Open A Very Large File Into Photoshop - System Freezes
Jan 4, 2005
Recently, I tried to open a very large file into Photoshop. It froze, and my computer crashed, so I restarted it by turning off and on the power. When it started up, it was normal, but it got to that screen that tells you that it was shut down incorrectly, and asks if you want to go into safe mode, normal mode, last good configuration, etc.When I go into normal mode (or last good configuration), it gets to the Windows Startup screen (flag w/ green bars moving below), but then the computer just restarts itself.
My nephew was wanting me to e-mail him a picture of a sunset I took recently. He has a good photo printer and wanted me to send him the proof photo which is an 33mb 8x10 file. I told him that for me to e-mail him an 8x10 of this photo wasn't possible because the file was too large (33mb).Is there a way to compress a file of this size and e-amil it to him?
My laptop is an Asus Infusion I am running Win XP Pro . I recently downloaded a regestry cleaner called tuneup. When I go to access my system file this is the message I get Resource file <C_SpuRsDll> Not Found! this freezes up the the system.
In Unix there is a "dd" command that will enable the user to split up a large text file into smaller segments. I am on XP and have a 600Mb text file and I want to chop it up in two pieces so I can read it more easily. How can I do this, preferrably from a command line?
I am having trouble with my computer rebooting while trying to copy large files 700 MB from a CD to the hard drive.I had this problem about 6 months ago when I was copying files from my Tivo to my PC.I am trying to copy to the same hard drive now that was giving me trouble then. There is a different amount of free space now while experiencing the problem than there was when I had the problem 6 months ago. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive used for data storage.
If it's an exe it will just fail and say its corrupt If it's an archive like a rar at the end of extracting it will fail and say the volume is corrupt.
1-50MBs - sometimes corrupt 50-500MBs - usually corrupt 500-3GB - 100% of the time corrupt
This file I believe is of some 2.5GB and my download speed is approx. 2mb. So when trying to download this file, it indicates that will take approx. 25hrs to complete.Is there anyway of capturing what's downloaded in a temp file and then pick up again to continue the download in number of sessions till completion of the full download. At present if I shut the page or turn PC off, it starts the download again from scratch when restarting.
I recently purchased Visual Studio 6.0 and want to download a 132MB file with samples of the several venues comprising the Studio. Yesterday, I spent 15 hours at my machine trying to download this large file (56k Modem) and at 131+MB, my connection to my ISP broke and I lost it. I have tried several times before and after this crushing loss and have had similar problems.
Is there any software or other means to "restart" when a downloading process has been broken off and continue the download? That seems possible, say, when downloading Microsoft service packs and upgrades.but can I do it too?
I have 4 year old Dell E1505 with XP Pro.I have no clue what I was doing that propagated this large file(38.06 GB) called EVREM. It only appears when I do a defragment with various defragmenters. It's the only file remaining that won't defragement. I do not have anyway to access it, isolate it, or find where it is within my laptop. My various anti-spyware and security software does not recognize it as harmful. It's slowing down my laptop. There is very little information available about this problem on the net. Your site has had a few posters with similar circumstances with EVREM.
Today I copied a large folder containing multiple Access databases, Excel workbooks, Word docs, etc. to a totally blank jump drive like I have done 100s of times before. But for the first time in my 'computer life', which started in 1980(!), a file appeared on it with the name EA DATA.SF. Googling the file told me that it was a system file and had something to do with Extended Attributes (whatever that is). But the file is protected; attempts to delete it, even using the command prompt and first removing all attributes (attrib -h -s -r ea*.sf) does not allow it to be deleted.
The Google search showed many cases like this, but none where there was a clear, easy way to delete the file. My questions are:What is this file for/what does it do? Why am I seeing it for the first time in 30 years? How can I delete it. or SHOULD I delete it?
When I put in a CD Rom disk and I try to run a program there is an error window and it sais,"16 bit Windows Subsystem C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Chose 'close' to terminate the application." Than there are two buttons Close and Ignore.When I click Ignore nothing happens.When I click Close nothing happens too.This only happens to a couple of my CD's, not all.They worked before but now they don't.
After formatting my new 120-gig outboard hard drive to NFTS,I backed up my entire C: drive - and yes, it did take ten hours - and I now have a 20-gig Windows .bkf file.I'd like to be able to open the file and see - and perhaps use - the contents if I do something dumb. I tried opening it using the suggested XP backup utility, but while it does seem to be able to return the the backup to the C: drive, it apparently doesn't 'unzip' the file for examination
I have a problem with copying large files (50MB+): Both command line command "copy /B" and copies in Explorer of large files always risult in a slighly different (corrupt) copy without generating any error message. The number of different bytes is proportional to the lenght of the original. The size of the copy is correct. Position and value of the different bytes vary between each copy.
A week after updating to most current Windows SP1critical updates (its only change I can think of) I happen to notice that I cannot run a disk error check, I am told that its a NTFS file system and Win cannot open volume for check. Also when I start computer I have to log on with my password every. I have tried to eliminate the password requirement to no avail. I cannot return to pre-update status with System Restore because its been a week and there is too much new data in the system. This is a free standing desktop PC. Can anyone help with these two things? I hope so as I do my error check regularly and find it frustrating to have to log on every time I restart .
The registry key LargeSystemCache "1" on a RAID Windows XP Pro configuration will lead to disastrious read/write errors. The only way to fix is to open registry and changing the key quickly right after booting Windows and then do an official restart/shutdown.The key is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementLargeSystemCache This tweak is widly spread to be enabled but there is never a warning for anyone on RAID! If on RAID do NOT enable this key!
I do run>MSconfig and msconfig comes up. I deselect several programs in the startup and services tabs and exit, so the window comes up saying I have to restart my computer for the changes to take effect. I click restart and the computer reboots. On my desktop comes a window about the System Configuration Utility and how some things have changed. A large section of the window is missing, so that the extreme bottom end of the window is a checkable box that says "Do not show this message again" which I select. However, this System Configuration Utility window pops up every time I boot up my computer. But when I put the computer back in normal mode, the window doesn't pop up on reboots.
I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).
i had to system restore and when i came back all my files where gone but i still ahd the same hard disk space left and then i ran my diskk defragmentor and i found some files that i had that are now fragmented and still takeing up large parts of my memory here is what the Analysis report for the defragmentor said and when i go in to USERDATA to try delte some files it says USERDATA is not assable ,acces is denied and i tryed goin in it on safe mode and im administator on my computer so idk y it wont let me in plase help i only got 4% disk space left and when i click run dick defragmentor it says i need 15% space to run efectively sould i still run it and c what happens?
My computer keeps freezing for no reason at all. It starts up normally, and everything loads just fine. I go to open MSN for example, it opens, but I try to do anything inside of that program like open up a new window and it freezes. I press end now and it doesn't close no matter what, even after hours. I minimize it, go to desktop, try to open a folder and explorer freezes. At this point nothing opens up nothing works and I restart.
I have restarted plenty and its the same story every time. I hadn't done anything different than I usually do with my computer. Just one morning I go to my computer and its been doing this non-stop ever since.When I start the computer in safe mode, this problem doesn't occur so its obviously software, but what could be causing this?
Why can't I get XP to open every folder using the "Details" option? I do have it set so that it remembers (most of the time) to re-open that folder with the file view it was in when it was closed, but I want XP to open every new and old folder with the "file details" view. Seems like a simple thing, but I can't get XP to understand that's what I want.
I have a normal windows XP computer, The problem is whenever i try to open the recycle bin, there is an error message saying: Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close. It than freezes on that page. I than have to press Alt, Control and Delete to close it and carry on.
This is a nuisance which is really bothering me, about half the time i open a normal folder, the comp freezes, and i have to control alt delete and end task a couple times to make it go away. Does anyone have advice?
the proses explorer feeps freesing. when i first got the computer it was realy fast but now its so slow i takes atleast 5 secondsto just open the start bar, can someone tell me how to fix this.
Tonight I tried opening a chm file and it failed, with that error message. This happens for any chm file I have tried. I don't know when this broke, I know I used to be able to open chm files with no trouble but I can't pinpoint the last time it worked.I've searched around and found some references to this, but no solution -the only relevant MSKB is for Win98. I tried regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx, deleting the hh.dat files, clearing IE's file cache; nothing has helped. I haven't made any significant recent changed to the system that I can think of.