nokia Tower/case if that is of any help to anyone. It's the
colourful fan on the side which has stopped working.

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USB Stopped Working

Feb 29, 2008

My USB devices were working fine untill I went to Windows Updates and downloaded all the latest updates. This is when all my problems started. Now when I plug in a USB device I get a balloon on my task bar stating that my "USB device is not recognizied". I have done all the troubleshooting. I have XP PRo with all the latest updates.

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USB 2.0 Stopped Working

Jun 27, 2005

I am running XP with SP1 and SP2.My high speed USB 2.0 stopped
running at high speed. When I attach a device it indicates that device would
run faster on high speed.

My ipod shuffle which has been working normally up until this point is now
only recognized as SMTP 3500 - personal class recovery device

I have tried updating the drivers and have had no luck.

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Nothing Is Working Properly

Jun 26, 2008

After being away on holiday i return and ran SpyBot to see if my brother's downloading has put anything unwanted on my computer. It flagged up the usual things so they were removed. However it also started to pop up asking about allowing or denying changes to the registry.

I then started to get an error that meant double clicking on icons did nothing and a terminal error which was found in the microsoft debuger. I've no idea which one though as i ran the fix and thought nothing of it. It then prompted to run a malware sweep which took ages and flagged up 7 malicious files. I followed the instructions for removed and now suspect that this removed something from the registry that i now need.

The issue i now have is that nothing appears to work correctly. Firstly the taskbar disappeared, and while i've got that back the minimised windows sit on the top rather than being inside. Secondly MSOffice products like Excel and Word are showing errors about links and lastly i cannot access the web. I've tried the connection of the latter on another Pc and its all fine. I've looked through the msconfig and cannot see anything untoward.

My next steps are to try and run a 'hijack' log so see what is running by not sure what i'm doing with that and suspect it more what isn't running, eg its been deleted from the start up program.

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Cmd Not Working Properly

Jan 16, 2006

Hi, I'm using win xp, sp1. When I go to start>run and type in something like cmd to open the dos prompt I see the window come up but it goes away after a second. the same thing happens when i type in regedit. now if I type in cmd.exe or regedit.exe it will work.

Another problem I assume is in the same category is when I get to the dos prompt and try to ping a site it won't do anything just go back to the c: prompt. If i type in ipconfig or do an nslookup it will work tho.
what to do here or what else to try.

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Computer Is Not Working Well

Mar 8, 2005

In the last couple of weeks my computer has started acting strange. I have ran my antivirus,adaware,spybot, and a few other programs to try and find out what might be causing the problems,which are:

1: Mouse pointer moves around the screen, from time to time, on it's own.

2: I was just sitting here watching TV, not touching,any part of my computer, mouse, keyboard etc, and my computer booted it's self.

3: I have also noticed that from time to time, if I go away from my computer,and leave a web page on my screen, so I can go back, to what I was reading, when I come back to my computer, there's no web page at all on my screen, just the background.

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Know When Standby Is Working?

Feb 6, 2007

how do you know if Standby is working?

i know when hibernate is working cause i hit the power button to bring it back to its previous state...however, i am working on writing an application and need to use standby, so last night i was trying out standby on my pc...i set it to shutdown the HDD after a time period and go to standby (which brings me to another question - when using standby, should you set the system to go to standby BEFORE turning of HDD or vice-versa? meaning, i have it set to go to standby in 15 mins and turn off HDD in 20 mins, or should that be the other way?)...i come back an hour later and the fans are running - which i suspect is due to my USB mouse enabled to bring it out of standby and i'll change this feature this evening...so i hit a key on the keyboard and it almost instantly came back to my desktop, almost like i only had the monitor go off after a time period...

so how do you know if standby is working?

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How To Delete 1 Os (pro) From The Same HDD As The Working OS (pro)

Oct 10, 2007

I have a HDD problem with an attempted Dual boot of XP pro (not mine)

The main OS is working great but there is an incomplete OS (XP pro) on the same Drive
How can I remove the annoying Nag at startup cause it loads the incomplete Os first if I don`t choose the other system first

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Dvd Reader Not Working

Feb 10, 2007

with new dvd reader i went to the bios to configure it but i see it has exclamation marks after its name.why isnt the dvd reader working

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Pc Turns Off - Fan Not Working

Sep 16, 2009

i have a p.c problem,anytime i use my p.c,after 5 minutes it turns off just like that and my p.c fan doesn't roll/work,
this are the things i think might have been the problem,i downloaded speed fan,did some temperature shuffling,i downloaded c.cleaner(a registry cleaner,it erased a part of my anti virus and now my anti virus is turned off,but basically what i am concerned about is my fan not turning ,how can i fix this,should i re-install xp,or what

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PS2 Keyboard To USB Is Not Working

Aug 3, 2005

Just got a new Dell laptop without a PS2 port. I have an external PS keyboard that I want to use with it. I am using a PS2 to USB adapeter extension to plug it into the bus. The device manager will not acknowledge the external hardward via the USB plug.
The keyboard is made by Inland. The CD rom that came with it for the driver has been installed but it does not work because of the USB port issue.

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Activation Key Not Working

Feb 12, 2006

I just installed Windows XP Pro on my new custom built computer, but the installation CD was not mine to begin with, but I do have an upgrade CD to Windows XP Pro that I thought I could use the activation code with, which eventually found out that It would not allow me to put the activation product key from my upgrade CD for the installation CD that I started with.Would anyone know the way around this problem? I certainly would not like to buy a new installation CD and start my OS again clean.

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Right Arrow Key Not Working

May 18, 2007

My right arrow key is not working. I tried a different keyboard and it wasn't working with that either. The only thing I can think of is some time in the past I must have set it up as a short cut. But I don't know how to find out if I did. I have done every thing that XP help has to offer and that didn't work. I use my arrow keys a lot nudgeing graphics. It is frustrating not to have the right arrow key.My computer is a Sony Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz 3.19 GHZ, 1.00 GB of RAM.Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2.

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Product Key Not Working On A Different CD

Apr 21, 2009

My Friend got an old laptop, it has a XP Product Key on the bottom of it. But he didn't have a XP CD. So I let him use mine CD. But the key didn't work. So we tryed 2 more copies of XP CDs, still no luck. we ended up just installing Windows 7 Beta so he could have a temporary solution. (And he wanted to try it out). Any ways I am getting really annoyed, to have a license key and not be able to use it. Any suggestions? Oyeah is there a way to know if a key is going to work with a CD with out having to waste 15-20 minuets for the CD to load all of the files. Spending hours putting XP CD in and typing 25 charters only to get "The Key you ended is invalid" got really boring.

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Right Click Key Not Working

Jun 10, 2010

right click key not working

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Sun Java Not Working On Pro

Aug 27, 2005

XP Pro, SP2, After installing the latest Sun Java 5.4 (required to run several programs) I simply get a blank box where the app is supposed to be running. The same holds true when I attempt to open the Java Control Panel. It's blank. Java is enabled in Security Settings and allowed in my Program Access and Control Settings. Sun Java 1.3 works fine but several programs require the updated version. This is quite annoying and inconvenient. Any one having the same or similar problem? I've checked the KB, Also looked in Symantec KB (I have Norton Systemworks '05 and Internet Security '05), and checked for any conflicts with my Radeon 9600 pro vid card drivers. I've also looked for .Net conflicts. All updates are current for all products and drivers.

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USB Working With Some Things But Not With Others?

Mar 27, 2006

I have an Athlon XP 2400 and 80gb with 40gb hard-drive. My USB is very tempermental. Somethings work. Somethings don't. My gut re-action is that it is an external power issue as my printer was working. Strangely, my optical mouse is working fine. There is only one thing I can think of. Could it be a USB 2.0 problem as I have only 1. Please help. Where do I get drivers from? Do I even need drivers.

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Autoplay Not Working

Mar 21, 2008

i recently recovered from a virus and after it my autoplay for any devices that i put in (cds, dvd's, usb) wont autoplay like they used to, i have Windows XP home edition SP2 , how can i fix this?

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