Operating System Starts Installation Itself

Nov 18, 2006

He took it home tonight because its being playing up over the past week and yesterday it refused to boot xp. He tried the recovery console himself and im not sure what he did but upon starting the computer up xp immediately jumps into "reinstalling windows" at the install stage. It gets down to 33 minutes and the computer restarts and repeats the whole process. I cant format the drive as theres important work on it and im not going to be able to take my computer home till next weekend. I was hoping someone could offer an alternative solution to a format?

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Can't Install Operating System - CD Installation

May 8, 2007

I recently bought a new computer and had windows XP installed as well as having Norton AntiVirus program installed (came with a package). Now, when I try installing a HP printer the installation CD does not work but when I try it on my laptop it does work. Could it be the norton blocking the CD installation? What would I have to do in order to fix this problem.

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Installation Of Operating System In Drive D

Nov 20, 2008

i got 2 installed versions of XP and one is on my D: drive which is my recovery drive and i need to uninstall that version i know how to do it from the control panel but the problem is i cant log on it its not activated and i don't have the product key anymore but im on the other version installed and it works fine i don't know if there is a way to access the d: drive from command prompt and do it that way or what or the recovery console perhaps

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Operating System Installation 2000

Sep 15, 2006

I need reinstall windows at the moment i have XP but i need to instal windows 2000 because it is the only cd i have cant find or borrow XP from any were and i need to take my laptop this afternoon.

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Missing Drivers After Installation Of Operating System?

Nov 6, 2007

I just installed XP on my Toshiba A60 Laptop and I am getting no sound or battery meter. When I look at my device manager under 'Other Devices' there is Multimedia Audio Controller, PCI Modem and SM Bus Controller which all need drivers.

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Fresh Installation Of Previous Operating System

Jun 6, 2006

I wanted to do a fresh install of Xp pro on a hard drive i had laying around. I ran the disk. Deleted all the old stuff on hard drive. the disk seemed to run normally. Except when it stopped running during install. it did this about 5 times. I got the message..1. cannot copy the file... msvct.dll ( at 2%)2. cannot copy the file... mswsock.dll ( at 5% 3. cannot copy the file... msvcp60.dll ( at 8%04. cannot copy the file... msvfw32.dll (at 9% )5. cannot copy the file... msxml.dll ( at 9% )

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Live Installation - Freezing Operating System

Aug 8, 2006

my latest problem is having installed windows live on my daughter,s pc every time she uses it it freezes every few minutes and needs a reboot to sort out, i will say that it is the first time messenger has been used on the pc in ? so i dont know if its just a windows live issue or if it happens with all im,s,

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Getting No Sound After Fresh Installation Of Operating System?

Dec 4, 2003

Well, I just recently installed XP clean on a friends computer, and While doing so I had no speakers connected to the computer. Then after, I plugged them in and get no sound. In the device manager under the legacy audio cards and codecs, it says "This device is working properly", but through the control panel under sounds and audio devices, it says there are no audio devices detected.

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New Installation Of Operating System Caused Lost Data From Hd?

Oct 22, 2007

I have a friend that has a computer with an illegal version, i told to resolve it with microsoft, or he can backup the data neeed and do a new installation, well guess waht he did a new installation w/o backup, so actually he lost applications and data, question:it is possible with any recovery utility for hd to recover at least the documents from ms word and the email messages and address book from outlook express, even when this hd already have a new win xp prom ? is there a software that will be able to recover evrything that was on the hd, i really doubt it but maybe there is a posiblity

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Installation Of Operating System Freezing While Installing Networks?

Aug 28, 2005

At 32 minutes in the windows XP home setup, in the "installing network" stage, my computer freezes. This has happened twice now

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Installation Operating System - Disc Fails To Recognize SATA Hard Drives

Aug 5, 2009

I've got this old mobo Abit VT7. I want to install XP on it. However, the XP disc doesn't recognize SATA hard drives. So I downloaded official SATA driver from the Abit website http://tinyurl.com/kua5qz and tries to slipstream my XP disc following the instructions set forth here http://tinyurl.com/37anvn . I am not too clear how to incorporate the drivers from the official drivers, but Nlite seems to be able to find the drivers once I pointed it to the top unzipped driver directory, and I selected the XP folder for it. However, the newly created XP disc still fails to recognize the SATA hard drives. Alternatively, I believe I could have a boot floppy which would load the drivers in, then I launch the setup in the XP installation CD via command line. But I don't know how to create a boot disc which has those SATA drivers in.

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Setip Locks Before Installation Even Starts

Sep 13, 2005

I am trying to install WIndows XP Pro on a 2.0Ghz Pentium 4 system, but for some reason, the installation portion of the setup locks up before installation even begins

The initial setup portion of the installation goes fine, then the system resets, then the Windows XP screen appears, and then it goes into the installation portion of the setup, but only gets as far as bringing up the backround before all activity appears to cease and the system locks

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When I Copy/paste Files A Program Installation Starts?

Jan 5, 2006

I have been having the following problem off and on for some time:

When I try to copy/paste files and folders in windows XP explorer (or in the desktop or a program's dialog box), windows wants to re-install one of the programs I have already installed on my computer or that I installed once upon a time.

Currently this is happening with Roxio Easy media Creator 7, but in the past it has happened with many other programs, such as MS Office, Roxio and some other shareware programs.

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Boot Disk Failure: Inserted Cd Starts Xp Installation?

Apr 23, 2005

I am running Windows XP Professional and it came up with that message Disk Boot Failure: INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER when i turned on the computer. In my bios it is set up to CD is first boot and HDD is second I dont have a floppy drive and only 1 hardrive...I do not have the original windows xp pro installation cd, but I do have a full unused version of windows xp home edition installation cd and I put that in and booted off of that it started loading up like its supposed to then I got to the screen that said to start installing windows xp press enter so i did that then it went to the agreement thing and said press f8 to aggree to these terms i did that and it braught up a new screen saying

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Operating Installation Question

Mar 17, 2005

I have an older pc that I want to put Windows XP on.I went into the BIOS and it only has two options for the boot sequence (floppy Drive and Hard drive). I completely formated the hard drive so it does not have an operating system on it. I went into the Microsoft website and created my 6 disks for installing Windows XP with floppies. My problem is that when I try to install XP on the system, once it gets to the part right in the beginning when the system is configured, the computer will restart itself in an endless cycle. Any ideas what may be going on? I remember that this same system had the same problem before and I ended up having to install the operating system through windows. I don't have that option now since the drive has been formated.

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Reformatted My Computer - Two Operating Systems Installation

Jul 26, 2005

I recently reformatted my computer and installed windows xp home and keep running into a problem when starting the computer. It tells me that two operating systems are installed and that I need to select which one I want to run. Both are windows xp home. If I choose the first one it runs fine if I choose the second one I get a message that says: Windows could not start because of a computer dis hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.

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Changed System Language - System Wont Starts Now

Aug 24, 2005

I bought a new laptop about 2 weeks ago. It's a Compaq Presario (? if that helps). my grilfriend is Swedish so wanted the language in Swedish. No problem. But the computer keeps restarting a few times a day without any notice. I had a look everywhere on every forum (almost) and read about this Zotob worm that turns your comp off all the time. So, from the microsoft web page i did the PC check thing, and it says it found nothing, but i downloaded the patch or something just in case, and it said it won't install because the language is in Swedish, and i only works in English. So firstly, do i have the worm thing?

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System Never Starts Up

Feb 5, 2008

I have a Gateway laptop that will not start up. All it says is Gateway and gives the F2 and F10 option that don't work.

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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System Not Starts Properly - Cant Run Cd

Oct 27, 2009

I turned my pc on today which runs on Windows XP Pro. Every time the computer starts I get four or five options Safe Mode, Safe mode with Prompt, Last well know configuration, etc (most ppl know what I mean here.)

Every time I click on any of the modes my computer restarts. Just before the pc restarts I see a blue screen quickly flash (i know this is know as the 'blue screen of death'.)

I have put in my XP cd but i cant get it to run so i use recovery not even when I run it from my BIOS Screen

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Missing Hal.dll - System Does Not Starts

Aug 3, 2007

You see the problem is that when I start up my computer to Windows XP i recieve an error before the boot screen appears stating:

"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file."This is not my first site i visited to try to find a solution. I have been to many explaining all different types of solutions. Luckly I am a pretty experienced computer person and also a technician, so I have a fighting chance to try to restore my pc to the proper condition.

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System Cycles Through Startup Then Starts?

May 15, 2006

Windows 2000 Pro- upon startup,system cycles thru startup to end then starts all over.

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System Starts Well - There Are No Icons On Desktop

Jun 11, 2008

Every time I start up my computer and goes to the desktop, there are no icons, toolbars, or even the "Start" button, it only shows the desktop background, and all I can use is the Task Manager to access a couple of programs. I tried using Norton Antivirus, but did not find anything, so I uninstalled it. My "CPU Usage" is at 0 and 1% almost dead, I saw that the explorer.exe is missing. I ran it with the Task Manager, and it made the computer reboot the wrong way. When it did, it did not go to the desktop it just showed black screen with the little "-" on the top left and couldn't do anything and the buffer is barely doing anything, you know, when you open a program, the light flashes rapidly and making noises,

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Occasional USB Whenoperating System Starts

Sep 20, 2005

Let's see... I'm running a Pentium 4 (1.7 GHz) on an Intel D845GBV motherboard, with 512 MB of RAM. As for the operating system, I'm running Windows XP SP1, build 2600. I generally make it a point to keep up with Windows Update. I have both a BIOS password and a Windows password on my computer. About one out of every ten times I boot I run into problems: I enter my BIOS password with no problems, but then when Windows starts up I lose USB support. Nothing I've done has fixed the problem, which includes unplugging the keyboard (or the Biopod USB biometric scanner I have) and plugging it back up, checking the drivers, making sure I have the latest updates, and scanning for viruses/malware. A restart is the only thing that resolves the problem.

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System Starts With A Sound But Then Just A Black Screen

Jul 5, 2010

Yesterday while surfing on my mother's laptop all of a sudden it just froze. I just turned it off because after hitting control/alt/delete nothing happened. I was stuck. Then I restarted the laptop - the windows logo came on along with sound and then it went to a black screen with just a blinking cursor at the upper top left. It will not take me to her desktop.

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Every Time System Starts On Changing 3D Acceleration To 0

Aug 19, 2009

My computer started acting up, and I couldn't play any games.WoW mainly -(Yes I play it) and Cod4, So finally I managed to fix it myself and this is what I did. Went into device manager, disabled then enabled my GFX card, Then I have to go into display properties and change 3D acceleration to 0 then back to full, Also when I do this it corrects my resolution.

However, EVERY time I power down my computer, I have to do this which get's very annoying

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Blue Screen Every Time System Starts Up

Sep 20, 2008

I've been getting an error/blue screen message when ever i start up my Acer Aspire 5650 laptop. It is a couple of years old now and,my last laptop died after about the same time so hopefully someone can shed some light.The system will start up and i can use the it with out any trouble but it is anoying to have to sit for up to 5 - 10 minutes while it runs the check every time.

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Need To Start Only Specific Programs When System Starts

Feb 6, 2007

When i start my windows XP proffessional a lot of programs are started like yahoo messenger etc and it takes lot of time for eac of these to load. So i tried "msconfig" to customize which programs to start when the system boots.But each time i start i get a message from "msconfig" program that " this is not the normal startup and suggests to revert back to normal start up (which starts all the progs).I want only specific programs to start when i my computer starts.

1)Is there a better way to change this apart from "msconfig" ?
2) How can i avoid that message that mscofig gives?
3) Are there any other problems i want only selective programs to start ?

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System Wont Load Operating System / Unable To Format Disks?

Aug 19, 2009

I shut off the computer and turning it back on couldn't boot up windows. It gave the windows wasn't shut down properly and I tried the normal restart option and it would just give a black screen with a blinking _ and then nothing happens. Tried loading in safe mode but it gets to mup.sys then "Press Esc to cancel SPTD.sys" flashes below and whether I press Esc or let it be, nothing happens after that.

I tried popping in the windows xp disc that came with the laptop, boot from disc, it starts up but then after loading everything, it then says "Windows is starting up" the disc stops spinning then nothing happens. I tried popping in a windows vista disc and it says "Windows is loading files" with a progress bar, when it fills up, I get stuck with a blank black screen the disc stops spinning and then nothing happens.

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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System Restore A Good Idea - Logon Operating System

Apr 29, 2008

The situation: A reasonably new PC, clean and working properly. Several new programs are installed, including Firefox, Winamp, desktop publishing, photo manager, and security software (not the antivirus, standalone scanners.) Everything appears to be fine.I log on to Windows Live OneCare to use their "Safety Scanner" to, as they say, check for PC health issues and optimize performance. Mind you, the site recommends users log on once a month for the full service scan. As you know, the scan includes the removal of what it refers to as invalid registry entries. "Oh boy," right? The registry. Except you'd like to believe the official Microsoft site won't screw up your programs.

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