Resource File C_SpuRsDll Not Found - System Freezes Up

Jan 2, 2009

My laptop is an Asus Infusion I am running Win XP Pro . I recently downloaded a regestry cleaner called tuneup. When I go to access my system file this is the message I get Resource file <C_SpuRsDll> Not Found! this freezes up the the system.

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Resource File C_SpURsDll Missing

Jul 11, 2010

I have been getting a box up with Resource file missing when I open up my HP Compaq laptop for some time now. I don't know what was done immediately before this started. I see from an internet search that this is common, but being a beginner to technical computer stuff I don't understand a lot of the solutions.

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Resource File Not Found - Cf99menu_.rsc

Jan 11, 2005

When I right click on an icon instead of getting the pop-up menu with options I get an error message. The message box is labelled "cf99menu_.rsc". The error message states "Resource File Not Found". Clicking OK makes the box go away. It is annoying and adds a step to any function where a right click is involved.

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Ati Common Dll Language Resource File Not Found

Feb 17, 2006

Ati common dll language resource file was not found

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Boot Up - C_spursdll Not Found

Oct 20, 2006

I have a new HP laptop running on Win XP Prof. When I boot up, I get an error message saying: "Resource file <c_spursdll> not found!". I click "ok" in the error box and it disappears and there doesn't seem to be any problem with performance, software etc, but it's just irritating. I have done a web search for a download of this file, without success.

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System Resource / See A Number Free Resource

Mar 19, 2005

In Win 98SE when I go to system properties and performance tab I can see a number free resource%.How do I get this number in Win XP and Win 2000? Does a higher figure really indicate that the computer is doing well?

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Cannot Find Resource File - SMPLSCSI

Feb 3, 2007

When I boot up my xp pc the very last acion on bootup is a message box that states" Cannot Find Resource FIle". I go to Event Viewer and there are two items there:

1)The COM+ Messages service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.

2)The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: SMPLSCSI

Until recently 1 month ago, this message box never appeared. What is SMPLSCSI and how can I make this messagebox go away?

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Open A Very Large File Into Photoshop - System Freezes

Jan 4, 2005

Recently, I tried to open a very large file into Photoshop. It froze, and my computer crashed, so I restarted it by turning off and on the power. When it started up, it was normal, but it got to that screen that tells you that it was shut down incorrectly, and asks if you want to go into safe mode, normal mode, last good configuration, etc.When I go into normal mode (or last good configuration), it gets to the Windows Startup screen (flag w/ green bars moving below), but then the computer just restarts itself.

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Microsoft Frontpage Extensions Resource - Save File After Download

Feb 17, 2006

I downloaded microsoft frontpage extensions resource zip file and accidentally sent the extracted files to desktop. (119 files) I did not save the file at download but just ran the zip file and the extracted files opened in desktop. I deleted the files from my desktop and recycle bin. Every time I start/reboot, these 119 files continue to open, cluttering my desktop. I need the formula/pathway to follow to get to the destination in regedit.exe hkey_current_user start up folder with instructions on how to delete these extracted files so they will stop opening to my desktop at start.

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System Slow Down Unable To Find Resource Of It?

Aug 18, 2008

My computer slowed down considerably a few days ago (it takes five minutes to open a word document) and sometimes freezes up. I've run three antispyware/antivirus programs and found nothing.

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System Slow Down Unable To Find Resource Of It?

Dec 24, 2006

scanned pc no bugs or virusese

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Start Safe Mode Cannot Delete File - Source File Not Found

Mar 20, 2007

I read the advice to start in safe mode to delete files that gave the errror message cannot delet file - source file not found. They wouldn't delete in Safe Mode either. I am trying to delete mp3 from my c drive because I have an external disk where I have my music library. I can delete them one at a time without getting the error message but not a bunch of them. Some of them I have been able to delete in a bunch.

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Searched File And Found File NETIPRIP .INX-Route

Oct 8, 2005

Symantec's site says it's a backdoor trojan, but my virus program doesn't detect it. In the services configuration it's named iprip, no description & start up is auto.Under properties-general-path to executable C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs.dependencies-none.I searched my files & found file NETIPRIP .INX-Route Listening Service.

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Local C Drive Freezes - Did Chkdsk Found No Errors On My C Drive

Jan 9, 2009

Whenever I open up My Computer and browse Local C drive, it takes at least 10 seconds to open up a single folder. I did chkdsk /f /r thing and found no errors on my C drive. I am also possitive that my PC is malware free.

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SEARCH Won't Work File Missing / File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

May 5, 2005

I'm battling spyware removal at the moment (aurora) and somehow my win xp sp2 search function no longer works. i get an error "A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found" you may need to run setup I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix, however it doesn't work with sp2! anybody know how to fix this? I checked and i do have the srchasst folder in windows.

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Riched20.dll File Not Found

Jul 22, 2007

Getting error message's. 1. This application has failed to start because Riched20.dll was not found 2. error 2894.loding Riched20.dll failed. get last error( ) returned: 126,Run XP Home Edition.

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RUNDLL File Not Found

Jul 27, 2008

c:Program FilesWild TangentAppsCDAcdaEngine0400.dll RUNDLL not found is being displayed in an error box when I re-start my computer and I'd like to know how to fix this.Last night I ran a diagnostic with Registry Booster and over 1,000 errors were found.I bought the software and fixed them.Today, I installed SP3 but I think this error started yesterday.I've also been learning about how Task Manager works and msconfig and I might have terminated something I shouldn't have.Any thoughts on what my problem is?

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File Path Could Not Be Found / Installer

Jan 27, 2008

i tried to delete my java and redownload it i kept getting error message that file path could not be found so i did a restore point now i cant delete the old versions of java or install the new one and the windows installer keeps popping up but dont do anything im running on windows xp home edition

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Error 3024 File Cannot Be Found

Feb 3, 2006

i had to upgrade a file from hrclub.when i did it went to wizard and downloaded but said file could not be found yet i did no delete it.I phoned the company and they said i had to rename it so i did now i cannot open it .error 3024 comes up cannot find file

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Upon Start - AutoChk.exe File Not Found

Dec 20, 2007

When i start my system i get a blue screen which says "AutoChk.exe program not found- skipping AUTOCHECK"

The system then starts and i can see no noticeable difference. At first i ignored it and put off looking into it. It is too late to do a system restore. I have had this issue for probably almost 6 months.

I did a search and my problem seems to be a bit different than others issues people have had with this file. When i go to the system32 folder the file is there

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Ifsutil.dll Was Not Found - Corrupt File

Sep 24, 2007

I got a popup for a Corrupt File and it was system32 in WINDOWS, so it says please run the Chkdsk utility.

So I went to start run, and typed in Chkdsk and I get a popup saying that that "the application has failed to start because ifsutil.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

HELP, my computer is slowly screwing up and everything is going wrong.

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Removing A Spyware File Found In Directory?

Jul 8, 2005

When my Norton Internet Security 2005 runs a disk drive scan it locates a file it identified as Spyware in the Windows Directory. The file name is symentra .exe. I've currently blocked access to the Internet for this file but when it tries to access it just keeps trying relentlessly. Does anyone know if I need this file or is there a way to delete it?

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Device Manager / Selected File Cannot Be Found

Mar 12, 2005

When I click on device manager it says Microsoft Management Console.The selected file cannot be found.Anyone know what file loads the device manager so I can see where it went?

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File Not Found Message: Uninstalled Program But Still Shows?

Feb 10, 2007

On boot up I get a notice that file americ~.dat could not be found. Everything is working ok as far as I can tell but this is busting my chops and annoying the hell out of me. I have run registry cleaners thinking this is a left over from an application I uninstalled but it still shows up. An ideas on how I can track down what is looking for this file?

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System Wont Boot / Config System Is Damaged Or Can't Be Found?

Aug 11, 2009

It says windows can't be started up because windowssystem32configsystem is damaged or can't be found.I already tried bootcfg but doesn't make any differnce.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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Ad-adware Freezes On The File C:1386DAJAVA.CAB

Dec 28, 2005

I was running Ad-adware SE Personal and it freezes on the file C:1386DAJAVA.CAB I was wondering wether that file can be deleted or is it important. I also ran Ewido but didnt have a problem.

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Cannot Delete File On Desktop - Effecive Forum Found Method

May 24, 2006

i cannot delete a file on my desktop (windows xp). delete will not work. usual windows message, file in use, cannot delete, blah, blah, etc. what methods has the fourm found to be effective?

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AutoChk.exe File Not Found - Down Loaded Registry Cleaner Program

Sep 29, 2008

I downloaded some Registry cleaner program and I guess it was a crappy one because it must have deleted a whole bunch of important registry files. I had to reboot my system and got a message saying "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupted" so in my infinite wisdom and panicked state I ran the XP recovery disks that came with my laptop (see laptop details below). But for some odd reason it just installed another version of Windows XP. Anyways after some sleuthing I used the XP disk to copy over the "ntoskrnl.exe" to my HD and all seemed okay as my original version of XP booted up okay, but then I get a blue XP screen saying "AutoChk.exe file not found- skipping AUTOCHECK" and the system restarts

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Pro Freezes On Installation - File 'ASMS' Is Needed

May 1, 2006

Have read many threads on this and other sites and tried everything suggested (except swap out CD drive - don't have a working older drive to try). This PC is at least 5-6 yrs old - has original Hitachi CD/DVD Drive (reader, not writer). Have unplugged ALL devices from back of computer. Just has (1)internal CD/DVD drive and (1) internal LS120 floppy drive left installed.Something happened to computer - Windows XP Pro would no longer run. Tried re-installing Windows XP Pro. using OEM CD with hologram. Attempted to do a repair install, instead of a fresh install - hoping to be able to keep all programs/devices intact.During installation, computer got stuck on: "The file 'asms' on Windows XP Pro Serv Pack1 CD is needed" Type the path where the file is located and click OK""Copy files from: Global RootDeviceCDRom0I386."The screen is locked, and I can not type or change anything. Can NOT change the path. Can not hit SHIFT F10 to get to a DOS prompt.

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Explorer Freezes Upon Right Clicking File/ Using Edit Command?

Feb 28, 2006

I am having odd freezes, mostly with Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer freezes when: I right-click on any file. I try to use the 'Edit' command from the main menu, unless I am in 'My Documents' or at a higher level. I right-click Windows 'Start' button. Can I re-install Windows Explorer? Is it a registry problem?

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